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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Who cares? ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:08PM

Who cares if dude works at Walmart, at least he works. Meanwhile, Megan Toohey is not employed and mooches off the men she dates.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Walmart lol ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:13PM

LOL sorry but everyone looks down on Walmart employees

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:16PM

13 pages. I didn't think we would see the day. Megan is now being recognized in public places..I'm not sure what to think of that. Soon you weirdos will be showing up at her house and place of work.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: She doesn't work ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:20PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> 13 pages. I didn't think we would see the day.
> Megan is now being recognized in public
> places..I'm not sure what to think of that. Soon
> you weirdos will be showing up at her house and
> place of work.

She doesn't work. Unless you count her fake makeup business.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:21PM

How do you know?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Because ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:24PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> How do you know?

Because unlike most of the peeps posting here, I actually know her.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:28PM

I doubt that.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Doubting all the time ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:30PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> I doubt that.

...okay! Keep doubting, doesn't change anything.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:34PM

So how do you know her?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Lelelellele ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:35PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> 13 pages. I didn't think we would see the day.
> Megan is now being recognized in public
> places..I'm not sure what to think of that. Soon
> you weirdos will be showing up at

her house and
> place of work.

Redundancy detected

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: How I know her ()
Date: October 08, 2014 09:40PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> So how do you know her?

I'm a good friend of Aaron's, met her when they started dating.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Frustrated ()
Date: October 08, 2014 10:28PM

I sort of know her, we are Facebook friends. Her post earlier with the Jennifer Lawrence naked pic quote made me hope id see her naked on this site since she's always whining about it but I'm disappointed as hell. What are y'all doing? Don't post this shit I lost my boner

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 10:46PM

How I know her Wrote:
> Nostradamus Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So how do you know her?
> I'm a good friend of Aaron's, met her when they
> started dating.

I can accept that.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 10:48PM

Walmart lol Wrote:
> LOL sorry but everyone looks down on Walmart
> employees

Why? And who's everyone? I don't think many people have time to look down on anyone making an honest living. I don't look down on trash men, yard work workers, fast food workers or anyone who works in a service that I use, that's ridiculous. You look down at Walmart workers but shop there? Interesting logic.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Bradley ()
Date: October 08, 2014 11:06PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Walmart lol Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL sorry but everyone looks down on Walmart
> > employees
> Why? And who's everyone? I don't think many people
> have time to look down on anyone making an honest
> living. I don't look down on trash men, yard work
> workers, fast food workers or anyone who works in
> a service that I use, that's ridiculous. You look
> down at Walmart workers but shop there?
> Interesting logic.

so many judgmental fucks in this world. If you've ever shopped at Walmart, it makes no sense for you tobe looking down on anyone. Nostradamus is right, we would not have a lot of the ammenities available to us today without folks working to provide them. So just stfu, you are no better than anyone else. Money is not an indication of being better, just better off. Learn the difference.
Now the unemployed who mooch...that's a different story.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Facebook friend ()
Date: October 08, 2014 11:08PM

Frustrated Wrote:
> I sort of know her, we are Facebook friends. Her
> post earlier with the Jennifer Lawrence naked pic
> quote made me hope id see her naked on this site
> since she's always whining about it but I'm
> disappointed as hell. What are y'all doing? Don't
> post this shit I lost my boner

Are you Derek Mohler by any chance?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 11:28PM

I just think it's asinine to think I'm better than anyone because of where they work. Haha you work at Walmart but I shop there. Haha you work at McDonald's but I eat there. Haha you're a trash man but if you didn't pick up my trash I would live in filth. Hmm. People are funny. But back to Megan shopping at Walmart, why didn't you confront her? You can talk so much shit on this website and had the opportunity to bitch her out in person and yet you ran scared like the punk you are. Did her boyfriend being there stop you? Did he intimate you? Also how can you be so sure it was her? You mean you were that close to her that the tattoo gave it away? Hahahah. Okay.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 08, 2014 11:37PM

Who cares? Wrote:
> Who cares if dude works at Walmart, at least he
> works. Meanwhile, Megan Toohey is not employed
> and mooches off the men she dates.

