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Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Ty Coon ()
Date: December 01, 2016 12:10AM

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Nigger Lover ()
Date: December 01, 2016 02:29AM

Why can't cops ever shoot to injure? They could have just shot him in the leg.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Nogman Joe ()
Date: December 01, 2016 02:46AM

BUT...buT...Butttt Uhhh Blaqq MotHAfuckuH killEd hiM. CAYNN We'ssss $Tillll RiOT Now?

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer1 ()
Date: December 01, 2016 06:31AM

I'm sure we will soon see the left and BLM come out with that Mosely black radical DA and demand charges, saying the black officer was just an uncle Tom and the police shouldn't have used deadly force. I didn't see much of an option for them. They tased the guy and he was still running around with 2 knives acting like he was high on PCP. I doubt the taser prongs could penetrate that jacket he had on. If he ran at the police it would be harder to get a clean shot off without hitting somebody. Now all that happened was maybe a few bullet holes have to be removed from the store front, but at least he didn't have to replace any windows!

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer1 ()
Date: December 01, 2016 06:36AM

Nigger Lover Wrote:
> Why can't cops ever shoot to
> injure? They could have just shot him in the leg.

They do need to figure out a way to use less lethal force. There has been too many people of all colors shot the hell up that were just holding a knife. I remember an asian lady witb mental issues was threatening people in a Costco years ago in Loudoun and the police shot her like 20 times. They need to use rubber bullets or a lower caliber maybe? Hell shoot em with a shotgun full of rock salt.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: You won an internet ()
Date: December 01, 2016 06:46AM

Before people pass judgement on the use of force take a few minuets and google kniife attacks against police officers.

A person at less than 21 feet can charge and kill an officer before they can draw and fire their arm.

This is a form of natural selection where the criminals and mentally defective are removed from the gene pool. It's effective and only costs roughly 70 cents per round.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: After The Fact ()
Date: December 01, 2016 07:20AM

It seems a little odd to use lethal force, then try to keep him alive afterwards. Looking at all of the blood that he lost it doesn't seem logical that they could save him anyways. I'm sure he bled out and died!

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: UF6ny ()
Date: December 01, 2016 07:32AM

You won an internet Wrote:
> This is a form of natural selection where the
> criminals and mentally defective are removed from
> the gene pool. It's effective and only costs
> roughly 70 cents per round.


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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Gerrytarderrer2 ()
Date: December 01, 2016 08:45AM

After The Fact Wrote:
> It seems a little odd to use lethal force, then
> try to keep him alive afterwards. Looking at all
> of the blood that he lost it doesn't seem logical
> that they could save him anyways. I'm sure he bled
> out and died!

Helps avoid lawsuits.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: December 01, 2016 10:17AM

Nigger Lover Wrote:
> Why can't cops ever shoot to
> injure? They could have just shot him in the leg.

Because as long as someone is alive, they can kill you.

Once deadly force is initiated, you have to finish the job or get offed yourself.

The best way to avoid being killed? Stop attracting the attention of the police!

Negroes can't seem to grasp that concept. They even enchant the police on purpose.

They seem to axe for it.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Lemma axe you diss ()
Date: December 01, 2016 12:05PM

Why can't we all jusssssss get a long?

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Zzzzzzz ()
Date: December 01, 2016 01:01PM

That fucker got ventilated!

Shoot him in the leg........yeah right! When I got my CC permit they taught us to SHOOT TO KILL or you may end up dead on the ground.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Training can save your life ()
Date: December 01, 2016 01:55PM

Zzzzzzz Wrote:
> That fucker got ventilated!
> Shoot him in the leg........yeah right! When I got
> my CC permit they taught us to SHOOT TO KILL or
> you may end up dead on the ground.

If you shoot them in the leg and they still have time and the ability to aim a gun and shoot it at you, it's too late and you'll be lucky under pressure to get off a good shot before they do! Better to be safe than sorry. If you have the need to pull out the weapon it's time to use it in a lethal way!

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer1 ()
Date: December 01, 2016 02:02PM

I agree, but just to play devil's advicate, in this case the guy didnt have a gun. And also even if you kill em, the family usually gets the ACLU or NAACP or whatever BULLSHIT agency to help them sue for millions for the family. I would have shot the guy too.. maybe just once and tried to aim for non vitals in this case. The taser obviously wasn't working on this nog, maybe because of the thick leather jacket or the PCP.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Be Prepared ()
Date: December 01, 2016 02:15PM

When I took the training for my concealed carry permit they stressed many times, you dont pull your weapon to scare someone or intimidate someone or be a bad ass. There are threat assessment stages you go thru before you pull your weapon. But if and when you do pull it.......YOU SHOOT TO KILL. No ifs ands or buts. That guy wasn't showing a gun but he was still dangerous and needed to be wasted.

Good kill Officers!

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: It's a hard nog life ()
Date: December 01, 2016 04:05PM

At 2:30, I lol'ed when he started doing a some jigaboo dance, about 5 seconds before he got ventilated.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Ho Lee Fuk ()
Date: December 01, 2016 08:29PM

Damn. Just another nigger dead.

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Re: Wanna see a crazy nigger get wasted by the Baltimore PD?
Posted by: Troll G2 ()
Date: December 01, 2016 09:07PM

Gerrymanderer1 Wrote:
> I agree, but just to play devil's advicate, in
> this case the guy didnt have a gun. And also even
> if you kill em, the family usually gets the ACLU
> or NAACP or whatever BULLSHIT agency to help them
> sue for millions for the family. I would have shot
> the guy too.. maybe just once and tried to aim for
> non vitals in this case. The taser obviously
> wasn't working on this nog, maybe because of the
> thick leather jacket or the PCP.

Gerry is a troll. These groups you mention are all liberal groups Gerry. These are your people.

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