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CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: KKKillary KKKlinton. ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:24PM

Black bloc lol!

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:24PM

Yep, it was a false flag.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: KKKillary KKKlinton. ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:29PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Yep, it was a false flag.

Lol! You're such an idiot.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: m4yKY ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:32PM


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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: LMjyU ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:32PM

Staint Paul the IV school is closing sometime, and in it's place they'll put a right wing torpedo factory art school for fine arts, who's students do nothing they're supposed and spend their time protesting Berkeley protesters !

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:34PM

Alex Jones tards are well versed in incitement and the undermining of the legitimacy of protests by injecting violence. Alex Jones rightards conspiracy theorists are adopting police state tactics. They are fighting against their own paranoid delusions with actual tyrannical tactics.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: nYKUU ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:39PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Alex Jones tards are well versed in incitement and
> the undermining of the legitimacy of protests by
> injecting violence. Alex Jones rightards
> conspiracy theorists are adopting police state
> tactics. They are fighting against their own
> paranoid delusions with actual tyrannical tactics.

So you'd rather just believe ridiculous lies than ever hear the truth. I'm assuming you vote straight democrat, yes?

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:41PM

Oh I know the truth. I don't need you to enlighten me on "the truth.'

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2. ()
Date: February 03, 2017 12:50PM

The truth is I can't vote...I'm a sandnigger named Ravi. I spend 24hrs a day on a site where no one gives a fuck what I say. I am changing things!

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: #antifa ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:20PM


You can go to their various sites directly and know who and what they are.


It's the same old group of World Bank protest anarchists, former Occutards, socialist 'unions,' etc. They're not shy about it.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: uNGmP ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:26PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Oh I know the truth. I don't need you to
> enlighten me on "the truth.'

Of course, the Ministry of Truth keeps you well informed.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:45PM

Steve Bannon is the anarchist that says Leninism is what's needed. The complete destruction of America's institutions and alliances only to be rebuilt in his image. The man is insane. The man wants to destroy the best institutions in the world because of his white supremacist ideals.

You want to talk anarchy motherfucker, you vote, support and defend anarchists on the national security council.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2017 01:45PM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:46PM

You're the fucking anarchists. This administration is an illegitimate regime of treasonous anarchists.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: #antifa ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:48PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Steve Bannon is the anarchist that says Leninism
> is what's needed. The complete destruction of
> America's institutions and alliances only to be
> rebuilt in his image. The man is insane. The man
> wants to destroy the best institutions in the
> world because of his white supremacist ideals.
> You want to talk anarchy motherfucker, you vote,
> support and defend anarchists on the national
> security council.

You don't even know what an anarchist is you stupid shit.

Go ask them. They'll be happy to school you. Post that Bannon is an anarchist and let us know what they say. lmao

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:57PM

Those kids on the streets are child's play. We don't have real anarchists I'm the U.S. the real anarchist is Trump's top advisor.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: weetard ()
Date: February 03, 2017 01:58PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Those kids on the streets are child's play. We
> don't have real anarchists I'm the U.S. the real
> anarchist is Trump's top advisor.


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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: They're yours libtards ()
Date: February 03, 2017 02:09PM

Yeah, let's forget that the antifa fucks were all posting before and boasting after about fucking things up.


Own it libtards.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: As always... ()
Date: February 03, 2017 02:10PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Those kids on the streets are child's play. We
> don't have real anarchists I'm the U.S. the real
> anarchist is Trump's top advisor.

You're obviously clueless and wrong.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: libtard cognitive dissonance ()
Date: February 03, 2017 02:24PM

- Spend months since election calling Trump illegitimate

- Openly call for coup

- Openly threaten violence against Trump supporters

- Start doing the things you said you would do

- It backfires and looks bad on the news

- Claim rightwing false flag



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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: EPbG6 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 03:48PM

Reich has had enough involvment with these groups to know that shit's not true.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: conVince ()
Date: February 03, 2017 04:30PM

The unhinging is so wonderful to watch. For years they called Alex Jones' "false flag" claims konspiratorial bullshit. Now the violent demokrat jiha(D)ists are sputtering out false flag accusations about their own anarkist fringe hate groups.


twitter @EyeAmU

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Lololol ()
Date: February 03, 2017 04:33PM

libtard cognitive dissonance Wrote:
> - Spend months since election calling Trump
> illegitimate
> - Openly call for coup
> - Openly threaten violence against Trump
> supporters
> - Start doing the things you said you would do
> - It backfires and looks bad on the news
> - Claim rightwing false flag
> Libtards!
> LoLz!