And this effects you..in what way?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 2Pock ()
Date: October 09, 2014 12:03AM

Is this just gonna be another entire page of Nostradumbass having conversations with his unregistered screen names again?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 09, 2014 12:10AM

No, I'm going to stay logged in until my questions are answered. I want excite on how to hate and put down a person I don't know and who's actions no matter how heinous, don't effect me.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: t3wG9 ()
Date: October 09, 2014 12:45AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> No, I'm going to stay logged in until my questions
> are answered. I want excite on how to hate and put
> down a person I don't know and who's actions no
> matter how heinous, don't effect me.

go to the mike omera thread, that is all those fucks do, it is amazing

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: October 09, 2014 12:59AM

I think this thread has run its course; you're beating a dead horse now

Blessed are the murderous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2015 12:14PM by eesh.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 09, 2014 01:03AM

t3wG9 Wrote:
> Nostradamus Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No, I'm going to stay logged in until my
> questions
> > are answered. I want excite on how to hate and
> put
> > down a person I don't know and who's actions no
> > matter how heinous, don't effect me.
> go to the mike omera thread, that is all those
> fucks do, it is amazing

I'm on page 5.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Walmart lol ()
Date: October 09, 2014 01:43AM

You're right, I shouldn't look down at people who work at Walmart.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Walmart lol ()
Date: October 09, 2014 01:44AM

The best and the brightest.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 09, 2014 08:40AM

Oh. Those horrid persons.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Smiley face ()
Date: October 09, 2014 09:18AM

Yeah at least I have a job. Times are tough and I pay for everything I need.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 09, 2014 09:39AM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Sightings ()
Date: October 09, 2014 02:28PM

Has there been any Megan Toohey sightings today?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Wow_Just Wow ()
Date: October 09, 2014 10:49PM

I was told about this page today and since I was bored, I read the whole thing, and not until I saw the text message. I was thinking she might not be that bad. How you going to say you're in love with another man and live with him and glad to be free from another, to turn around and send that text?!? Wow! Does he even know about this site and does he know about the text? I would throw her out so quick after that. No matter how hard she cried and said it didn't mean a thing, out the door she goes. Once a lier, always a lier. I wouldn't trust her anymore after that. How can you? Really? I mean, what reason would she come up with, for him to say ok stay?! That's just mind blowing....it's like the movie Casino. Bitch married the dude with power and money, but still was saying I love you to the other guy. That's just retarded! I feel sorry for her boyfriend or fiancé or whatever he is. If I was him, I wouldn't trust leaving her with a gay dude now. If he's that dumb to not leave her in the first place. The text message is just too much. That right there was a shot in the foot with a dirty bullet. Even if it doesn't kill you, the poison will kill you in the long run.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nice touch ()
Date: October 10, 2014 12:16AM

The text message was from before her current guy. But your fake outrage is a nice touch.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Lier ()
Date: October 10, 2014 01:22AM

Wow_Just Wow Wrote:
> I was told about this page today and since I was
> bored, I read the whole thing, and not until I saw
> the text message.

This is a complete butcher of the english language.

>I was thinking she might not be that bad.

Still butchering.

>How you going to say you're in love with
> another man and live with him and glad to be free
> from another, to turn around and send that text?!? Wow!

The text is from about a year or so ago so she didn't turn around and send that text.

> Does he even know about this site and does he
> know about the text?

If you had actually read the entire thread as you said, you would know that he does know about it.

> I would throw her out so
> quick after that. No matter how hard she cried and
> said it didn't mean a thing, out the door she goes.

It's a good thing you're not him.

> Once a lier, always a lier.

This speaks for itself.

> That's just mind blowing...

Is it? Really?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Back again, huh? ()
Date: October 10, 2014 01:52AM

Nice touch Wrote:
> The text message was from before her current guy.
> But your fake outrage is a nice touch.

