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Dem Senator Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi [VIDEO]
Posted by: libby libtarded ()
Date: September 20, 2017 01:41PM




When pressed repeatedly on whether Pelosi’s collaboration with Trump on DACA, which has angered left-wing activists, led to the anti-Pelosi protests, Shaheen suggested instead that Russia was to blame.

You’ll have to ask them. Who knows what stirred up this kind of animosity. What we know we know about the Russians and their interference in the 2016 elections is that they tried to increase divisions within this country,” Shaheen said.

“We saw it again in Charlottesville. We don’t know what’s behind this, but what we do know is we need to take action to protect the DREAMers to allow them to stay in America.”

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Re: Dem Senator Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi [VIDEO]
Posted by: Libtarded ()
Date: September 20, 2017 01:46PM

libby libtarded Wrote:
> !!!
> http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/19/dem-senator-sugg
> ests-russia-to-blame-for-dreamers-protesting-pelos
> i-video/
> When pressed repeatedly on whether Pelosi’s
> collaboration with Trump on DACA, which has
> angered left-wing activists, led to the
> anti-Pelosi protests, Shaheen suggested instead
> that Russia was to blame.
> You’ll have to ask them. Who knows what stirred
> up this kind of animosity. What we know we know
> about the Russians and their interference in the
> 2016 elections is that they tried to increase
> divisions within this country,” Shaheen said.
> “We saw it again in Charlottesville. We don’t
> know what’s behind this, but what we do know is
> we need to take action to protect the DREAMers to
> allow them to stay in America.”

Dude is a retarded tool. No wonder the Dem party is going down the shitter!

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Re: Dem Senator Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi [VIDEO]
Posted by: Paranoid freaks ()
Date: September 20, 2017 02:23PM

Fun watching them lose it.

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Re: Dem Senator Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi [VIDEO]
Posted by: 7wexw ()
Date: September 20, 2017 02:40PM

They illegally let these people into the country, willingly disobey the constitution and are able to continue to be part of the US government? Why isn't everybody screaming at them? Only a person that hates the USA would support a democrat.

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