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Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Definitely NOT eesh ()
Date: August 10, 2020 07:35PM

Monique, you know just as good as I do that you wouldn't give anyone control of your account in a million years. We all know you had sex with William Moreno. Go hang your head in shame now.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: It's one thing to fuck peep... ()
Date: August 10, 2020 07:40PM

Shit, every bitch on this forum has tried to get a taste of the peep peen. Megan, Katie, Yagirl, eesh, even you Lizzie. Totally understandable. He's a good looking young man and likely does have a very large penis, considering his height.. But fucking William Moreno? Even eesh wouldn't stoop so low. You deserve to be humiliated for such a heinous crime.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: you forgot one name ()
Date: August 10, 2020 07:44PM

It's one thing to fuck peep... Wrote:
> Shit, every bitch on this forum has tried to get a
> taste of the peep peen. Megan, Katie, Yagirl,
> eesh, even you Lizzie. Totally understandable.
> He's a good looking young man and likely does have
> a very large penis, considering his height.. But
> fucking William Moreno? Even eesh wouldn't stoop
> so low. You deserve to be humiliated for such a
> heinous crime.

Don't forget Gayvid David Trinnes
aids 1.jpg
david matthew trinnes gay attorney.jpg
David Trinnes licking penis.JPG

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: I was drunk and on ambien ()
Date: August 10, 2020 07:45PM

Definitely NOT eesh Wrote:
> Monique, you know just as good as I do that you
> wouldn't give anyone control of your account in a
> million years. We all know you had sex with
> William Moreno. Go hang your head in shame now.

Well it's kind of hard to have sex with someone with one ball and who's dick can't get hard or fit into a condom.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Most Definitely eesh ()
Date: August 10, 2020 08:17PM

Photo above is photoshopped.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Sorry eesh you're wrong ()
Date: August 10, 2020 08:29PM

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Eesh fails again ()
Date: August 10, 2020 09:01PM

As usual.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Basl is forever a failure @ life ()
Date: August 11, 2020 04:44AM

Eesh fails again Wrote:
> As usual.

Can't stop failing when you're a broke bankrupt bitch!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Pot meet kettle ()
Date: August 11, 2020 04:59AM

Definitely NOT eesh Wrote:
> Monique, you know just as good as I do that you
> wouldn't give anyone control of your account in a
> million years. We all know you had sex with
> William Moreno. Go hang your head in shame now.

Michael, you had sex with William and he didn't like it because your dick is smaller than his. After he rejected you, your sad and pathetic ass left love letters on his car, called his mom, stalked him, got arrested and sued and ended up bankrupt because of it. You ruined your life chasing after the attention of a fat balding mexican pedophile. Go hang your head in shame.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: op is a faggot ()
Date: August 11, 2020 05:22AM

does it upset you that peep is reading all your pms?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: August 11, 2020 07:27AM

What's happening in this thread?

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hey Michael ()
Date: August 12, 2020 03:38AM

Sounds like you're getting jealous maybe we can offer a solution to all your problems. Kill yourself. Your loneliness and anger over everyone else having the thing you wish you had will all be over.

You are a Have Not.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: verified ()
Date: August 12, 2020 04:44AM

Pot meet kettle Wrote:
> Michael, you had sex with William and he didn't
> like it because your dick is smaller than his.
> After he rejected you, your sad and pathetic ass
> left love letters on his car, called his mom,
> stalked him, got arrested and sued and ended up
> bankrupt because of it. You ruined your life
> chasing after the attention of a fat balding
> mexican pedophile. Go hang your head in shame.

happened when miz lived in richmond

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Have not ()
Date: August 12, 2020 08:19PM

Eesh certainly is a have not.

No purpose
No friends
No family
No life
No worth
No skills
No job
No education
No purpose
No sense
No worth
No purpose
No music mass
No spouse
No joy
No worth
No mom
No siblings
No house*
No car*
No money
No happiness
No purpose
No reason to live

*Parent's house and car don't count.

