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Re: Megan the cray cray lady - I was premature
Posted by: 78 pages of shit in this thread ()
Date: December 24, 2015 04:57PM

Sung to the tune of '99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall'

78 pages of shit in this thread
78 pages of shit
post some crap
Hambeast posts back
79 pages of shit in this thread

79 pages of shit in this thread
79 pages of shit


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Stupid Ediots ()
Date: December 24, 2015 05:14PM

Good Samaritan Wrote:
> " That wasn't a threat. That was a woman telling
> you to leave her minor aged child alone or else
> she would deal with you through the legal system.
> That you even posted that is embarrassing for you.
> I really hope the Sadler's do decide to show you
> how it's done and shut you down."
> Megan seems to think that anyone who types to her
> or anyone who calls her out on her lying bullshit
> is threatening her. Megan claims I threaten her
> all the time. I never have.
> Still wanting for the proof of my "threat" to
> "fuck with her family"
> A threat is saying you are going to murder, harm
> or cause bodily injury or sexual assault to
> someone. I and no one else have ever done those
> things to Megan. This is why the police don't give
> a shit about anything Hehe claims. No one has done
> anything illegal to her. God how many times do I
> need to say that?

To Megan exposing her to reality is a threat.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 24, 2015 05:25PM

Yeah...well I highly encourage her to go to the cops and tell them that I'm posting the truth to her online and she feels threatened by the truth because the truth hurts and she simply cannot handle the truth. I still do want to know what happened with the FBI and Facebook thing that she accused me of.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 24, 2015 09:28PM

I hope in the spirit of Christmas Megan can resist replying to everything.

You can get back to threatening everybody on Saturday, Megan.

Merry Christmas!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: I have an awesome idea ()
Date: December 24, 2015 09:36PM

Good Samaritan Wrote:

> Merry Christmas!

I think you and eesh should show up carolling at the moreno house. Imagine - they hear this singing outside, and there the two of you are, like jolly elves!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: December 24, 2015 09:57PM

You have got to be kidding??? Page 78??????

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: mccoy ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:10PM

uncharacteristically sloopy Wrote:
> the "uncharacteristically sloopy" should have been
> her first clue

haaang on slooopy sloopy hang on

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: xnMCE ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:14PM

Ghost Wrote:
> Calling me a "psychopathic minor" is harassment,
> especially when I have never harassed you.
> In the video that was made, there were no threats
> to you or your life.
> Furthermore, I never admitted to you that I made
> anything. This is just another thing you have
> imagined in your schizophrenic head.

megan getting told off by a 14 year old is too damn funnie

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 3mpcC ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:15PM

Ghost Wrote:
> Megynlynn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Or the recording of your admission to the
> YouTube
> > video.
> >
> > That will look great too.
> What if I did make the YouTube video? Tell me one
> thing in that video that is illegal according to
> the state of Virginia.
> Edit: Remember Megan! Illegal according to the
> state of Virginia, not according to the mind of Megan.


megan got put in her place a lot today but this was by-far the funniest post of all

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Posting this anonymously ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:24PM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> Everyone keeps says evidence evidence Basl knows
> what he did was illegal especially after the first
> nudes months before but due to a shitty prosecutor
> as Eesh "said it was a technicality."

Actually, the special prosecutor from Goochland was quite adept; he just knew he wasn't going to fight hard for such a shitty "victim."

He says "Hi Megan. Don't come back to the Richmond area."

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Posting this anonymously ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:28PM

"Commonwealth's evidence is stricken."


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Posting this anonymously ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:31PM

One of these people causes nightmares for a certain FFXU poster.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: December 24, 2015 11:04PM

I have never seen someone so obsessed with "Archiving".

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: but it's nice to know ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:08AM

Ludwig Wrote:
> I have never seen someone so obsessed with
> "Archiving".

all of this witty banted will be preserved for all eternity.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: banter, not banted ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:09AM

(I can't type worth a shit)

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: That Dude ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:26AM

It's a shame that FFXU will get more holiday attention from Hambeast Megan than her own children.

What a disgusting cunt (we've all seen the pictures) of a mother.

Megan, why don't you take 2016 to get your life in order and stop playing the victim?

