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Democrat Pilot And Republican Co-Pilot Argue Over How Fast They Should Fly Plane Into Ground
Posted by: BabylonBee.com ()
Date: August 11, 2021 11:06AM

U.S.—According to alerts from the FAA, the flight crew of a Boeing 747 flying somewhere over the United States is locked in a dispute over how fast they should crash their plane into the ground.

Witnesses say the pilot, a Democrat, wants to fly the plane into the ground at 700 MPH.

The Republican co-pilot, however, has proposed crashing at a much more reasonable speed of 600 MPH.

"We need to be responsible here!" said First Officer Dan McTan, who prides himself in his Conservative values. "700 MPH is reckless and irresponsible! Crashing at 600 MPH will allow the crew and passengers a full 1.3 seconds of additional life before they are incinerated in a massive fireball! Let's be reasonable!"

Pilot In Command Xanderillo Cruggsteen disagrees. "700 MPH is the way to go and you're a racist!!!!" he responded with a loud and terrible shriek.

In the end, the crew members elected to dive into the earth below at 695 MPH. Thankfully, the Democrat pilot and Republican Co-Pilot each had very expensive parachutes and were able to bail out safely before everyone else went down.

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Re: Democrat Pilot And Republican Co-Pilot Argue Over How Fast They Should Fly Plane Into Ground
Posted by: The trumptardiest Trumptard ()
Date: August 11, 2021 11:19AM

I would just kill the engines..speed doesn’t matter
And it would be very peaceful

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Re: Democrat Pilot And Republican Co-Pilot Argue Over How Fast They Should Fly Plane Into Ground
Posted by: OP's Joke Is A Liberal Lie ()
Date: August 11, 2021 12:43PM

Its Democrats who are the reckless spenders squandering trillions now on progressive BS that does not help mainstream anytown everywhere USA , but keeps the pompous asshole liberal elite feeling good and the non working leeches getting more and more

Your side will be the ones who destroy this country , its happening right now slowly

Your side because you cant see who is right and who is wrong today in America, your a prissy whiner who cherry picks at minor things the GOP did wrong while forgetting all the very bad the (D) has done to this nation over the last 170 years especially over the last 25 ! Their worse then ever right now !

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Re: Democrat Pilot And Republican Co-Pilot Argue Over How Fast They Should Fly Plane Into Ground
Posted by: D'ohnald is my Co-Pilot ()
Date: August 11, 2021 06:09PM

Republican co-pilot should turn of his cell phone.

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