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We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Scientists ()
Date: May 30, 2016 11:07PM

All that hard work. Billions of dollars spent. Finally, it's paying off.

Sea levels are receding. In Washington, D.C., it is down 0.2 mm. Even more in New York.

Celebrate mankind's win over man-made global warming.

America is great again.


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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Yay!!! ()
Date: May 30, 2016 11:09PM


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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: The Left ()
Date: May 31, 2016 03:10AM

It's just less water displacement ... I mean after we killed off all those polar bears swimming to get food! .. of course the levels are going to go down that much!


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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Thanks Obama! ()
Date: May 31, 2016 07:02AM

he promised and he delivered!

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Herbert Kornfeld ()
Date: May 31, 2016 08:51AM

Not familiar with the libs game are ya?

You see, global warming is so yesterday. We had a few warm years and Woodsy Al did a show they all got excited. But then it cooled off again, so they came up with a new name. Climate change. Isn't it fucking amazing that you can blame changing weather on Republicans?

If we get the weather to stay exactly the same day after day, they will come up with a new name and blame that on the GOP as well.

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Winner! ()
Date: May 31, 2016 08:55AM


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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: -29835 ()
Date: June 01, 2016 09:01PM

The government HAARP project is tasked with sending all the excess sea water to become atmospheric moisture and rain and then to driving the jetstreams to carry it all to be dumped on Texas. They want to drive out all the conservatives from the state so they can replace them with illegals from Mexico before the next election..

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: And they did what study ()
Date: June 01, 2016 09:03PM

Scientists Wrote:
> All that hard work. Billions of dollars spent.
> Finally, it's paying off.
> Sea levels are receding. In Washington, D.C., it
> is down 0.2 mm. Even more in New York.
> Celebrate mankind's win over man-made global
> warming.
> America is great again.
> https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/29/the-sea-lev
> els-are-now-reducing-in-the-hotspots-of-accelerati
> on-of-washington-and-new-york/

moh k


Watts up with that is a biased blog run by fucking neophytes selling snake oil and sponsored by oil companies.

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: Thanks Obama! ()
Date: June 01, 2016 09:08PM

fixing climate change is way easier then we realized. good to know we don't need to worry about all that carbon nonsense anymore.

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: what are you rambling about ()
Date: June 01, 2016 09:29PM

Thanks Obama! Wrote:
> fixing climate change is way easier then we
> realized. good to know we don't need to worry
> about all that carbon nonsense anymore.

What the hell are you meth heads talking about this time? Some blog online says climate change is over, so it must be? Wow. Can terrorism in the middle east be solved if some blogger talks about it too? Maybe if I write a blog post about Putin being dead it will be true.

Fuckin mouth breathers

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Re: We won! Global warming is officially over.. Sea levels recede
Posted by: J4xYp ()
Date: June 02, 2016 08:23AM

Trend line on that blog remains at an increase.

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