Fucking attention whore cunt. Is this really all you want for yourself???

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ghost ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:37AM

Good Samaritan Wrote:
> LMAO @The "couch" defense!

LOL. They think they can have someone arrested for having a couch?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:50AM

Haha yep! It's funny because I have a friend who has the same couch ..so who's to say who a person, in a mask is...on..a..couch..? ;)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2015 05:16AM by Good Samaritan.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: December 25, 2015 07:44AM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> Drunk Megan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You just said you weren't pressing charges lol
> but
> > you'd be filing a false police report since you
> > now have this knowledge.
> Actually that's not how it works homie.
> learn the laws jackass. He's the culprit or an
> accomplice to the* crimes.

Not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Everyone on the planet knew OJ was guilty, how many of them were arrested for being an accomplice?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: December 25, 2015 07:53AM

Steve Harvey Wrote:
> Megynlynn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Steve Harvey Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Sounds like Megan got totally served.
> >
> >
> > You're an idiot.
> I'm not the one spending Christmas Eve on the
> computer instead of with my child. And before you
> ask me what I'm doing on here today, I'll tell you
> that I'm at work. Because I have a job. You
> apparently don't.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: December 25, 2015 07:55AM

egynlynn Wrote:
> Also Lynn's threats won't stop me either.

You could stand a few lessons from Lynn.

She's protecting her son..........as all mothers should.

You should be protecting your own by shutting the fuck up and let all this die out.

But noooooooooo......never let a good chance to play the victim go to waste.

Channeling Columbo for a minute: One thing bothers me....

Why is Lynn both threatening you AND telling you to report her son to the authorities?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: back to the top! ()
Date: December 25, 2015 08:32AM

not that this is by any means the most inspiring thread I've ever seen on this Godforsaken forum, but I would appreciate if it remained above that accursed Mike O'Meara thread,,,

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: monCzfj ()
Date: December 25, 2015 10:41AM

I seccond Vexxxed's question, why would Lynn message Megan telling her to back off TJ's shit, after also telling her to go ahead and go after him? Makes zero sense. Either Lynn has memory issues or Megan was just making up more lies to make herself look better.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Team Lynn ()
Date: December 25, 2015 10:51AM

Lynn may be a bit crazy by everyday standards, but nowhere near the insanity level of Megan. Plus, Lynn is actually good looking, has nice teeth, not obese, and has money.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 6eMhP ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:43AM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> egynlynn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Also Lynn's threats won't stop me either.
> You could stand a few lessons from Lynn.
> She's protecting her son..........as all mothers
> should.
> You should be protecting your own by shutting the
> fuck up and let all this die out.
> But noooooooooo......never let a good chance to
> play the victim go to waste.
> Channeling Columbo for a minute: One thing
> bothers me....
> Why is Lynn both threatening you AND telling you
> to report her son to the authorities?

lol brace yourself megan is going to regurgitate every made up, delusional piece of info misery has told her in an effort to "get back at you"

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 4FuPP ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:44AM

> Actually that's not how it works homie.
> learn the laws jackass. He's the culprit or an
> accomplice to the* crimes.

Not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Everyone on the planet knew OJ was guilty, how many of them were arrested for being an accomplice?

lol he cant be BOTH so as always megan puts her foot in her mouth

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: more lies from megan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:53AM

megan said that message was from lynn

but if you read carefully she said "lynn's couch" not "your couch"

she wasnt talking to lynn in those messages

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Cregan the May May Ladie ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:16PM

Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: December 24, 2015 11:26AM

No I haven't. I was told by the officers I could press the video charge and the information Cary provided linking him to particular illegal acts. It'd be 4-5 warrants in totality.

It was this post right here that made me realize how full of shit you truly are. You can't take out warrants on minors, you have to petition the juvinile court for them to first hear your claims then they decide if they want to move forward or not.

