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ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: truth frees you ()
Date: September 20, 2017 12:39AM

ken burns documentary is selling lie that ho was a complex man who wanted peace and freedom for his people but had to turn to communists when usa turned him down...
in reality he was a genocidal liar and murderer just like stalin, lenin, and mao...

no wonder the bankers let this piece of human shit take over vietnam...

why do shit stains like gerry support criminals like the dems and republicans ? because they are fools who don't see the controlling banksters behind both parties (and that includes soros owned blm and antifa gerritard)


“To the Vietnamese people he has presented himself as a figure of avuncular benignity, while his political life has been a model of ruthless and militant dedication to the fulfillment of the national and social goals he has set for the Vietnamese Revolution.”

One of Ho’s favorite slogans can still be seen on billboards all over Vietnam today. “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.”79 Yet in Ho’s lifetime, he had the power to provide that independence and freedom to the people of North Vietnam and never did.

The people of South Vietnam had independence and freedom within the context of an ongoing war. All the arguments about the corruption, the autocratic nature of the South Vietnamese government or suppression of some press outlets can’t obscure the fact that they had freedom of the press, open elections, opposition parties and open strident political criticism so long as it didn’t promote the Communist version of the truth. North Vietnam had none of that. When the North defeated the South, Ho’s mantra of independence and freedom, a reality in South Vietnam, was swept away in a brutal repression of all opposition to Communist rule.

The key to understanding Ho is presentation versus behavior. A man can appear to be many things, but his actions define who he is. Ho’s actions define him as a dedicated communist who never swerved from his goal. Every move he made, every word he spoke was calculated to further that goal. Millions died because of it.

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Re: ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: Danang.'65 ()
Date: September 20, 2017 07:57AM


Fuck you, OP...I'm just going to leave this right here...hopefully, you can figure it all out.

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Re: ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: War sucks ()
Date: September 20, 2017 08:09AM

Missed the first 2 episodes but saw most of the 3rd last night - infuriating to think President Johnson and Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara lied for years about thinking we could win Vietnam - they knew in 1965 the war was unwinnable. May they both burn in hell.

Vietnam was a great wake-up call why we need journalists so badly in the US and why all this 'FAKE NEWS' BS is an attempt to avoid truth being told to power.

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Re: ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: Leftist.Gorilla ()
Date: September 20, 2017 12:41PM

War sucks Wrote:
> Missed the first 2 episodes but saw most of the
> 3rd last night - infuriating to think President
> Johnson and Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara lied
> for years about thinking we could win Vietnam -
> they knew in 1965 the war was unwinnable. May
> they both burn in hell.
> Vietnam was a great wake-up call why we need
> journalists so badly in the US and why all this
> 'FAKE NEWS' BS is an attempt to avoid truth being
> told to power.

The veteran at the end of episode 3 really summed it up when he talked about Johnson and McNamara admitting the war was unwinnable as early as '65 and that as an American this vet knows that American lives will always be lost due to policy decisions and he accepts that. But, what the vet could not forgive and what none of us should ever forget was the lying about how that war was fought and the secret and continued escalation of it. And that for the government to continue to send hundreds of thousands of Americans via the draft to an unwinnable war was unforgiveable. Ego and your need to try and prove something to the contrary that has already been proven is not more important than people's lives.

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Re: ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: Bored with it ()
Date: September 20, 2017 02:29PM

I generally enjoy Ken Burns' work but this one for some reason just can't seem to hold my attention. It's not the subject matter but the way this one is presented and jumps around that just annoys me.

Loved his work on the Civil War and Prohibition but this one not so much.

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Re: ken burns vietnam puts lipstick on pig ho
Posted by: It ain’t nothin’ ()
Date: September 20, 2017 03:26PM

Bored with it Wrote:
> I generally enjoy Ken Burns' work but this one for
> some reason just can't seem to hold my attention.
> It's not the subject matter but the way this one
> is presented and jumps around that just annoys me.
> Loved his work on the Civil War and Prohibition
> but this one not so much.

That was ‘Nam, man. No one will ever understand, even the few of us left. Eighteen hours can’t explain one night over there. You survive and move on.

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