Megan, picking apart other people's spelling and grammar doesn't exonerate you from anything. Those texts were sent THIS YEAR, you are just trying to cover your bases now that people from your friends list are starting to catch on to the fact that are a conniving bitch, a theif, and a liar. What would you do if those texts were re-posted with the time and date included?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nice touch ()
Date: October 10, 2014 02:21AM

I didn't pick apart any grammar or spelling.? I'm still not Megan now matter how much you want me to be...what would I do if the text were posted with time and date? Absolutely nothing because it doesn't matter to me at all. It's rather funny that you think it does though. Be my guest. I'm not trying to cover up anything. The sooner you catch on to my trolling the better.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nice touch ()
Date: October 10, 2014 02:21AM

How long has Megan been with the current guy anyway?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: My bad ()
Date: October 10, 2014 02:33AM

The fact that you said they were sent pre-Josh made me think it was her. She's been with him since April of 2013 I believe.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nice touch ()
Date: October 10, 2014 02:41AM

That was someone else. I don't actually think she's been posting anymore. But who knows? I'm just here to stir the pot.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: So?????? ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:19AM

Wait wait wait .....

So you are saying, if they prove that text was sent that day. He is going to still stay with her?

He's not an idiot..... He's a new FOOL! I'll be damned if my bitch says that shit and stays.

I say to you sir....good luck with that bag of crazy cats.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:32AM

He loves her why does this upset you? He's obviously a stronger more caring man than you are and has compassion and understanding and will stick by her no matter what. They are both lucky and nothing you do will break them up. Her naked pictures were posted here and they were seen together after, after the text too. He's going nowhere and they are lucky, unlike you. Live and let live. Leave these people alone already. You've caused enough turmoil for no reason other than your own dissatisfaction of life. Let the court and cops deal with whatever possible legal standings they have. This isn't your interactive tv drama, you are no start. You're an extra, a random. This is Megan's world and you're just dying in it.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: dbxk4 ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:42AM

this josh guy seems to be really niave. you just know those texts were from while she was with him.

to see pics of your fiance with another cock in her on the internet has got to hurt a man with pride, but wasn't she cheating on aaron with him? thats probably why he doesn't care, he may have tasted that specific dick before.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: dbxk4 ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:49AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> He loves her why does this upset you? He's
> obviously a stronger more caring man than you are
> and has compassion and understanding and will
> stick by her no matter what. They are both lucky
> and nothing you do will break them up. Her naked
> pictures were posted here and they were seen
> together after, after the text too. He's going
> nowhere and they are lucky, unlike you. Live and
> let live. Leave these people alone already. You've
> caused enough turmoil for no reason other than
> your own dissatisfaction of life. Let the court
> and cops deal with whatever possible legal
> standings they have. This isn't your interactive
> tv drama, you are no start. You're an extra, a
> random. This is Megan's world and you're just
> dying in it.

Nostradamus is Megan, as I've said from the beginning. If it's not a show, quit performing so wonderfully for us all, you are the brightest star of the internet!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:53AM

I think he realizes he can't do any better with his looks. He has a good and stable job which is why Megan stays. He stays for the wild sex and companionship.

I have no idea when the text were sent so I can't comment on that but if she was cheating with Josh then oh well. They'll do it with you, they'll do it to you.

But seeing those photos of another man's erect brown penis in your white wife's, fiance, girlfriend's ass is humiliating. Especially because hundreds of others have seen it now. But leaving Megan would do him no good, so he will triumph on.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Hahahahahaha XD ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:54AM

You are reading into it way too much. I'm not upset, I'm shocked there is a guy that dumb. Plus I said "if my bitch" (in a good way). If that doesn't give you a clue that I got myself a lady and I'm good.

You're making it sound like most people here are unhappy with their lives. Not true, we just enjoy enjoy seeing how dumb people get on here. We laugh so hard everyday. My girl and I would point and laugh, but that's something else.

I would understand after the nudes he would stay, you can't control the Internet. Once you send nudes out, it's forever online. But the text? That's just betrayal! And lack of showing respect and love for the person. What is going to stop her from doing it again in the future? But I guess some people are just that kind of a fool. I mean there are people out there who except the fact that their partner has cheated on them and has taken them back anyways. My bitch knows this about me. Once trust is lost on that level. I can't be with that person. If you don't love and care for that person on that level to not cheat emotionally or physically. Then just leave that person.

Again I'm not hating the fact that he is staying, bravo to the fool. I'm not hating on their so called "In love." I just in Ah, on how people really are in this area.