No court is going to waste their time with you again.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 9 months of this shit ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:25PM

megan has been saying she was going to press charges about some dumb video for 9 months now hahahh

i think its safe to say she cant do shit :-)

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 9GFcG ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:28PM

Re: Fairfax Underground is being taken over
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: March 07, 2015 03:55PM

I have a open case number on this I have no need to post and haven't on this thread until this. I am done this took it to far.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 9 months ago ()
Date: December 25, 2015 12:33PM

Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: December 24, 2015 11:26AM

> so what your really saying is you already tried to
> go to the police and nothing was or will be done

No I haven't. I was told by the officers I could press the video charge and the information Cary provided linking him to particular illegal acts. It'd be 4-5 warrants in totality. I have not gone yet.

looks like you went in march and nothing happened :-)

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: lookin dumb ()
Date: December 25, 2015 01:43PM

whenever megan cant win a discussion she busts out these screen shots that never get the reaction she hopes for and only end up making her look dumber than before

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 21 hours ()
Date: December 25, 2015 02:39PM

Megan hasn't posted in 21 hours. She has been having severe anxiety attacks from it.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: good stuff ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:00PM

caan lizzie and eesh's responses to all of megan's legal threats is comical

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: back off of the hambeast ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:32PM

now, I understand folks feeling the need to tease misfit megan, but why do people HATE her so?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: like mother like daughter ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:35PM

the rotten apple doesnt fall far from the tree

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:47PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: fucking mom's boyfriend's at 15! ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:50PM

Re: Disturbing Trend in Online Harassment
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: May 08, 2015 09:50AM

My mother called the police on a bf when I was 15 because she caught on we were having sex. I was honest with the police which is why he didn't get in trouble.


wtf is this? megan likes to fuck her mom's men?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: fucking mom's boyfriend's at 15! ()
Date: December 25, 2015 03:53PM

Re: Disturbing Trend in Online Harassment
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: May 08, 2015 09:50AM

I was molested without consent by a family member for years when I was younger.

My mother called the police on a bf when I was 15 because she caught on we were having sex. I was honest with the police which is why he didn't get in trouble. He was much older so my mom stirred up trouble due to that fact. She attempted to Fain my senior year I was 17 and my be was 4 then after we broke up 7 years the next guy I dated was 7 yrs older.


scratch that she did not say mom's boyfriend.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: notifying the police ()
Date: December 25, 2015 07:25PM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> You know I have an ip tracer on the blog right?

megan is doxxing and tracking the movements of others

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Wasn't it? ()
Date: December 25, 2015 09:30PM

Was this thread once in the general forum? I can't remember. But holy molly will it ever end..?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: wcWWj ()
Date: December 25, 2015 10:13PM

Wasn't it? Wrote:
> Was this thread once in the general forum? I can't
> remember. But holy molly will it ever end..?

This thread has become a staple of Off-Topic. It will not disappear as long a Megan continues to post here. She's just too easy a target.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Tucking Bane ()
Date: December 25, 2015 10:16PM

Wasn't it? Wrote:
> Was this thread once in the general forum? I can't
> remember. But holy molly will it ever end..?

Yes, it started in the main forum after Megan sent Cary a cease and desist letter for some thread that has long been deleted.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:39PM

I've come to the conclusion that Megan is just trolling, she is a troll, like most people here. She enjoys this shit as much as we do.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: I've reached that conclusion ()
Date: December 27, 2015 06:37PM

Good Samaritan Wrote:
> I've come to the conclusion that Megan is just
> trolling, she is a troll, like most people here.
> She enjoys this shit as much as we do.

vis-a-vis 90% of the site users, including myself!

But Megan is the champ! 78 pages in her thread! Or to paraphrase the former teevee corckumentary, 78 pages and counting!

Misery would kill for this kind of notoriety!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Whatever 3 ()
Date: December 27, 2015 08:24PM

I know that this is a meaningless website so my opinion is not important but what the he'll, here it is: Megan, I am a long-time attorney licensed with the Commonwealth of Virginia. I have no opinion as to if you are right or wrong as to your allegations. My thoughts: (1) you initiated some threads against someone called Eesh which were shown as not correct and false so claiming to be attacked can be refuted by your false attack posts, and (2) you have been convicted of crimes in the Commonwealth of Virginia which are considered crimes of lying, cheating or stealing. What does that mean in a Court of Law in Virginia? Answer: Anything you say is considered to be a lie. Look it up on Google since you are not an attorney. Finally, all of your supposed crimes against you are civil matters. A good attorney in NVA would only take a civil defamation case with a $35K or more retainer. $35K was the norm 20 years ago. Even then and now, a potential plaintiff should only go after someone with money. If you have $35K for a retainer for a civil suit, retain an attorney and quit posting.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: I believe you mean well ()
Date: December 27, 2015 08:27PM

