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Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: Logophile ()
Date: January 14, 2019 09:12PM

Post your proposal here first for review and critique by Fairfax Underground users.

I didn't realize that Urban Dictionary definitions are voted on by users and not all are accepted.


We took these categories and turned them into possible descriptions of definitions. We edited some of the category names so that they roughly corresponded to a fifth grade reading level, for example, “graphic” became “nasty”. We then asked people editing Urban Dictionary to rate fifty submissions (25 that had been accepted, 25 rejected) on these descriptors. Each person got to rate only one word, one time. We also recorded the length of the definition as a possible explanation for why a word got published.

Using these data, we ran a logistic regression using each descriptor and definition length as predictors and whether the definition was accepted or not as the dependent variable. This let us know how much each descriptor mattered relative to the others for users deciding to publish or not publish a particular submission. To do this, we looked at the odds-ratio, or the likelihood that a submission will be published given that it is, say, funny.

(In the graph above, we subtracted 1 from each odds-ratio so a value of 0 would mean that the descriptor didn’t matter. A high positive value means a definition is more likely to be accepted.)

People love a good joke, and Urban Dictionary’s editors are not an exception. For every point of funny, a submission is 1.68 times more likely to be published. They also want to read definitions that are useful – things that might be spoken in actual conversation – and that mean something. They don’t like definitions that are too specific, even if they are about prog rock drummers, or ones that are too nasty. For every point of nasty, a submission is 0.80 times as likely to get published. Urban Dictionary’s volunteer editors are a worldly bunch, unlikely to be prudish about sexual or offensive definitions. So when you are writing your next submission, keep the audience in mind – this is how they decide whether to publish your definition.

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Re: Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: needs a wikipedia entry ()
Date: January 14, 2019 09:43PM

make sure to reference miz repeatedly.

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Re: Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: Logophile ()
Date: January 15, 2019 08:03AM

The definition should not include too many references to Miz himself or it will lose the uninitiated. The most important thing is to get the definition out there, and one or two references to the Moronos is sufficient.

The Miz v. eesh case made international news and it has been cited by the Michie Company in its law products. Last month my niece who is in law school at Washington and Lee, told me that one of her professors did in fact discuss the case in class.
Dead father of the pedophile
I'm at the top of the stairs, following Fat Sharon's screams, when the crinkling starts. I look down and see that someone has apparently spent their day carefully cutting out all the pictures of children from the Sunday Post's color ads. Hundreds of tiny boys and girls line the hallway smiling up at me, mocking my existence. The smell is getting worse. I should just turn around now. I could probably make it to the bank by five if I catch the lights. Empty out all my accounts and half of the joint. I'm not greedy. If I move now I could be at Dulles by six, no one would ever find me in the Philippines. I hear there's thousands of tiny islands. Thousands of tiny beaches.

But I don't. That decision alone better earn me a place in heaven. I keep moving forward through the tiny childre--are those rose petals too? Yup. That worthless fat fuck has lined the hallway with photos of small children and rose petals. I'll bet the Philippines are amazing this time of year. I follow the trail around the corner where it dead-ends with His room. At some point within these last few feet, I've climbed inside Lucifer's asshole...the smell has started to effect my motor-functions.

William's PYBRs are also made from catalogs.
Dead father of the pedophile
He had spent all day cutting out pictures from the Kids R Us and Osh Kosh catalogs and probably $50 on roses. He made an exception and lifted up a tiny corner of the covers to voice his devastation then promptly retreated back to the security of the covers.

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Re: Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: examples ()
Date: January 15, 2019 08:07AM

The usage examples should cite little William the man-child pedo

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Re: Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: caritu ()
Date: August 14, 2020 12:42AM

Hello! I've noticed that new words have started to appear more and more lately. Young people come up with them every day ... To be honest, I don't really understand why this is necessary. Perhaps to save time, but it really sounds deep. For example, I recently became interested in tfw meaning. It turns out that these three letters stand for three different words "that feel when ...". Now it is really very difficult to find a decoding of many abbreviations, since a huge number of new ones appear every day. We have to use various services that decrypt all this. Maybe you know why they shorten words so much? I would be interested to hear your opinion! Thank you in advance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2020 03:15PM by caritu.

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Re: Urban Dictionary needs a definition of PYBR
Posted by: thx ()
Date: August 17, 2020 09:00AM

caritu Wrote:
> Hello! I've noticed that new words have started to appear more and more lately. Young people come up with them every day ... To be honest, I don't really understand why this is necessary. Perhaps to save time, but it really sounds deep. For example, I recently became interested in tfw meaning. It turns out that these three letters stand for three different words "that feel when...". Now it is really very difficult to find a decoding of many abbreviations, since a huge number of new ones appear every day. We have to use various services that decrypt all this. Maybe you know why they shorten words so much? I would be interested to hear your opinion! Thank you in advance.

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks

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