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Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: tDed3 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 06:31PM


President claims 3-5 million votes cast illegally, sends his press lackey out to sa it, again, offers no proof. Strangest of all, as leader of our country offers no action on this massive fraud that would have to involve government conspiracy on a massive scale.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 24, 2017 06:44PM

yet... give him time it’s strategy. hang on for the ride

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: KKKillary KKKlinton. ()
Date: January 24, 2017 06:44PM

tDed3 Wrote:
> http://www.mediaite.com/tv/its-simply-not-true-jak
> e-tapper-slams-trump-over-belief-that-millions-vot
> ed-illegally/
> President claims 3-5 million votes cast illegally,
> sends his press lackey out to sa it, again, offers
> no proof. Strangest of all, as leader of our
> country offers no action on this massive fraud
> that would have to involve government conspiracy
> on a massive scale.

Obama already said elections are rigged. The DNC proved it by rigging the primary. Give our president time. He has been busy bringing jobs back to America that Obama said are gone and didn't know how Trump would do it. Lol! Magic wand, Obama said.

Fucking MAGA!

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 06:52PM

He's insane, and so are the idiots that voted for him.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 06:53PM

The country is now in a continual crisis until he is removed.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: doesn't matter either way ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:00PM

Doesn't matter if 5 illegals voted or 5,000,000. Trump is still your president. Time to get over it and start helping make this country great again, there's no need for these crybaby tactics. Man up and get on the trump train

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:01PM

Continual crisis for Libtardz .

Trump will have the FBI and CIA root out the foreigners who are infiltrating our ejections and rip them from the voting rolls and boot them from the country . The double counters in inner cities and organizers of cross state bussed in votes will be prosecuted and shot .

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: stupid, and, dangerous. ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:03PM

doesn't matter either way Wrote:
> Doesn't matter if 5 illegals voted or 5,000,000.
> Trump is still your president. Time to get over it
> and start helping make this country great again,
> there's no need for these crybaby tactics. Man up
> and get on the trump train

does 'get on the trump train' mean believe any falsehood, that is easily disproved? That sounds stupid, and, dangerous.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:04PM

We're not the ones saying the election was illegitimate. The winner Trump is. WTF you want from us?

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:06PM

Trump is claiming he won the popular vote. Not sure if he's insane or if we need to investigate the election. Why did Trumps lawyers argue against recounts then and claim the results were accurate then?

This guy a skitzo?

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: True the Vote! ()
Date: January 24, 2017 07:34PM

Trump will True the Vote! Give him time, he's too busy making America Great.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Golden shower fr you ()
Date: January 24, 2017 08:33PM

tDed3 Wrote:
> http://www.mediaite.com/tv/its-simply-not-true-jak
> e-tapper-slams-trump-over-belief-that-millions-vot
> ed-illegally/
> President claims 3-5 million votes cast illegally,
> sends his press lackey out to sa it, again, offers
> no proof. Strangest of all, as leader of our
> country offers no action on this massive fraud
> that would have to involve government conspiracy
> on a massive scale.

The reason is all the illegal votes were in swing states that went for trump
Apparently Russia paid a few folks to vote for trump

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: January 24, 2017 09:03PM

Okay, let's assume Trump is correct and that 5 million votes were cast illegally. Since all the polls claimed that Hillary was a shoe-in, who would have a greater incentive to cast illegal votes? Trump supporters, of course. Maybe the reason Trump won was because a large percentage of those illegal votes were cast for him.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Date: January 24, 2017 09:05PM

Huey Wrote:
> Okay, let's assume Trump is correct and that 5
> million votes were cast illegally. Since all the
> polls claimed that Hillary was a shoe-in, who
> would have a greater incentive to cast illegal
> votes? Trump supporters, of course. Maybe the
> reason Trump won was because a large percentage of
> those illegal votes were cast for him.

Yeah, fuckface, the beaners really love Trump. Can you read?

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: To Gerry 2 ()
Date: January 24, 2017 09:20PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> The country is now in a continual crisis until he
> is removed.

Only if you choose to keep it that way...you do have a choice, but spreading hate isn't going to work.

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: 4WXM ()
Date: January 24, 2017 10:02PM

tDed3 Wrote:
> http://www.mediaite.com/tv/its-simply-not-true-jak
> e-tapper-slams-trump-over-belief-that-millions-vot
> ed-illegally/
> President claims 3-5 million votes cast illegally,
> sends his press lackey out to sa it, again, offers
> no proof. Strangest of all, as leader of our
> country offers no action on this massive fraud
> that would have to involve government conspiracy
> on a massive scale.

Not sure about your 3-5 million figure,but for sure California lets illegals vote. Anyways, easy there tiger. He has been in office less than a week. Something tells me you'll be one of the screamers once he begins to deport the illegals who voted illegally on top of being here illegally.

You people are making ridiculous asses of yourselves. Week one - "why didn't he fix everything yet???" Year one - "why is he fixing everything so fast???"

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Steven Stevenson ()
Date: January 24, 2017 10:35PM

Wow! I'm not sure what to believe. It's all so crazy, right?

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: January 24, 2017 10:51PM

Tards, I don't mean to be condescending, ( I hope you know what that means), but surely you must realize what a major effort it would have to be to get 3 to 5 million beaners or any group together to cast illegal votes on election day and nobody would notice. Impossible. However, like Trump, I'm sure you will continue to believe what you want to believe, no matter how impossible it seems. (And I will stop calling you Shirley.)

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Re: Trump Claims Millions Illegally Voted Yet Does Nothing
Posted by: laughing my ass off ()
Date: January 24, 2017 10:56PM

Huey Wrote:
> Tards, I don't mean to be condescending, ( I hope
> you know what that means), but surely you must
> realize what a major effort it would have to be to
> get 3 to 5 million beaners or any group together
> to cast illegal votes on election day and nobody
> would notice. Impossible. However, like Trump,
> I'm sure you will continue to believe what you
> want to believe, no matter how impossible it
> seems. (And I will stop calling you Shirley.)

nooooo, you're not being condescending you hero, you champion of the common man. I want to congratulate you on your passion, truly you are the most humble and decent of any man or women in this country and a true champion of all mankind. Don't let the door hit you on the way out loser, lmao

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