Whatever 3 Wrote:
> I know that this is a meaningless website so my
> opinion is not important but what the he'll, here
> it is: Megan, I am a long-time attorney licensed
> with the Commonwealth of Virginia. I have no
> opinion as to if you are right or wrong as to your
> allegations. My thoughts: (1) you initiated some
> threads against someone called Eesh which were
> shown as not correct and false so claiming to be
> attacked can be refuted by your false attack
> posts, and (2) you have been convicted of crimes
> in the Commonwealth of Virginia which are
> considered crimes of lying, cheating or stealing.
> What does that mean in a Court of Law in Virginia?
> Answer: Anything you say is considered to be a
> lie. Look it up on Google since you are not an
> attorney. Finally, all of your supposed crimes
> against you are civil matters. A good attorney in
> NVA would only take a civil defamation case with a
> $35K or more retainer. $35K was the norm 20 years
> ago. Even then and now, a potential plaintiff
> should only go after someone with money. If you
> have $35K for a retainer for a civil suit, retain
> an attorney and quit posting.

But nobody on this forum is trying to actually resolve any issue. They come trolling here for the drama, to which they are all addicted. The only professional services that would go unwasted here would be those of a)a psycholgical counselor, b) a drama coach.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Whatever 3 ()
Date: December 27, 2015 08:44PM

Thank you and nice response. In my experience, first a plaintiff has to file a lawsuit in Circuit Court like in Loudoun County to get AOL to disclose the ID of an ISP. That costs a lot of money, like a minimum of $10k. Once you get the info from the ISP, then you have to sue the supposed defaimer in Circuit Court. Anyonr testifying in VA Circuit Court convicted of a crime considered lying, cheating or stealing is considered a liar as to Court testimony. That is VA law which can be looked up. My advice to Megan, just don't read the stuff on this site. Even if it is false, do you have $35 to $50k to sue someone? The stuff you complain about is not criminal in my when you started posts attacking people on this forum.

I believe you mean well Wrote:
> Whatever 3 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I know that this is a meaningless website so my
> > opinion is not important but what the he'll,
> here
> > it is: Megan, I am a long-time attorney
> licensed
> > with the Commonwealth of Virginia. I have no
> > opinion as to if you are right or wrong as to
> your
> > allegations. My thoughts: (1) you initiated
> some
> > threads against someone called Eesh which were
> > shown as not correct and false so claiming to
> be
> > attacked can be refuted by your false attack
> > posts, and (2) you have been convicted of
> crimes
> > in the Commonwealth of Virginia which are
> > considered crimes of lying, cheating or
> stealing.
> > What does that mean in a Court of Law in
> Virginia?
> > Answer: Anything you say is considered to be a
> > lie. Look it up on Google since you are not an
> > attorney. Finally, all of your supposed crimes
> > against you are civil matters. A good attorney
> in
> > NVA would only take a civil defamation case with
> a
> > $35K or more retainer. $35K was the norm 20
> years
> > ago. Even then and now, a potential plaintiff
> > should only go after someone with money. If you
> > have $35K for a retainer for a civil suit,
> retain
> > an attorney and quit posting.
> But nobody on this forum is trying to actually
> resolve any issue. They come trolling here for
> the drama, to which they are all addicted. The
> only professional services that would go unwasted
> here would be those of a)a psycholgical counselor,
> b) a drama coach.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: finally ()
Date: December 28, 2015 05:23AM

Let's see Megan Toohey try and argue with an actual Virginia attorney. This ends this shit once and for all, all of her threats about pursuing legal action are bullshit. She's a felon, has crimes that revolve around lying cheating and stealing on her record, and she created attack threads here, and leaked others nudes. I really hope that this will cause her to finally go away for good.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: December 28, 2015 06:46AM

Megan won't let it go because she gets a misguided sense of control in her miserable life.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:20AM

finally Wrote:
> Let's see Megan Toohey try and argue with an
> actual Virginia attorney. This ends this shit
> once and for all, all of her threats about
> pursuing legal action are bullshit. She's a
> felon, has crimes that revolve around lying
> cheating and stealing on her record, and she
> created attack threads here, and leaked others
> nudes. I really hope that this will cause her to
> finally go away for good.

