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so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: catch me up ()
Date: September 06, 2015 12:08PM

when last I was upon this forum some months back Miz's parents were suing eesh and everyone was like "eesh is boned".

I'm guessing that unraveled?

Also is it true that Lizzie and Miz fucked like wild animals?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: c14el3 ()
Date: September 06, 2015 12:15PM

Miz and his mom were caught by lizzie's security cameras stalking lizzie's house. Miz admitted to lizzie that he knew most of the allegations in the lawsuit that he swore were true were in fact false. The attorney who was representing Miz was outed on Ashley Madison, and his wife and law partner was outed for posting sex ads on Craigslist. Miz has been in the mental hospital at least a couple times recently, and also threw himself out of a moving vehicle.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: c14el3 ()
Date: September 06, 2015 12:16PM

Miz and lizzie did not have any form of sex. She was at his house but slept in a different room. Miz was begging her for sex and she declined, sending Miz into another bout of depression.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 02:04PM

c14el3 Wrote:
> Miz admitted to lizzie that he knew most of the allegations in the
> lawsuit that he swore were true were in fact false.

Negative. No one ever said "most". He told me like two things he knew weren't eesh..

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 02:08PM

c14el3 Wrote:
> Miz was begging her for sex and she declined,
> sending Miz into another bout of depression.

He wasn't begging, he just ASKED and it was enough to weird me out to where I had to leave lol..

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 02:10PM

Also, there's still plenty/lots going on, lol but yall don't need to know everything.

See yaz!

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 06, 2015 02:19PM

You could at least done the humanitarian thing, and give a brother a handjob.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 02:26PM

How about you be the humanitarian and give him one? :)

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:16PM

He did not ax me...he specifically requested you.

Be charitable.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2015 03:17PM by BEH.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:16PM

it'll take 30 seconds, and a thimbelfull of petroleum jelly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2015 03:18PM by BEH.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Sucky Fucky 5 Bucky? ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:27PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> How about you be the humanitarian and give him
> one? :)

You should have asked him if he would be willing to pay. Maybe you could have made some money for your legal defense fund which I'm sure is $0.00 at the moment.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 03:44PM

LOL well yeah seeing as how I don't have to pay for legal defense yes its at $0..

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: T4FWj ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:48PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> LOL well yeah seeing as how I don't have to pay
> for legal defense yes its at $0..

So in one thread you say you dont have to work and you're "set for life" but yet here you seem to admit you are milking the taxpayers using public defenders.

Stop lying you black whore. Go ahead and start spitting out some puppies to further punch your meal ticket.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Johnny Carson ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:51PM

Hey Lizzie how come when someone calls you out with racial slurs you cower up and don't defend yourself? Is it because you admit to being from an inferior strain and try to compensate for it by dating white men?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 03:55PM

You seem to be ignorant to the fact that getting public defenders goes by my income, not my parent's. They could make 33 billion dollars with their business and *I* would still qualify for a public defender.

I'm sorry you're so angry on this beautiful day. I'm quite happy about the three day weekend. Those of us with full time jobs don't have time to sit around and tell others how to live their lives because we're too busy with our own, nor do I know what this meal ticket you speak of is. Don't be mad because I'm spoiled and don't have to pay for shit LOL go on and kill yourself now.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: 9vEYX ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:58PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> Those
> of us with full time jobs don't have time to sit
> around and tell others how to live their lives
> because we're too busy with our own

Yet here you are for the last couple hours. SMH

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 03:58PM

Johnny Carson Wrote:
> Hey Lizzie how come when someone calls you out
> with racial slurs you cower up and don't defend
> yourself? Is it because you admit to being from an
> inferior strain and try to compensate for it by
> dating white men?

Calling me racial slurs doesn't offend me. When have I ever cowered up? And defend myself to what? I don't care LOL nigger monkey ape, etc, the people using those words are the ones who feel inferior to me hence the reason they feel the need to name call. Why would I be upset by things that don't apply to me? I'm none of those things! :)

I'm also dating a black man now so...you fail.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: v4dUK ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:00PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> You seem to be ignorant to the fact that getting
> public defenders goes by my income, not my
> parent's. They could make 33 billion dollars with
> their business and *I* would still qualify for a
> public defender.

Obviously your own parents want nothing to do with your never ending bullshit. Do you sleep in the lawn mower shed behind the house?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:01PM

9vEYX Wrote:
> Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Those
> > of us with full time jobs don't have time to
> sit
> > around and tell others how to live their lives
> > because we're too busy with our own
> Yet here you are for the last couple hours. SMH

I posted from 2:04-2:38 and then left and came back at....3:45 until now. It's my day off, what's your excuse?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:03PM

v4dUK Wrote:
> Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You seem to be ignorant to the fact that
> getting
> > public defenders goes by my income, not my
> > parent's. They could make 33 billion dollars
> with
> > their business and *I* would still qualify for
> a
> > public defender.
> >
> >
> Obviously your own parents want nothing to do with
> your never ending bullshit. Do you sleep in the
> lawn mower shed behind the house?

