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What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Hillary Cliton ()
Date: April 16, 2014 10:44AM


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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Ready for Hillary! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 10:47AM


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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Maximus ()
Date: April 16, 2014 10:47AM

The modern democrat party. What whill they do next? Probably consider it racist to elect a white heterosexual male to office.

Actually I'm not even joking. I'll bet after Hillary is the next "first woman" president. Yayyyy! Woohoo. In 2020, they will elect a transgender latino crossdesser. Then we can finally be equal Yayyy! Meanwhile Rome burns.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Ready for Hillary! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 10:57AM

Maximus Wrote:
> Actually I'm not even joking. I'll bet after
> Hillary is the next "first woman" president.
> Yayyyy! Woohoo. In 2020, they will elect a
> transgender latino crossdesser. Then we can
> finally be equal Yayyy! Meanwhile Rome burns.

In 2020, we'll re-elect Madame President Clinton!

Madam President or Mrs_ President.png

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: fagfdxgf ()
Date: April 16, 2014 12:34PM

Man, I hope she runs. Can't wait for all this to be dug up again. It will be EPIC!
1056 - 7 a bitch black can clinton even full hillary it kid of old please see year you're.jpg

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Ready for Hillary! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 01:24PM

General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 53, Huckabee 40 Clinton +13

General Election: Paul vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 54, Paul 40 Clinton +14

General Election: Bush vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 55, Bush 39 Clinton +16

General Election: Christie vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 53, Christie 42 Clinton +11

General Election: Ryan vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 51, Ryan 43 Clinton +8

General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 54, Cruz 39 Clinton +15

General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton McClatchy/Marist Clinton 54, Rubio 38 Clinton +16

I'm okay with this.png

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:06PM

Hillary is not going to win in 2016. After the damage that Barack Obama has caused, there is no way Hillary will get elected.



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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Debbie Downer Democrat XDD ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:22PM


Apr 2014 - Hillary 2016 Shoe.jpg

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:26PM

God I love watching you righties squirm. Its the joy of my existence.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Squirm? ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:45PM

Who is already looking to 2020? How old will Hillary be then? 80?

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: limbo ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:46PM

The funny thing is, even if all this cockamamy crap the rightards are saying are true, they STILL couldn't beat her since their presidential candidates are all fucking loonatics! Like unbelievably retarded!?!

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:48PM

2020 is going to be a great year. That's the year we redraw the districts with a presidential election coinciding with the census.

2020 is the year the death of the Republican Party begins. Can't wait. Counting the days.

That's coming whether Hillary Clinton gets elected in 2016 or not.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Debbie Downer Democrat XDD ()
Date: April 16, 2014 02:50PM

Apologies ... No Photoshop on the computer today. This graphic will have to do. Gerry ... we'll never see 2020. Trust me. America is toast -- burnt 2 a crisp.

There will be nothing left of America to preside over.

Apr 2014 - Hillary Shoe Incident with Bats.jpg

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 03:04PM

Debbie Downer Democrat XDD Wrote:
> Apologies ... No Photoshop on the computer today.
> This graphic will have to do. Gerry ... we'll
> never see 2020. Trust me. America is toast --
> burnt 2 a crisp.
> There will be nothing left of America to preside
> over.

Man, you really are a downer!



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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: JewItarZ!!!11!!!!! ()
Date: April 16, 2014 03:21PM

Hillary in 2008!!!! NOONECANBEATHER!!!!

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Hussein Obama- ()
Date: April 16, 2014 03:52PM

Debbie Downer Democrat XDD is right. Because of liberal policies America has been sucked dry. Nobody invests in America any more. America is done. Look at countries like Chile for example. That country is BOOMING! It's like the USA in the 50's. The wealthy business owners and investors are leaving and have been leaving in droves the last few years.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: April 16, 2014 04:08PM

Hey Sara...see anything like these viewing Russia from your Alaska home!
vote hillary.jpg

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: HAHA sucks to be you. ()
Date: April 16, 2014 04:36PM

Hussein Obama- Wrote:
> Debbie Downer Democrat XDD is right. Because of
> liberal policies America has been sucked dry.
> Nobody invests in America any more. America is
> done. Look at countries like Chile for example.
> That country is BOOMING! It's like the USA in the
> 50's. The wealthy business owners and investors
> are leaving and have been leaving in droves the
> last few years.

Are you a lunatic? Treasury bills are still at near o% and people keep buying them. They are lining up to buy them. They are buying our debt, why? Because we are a good investment.

Look at out t bill rates versus the Chileans.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: subtlety ()
Date: April 16, 2014 04:54PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> God I love watching you righties squirm. Its the
> joy of my existence.

I'm just glad you're here still after five years, still sharing your valuable thoughts and antisemitism with all 10 regulars and the 3-4 nsa agents pretending to be regulars.

It's really not at all pathetic and you should be genuinely proud of your accomplishments. One could say you've really set the world on fire, and it only took half a decade. You should be commended and so I commend you now.

You've made a real and tangible difference here and I'm a little awed that you even took time out of your busy schedule to post here. Again. For the fifth year in a row. Daily. Without ceasing.

Are you up for a lifetime achievement award any time soon? No seriously, I'm seriously wondering because of all the noteworthy and legitimate things you've accomplished, just post back when you know whether or not you're going to win, because we will all be here waiting excitedly, for our hero. You.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 16, 2014 04:59PM

I've been here for six months and six months from now I'll be gone.

I may come back during election time. Only when it matters. Soon, there won't be a GOP in its current form to abolish.

And just like that, I'll be gone...

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Confuzed ()
Date: April 16, 2014 05:13PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I've been here for six months and six months from
> now I'll be gone.
> I may come back during election time. Only when
> it matters. Soon, there won't be a GOP in its
> current form to abolish.
> And just like that, I'll be gone...

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: Debbie Downer Democrat XDD ()
Date: April 16, 2014 05:29PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I've been here for six months and six months from
> now I'll be gone.
> I may come back during election time. Only when
> it matters. Soon, there won't be a GOP in its
> current form to abolish.
> And just like that, I'll be gone...

Like they say, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Please spare us the expense by not returning to this site. Also, if you decide to cut short you plan to remain here 6 more months, I don't think many of us would really mind.

Plus, please do keep in mind, I only started creating threads about politics in "off topic" because of you. If you leave, the forum benefits two ways. 1) They don't have your pathetic posts to read. And, 2) They won't have to deal with the political posts that I create just to irk you. I will go back to posting other "crap" here that is not related to politics ... just because.

The choice is yours. Maybe you could start a poll. Have those who are on this section of the forum decide your fate. If you leave it up to the people here to decide, there's a good chance you'll sign off by midnight and be gone.

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Re: What difference does it make 2016!
Posted by: hYjD9 ()
Date: April 17, 2014 06:27PM

whatif you were ELECECTED

no your predecessor didn't follow a policity of reducing infaltion and (near) 0 debt

jumped from $5T to $16T not counting allot of bullshit they didn't talk about.

if it was your job sitting on this fiasco ?

what would you do really ?

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