Still can clearly sue. Second not a felon. Third if people can't keep my name out of heir mouth I am not going anywhere.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:29AM

^^^^ This is what I mean

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Blanche ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:32AM

No one keeps your name in heir mouth, darling. No one really gives a fuck about you. People come here and post about you because you are an idiot.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megynlynn ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:37AM

Blanche Wrote:
> No one keeps your name in (I think you meant,) *their* mouth, darling. No
> one really gives a fuck about you. People come
> here and post about you because you are an idiot.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: leave your glass house ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:42AM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> Blanche Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No one keeps your name in (I think you meant,)
> *their* mouth, darling. No
> > one really gives a fuck about you. People come
> > here and post about you because you are an
> idiot.

you made the same error, hypocrite.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: heir ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:42AM

You wrote heir in your post first, Megan. Blanche just took the piss out of you.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Almost Sympathetic ()
Date: December 28, 2015 07:55AM

Megan's ongoing inability to actually stop attracting ridicule would be sad if she wasn't such an awful human being.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Duhhhhhhh ()
Date: December 28, 2015 08:03AM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> finally Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Let's see Megan Toohey try and argue with an
> > actual Virginia attorney. This ends this shit
> > once and for all, all of her threats about
> > pursuing legal action are bullshit. She's a
> > felon, has crimes that revolve around lying
> > cheating and stealing on her record, and she
> > created attack threads here, and leaked others
> > nudes. I really hope that this will cause her
> to
> > finally go away for good.
> Still can clearly sue. Second not a felon. Third
> if people can't keep my name out of heir mouth I
> am not going anywhere.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: CPS ()
Date: December 28, 2015 08:36AM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> Still can clearly sue. Second not a felon. Third
> if people can't keep my name out of heir mouth I
> am not going anywhere.

Yes, theoretically anyone can sue anyone else for anything. Numerous unscrupulous lawyers will gladly take your money to file a lawsuit on your behalf. They may even encourage it and hint you may win. Such lawyers are only attempting to line their own pockets at the expense of the gullible and naive, such as Megan and the Morenos.

Megan has made her priorities clear. She is willing to put her time and money into playing with her Internet "frenemies" ahead of her own child, family, and well-being. She is a certified idiot and nut-case.

One day her child will ask her "what was this Website that was so important?"

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: December 28, 2015 09:04AM

heir Wrote:
> You wrote heir in your post first, Megan. Blanche
> just took the piss out of you.

It went over Megan's head. She didn't get the mocking.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Stupid Ediots ()
Date: December 28, 2015 10:54AM

So what did the FFXU gang do during the Christmas holiday?

Eesh – Seems to have been quiet. Some posting but not too much.

Mo – Seems to not have friends or family that she claims to have so much of, because she was posting ALL weekend. This weekend her and TJ kept me entertained though, so it is allowed. She is a bit full of herself, and I think some of this will bite her butt in the future.

Also if she really is Prego with Eesh’s hybrid Black thug/ redneck child lord help us all. Seriously please let this be a joke, but if not , in all seriousness Mo, remove yourself from this drama for the sake of that demon spawn.

Miz – Seems to have been busy with trespassing reports, and posting anon to troll his victims.

TJ – Livened things up glad he came back to gaslight Miz and Megan, and add back entertainment, not just crazy rantings.

Megan – So Megan did not have her son for the holiday, and I am sure none of her family welcomes her in their home EVER, let alone a holiday. She alienated Josh’s Family. She has no friends.

So I think she hung out at the truck stop on 66 by where she lives charging $20 for BJ’s and using that money to buy apps on her phone to make her look attractive. Between BJ’s she monitored this site, and ran to the magistrate every hour or so, because something pissed her off.

But Megan did try to tell us that she is “Supporting” her family as the “only employed member of the family” by babysitting!

#1 – Did they see Megan? Are they blind?

#2 – Forget a background check, did they even GOOGLE YOU?