Actually its called I'm an adult and am not going to reply on or ask my parents to pay for things they aren't responsible for, unlike some people, I can handle my own. And no, I sleep at my Spanish girlfriend's house.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2015 04:04PM by Underground Fairfax.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: ZzZzZzZz ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:05PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> And no, I sleep at my Spanish
> girlfriend's house.

Good to know. At least your dad has room for the mower and his tools now.

And only a true hard core FU loser tracks her posting time down to the minute.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:11PM

I lied. I sleep at my black fiance's apartment. And he's always had room. My parent's love me enough to let me stay in a bedroom, rent free. Now, let's see me posting that I haven't been here for the past hours doesn't make me a loser, it makes you one for even typing to me this much.

You are so happy I'm engaging you its sad. Stop being so obsessed with me.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:14PM

You want me so bad. You like me so much it hurts and makes you angry. You see me posting and get.so excited and giddy. You can't stop posting to me and can't help but reply to get some attention from me. You hate that I'm working and have a man now and aren't here 24/7 anymore, aw.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: JHEub ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:15PM

Actually you're right. I just dropped a huge creamy load on a picture of you. Went right in your mouth! Lick it up BITCH and get me hard again

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:20PM

JHEub Wrote:
> Actually you're right.

I know.

> Lick it up BITCH and get me hard again

Please stop confusing me with your mom.

Gotta go now, my girlfriend is on her way over to show me her new toy!

Have fun thinking about me while I'm not thinking about you LOL

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Lizzie the Cum Dumpster ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:27PM

You'll be back.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 06, 2015 04:30PM

No, I won't..

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Lizzie the Cum Dumpster ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:39PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> No, I won't..

That didn't take long. You know you want my hot cock deep in your ass and then down your throat when the gusher comes. Swallow it all my lil nigger baby whore.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Reverse racism ()
Date: September 06, 2015 05:01PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> Johnny Carson Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hey Lizzie how come when someone calls you out
> > with racial slurs you cower up and don't defend
> > yourself? Is it because you admit to being from
> an
> > inferior strain and try to compensate for it by
> > dating white men?
> Calling me racial slurs doesn't offend me. When
> have I ever cowered up? And defend myself to what?
> I don't care LOL nigger monkey ape, etc, the
> people using those words are the ones who feel
> inferior to me hence the reason they feel the need
> to name call. Why would I be upset by things that
> don't apply to me? I'm none of those things! :)
> I'm also dating a black man now so...you fail.

Well at least you are sticking to your own race. No the fact that you use white people makes you a nigger. Without white people you wouldn't be shit. Think off all the white people who've helped you, you stole from, and took advantage. The fact that you don't do it to your own race is you being a racist typical yard ape. You owe us a thank you and an apology

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: RectalRider ()
Date: September 07, 2015 09:00AM

I'm told Lizzie has only taken it up the ass to maintain her vaginal virginity.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: mejGu ()
Date: September 07, 2015 09:17AM

RectalRider Wrote:
> I'm told Lizzie has only taken it up the ass to
> maintain her vaginal virginity.

no no, that is because her bfs (the unfake ones) are gay and think of her as a 12 year old boy

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 12:53PM

I've never had anal sex..

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: GDjmd ()
Date: September 07, 2015 01:27PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> I've never had anal sex..

Have you ever had your lesbian girlfriend's tongue in your ass? That's a type of anal sex.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 01:42PM

No but my guy licked my asshole last night then got mad when I didn't let him kiss me, like wtf dude LOL you've seen what comes outta there!!

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Judge Judy ()
Date: September 07, 2015 01:47PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> I've never had anal sex..

Yet you confirm you enjoy assplay and let any guy with a functioning jizz stick enter you.

Something does not compute.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: pJJUJ ()
Date: September 07, 2015 01:49PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> No but my guy licked my asshole last night then
> got mad when I didn't let him kiss me, like wtf
> dude LOL you've seen what comes outta there!!

Typical nigger. If your ass is good enough to lick than you should want to taste it. Licking a chimps ass cannot be fun however.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 01:50PM

Actually I didn't enjoy it. I think my not letting him kiss me confirms that. That's fucking gross. And actually, you're confusing me with your mother again. Sorry.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Not even a reach around ()
Date: September 07, 2015 01:51PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> Actually I didn't enjoy it. I think my not letting
> him kiss me confirms that.

No it just confirms you're a selfish hoe.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 01:51PM

Look at how excited you get, talking about sex with me. Jesus Christ you can't find any other female to pay attention to you? Gosh you're so sad and pathetic.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 01:53PM

Nah, it confirms that's fucking gross and you keep calling me these names your mother gets called. I'm going to need you to realize I'm not your mother and to stop looking for approval and attention from me now.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: 6nPde ()
Date: September 07, 2015 02:07PM

At least my mother isn't a paper boy and a nursing home bedpan monitor.