Good day to you all. Good luck to you sir. Don't say we didn't warn you.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:54AM

"Nostradamus is Megan, as I've said from the beginning. If it's not a show, quit performing so wonderfully for us all, you are the brightest star of the internet"

I am not Megan

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: sokkf ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:58AM

why so hairy?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 06:59AM

I'm not reading into anything, I am shocked that you're shocked that this type of thing goes on here, there and all over the world everyday. Get out more. And if you truly had a girl you wouldn't be calling her your bitch or a bitch at all. I don't even think you're a guy, but you didn't say you were so I'll be mum.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: momodomo ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:02AM

my bitch aint got no fake titties either!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Date: October 10, 2014 07:09AM

I am nobody. I tell people the truth about themselves. And it hurts. Make them break down their walls and figure out why they want to ruin the lives of strangers just because they read their name on the Internet. It's an internal problem that begins deep in the past, perhaps childhood, only child or abused, bullied, neglected, always left out, deep seeded wounds that have not healed. Painful loneliness that eats them alive at night, the struggle with depression and anxiety and thoughts of suicide plague their mind. They find temporary relief in hurting others from the safety of their computers. But the relief is short lived and they ejaculate, trying harder and harder to catch that high, so they venture out, committing some petty crimes for any sort of rush or any feeling of purpose or adequacy, to feel alivd that never comes. They still feel dead, invisible and shunned by society. Thus the cycle of attacking strangers online begins again when they get home and log online.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Hahahahahaha XD ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:13AM

My bitch is my bitch. She knows I don't mean it in any degrading way. But this is my little laugh with my cup of coffee before work.

Speaking of which, I got to go. And that was my 2 cents. I won't be posting anything after this. So people plus, keep going! This is better than the funny pages in the newspaper I get in the morning.

Good day

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:17AM

That pretty much about sums up every lonely, basement dwelling, virgin troll that posts on here

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2014 07:41AM by Nostradamus.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: YOUR BITCH ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:18AM

Yes I'm sure your dog understands as he's licking peanut butter out your ass

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Date: October 10, 2014 07:21AM

They latch on to these people as a way of staying relevant and feeling alive or apart of something. They truly believe they know these people just by the information they've collected about them online. They feel there is a bond or relationship there since they've spend so much time thinking about and day dreaming about this person. But I would never stalk these people in real life, go to their jobs, houses or follow them in Walmart, that's the sort of behavior that the pervert is asking for a head shot. No thanks. I'll stick to living life vicariously through them from afar. No one online is worth dying over or spending the rest of my natural life in prison for. None of you are fascinating or have anything I want, I'm bored.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: tard#1 ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:31AM

> I am nobody. I tell people the truth about
> themselves. And it hurts. Make them break down
> their walls and figure out why they want to ruin
> the lives of strangers just because they read
> their name on the Internet. It's an internal
> problem that begins deep in the past, perhaps
> childhood, only child or abused, bullied,
> neglected, always left out, deep seeded wounds
> that have not healed. Painful loneliness that eats
> them alive at night, the struggle with depression
> and anxiety and thoughts of suicide plague their
> mind. They find temporary relief in hurting others
> from the safety of their computers. But the relief
> is short lived and they ejaculate, trying harder
> and harder to catch that high, so they venture
> out, committing some petty crimes for any sort of
> rush or any feeling of purpose or adequacy, to
> feel alivd that never comes. They still feel dead,
> invisible and shunned by society. Thus the cycle
> of attacking strangers online begins again when
> they get home and log online.

are you describing megan right before she posted that okcupid thing slandering Brandon? because that whole paragraph just sounded like you were describing her journey. the poor girl has had a hard life, and committed a lot of crimes, but not all of them petty.

as far as any interaction not on this thread, I'm with you on that point, that's some creepy shit. it's amusing toilet reading, but that's about it.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Date: October 10, 2014 07:37AM

You lost me, what's creepy shit?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Date: October 10, 2014 07:39AM

Literal stalking? Yes, you deserve to get your ass whopped or worse if you are that sick that you follow some online name into the real world. I hope a stalker gets killed soon, just spouting.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:59AM

I don't think anyone is going to stalk Megan

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: wouldn't happen ()
Date: October 10, 2014 09:31AM

Disgusted Wrote:
> What if this was your mother, your
> girlfriend, your wife, or your daughter? I

Neither of the aforementioned are nasty hoes.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Lucky? ()
Date: October 10, 2014 02:52PM

