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Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: FFXU Historian. ()
Date: December 19, 2015 02:58PM

He has since edited that post but I was able to recover the original from a google cache. Here is the post for so the good people of FFXU can pass judgement on William Moreno for yourselves.


google cache of willliam morenos post pre edit.png

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Pathetic pedo VS predator ()
Date: December 19, 2015 03:00PM

Because he wanted to fuck her and he is pathetic. It's all right here: https://vid.me/KmFZ

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 19, 2015 03:01PM

These cunts dont stfu do they?

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: abused husband ()
Date: December 19, 2015 03:31PM

You numbskull…he's explained it before: the dude is AFRAID of her. He wrote it because he was actually AFRAID she would hurt him if he didn't. No fucking joke.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Sir Swattalot ()
Date: December 19, 2015 04:18PM

Actually, it's probably because it clearly shows Sharon Moreno lied in her court order about lizzie stealing from him. What was that $300 worth of clothing suddenly turned into "misplaced clothes hamper" ?

It's no wonder they were unable to get lizzie on any theft, because it doesn't happen. It doesn't take Fairfax police, Loudon police, the commonwealth's attorney and the civil division of the court to all kick you to the curb to figure out you trying to make false claims against someone isn't going to hold up.

It's most likely this very reason why the Morenos weren't able to get lizzie and eesh arrested for stalking either. They have made so many false complaints against the two that the police and courts are sick of the Morenos and can't wait for William to actually murder his parents one day.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: I NEED TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!!!!!!! ()
Date: December 19, 2015 04:22PM

abused husband Wrote:
> You numbskull…he's explained it before: the dude
> is AFRAID of her. He wrote it because he was
> actually AFRAID she would hurt him if he didn't.
> No fucking joke.

So that's why he was sending her money and had her at his parents literally the day before this was written? Because he's so afraid? Why is he afraid? He has plenty of weapons he likes to use against people, including his own father. You know, knives, baseball bats, etc, LMAO @ "afraid of lizzie" he didn't seem so afraid when he was crying and begging for her to talk to him, just talk to him.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: no life, what so ever ()
Date: December 19, 2015 04:25PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> These cunts dont stfu do they?


You would think they would get bored posting the same shit day after day

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:20PM

Re: if eesh and miz are such losers, why did i live with them?
Posted by: nope. ()
Date: August 18, 2015 12:47AM

No...it was an opportunity to get you to hand over the laptop. No shits given about your eesh sex, just a reminder to me that saying anything in support of you and that whole eesh conspiracy theory would've been a mockery based on how it's all just a joke to you....that's what made me say fuck it, do whatever with the laptop, don't care quite that much. You actually sounded sincere about having real issues with him yesterday. Today, I see of course it is just one big joke to you. So no, I wouldn't bother. Screw the laptop. And bitch, you did steal all of my clothes. A big hamper, full of almost all my clothes. Gone. Please to explain.

Public Apology Tour 2012
Posted by: jimmylegs ()
Date: November 15, 2015 09:44PM

I'm on record as not being a fan of Lizzie as a poster, but after reviewing the situation (finally) and talking it all out, neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's repertoire. I'm certain of that now. Unfortunately, it took some time to get to this point, where we could talk and get to the bottom of what really happened....which is not very interesting or compelling at all, as theatre. So uninteresting, it's not worth talking about. You ever misplace a hamper full of clothes? That uninteresting..

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:21PM

Re: Came home to find a frivolous lawsuit from Sharon Moreno taped to my front door LMAO
Posted by: Just remembered ()
Date: August 14, 2015 07:16PM

Oh Sharon....

You swore, under oath, that $300 worth of your son's clothing was "stolen."

First of all bitch, no one stole anything. I, did laundry and threw whatever was around in the wash. When I made my great escape as to not get raped by your son after he asked me for sex, I threw everything that was in the dryer into my hamper without even remembering the THREE band t-shirts. I already turned those into police, you stupid, fat, old, lying crazy bitch.

Speaking of which....

Why is it that the Loudon county detectives said that your son only mentioned a few shirts were missing?

You do know that their search was recorded, correct? And that this can be obtained?

You do realize that you're a liar and have been caught lying, now on court documents. No wonder you failed that polygraph about your son being a child molester. You would fail one here regarding this situation too, but I wouldn't, Sharon.

I got your ass though on that "stole most of his clothing, $300" bullshit. I will be contacting Loudon police and finding out how I can obtain their search of my house! :)

Yer done! Good luck explaining your lies to the judge bitch. I wasn't even gonna show up but now I am!

Woo! Let's play!!!


-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:23PM

> And bitch, you did steal all of my clothes. A big
> hamper, full of almost all my clothes. Gone.
> Please to explain.

No I didn't. Just like you said I stole your meds and the police found nothin. You told them three shirts, they found three shirts. The search was recorded. So explain how three shirts is most of your clothing William Moreno the pedophile?

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Re: if eesh and miz are such losers, why did i live with them?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 18, 2015 01:13AM

How do you go from three shirts to a whole hamper missing?