How pathetic that a 40 year old man has no accomplishments in life except for being forced into bankruptcty. No assets or family of its own.

What a sad, pathetic, worthless little life.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Music mass ()
Date: August 12, 2020 08:19PM

Muscle mass*

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hi William. ()
Date: August 12, 2020 08:54PM

Have not Wrote:
> Eesh certainly is a have not.
> No purpose
> No friends
> No family
> No life
> No worth
> No skills
> No job
> No education
> No purpose
> No sense
> No worth
> No purpose
> No music mass
> No spouse
> No joy
> No worth
> No mom
> No siblings
> No house*
> No car*
> No money
> No happiness
> No purpose
> No reason to live
> *Parent's house and car don't count.
> How pathetic that a 40 year old man has no
> accomplishments in life except for being forced
> into bankruptcty. No assets or family of its own.
> What a sad, pathetic, worthless little life.

You're projecting again William.

All those pathetic messages and psycho depressed drawings came from you, Miz, not eesh.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: fuck off Mizzer ()
Date: August 12, 2020 09:09PM

William, just because you sit in your basement depressed without any friends doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Your rivals Meade and eesh are not the same as you.

Your nemesis eesh goes to TV stations and gives interviews while you hide under the covers afraid to even take a phone call. Eesh goes out on his own stalking his enemies while you take your mother along, or send your roommates to stalk and trespass in the night on your behalf.

Your arch-rival Meade is not afraid to take long solo overnight road trips, bringing along little more than a toothbrush and a box of enemas. You sit in your basement posting defamatory garbage about him. Meade hosts live chats and is willing to listen and talk to anyone, including those who openly mock him. You hide behind your computer and call him a fat worthless welfare recipient. Meade is a ten times better person than you are, and his "art" is better as well.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: A problem you've never had ()
Date: August 12, 2020 10:41PM

Only a putz like Moreno can try to make something like someone not having issues with not having friends condescending..

"I don't have anyone to talk to. But that's a problem you've never had"

And who's fucking fault is that? Surely not Monique's!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: he's mad ()
Date: August 12, 2020 10:48PM

when ppl ask UMAD? that's what they're talking about
that's the definition of being mad
mad lizzie doesn't need him or want him and is still doing just fine despite what he tried to do to her
not only did his plan fail it backfired on him tenfold
after 4 years you're still stuck on a bitch who tried to kill you

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: I'll always be good ()
Date: August 12, 2020 11:35PM

William basically thought when I got out of prison I wasn't gonna have anybody, any money or anywhere to go and that I'd come crawling back to him, HA!

Bitch please! He's exactly right. I've NEVER had an issue with not having anyone to talk to.

And I will never have that issue. It's not hard to make friends and meet people. I can't help it that he ruined his own life and I don't care. But what he's not going to do is sit here and try to guilt me into feeling sorry for him. I don't give a fuck about him being depressed and miserable or suicidal.

Been there. Done that and I got the fuck over it. He can too. He just doesn't want to. Because if he gets better then no more doctors visits, no more 50 thousand medications and then he'll really have nothing and nobody to talk to.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Only way Lizzie will talk to him ()
Date: August 15, 2020 01:22PM

The only thing that can save William is if he rescues a bunch of abused and abandoned animals. Then maybe lizzie will talk to him and his life will have a purpose.

Until then he is nothing and will continue to be worthless.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: aromatic? ()
Date: August 15, 2020 02:06PM

A relationship w/ a scent? Fucking retard.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: I think the retard was trying to ()
Date: August 15, 2020 02:08PM

Say "aromantic."

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Aromatic Relations ()
Date: August 15, 2020 02:37PM

aromatic? Wrote:
> A relationship w/ a scent? Fucking retard.

Smelly people stink together. Miz and lizzie both have foul body odor.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: smoke and shit ()
Date: August 15, 2020 04:48PM

Aromatic Relations Wrote:
> aromatic? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A relationship w/ a scent? Fucking retard.
> Smelly people stink together. Miz and lizzie both
> have foul body odor.