So you really think this Josh dude is lucky? He may feel lucky right now, getting spoiled with nympho sex and home cooked food. But if he ever lost his job or wasn't able to financially support Megan anymore, she'd be outtie. She enjoys being able to stay home and not have to work,and having his car to use when she likes. Even with all the perks being with Josh provides for her, I know she is not faithful to him. If he doesn't all ready know, he'll figure it out soon enough. The poor guy is in for a rude awakening.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: True! ()
Date: October 10, 2014 03:22PM

Lucky? Wrote:
> So you really think this Josh dude is lucky? He
> may feel lucky right now, getting spoiled with
> nympho sex and home cooked food. But if he ever
> lost his job or wasn't able to financially support
> Megan anymore, she'd be outtie. She enjoys being
> able to stay home and not have to work,and having
> his car to use when she likes. Even with all the
> perks being with Josh provides for her, I know she
> is not faithful to him. If he doesn't all ready
> know, he'll figure it out soon enough. The poor
> guy is in for a rude awakening.

Amen brother! Amen

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 3wdKx ()
Date: October 10, 2014 03:50PM

you CAN NOT be "wild" or "crazy" in bed when you are the weight of a fucking whale

did you see that hairy disgusting blob of a person in those pics?

you would be lucky not to find a loaf of fucking bread near that 3rd chin pussy

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Burn ()
Date: October 10, 2014 04:22PM

3wdKx Wrote:
> you CAN NOT be "wild" or "crazy" in bed when you
> are the weight of a fucking whale
> did you see that hairy disgusting blob of a person
> in those pics?
> you would be lucky not to find a loaf of fucking
> bread near that 3rd chin pussy

Oh! Burn!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Untrue ()
Date: October 10, 2014 07:28PM

Whatever, fat chicks try harder.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Duh! ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:17AM

Untrue Wrote:
> Whatever, fat chicks try harder.

^^^^ We got ourselves a whale hunter here!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Abe and his white whale ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:20AM

Duh! Wrote:
> Untrue Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Whatever, fat chicks try harder.
> ^^^^ We got ourselves a whale hunter here!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: going to need a bigger boat ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:23AM

Abe and his white whale Wrote:
> Duh! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Untrue Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Whatever, fat chicks try harder.
> >
> >
> > ^^^^ We got ourselves a whale hunter here!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:40AM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Or what? ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:43AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Enough!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Save the whales ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:50AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Enough!

We got ourselves an activist to save the whale's

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Factsoflife ()
Date: October 11, 2014 07:53AM

Instagram filters, fooling people since 2010.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Benzo bimbo ()
Date: October 11, 2014 08:16AM

Gotsta love doctors niave enough to keep writing the scripts!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Damn O_O ()
Date: October 11, 2014 08:49AM

Benzo bimbo Wrote:
> Gotsta love doctors niave enough to keep writing
> the scripts!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 08:53AM

You guys really like this girl, huh?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nah brah ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:02AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> You guys really like this girl, huh?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:07AM

Right. I couldn't imagine why else you would have her photos lying around and take the time to create memes of them if you didn't like her. Normal, civilized people don't waste free time on things they don't like.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:09AM

I don't like Brad Pitt. I'm not going to save pictures of him to my computer, alter them and then post them online. It's almost like you're trying to convince yourself and others that you don't like Megan when it's pretty clear you have a very severe and unhealthy infatuation with her.

This girl must remind you of your mother.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2014 09:17AM by Nostradamus.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Barry Freitag ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:11AM

Barry Freitag is in here.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: kisses ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:11AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Right. I couldn't imagine why else you would have
> her photos lying around and take the time to
> create memes of them if you didn't like her.
> Normal, civilized people don't waste free time on
> things they don't like.

+1 starting to think whoever started this thread has a really unhealthy obsession with this girl.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: ass kisses ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:13AM

kisses Wrote:
> Nostradamus Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Right. I couldn't imagine why else you would
> have
> > her photos lying around and take the time to
> > create memes of them if you didn't like her.
> > Normal, civilized people don't waste free time
> on
> > things they don't like.
> +1 starting to think whoever started this thread
> has a really unhealthy obsession with this girl.