Lol, they just can't win these days!

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: setup ()
Date: February 03, 2017 04:49PM

The identity of the rioters is unknown therefore blame the students.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Inconvenient Truths ()
Date: February 03, 2017 04:58PM

setup Wrote:
> The identity of the
> rioters is unknown therefore blame the students.

Not unknown since known antifa groups promoted it prior to and claimed credit after.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:33PM

conVince Wrote:
> The unhinging is so wonderful to watch. For years
> they called Alex Jones' "false flag" claims
> konspiratorial bullshit. Now the violent demokrat
> jiha(D)ists are sputtering out false flag
> accusations about their own anarkist fringe hate
> groups.

Okay, Alex Jones conspiratorial claims were correct. That means your previous Republican president was responsible for carrying out 9/11 and murdered 3000 Americans. That means your current presidents xenophobic policies are based on the previous Republican presidents false flag.

We'll go with the Alex Jones logic on this. Why is Alex Jones supporting Trump again?

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2. ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:35PM

Ok, I don't know what the fuck i'm saying, but I sound very smart, no?

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrytrutherer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:37PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> conVince Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The unhinging is so wonderful to watch. For
> years
> > they called Alex Jones' "false flag" claims
> > konspiratorial bullshit. Now the violent
> demokrat
> > jiha(D)ists are sputtering out false flag
> > accusations about their own anarkist fringe
> hate
> > groups.
> Okay, Alex Jones conspiratorial claims were
> correct. That means your previous Republican
> president was responsible for carrying out 9/11
> and murdered 3000 Americans. That means your
> current presidents xenophobic policies are based
> on the previous Republican presidents false flag.
> We'll go with the Alex Jones logic on this. Why
> is Alex Jones supporting Trump again?

That's what you believe right?

Why are you doubting Alex now?

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:39PM

You're idiots, you're hypocrites, you're lunatics. There's no logic or consistency to your beliefs or politics.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:41PM

Alex Jones!!! Infowars!!! lmao!! The loud mouth Texan with a Napoleon complex preying on the little idiots that want "the truth" about the Bilderberg Group, Devos, the Illuminati and the shape-shifting lizards from outer space!!!

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2. ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:44PM

I'll just answer my own posts because my life is so fucking lame. I know what I say will make a difference.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: That's rich... ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:46PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> You're idiots, you're hypocrites, you're lunatics.
> There's no logic or consistency to your beliefs
> or politics.

^ Coming from the lunatic Truther who's now questioning the lunatic Truther because his beliefs and politics aren't consistent with his.


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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: bH3Xh ()
Date: February 03, 2017 05:48PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Steve Bannon is the anarchist that says Leninism
> is what's needed.

Think about this for a second. Just try.

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Re: CNN says Berkeley rioters were right wingers!
Posted by: Rare moment of sense from Lefty ()
Date: February 03, 2017 06:09PM

Some on the Left Have Lost Their Minds over the Milo/Berkeley Riot

by John Ziegler | 4:33 pm, February 3rd, 2017 182

I am no fan of Milo Yiannopolus. To me, he represents nearly everything that is wrong with our public discourse. Specifically, it is very clear that he has created a character which is designed solely to produce notoriety and money for himself, with no concern for the negative impact he has on the causes he pretends to support.

However, the reason that his persona is able to resonate with many on the political right (whatever that term means in the era of Trump) is that he is correct about a lot of things, and the left, much to his delight, keeps proving this to be true. The riot which erupted over his planned speaking engagement this week at Cal-Berkeley, and the aftermath which followed, is the best example of this to date.