Lizzie smokes, so her nasal receptors are damaged and not as offended by William's unwashed stinky putrid funk. Miz for his part would gladly shove a fresh turd up his nose to mask lizzie's niggeraroma if he got a chance to get close to her.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Niggeroma ()
Date: August 15, 2020 05:00PM

Hmm gee. I must stink pretty damn good because I get more pussy in a week than you ever have in your entire life, lol. And we both know that this is an actual fact.

Anywho, William will never ever be near me again because if he does I promise you it'll be the last thing I do.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: A romantic relationship ()
Date: August 15, 2020 05:01PM

aromatic? Wrote:
> A relationship w/ a scent? Fucking retard.

Bruh, not gonna lie I had to look that shit up because I didn't know wtf he was trying to say. I thought he was trying to say that I wasn't in a place to begin a romantic relationshi! Been with my girl a year and haven't hit her nor busted her head open, lol. But now I know what he meant.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Trippin ()
Date: August 15, 2020 06:59PM

Niggeroma Wrote:
> Anywho, William will never ever be near me again
> because if he does I promise you it'll be the last
> thing I do.

LMFAO! Um, last thing HE does, haha

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: hey eesh ()
Date: August 16, 2020 03:37AM

why are you such a faggot?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hey miz, ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:07AM

Why are you such a faggot?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: hey retard ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:13AM

not miz

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Just like michael josef basl ()
Date: August 16, 2020 03:32PM

Miz is a lonely reject loser just like eesh

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hi William. ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:00PM

Just like michael josef basl Wrote:
> Miz is a lonely reject loser just like eesh

Mo, Miz is unique in being a lonely reject loser. Miz is well-known for projecting his own shortcomings onto others. Only Miz is a lonely loser, just as only Miz fucks his own mother up the ass.

Michael Basl and Meade Skelton both have friends and families who do not hate them. Eesh and Meade can and do go out in public and associate with other humans. Unlike Moreno, eesh and Meade are not universally hated.

In summary, Fuck off William.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Stop just stop ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:37PM

Hi William. Wrote:
> Michael Basl and Meade Skelton both have friends


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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: miz has no one ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:55PM

This all checks out

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Miz has no one? He has Sharon ()
Date: August 16, 2020 04:57PM

What makes you think that?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Monique can we be friends? ()
Date: August 16, 2020 05:00PM


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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor miz ()
Date: August 16, 2020 05:12PM

wow dude has no pride

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: 16 hour drive roundtrip ()
Date: August 16, 2020 06:36PM

Hi William. Wrote:
> Michael Basl and Meade Skelton both have friends
> and families who do not hate them.

Where were those friends and family when he needed to be bailed out of jail? LOL


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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: fuck off Mizzer ()
Date: August 16, 2020 06:57PM

16 hour drive roundtrip Wrote:
> Hi William. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Michael Basl and Meade Skelton both have
> friends
> > and families who do not hate them.
> Where were those friends and family when he needed
> to be bailed out of jail? LOL
> Non-existent.

JFC Miz, you have been harping on about that like a stuck record for FIVE YEARS. Regardless of how many times you complain about it, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with Michael Basl or anyone calling a parent for help with legal troubles. You are the only one who thinks that is somehow inappropriate. Here is a news flash: millions of people get bailed out of various places by their parents every year, whether or not they have friends.

By the way William, it's really ironic that you would be one to criticize parental loyalty. Except for your mother, everyone in your family hates you and would prefer you remain locked up in jail or a mental ward.
anybody fuck their mom up ass.png

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Deal with it friendless loser ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:02PM

fuck off Mizzer Wrote:
> Here is a news flash: millions of
> people get bailed out of various places by their
> parents every year, whether or not they have friends.

Nobody, especially a pussy like eesh is going to call a parent who's four states away to bail them out when they have friends and family CLOSER!