Zomg ya just now catching on boy?!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Hah ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:15AM

Replace religion with Megan lol

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Reason ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:16AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Right. I couldn't imagine why else you would have
> her photos lying around and take the time to
> create memes of them if you didn't like her.
> Normal, civilized people don't waste free time on
> things they don't like.

I'm just pure evil

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:17AM

No, you're just trying too hard.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: You wish ()
Date: October 11, 2014 10:03AM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> No, you're just trying too hard.

You wish

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 11, 2014 02:51PM

Says the guy with the Megan files

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: yGvU9 ()
Date: October 11, 2014 03:07PM

Barry Freitag Wrote:
> Barry Freitag is in here.

what does barry have to do with this? I knew him way back

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Spotted her, good gawd! ()
Date: October 11, 2014 04:20PM

Pretty sure I just saw her at the Cracker Barrel in Manassas. She's pretty hefty!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Bigfoot Sighting ()
Date: October 11, 2014 05:57PM

Spotted her, good gawd! Wrote:
> Pretty sure I just saw her at the Cracker Barrel
> in Manassas. She's pretty hefty!

Hilarious that this deadbeat lying skank is now getting recognized in public.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Cracker Barrel ()
Date: October 11, 2014 06:31PM

She was wearing a blue cleavage revealing shirt(at least the cleavage was nice) with a black jacket. Looked like she died her hair jet black. She was eating with a skinny string bean of a guy that looked like a very nerdy cancer pantient. No kids to be seen.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Other guy ()
Date: October 11, 2014 06:34PM

Nostradamus Wrote:
> Says the guy with the Megan files


That's the other guy with Fat chicks photo! There are more than one of us here that are just evil

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: PornHubba ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:03PM

Hubba hubba

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Still lurking ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:25PM

Just words of caution, but I would be careful ya'll. Megan still watches this thread.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Thanks Cp.Obvious ()
Date: October 11, 2014 09:36PM

Thanks, but we all already knew this fact. Stop stalking the psycho girl's Facebook.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 12, 2014 12:17AM

Now you're imaging or lying that you're seeing her places? It's time to get a mental health evaluation. I'm not even being funny or trying to be mean..

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: The nude pics ()
Date: October 12, 2014 04:04AM

Wow man, those nude pics are really embarrassing. I feel bad for her. Getting fucked in the ass, holding her cheeks apart and touching her coochiewalla like that..not to mention the other pic, there's just no words.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Living dead ()
Date: October 12, 2014 04:34AM

If you scroll back a few pages, you'll see that she apparently posted those pics to the internet herself. So if they were saved by people and now being used to spam FFXU, that's her own fault.
However, I have to say that this thread has been over for a few days at least now. It's only alive because people insist on feeding the living dead. Cray cray or not, time to let it be.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Agreed ()
Date: October 12, 2014 04:44AM

Yeah, you guys are going too far now, leave the poor sick girl alone! She has problems, we get it, okay! Stop with the bullshit. This is someone's life and you damn sure probably wouldn't be able to survive the bullying you all have put on her. I admire her resilience, people have killed themselves over much less. Let and let live.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Agreed ()
Date: October 12, 2014 06:11AM

Live and let live*

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: October 12, 2014 09:00AM

3wdKx Wrote:
> you CAN NOT be "wild" or "crazy" in bed when you
> are the weight of a fucking whale
> did you see that hairy disgusting blob of a person
> in those pics?
> you would be lucky not to find a loaf of fucking
> bread near that 3rd chin pussy

You have no idea what this woman can do in bed. You're obviously a sheltered virgin or a woman. That was besides the point anyway, Josh enjoys her companionship obviously if he's still with her and they aren't breaking up anytime soon, especially because of this stupid website.

I'm not going to talk about someone because of their weight when 67% of America is overweight. He loves her and that's all that matters.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Barries ()
Date: October 12, 2014 03:32PM

yGvU9 Wrote:
> Barry Freitag Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Barry Freitag is in here.
> what does barry have to do with this? I knew him
> way back

He's the one trolling Megan

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: dTNCW ()
Date: October 12, 2014 03:37PM

I have never understood why women take X rated photos of themselves and then get offended when they pop up all over the net.

And Jesus Christ, is that a landing strip for C-130?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: a hat ()
Date: October 12, 2014 03:41PM

is this really almost at 14 pages?

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