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Breaking point is coming
Posted by: War is close ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:21PM

Let’s be honest, folks. The lawlessness in American cities, condoned by these socialist/communists, and worst of all, by the politicians in these cities, has led to an uneasy, worried citizenry around the country. People see what’s going on; they see the rioting, looting, violence, attacks on our police, and they realize that it could be coming to their neighborhood. The mobs and criminals now feel emboldened to keep going because nobody has stopped them from their destruction.
Please folks, before it’s too late. Make sure you have a gun, and make sure you know how to use it properly.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Dirty Harry ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:23PM

Already got mine.
Practice shooting every weekend

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Not really ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:35PM

Sure, in the liberal run areas you will see violence, rioting, and looting. Fairfax will see some of it on a smaller scale in some areas. I will not see that type of behavior in the area I live so I really don’t care if Richmond, parts of Alexandria, or other areas fall to violent behavior.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Internet Tough Guys ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:38PM

Bunch of pussies! You go grab a bunch of assault rifles in hopes that if a tyrannical government tries to take over, you'll be ready. Now that that's finally happening with Trump, you're more worried about urban crime (which has been happening for 100 years), Mexicans and transsexuals.

For Gods sake, Trump is stealing mailboxes and shutting down the post office, destroying the justice dept., lying about everything and knowingly letting a pandemic loose on US citizens, killing 170,000.

You fucking pussies! If you had ANY courage, you'd be out protecting the mail or marching with your guns in front of the Whitehouse demanding Trump get the fuck out. You know all those guns you bought are just collecting dust. Hell, most of you have NEVER taken a gun safety course and have no idea how to operate the weapon.

You have NO BALLS and no common sense. Go fuck yourselves!

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: What a pussy! ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:46PM

Internet Tough Guys Wrote:
> Bunch of pussies! You go grab a bunch of assault
> rifles in hopes that if a tyrannical government
> tries to take over, you'll be ready. Now that
> that's finally happening with Trump, you're more
> worried about urban crime (which has been
> happening for 100 years), Mexicans and
> transsexuals.
> For Gods sake, Trump is stealing mailboxes and
> shutting down the post office, destroying the
> justice dept., lying about everything and
> knowingly letting a pandemic loose on US citizens,
> killing 170,000.

> You fucking pussies! If you had ANY courage, you'd
> be out protecting the mail or marching with your
> guns in front of the Whitehouse demanding Trump
> get the fuck out. You know all those guns you
> bought are just collecting dust. Hell, most of you

> have NEVER taken a gun safety course and have no
> idea how to operate the weapon.
> You have NO BALLS and no common sense. Go fuck
> yourselves!

You’re correct. Exactly right.
Obama’s FBI spied on an American citizen and tried to bring down a president.
Damn right Americans should get guns.
It’s our fucking right, faggot.
Niggers wont come near armed people who are willing to use it.
Now go fuck yourself, pussy ass faggot.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Burn Loot Murder ()
Date: August 16, 2020 09:24PM

War is close Wrote:
> Let’s be honest, folks. The lawlessness in
> American cities, condoned by these
> socialist/communists, and worst of all, by the
> politicians in these cities, has led to an uneasy,
> worried citizenry around the country. People see
> what’s going on; they see the rioting, looting,
> violence, attacks on our police, and they realize
> that it could be coming to their neighborhood. The
> mobs and criminals now feel emboldened to keep
> going because nobody has stopped them from their
> destruction.
> Please folks, before it’s too late. Make sure
> you have a gun, and make sure you know how to use
> it properly.

They're going to go ape-shit after the election.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: All Lives Splatter ()
Date: August 16, 2020 09:42PM

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: AR-15 ()
Date: August 16, 2020 10:26PM

Get you one!

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Pc Retardz. ()
Date: August 16, 2020 10:47PM

Internet Tough Guys Wrote:
> Bunch of pussies! You go grab a bunch of assault
> rifles in hopes that if a tyrannical government
> tries to take over, you'll be ready. Now that
> that's finally happening with Trump, you're more
> worried about urban crime (which has been
> happening for 100 years), Mexicans and
> transsexuals.
> For Gods sake, Trump is stealing mailboxes and
> shutting down the post office, destroying the
> justice dept., lying about everything and
> knowingly letting a pandemic loose on US citizens,
> killing 170,000.
> You fucking pussies! If you had ANY courage, you'd
> be out protecting the mail or marching with your
> guns in front of the Whitehouse demanding Trump
> get the fuck out. You know all those guns you
> bought are just collecting dust. Hell, most of you
> have NEVER taken a gun safety course and have no
> idea how to operate the weapon.
> You have NO BALLS and no common sense. Go fuck
> yourselves!

Take your meds, schizo.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Shooting Your Mouth Off ()
Date: August 16, 2020 10:57PM

War is close Wrote:
> Let’s be honest, folks. The lawlessness in
> American cities, condoned by these
> socialist/communists, and worst of all, by the
> politicians in these cities, has led to an uneasy,
> worried citizenry around the country. People see
> what’s going on; they see the rioting, looting,
> violence, attacks on our police, and they realize
> that it could be coming to their neighborhood. The
> mobs and criminals now feel emboldened to keep
> going because nobody has stopped them from their
> destruction.
> Please folks, before it’s too late. Make sure
> you have a gun,

and make sure you know how to use
> it properly.

Like shooting yourself?

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: yougotitallwrong ()
Date: August 16, 2020 10:58PM

Pc retardz you don't watch the news. We don't arm ourselves to attack the white house. We have AR-15 to kill Mass groups of BLM reparationist, Antifa goat fuckers, and white guilters. Please, Make our day!

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: WLUTV ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:00PM

The problem you trumptards have with this narrative, that the US is near collapse from Antifa lead violence, is that 99.99% of us are living normal safe lives with no problems other than that we have to wear masks protect ourselves from the Trump virus since he fucked up the response to it.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Straw Man ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:12PM

WLUTV Wrote:
> The problem you trumptards have with this
> narrative, that the US is near collapse from
> Antifa lead violence, is that 99.99% of us are
> living normal safe lives with no problems other
> than that we have to wear masks protect ourselves
> from the Trump virus since he fucked up the
> response to it.

What are you even trying to say?

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: timelinebitch ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:25PM

Pay attention ass-hole

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Bobby was ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:25PM

Says the white boy in his little white bubble.
Try running a business in the city, you white sissy.

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: Big Mouth Runs That's All ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:41PM

>Bunch of pussies! You go grab a bunch of assault rifles in hopes that if a tyrannical government tries to take over, you'll be ready. Now that that's finally happening with Trump,

Back up your small person with a big mouth rhetoric with facts not regurgitated crap you saw on CNN or read in leftist rags like Wa Po or Rolling Stone , Mother Jones

Obama built those cages on the border and he was right to do it , If they want to come here with a child arrest them for felony child abuse as soon as they hit US soil for putting the child though hell by bringing them in illegally


Tyrannical ?? What do you call banning constitutional rights by Democrat ban freaks when the constitution says DO NOT INFRINGE . Your car motorcycle SUV truck jet ski gas stove all are next stupid for starters with your crazy Democrats. Why don't you set up a table at a college pushing that crap and see who will want to see you again, a real woman not a robot when your name will be "that asshole"

In the US Navy your "all steam no rudder " no way to be in life

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Re: Breaking point is coming
Posted by: bobby was a bitch ()
Date: August 16, 2020 11:44PM

I used to run a business in the city until BLM & their white guilter bitches burned it down. I wish i had an AR-15 then, i would have used it and made the world a better place for it.

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