It is very clear that academia is tremendously biased against conservatives and is extremely hypocritical on the issue of “free speech.” In the vast majority of our places of higher learning (even at the high school level), “academic diversity” means that the school makes sure that they have a liberal of every color, gender, sexual persuasion, and religion. Generally, a “conservative” is defined as someone who thinks that George W. Bush was legitimately elected and didn’t purposely lie to get us into Iraq (I’m not kidding).

Understanding this, Yiannopolus has decided to take personal advantage of the left’s all-too-predictable freak-out over an openly gay conservative who calls himself a “faggot” being allowed a microphone and an auditorium on a major college campus. He obviously schedules his events to create the greatest possible chance to be banned, cancelled, or to create chaos, all of which gives him what he wants most: publicity and martyrdom.

At Berkeley, he got probably more than he could have ever dreamed of, with hundreds of apparent students gathering to protest and creating all sorts of destruction on live television. This caused his “performance,” as the school aptly described it in a tweet, to be cancelled (which is basically the dictionary definition of the “heckler’s veto,” which used to be a concept for which academia had complete disdain). This, of course, in the era of modern media and the perverse incentives it creates, was the best outcome for which he could have possibly hoped.

Thanks to this, Milo’s national profile increased greatly. He got to expose the liberal academics as the hypocrites that they are while being allowed to take the moral high ground. The President of the United States effectively tweeted his support while threatening to pull federal funding from the school. He got invited to be an in-studio guest on Tucker Carlson’s new hit Fox News show. And his already controversial book dramatically surged in sales. All of this without having to even say a word to the miniscule crowd which would have heard him speak that night.

Nice job liberals.

This whole episode went so poorly for the liberal “resistance” that several prominent voices are deluding themselves (or just desperately lying) into thinking that this really was NOT all the fault of young liberal “special snowflakes” who grew up getting participation trophies and can’t even deal with an opposing opinion. That’s right. You see, at least according to some on the left, this was all part of a grand right-wing conspiracy to make it LOOK like a riot by liberals.

Yeah, and I heard that the very same people were also behind the “Bowling Green Massacre.”

For many reasons, this “theory’ is absurd on its face. First, it should be pointed out that just because someone benefits from a circumstance, as Milo clearly did here, that not means that they were responsible for creating those events (though, I’m sure he anticipated/welcomed them). Milo may have set a trap for liberals, but, like a husband who makes a pass at his wife’s hot friend, that doesn’t get them off the hook for stupidly taking the bait.

Secondly, is it simply not in the DNA of conservatives, of any age, to organize, protest, and riot (real or fake) in this way. I’m not saying that many might like the idea as a concept, but expecting hundreds of them to actually act out on it is beyond far-fetched. Everyone knows that that protesting, for a variety of cultural reasons, is something that the left does exponentially better than the right does.

I know this all too well from my own personal experience. In 2009, I stupidly got roped into a “leading” a protest of David Letterman for inappropriate jokes he made about Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter. The whole time my gut was telling me this was a horrible idea but those who came up with the idea kept assuring me that they could somehow get a crowd of conservatives to show up in the middle of a workday in Manhattan. Yeah, that didn’t turn out very well.

The third and most obvious reason there is NO chance that right-wingers were behind the riot is that if this had been remotely the case there would be a massive amount of evidence by this point to prove that. In order to somehow get hundreds of young right-wingers (which nearby conservative conclave does the left think these kids magically came from?!) to the liberal bastion of Cal-Berkeley would have taken an ENOURMOUS amount of organization and money.

This means that there would at least be things like a Craigslist ad, an email chain, and buses or vans providing transportation to a campus which is not easy to get to. In this age of social media, this means it would be IMPOSSIBLE to pull off an operation like that because invariably someone not sympathetic to the cause or someone who just doesn’t like Milo (there are plenty of conservatives who don’t), would have simply posted about the plan and the news media would have immediately jumped all over it.

Instead, nothing like that has happened, because this was obviously not a right-wing “false flag” operation. This was exactly what it looked like: spoiled liberal kids idiotically giving their purported enemy exactly what he wanted, when if they had all just gone to have some pizza and beer their efforts would have created a far more effective result.

It has long been said that one of the keys to success is to choose your enemies wisely. I give Milo Yiannopolus credit for, just like our president, both being a genius at this element of warfare as well as getting incredibly lucky.

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