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Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: September 14, 2016 09:54PM

The mainstream media and the statist Clinton / Obama drones are shocked and stunned by the Trump tireless work ethic.

The lazy government types need so much rest and vacation . Even after all the rest they make horrible decisions and have totally f'd up the country with their incompetent and lazy minds and effort .

It is literally killing Hillary to do 1/5 the work Trump is capable of. Plus his sex life and mental health is just light years superior .

Hillary and Obama are the worst products imaginable . Obama's own wife said he chronically stinks and can't even keep his hygiene in order.

Time to make America great again with energy , change and a passion for excellence .

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: It's happening!! ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:03PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: LOL Hillary! ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:04PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: What's Trump Hiding? ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:06PM

What's Trump hiding from the American people in his tax returns?

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: You Ignorant Fool ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:11PM

PC retards Wrote:
> The mainstream media and the statist Clinton /
> Obama drones are shocked and stunned by the Trump
> tireless work ethic.
> The lazy government types need so much rest and
> vacation . Even after all the rest they make
> horrible decisions and have totally f'd up the
> country with their incompetent and lazy minds and
> effort .
> It is literally killing Hillary to do 1/5 the work
> Trump is capable of. Plus his sex life and mental
> health is just light years superior .
> Hillary and Obama are the worst products
> imaginable . Obama's own wife said he chronically
> stinks and can't even keep his hygiene in order.
> Time to make America great again with energy ,
> change and a passion for excellence .

HAHAHAHAHA! Trump is the guy who wants to turn the day to day operations of the Presidency over to his VP so he can focus on 'making America great again' (i.e., ego-boosting meaningless pomp and circumstance). You're either really, really young or incredibly stupid.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Taxes! Taxes! Taxes Taxes! ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:13PM

What's Trump Hiding? Wrote:
> What's Trump hiding from the American people in
> his tax returns?

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Call Out! ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:14PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: They can't comprehend ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:19PM

Most of the libtards here have no work ethic either so...

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:42PM

Proof is in the pudding.

Trump has worldwide iconic property's developed. A normal , healthy , well adjusted and attractive family. Billions of dollars. A positive attitude and a healthy sexuality.

Hillary is a sexually retarded reject.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: DJT ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:44PM

PC retards Wrote:
> Proof is in the pudding.
> Trump has worldwide iconic property's developed. A
> normal , healthy , well adjusted and attractive
> family. Billions of dollars. A positive attitude
> and a healthy sexuality.
> Hillary is a sexually retarded reject.

And she's low energy.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Can't Stump the Trump ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:46PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: rainbows.2 ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:48PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Oh Lord... ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:49PM

PC retards Wrote:
> Proof is in the pudding.
> Trump has worldwide iconic property's developed. A
> normal , healthy , well adjusted and attractive
> family. Billions of dollars. A positive attitude
> and a healthy sexuality.
> Hillary is a sexually retarded reject.

Yeah, whatever you say. Once again, you're either very, very young or incredibly stupid. I'm thinking the second.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:51PM

Are you making the case that Hillary is sexually and emotionally healthy?

And I'm the stupid one?

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Uh Huh... ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:51PM

They can't comprehend Wrote:
> Most of the libtards here have no work ethic
> either so...

Sure. Somebody has to pay for you hillbillies.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: BFC ()
Date: September 14, 2016 10:51PM

Oh Lord... Wrote:
> PC retards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Proof is in the pudding.
> >
> > Trump has worldwide iconic property's developed.
> A
> > normal , healthy , well adjusted and attractive
> > family. Billions of dollars. A positive
> attitude
> > and a healthy sexuality.
> >
> > Hillary is a sexually retarded reject.
> Yeah, whatever you say. Once again, you're either
> very, very young or incredibly stupid. I'm
> thinking the second.

Still mad about the too-close-to-home bitter fat cunt thing eh?