So what's that tell you, little girl? He has no one closer than 8 hours away who wants to deal with him.

Normal people aren't going to sit in jail for 8 more hours than they have to if they have a choice not to.

Get over it. Michael basl has no friends or family.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: You're wrong ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:07PM

Plenty of people in jail would call a parent first. Parents are the ones you can always count on to help you out and will do anything for you.

Why are you so adamant that there's something wrong with it? Don't your parents love you?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Miz the broken record ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:07PM

Still has no one...begs lizzie for friendship. P A T H E T I C

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Emergency contact ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:08PM

Oh and let's be honest. Do you really think little eesh wanted his daddy to know he's in ha because he's some fucking internet stalker weirdo obsessed with a fat mexican pedophile?


But you, me, everyone else, especially Michael basl knows he had nobody else on this earth of a few BILLION people to call, except his dad.

That's why his dad is his emergency contact on all his paperwork. LoL! 40 years old and your DADDY is your E.C! Hahahah!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Riddle me this ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:11PM

You're wrong Wrote:
> Plenty of people in jail would call a parent
> first. Parents are the ones you can always count
> on to help you out and will do anything for you.

Yes, and most people's parents aren't multiple states away and forced to bail out their 40 year old children. Most 40 year olds have families or children or friends of their own in their own state who can bail them out. No one is going to pick the person furthest away to get them out of jail.

Sorry, no matter how you try to spin it it's not logical. And if he had a CHOICE of somebody closer he would have chosen that person.

Second, if the money was an issue his father could have easily sent the money to his "friend or family" who was closer than 16 hours away.

So, why didn't he?

I'll wait.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Nope, sorry you're wrong lololol ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:13PM

You're wrong Wrote:
> Why are you so adamant that there's something
> wrong with it? Don't your parents love you?

Clearly the issue isn't about the parent. It's about the parent being four states away. Why would anyone who loves their elderly father inconvenience them so if they had a CHOICE not to?

Answer it.

You can't.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Basl hangs out with teen boys ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:15PM

Does this make sense to you?

I have a friend 20 mins away
Another family member 1 hour away
Dad four states, 8 hours away

Let me call dad, who's the furthest away because I want to sit in jail for 8 more hours than I need to.

Yeah, right. NOBODY is going to do that who doesn't HAVE to.

Face it. Michael basl has NO ONE just like Moreno. They're both equally pathetic lonely rejected losers.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: You are still wrong ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:15PM

No matter how you spin this you are still wrong. As a parent myself I would want my daughter to call me first if she ever got into any trouble anywhere in the world. My brother once got into some trouble in Ireland and he called our father who flew there to assist, even though he had friends in the same country.

Only someone whose relationship with their own parents was troubled or nonexistent would see anything wrong with eesh asking his father for help

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: You're the only one wrong ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:19PM

LMFAO bitch. You're lying. None of that ever happened. And if it did it's obvious your made up brother is also a lonely rejected losers like basl.

I already said the issue isn't the parent but the location. You're not gonna call the furthest person away to get you out of jail.

Nobody is going to willingly sit in jail for 8 more hours than they have to if they have a choice not to.

And if eesh had friends he wouldn't be obsessed with a bunch of random idiots from the internet, interjecting himself into their lives, driving by their homes, and hanging out with 13 year old boys.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Emergency contact my elderly dad ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:21PM

Funny we've never heard any stories of these friends, family or seen any pictures of them yet he takes pictures of all the internet weirdos he's stalked.


Yet no one else.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hi michael ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:23PM

Hey eesh we know you're a lonely bitch. Nothing you say can change that. Go take your bankrupt ass to Kroger and go steal some more tampons to stick up your ass you fat reject lonely faggot pussy bitch

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: LMFAO yourself ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:26PM

You're the only one wrong Wrote:
> LMFAO bitch. You're lying. None of that ever
> happened. And if it did it's obvious your made up
> brother is also a lonely rejected losers like
> basl.

