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Do you think fat people shouldn’t be able to board a plane?
Posted by: Yes we can ()
Date: January 04, 2019 05:49PM

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Re: Do you think fat people shouldn’t be able to board a plane?
Posted by: UfatFuck ()
Date: January 04, 2019 06:02PM

Fat fucks should have to buy all 3 seats. I do not want to sit next to a fat fuck.

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Re: Do you think fat people shouldn’t be able to board a plane?
Posted by: Goatfuckerer2. ()
Date: January 04, 2019 07:09PM

I know Gerry shouldn’t be able to board a plane.

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Re: Do you think fat people shouldn’t be able to board a plane?
Posted by: Sparks ()
Date: January 04, 2019 07:26PM

Airline tickets should be sold by weight as it cost more in fuel to fly some fat ass to their destination. Who hasn't been on a crowded flight and had some tattooed fat chick in spandax jam her massive ass into your face while trying to force a thirty six inch carry on into a thirty two inch overhead?

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