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Can't stump the Trump ()
Date: September 14, 2016 11:19PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: C3P0 ()
Date: September 14, 2016 11:33PM

reminds me of how USA wore down USSR. capitalism defeats communism once again. fuck the bloated bureaucrats.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: hillary has no stamina ()
Date: September 15, 2016 11:50AM

If elected she will telecommute work about 10 hours a week maximum

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Conartist Trump ()
Date: September 15, 2016 12:05PM

What private sector work ethic?

The guy is a con-artist and bullshitter.

The Beauty Pageant Scandals - Various, 1992-present
Racial Housing Discrimination - New York City, 1973-1975
Mafia Ties - New York and Atlantic City, 1970s- ?
Trump University - 2005-2010, online
Tenant Intimidation - New York City, 1982-1986
The Four Bankruptcies - 1991, 1992, 2004, 2009
The Undocumented Polish Workers - New York City, 1980
Alleged Marital Rape - New York City, 1989
Breaking Casino Rules - New York and New Jersey, various
Antitrust Violations - New Jersey, 1986
Condo Hotel Shenanigans - New York, Florida, Mexico, mid-2000s
Corey Lewandowski - Jupiter, Florida, 2016
Suing Journalist Tim O’Brien for Libel - New York City, 2006-2009
Refusing to Pay Workers and Contractors - various, 1980s-present
Trump Institute - Boca Raton and elsewhere, 2005-?
Buying Up His Own Books to Funnel Money - various, 2016
Undocumented Models - New York, 1999-?
The Trump Foundation Alleged Donations- Various, 1988-present

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Buy Your Own ()
Date: September 15, 2016 12:07PM

You have to admit buying your own books to make them best sellers is pretty lame and vain.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: F.O.F. ()
Date: September 15, 2016 12:22PM

PC retards Wrote:
> Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's
> killing Hillary

That's stupid.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Hillary is a fucking liar ()
Date: September 15, 2016 12:28PM

If you compare Hillary's schedule to Trump trump is definitely working a lot harder than she is she is phoning it in at this point

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Trump is a fucking liar ()
Date: September 15, 2016 12:59PM

Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.

Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: LOL!!!! tards ()
Date: September 15, 2016 01:01PM

Trump is a fucking liar Wrote:
> Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.
> Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.

Wow, you sound smart!

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Trump is a fucking liar ()
Date: September 15, 2016 01:04PM

LOL!!!! tards Wrote:
> Trump is a fucking liar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.
> >
> > Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.
> Wow, you sound smart!

You don't.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Political Donations ()
Date: September 15, 2016 01:07PM

Trump is a fucking liar Wrote:
> Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.
> Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.

Might as well live it up while your spending all the Trumptards donations. LOL!

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: rainbows.2 ()
Date: September 15, 2016 01:25PM


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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Date: September 15, 2016 05:17PM

Trump is a fucking liar Wrote:
> Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.
> Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.

He's a pro, he just makes it look like he's on vacation.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Trump-tards! ()
Date: September 15, 2016 05:23PM

Cucks for Clinton Wrote:
> Trump is a fucking liar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Trump campaigns like he's on vacation.
> >
> > Truly, Trump is a piece of excrement.
> He's a pro, he just makes it look like he's
> on vacation.

A 'pro'? At what, being a douchenozzle?



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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Oh lawd... ()
Date: September 16, 2016 08:40AM

Oh Lord... Wrote:
> PC retards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Proof is in the pudding.
> >
> > Trump has worldwide iconic property's developed.
> A
> > normal , healthy , well adjusted and attractive
> > family. Billions of dollars. A positive
> attitude
> > and a healthy sexuality.
> >
> > Hillary is a sexually retarded reject.
> Yeah, whatever you say. Once again, you're either
> very, very young or incredibly stupid. I'm
> thinking the second.

You sound like your either gay, impotent, autistic, a pedophile, rapist or a cuck. I'm thinking all of the above.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: American worker ()
Date: September 16, 2016 09:13AM

The people that hate Trump are for the most part establishment politicians (on both sides) or liberals on the dole who are terrified the gravy train is coming to an end.

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Re: Trump has a private sector work ethic and it's killing Hillary
Posted by: Extablishmint ()
Date: September 16, 2016 11:45AM

They afraid he's going to stop the gravy train.

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