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Re: if eesh and miz are such losers, why did i live with them?
Posted by: 3 shirts ()
Date: August 18, 2015 01:17AM

Same way it goes from stolen laptop to stolen meds that the police didn't find.

Again, the search was recorded. The officer read off the list of items he said three shirts.

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:24PM

Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Lex Luthor ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:01PM

#fin Wrote:
> LOL! So it's okay for you to come to the forum and
> say I lied about eesh - when I didn't. Tell the
> police I stole your laptop - when I didn't but
> it's not okay for me to do anything back when you
> do that?
> Nope, sorry, that's not how it works, what you did
> is sick but trust me, I can and will show you what
> sick really is. You and everyone else are gonna
> learn what happens when you lie to the police and
> try to have my freedom taken away because you've
> been "slighted"
> All of you motherfuckers are going to get it. I
> swear to God, if it's the last thing I ever do,
> all of you are going to pay. LMFAO!
> Next time, don't give me anything to "get revenge
> on" and you wouldn't have to worry about what I'm
> going to do.
> DUH!

You took a bunch of stuff without my permission--the clothes especially, to me, shows some amount of malice and premeditation--why steal all my clothes? You took shit without my knowledge or consent and it is clear in writing after the event that you were not allowed those items. So no, there is no false police report, just a police report. I'm sorry that angers you, but you knew exactly what you were doing.

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:26PM

Now, I just want to once again point out how I didn't steal anything, didn't lie about stealing anything and how William Moreno himself said the clothing wasn't stolen it was "misplaced" really now?

So, filing a police report saying someone stole something is indeed a false police report. But we all know the Moreno's are famous for that.

No worries though, all of this will be used against him in court. Especially his self admitted "I swatted myself" email!

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:28PM

The police and courts are TRAINED to spot liars and on multiple occasions they have known The Morenos are lying.

Who goes to Fairfax police, gets told to fuck off, Loudoun Police, gets told to fuck off, the commonwealth's attorney, gets told to fuck off and then the civil courts and gets told to fuck off before realizing you're a fucking retard, your family is retarded and no one belives or cares about anything you say is happening.

I also, won't mention why/how eesh will be getting off of his false charges with them, we'll save that for court! :)

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:36PM

The reason why William wanted the laptop back so bad was because it contained evidence that he swatted himself.

The clothes, idk if Sharon stole them and tried to fuck with William's head and blame me, or he made that entire "misplaced" thing up, and the meds, he also admitted to lying about and said they too were "misplaced" aka he was "self medicating" and took them all after I left his house that day.

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:36PM

And since the Morenos continue to make false claims against me, eesh and I are on our way to the police station now, so I can let them hear William Moreno's admission about how he chased eesh with a baseball bat.

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Soul mates ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:38PM

And then you broke up! This is truly a sad tale!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: i don't think.. ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:38PM

..any of that months and months-old who-gives-a-shit will be relevant to a protective order hearing…especially one which doesn't even concern you. please calm down. you're going to give yourself a heart attack.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:39PM

Soul mates Wrote:
> And then you broke up! This is truly a sad tale!

And now I'm going to have him arrested like he tried to do to me so many times!

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: plus some ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:39PM

> And since the Morenos continue to make false
> claims against me, eesh and I are on our way to
> the police station now, so I can let them hear
> William Moreno's admission about how he chased
> eesh with a baseball bat.

Let us know how it goes! Get him arrested, girl, it's the right thing to do, he should never have pissed you off.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:40PM

i don't think.. Wrote:
> ..any of that months and months-old
> who-gives-a-shit will be relevant to a protective
> order hearing…especially one which doesn't even
> concern you. please calm down. you're going to
> give yourself a heart attack.

Of course it will, William. It not only shows that you and your family are liars, it will discredit you, show you all make false claims, are malicious and file false claims against people.

No worries though, you never have to worry about that happening to you. Unlike you, people who will be doing things to you in court actually have proof of their claims!

Oh, by the way, remember all the irrelvant shit eesh brought up in mine? Remember how "my provoking him" is why it didn't go through? You're doing the same shit here.

And yes, it does concern me, your mother added my name and a bunch of lies/things that never happened..what? You didn't think I read everything or something? You didn't know the police told eesh how your mom failed to press stalking charges against us so she filed a complaint on the officer?

Sorry to break it to you, but eesh and I are much closer than you'll ever know. We tell each other EVERYTHING, which is why we can never be enimies - we both know too much, LMAO!

I like how Sharon left out the part about you chasing him with a bat, chesting bumping him, blocking his truck, etc. So yes, it does concern me. She also lied and said we went to her house and took pics. Now, if this were true - wouldn't we have been caught on your security cameras? Hmmm, weird.

As you said "I'm a witness" and I was. eesh didn't threaten you or do anything to you to make you feel threatened and he never actually has. eesh was not stalking you and eesh has never threatened you or your family in any-way, so you have no reason to be in fear of your life.

People who are scared don't chase people with baseball bats, down three flights of stairs, into parking lots and stand in front of their trucks.

Also, it's just so funny how you all did this after eesh got a protective order against you - yeah, that'll look real good in court.

You admitted to me, after court, after I testified IN YOUR DEFENSE that you had in fact been sending him death threats INVOVLING a baseball bat at that. And, there's that recording I have of you talking about it. Oops, so sad!