Whoever you are, I do not know you and you do not know me. My real-and-not-made up-brother was with friends when the incident happened. If you're such an Internet stalker, you would know that, LOL

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Just another lonely faggot bitch ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:26PM

Home alone a lot, literally. LOL fucking loser!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: No I'm not michael basl sorry ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:27PM

LMFAO yourself Wrote:
> If you're
> such an Internet stalker, you would know that, LOL

No. Sorry, not an internet stalker. I'm not a lonely friendless bitch. Only internet stalkers end up going to jail and sued and forced into bankruptcty because of their internet obsessions.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Nothing you said was true ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:29PM

And you don't have a daughter. Nobody would have sex with someone so stupid to make up a story about a fake brother going to jail in ireland to try to defend a well know criminal thief stalker and child predator like michael basl.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hi William. ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:29PM

Having struck out with Monique, it's truly pathetic that you are still trying to get eesh to pay some attention to you. It's not gonna happen. You'll have to get Sharon to strap on a dildo and fuck you up you "assholeo"
want someone to fuck me up asshole.png
Miz attracted to eesh2.png

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: In the head ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:31PM

Hi William. Wrote:
> Having been struck out by Monique

I fixed it!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hi William. ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:33PM

Just another lonely faggot bitch Wrote:
> Home alone a lot, literally. LOL fucking loser!

You're really obsessed with eesh aren't you William? How much did you pay for that deposition back in 2015? Are you getting your money's worth out of it?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Not a red cent ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:35PM

Me? I paid nothing.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: $302,849.09 ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:39PM

Not a red cent Wrote:
> Me? I paid nothing.

That's right, your made your elderly parents fork out over $300,000 for it.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Hey Mizzer, ()
Date: August 16, 2020 07:51PM

What makes you think it actually was eesh's father who bailed him out? Did you see him do it? Or did eesh himself make such a claim in a post? What proof do you have?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Bail hearing ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:02PM

Hmm, oh I don't know. How do you think anyone would know this information?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Definitely not ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:02PM

$302,849.09 Wrote:
> That's right, your made your elderly parents fork
> out over $300,000 for it.

No..I most certainly didn't.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Internet stalker ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:03PM

I also know michael basl used freedom bail bond to get him out of ffx adc. Didn't you mikey?

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Dumb dummy ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:05PM

Hey Mizzer, Wrote:
> What makes you think it actually was eesh's father
> who bailed him out? Did you see him do it? Or
> did eesh himself make such a claim in a post?
> What proof do you have?

Probably because he testified at the bond hearing along with Phil as to why he shouldn't be let out.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Most expensive web post ever!!!! ()
Date: August 16, 2020 08:09PM

$25,000.00 for pretending to be a dead cat! LoL! What a bunch of fucking losers!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Description of eesh ()
Date: August 17, 2020 12:58AM

Just another lonely faggot bitch Wrote:
> Home alone a lot, literally. LOL fucking loser!

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Description of Miz ()
Date: August 17, 2020 01:17AM

William, you are projecting again.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: King Sterling ()
Date: August 17, 2020 07:27AM

Looks like Lizzy has returned! Girl, you should stay away.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: Quod erat ()
Date: August 17, 2020 08:22AM

King Sterling Wrote:
> Looks like Lizzy has returned! Girl, you should
> stay away.

Lizzie is now TJ.

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Re: Monique, TJ does not have access to your handle
Posted by: welcomed here ()
Date: August 17, 2020 10:05AM

King Sterling Wrote:
> Looks like Lizzy has returned! Girl, you should
> stay away.

she's fine as long as she continues to humiliate miz. but in all seriousness someone needs to get him locked into a mental ward. this behavior is beyond anything anyone has ever witnessed.

on what planet is him asking for friendship from someone he had locked up then continued to try to get into legal trouble with lies about drugs (when he's the known addict) ok?

much entertainment is derived from lizzie and peep trolling miz. glad lizzie didn't fall for miz's sob stories either. fuck him let him commit suicide. he deserves to die.

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