Does she have any other jobs I might have missed?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: YTm44 ()
Date: September 07, 2015 02:10PM

6nPde Wrote:
> At least my mother isn't a paper boy and a nursing
> home bedpan monitor.
> Does she have any other jobs I might have missed?

I think you forgot peep show jizz mopper. lizzie is studying to move up to this position.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 02:21PM

LOL my mom is none of those either. eesh knows about the family business, stop being so jealous

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2015 02:23PM by Underground Fairfax.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 02:24PM

I've already posted proof of the family business, post proof of your claims or I win


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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: eagle eyez ()
Date: September 07, 2015 04:23PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> I've already posted proof of the family business,
> post proof of your claims or I win
> #winning

bwahaha at the Lizzie definition of winning

#underachieving #trailertrash #section8housing


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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: wtff ()
Date: September 07, 2015 04:38PM

Why is Moreno or whoever so obsessed with Monique?

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 07, 2015 04:43PM

wtff Wrote:
> Why is Moreno or whoever so obsessed with Monique?

It's called unrequited love.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: giant black hole ()
Date: September 07, 2015 05:25PM

GDjmd Wrote:
> Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I've never had anal sex..
> Have you ever had your lesbian girlfriend's tongue
> in your ass? That's a type of anal sex.

Why is that girl's asshole yawing open like that? Either she is in the middle of a giant fart or her sphincter is seriously abused. Buttholes are supposed to slam shut when nothing is passing out--or in, as the case may be. Otherwise poop would just drip out at inappropriate times. That is scary and she probably needs to wear diapers.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Lishitterz ()
Date: September 07, 2015 05:30PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> No but my guy licked my asshole last night then
> got mad when I didn't let him kiss me, like wtf
> dude LOL you've seen what comes outta there!!

We all have, Scatapotamos.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Breaking news... ()
Date: September 07, 2015 05:47PM

Underground Fairfax's own Lizzie admits to scat fetishism

By: Kelly Megyn

Lizzie admits to Coprophilia, or "scat play" with her partner, who she states is "African American." Lizzie states:

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> No but my guy licked my asshole last night then
> got mad when I didn't let him kiss me, like wtf
> dude LOL you've seen what comes outta there!!

Further admitting that her new boyfriend has seen her defecate. We will follow this story as it breaks to keep you informed on how this will play out in her pending legal case.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 09:00PM

Erm, no. He's never seen me defecate nor is he African American. I meant YOU have seen.what comes out of there. Need I post a reminder of what I'm talking about? Also, someone licking my butthole isn't scatplay.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Date: September 07, 2015 09:01PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> wtff Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why is Moreno or whoever so obsessed with
> Monique?
> It's called unrequited love.

I don't get what the fucking fascination with me is, really.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: sink user ()
Date: September 07, 2015 09:20PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
>someone licking my butthole
> isn't scatplay.

Erm, yes it is. Not that I'm criticizing you for it though.

Now on a related topic:
This is yet another reason to use the sink to clean your ass after pooping. I've mentioned this in the bowels thread and cited the advantages of never getting chafed from excess wiping, never having skidmarks in underwar, greatly reduced toilet paper purchases, and generally feeling cleaner. But there is also this reason. If there is ever a chance someone is going to have their face near your butthole (even if they are licking the cooter) you better have a squeaky clean starfish.

The process is rather easy. After pinching off the last log, shake to remove any hangfires. If necessary, use a small amount of toilet paper to remove any remaining loose fecal matter. Then hop up on the sink with back to the tap. Rinse rectum under a stream of running water, using one hand to rub vigorously until clean. For stage 2 cleanliness insert a finger up to the first knuckle and circle it around the inside of the orifice. For stage 3 cleanliness, use soap and then rinse thoroughly. (Stage 3 is recommended before sexual activities.) Wash hands with soap afterwards.

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Re: so...Miz, Eesh, Lizzie
Posted by: Foxy News ()
Date: September 08, 2015 11:35AM

Lizzie denies allegations of coprophilia, dating an African American

By: Kelly Megyn

Amongst allegations of scat play, Lizzie denies ever participating in such acts. She states, "He's never seen me defecate nor is he African American. I meant YOU have seen.what comes out of there." This contradicts earlier statements made by her:

"I'm also dating a black man now so...you fail."

"I sleep at my black fiance's apartment."

"... you've seen what comes outta there!!"

Foxy news will keep you up to date on whether Lizzie is in fact dating an "African American" or "black man", and whether she is implying he has seen her defecate, or if she participates in public defecation. No one at Foxy News claims to have seem what emerges from her anus.

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