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What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:28AM

is the establishment making plans on how to override [the peoples’] vote; other candidates accusing Trump followers of being thugs when it is their own constituents who riot the legitimate political rally of their opponent in order to shut it down; and the media choosing not to report the news but report lies and suppress the truth. What a bunch of unAmerican, misbehaving, spoiled rotten babies who can’t accept that they may lose, so they sabotage a fair and honest election process. Fuck you! I’ll vote for him just for you doing that!

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: Jim Nantz ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:59AM

Take some time off and enjoy the NCAA tournament

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: Now I feel bad.... ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:04AM

about tearing down all those Trump signs yesterday.

Well, tomorrow I will tear down some Rubio, Clinton, and Sanders signs. Does that make it better?

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: UUEmW ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:16AM

I fully agree with OP. A whole lot of people stand with us on this! The establish really sucks anyway.

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:29AM

Thats your fellow Republicans dont whine to the rest of us about it. They think youre a bunch of idiots. Well actually theyve always thought you were a bunch of idiots but they dont appreciate you not following their orders this time. If the Donald doesnt happen you know who to blame

35 percent of Republicans that refuse to support Trump.

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: It's Just Another Day in the USA ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:50AM

Everyone sold their soul the day televisions became a staple of American life.
Now take your vitamin err Viagra, jerk yourself off to some porn and start bitchin' again. It's what you pussies are good at.

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: He's a 10! ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:53AM

says Mr. perfect^

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Re: What I hate more than Trump
Posted by: Sober Analysis ()
Date: March 15, 2016 08:22AM

causeican Wrote:
> is the establishment making plans on how to
> override [the peoples’] vote; other candidates
> accusing Trump followers of being thugs when it is
> their own constituents who riot the legitimate
> political rally of their opponent in order to shut
> it down; and the media choosing not to report the
> news but report lies and suppress the truth. What
> a bunch of unAmerican, misbehaving, spoiled rotten
> babies who can’t accept that they may lose, so
> they sabotage a fair and honest election process.
> Fuck you! I’ll vote for him just for you doing
> that!

^ -1 OP

Somebody needs a bowl or crybaby soup.

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