Enjoy your last weekend of freedom! ;)
See you soon, batman! :)

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 11:06PM by THE ACCOMPLiCE.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:41PM

plus some Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And since the Morenos continue to make false
> > claims against me, eesh and I are on our way to
> > the police station now, so I can let them hear
> > William Moreno's admission about how he chased
> > eesh with a baseball bat.
> Let us know how it goes! Get him arrested, girl,
> it's the right thing to do, he should never have
> pissed you off.

Nah, he should have never chased eesh with a bat, chest bumped him, gotten into his face or blocked him from entering his own truck or admittied to having the baseball bat on the phone to me.

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 11:07PM by THE ACCOMPLiCE.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: THE ACCOMPLiCE ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:42PM

You can be sarcastic and make jokes all you'd like. eesh already went down there and was able to get what he needed, he just needed me as a witness and being the nice girl I am and sticking to my word, I said I wouldn't help anyone or get invovled.

But since you, William keep dragging my name into shit, posting about me I changed my mind.

"I knew I had to put down the bat and pick up a cell phone" - don't worry, you can explain it all to the magistrate.

I asked you several times to leave me alone, leave me out of all of this shit, etc. You, for some reason, just LOVE to tempt me and now you're once again getting your wish.

I'll be seeing you, REAL soon!

-Karma...I'm a bitch!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 10:56PM by THE ACCOMPLiCE.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: dont drop the soap willie ()
Date: December 19, 2015 10:46PM

Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 18, 2015 11:32PM

Yeah, the deputy just needs you to sign the affidavit and then the magistrate has already agreed to take care of the rest.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: craaazy ()
Date: December 20, 2015 02:44AM

How does a guy, who walks with a cane, chase someone down three flights of stairs.... with a bat, and then block him from entering his car?

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: The Extortionist ()
Date: December 20, 2015 11:02PM

i don't think.. Wrote:
> ..any of that months and months-old
> who-gives-a-shit will be relevant to a protective
> order hearing…especially one which doesn't even
> concern you. please calm down. you're going to
> give yourself a heart attack.

I just realized you have my dates mixed up. I won't be there for any protective order hearing. I'm talking about THIS Tuesday, LOL! ;)

Where's David going on vaction, by the way?

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: yes. ()
Date: December 21, 2015 01:44AM

this tuesday. nothing is happening this tuesday. no one will be there, by the way. you'll make the trip for nothing. just a lawyer will be there. no one else.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: The Extortionist ()
Date: December 21, 2015 08:30AM

yes. Wrote:
> this tuesday. nothing is happening this tuesday.

You'll see! :)

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: The Extortionist ()
Date: December 21, 2015 08:32AM

yes. Wrote:
> you'll make the trip for nothing.

Hahahahaha...no. There's always something!

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Be careful what you wish for! ()
Date: December 22, 2015 11:42PM

plus some Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And since the Morenos continue to make false
> > claims against me, eesh and I are on our way to
> > the police station now, so I can let them hear
> > William Moreno's admission about how he chased
> > eesh with a baseball bat.
> Let us know how it goes! Get him arrested, girl,
> it's the right thing to do, he should never have
> pissed you off.

It went rather splendid! William has a protective order from Mo. Assault charges from eesh. A violation of probation and will have to do a show cause hearing!

Yeah, I'm sure you aren't talking all that shit now, are you? Enjoy your several knocks and remember, you asked for it.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: tJV3d ()
Date: December 22, 2015 11:51PM

Be careful what you wish for! Wrote:
> plus some Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > And since the Morenos continue to make false
> > > claims against me, eesh and I are on our way
> to
> > > the police station now, so I can let them
> hear
> > > William Moreno's admission about how he
> chased
> > > eesh with a baseball bat.
> >
> >
> > Let us know how it goes! Get him arrested,
> girl,
> > it's the right thing to do, he should never
> have
> > pissed you off.
> It went rather splendid! William has a protective
> order from Mo. Assault charges from eesh. A
> violation of probation and will have to do a show
> cause hearing!
> Yeah, I'm sure you aren't talking all that shit
> now, are you? Enjoy your several knocks and
> remember, you asked for it.

equals nothing happened

I could type that I got wingnut charged with murder < does that make it true? no

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 22, 2015 11:58PM

Well, the difference here is you can actually call and see for yourself or wait for it to appear on the court website. Don't worry when reality hits you I'll look forward to your 96,000 posts and threads about it.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: EG3Ju ()
Date: February 17, 2016 01:42PM

<img src=http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.php?40,file=220293,filename=mo-suicidePMs.png"

Moreno wanted the thread about his apology removed. good thing it got archived.

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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: C6Ne3 ()
Date: February 17, 2016 01:42PM


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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: February 17, 2016 09:49PM

I wasn't even the one who sent him those PMs, lol


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Re: Why did William Moreno edit the post where he stated of lizzie: once the "fog of war" lifted he realized that "neither lying nor cheating nor stealing are part of the person behind the poster's (lizzie) repertoire"
Posted by: The more you know ()
Date: May 30, 2021 12:23AM


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