#3 – What kind of person would let MEGAN watch a child?!?!?!?! She can’t even watch her own offspring! One she dropped off with the grandparents because she didn’t want him, the other she has limited visitation with!

It has to be another of her biological mother’s children, or some crack whore. Because you only want your children to be raised by people as good as or better than you.

NOT a felon with a 20 page and growing rap sheet who has pictures of her asshole spread all over the internet.

Seriously we need to alert the proper authorities that Megan is allowed near children. I can’t imagine anyone stupid enough to let her near children, let alone the horror as a parent to find out this person was allowed to spend a significant amount of time near them!

True Story:

One day when she was Smurf haired, I was out shopping with my children and a friends’ children, looking for stuff for a trip to the virgin islands. I was taking the kids to a store so there mom’s could shop in peace.

As the kids were walking they saw Megan, wearing a shrit as a dress, and one of the boys ran up to me and asked if they should go someplace else because she is scary and looked drunk, and the kids were afraid to pass her.

I was scared, because Megan is the type of person I would NEVER let near my children. So I told the oldest one to have the kids run past her and meet me at the store, and not talk or look at her.

Then she saw me and started talking. When I got to the store the kids were all crying and asked me “What did the scary clown lady want?”

I told them she was looking for money because she is a criminal who never finished college and can’t get a job.

Even just today one of the boys told me he had nightmares about Megan, and they didn’t spend time with her. He refuses to eat lunch near where he saw her because she cared the kids so much.

I wouldn’t let kids, some of whom were not my own speak to Megan on the street. I let kids talk to the homeless, and stupid people all the time, but Megan NEVER! So what kind of person would let Megan care for children?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: ASPCA ()
Date: December 28, 2015 12:45PM

saw this from earlier which I can't take credit for:

I googled "gerbiling" and discovered how Megan was able to get that poor weasel/ferret up her ass. According to sources, sexual deviant perverts such as Megan insert a cardboard tube to provide access through the sphincter for a creature's journey into the gates of hell. Weasels are naturally curious and like to explore.

Being carnivorous as well, Megan's little mustelid buddy was attracted to the chicken wing buried deep within her foetid bowels and clawed its way desperately toward the prize. Once the doomed animal was firmly lodged in her colon, Megan simply flexed her buttocks to cruelly break the back of her furry friend, leaving only its lifeless tail and hindquarters dangling from her own fat ass....like some kind of sick hood ornament.

This animal abuse needs to stop.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: I have nothing to add ()
Date: December 28, 2015 08:11PM

but really prefer that this thread remain above the O'Meara thread.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Stop it Now ()
Date: December 28, 2015 09:37PM

i-dont-care-ol1ok8 (1).jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: don't worry ()
Date: December 28, 2015 09:44PM

It's not always fatal

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 28, 2015 10:08PM

Those weasels are cute.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 28, 2015 11:54PM

Stupid Ediots Wrote:
> Also if she really is Prego with Eesh’s hybrid
> Black thug/ redneck child lord help us all.
> Seriously please let this be a joke, but if not ,
> in all seriousness Mo, remove yourself from this
> drama for the sake of that demon spawn.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 28, 2015 11:56PM

Yes I am, and it's why I am taking your advice and removing myself from this drama, it's not healthy for our baby.

eesh is going to make a great father! :)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh as a fatehr? ()
Date: December 29, 2015 12:09AM

Good Samaritan Wrote:
> Yes I am, and it's why I am taking your advice and
> removing myself from this drama, it's not healthy
> for our baby.
> eesh is going to make a great father! :)

Is he a good disciplinarian? Does he believe in corporal punishment? (ie will he swat the child if necessary?)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Offspring ()
Date: December 29, 2015 12:13AM

eesh Wrote:
> Stupid Ediots Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Also if she really is Prego with Eesh’s
> hybrid
> > Black thug/ redneck child lord help us all.
> > Seriously please let this be a joke, but if not
> ,
> > in all seriousness Mo, remove yourself from
> this
> > drama for the sake of that demon spawn.

30 years later...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 29, 2015 12:56AM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 5h8td ()
Date: December 29, 2015 01:07AM

Megan please come to our next HS reunion. It will be very entertaining.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: well, this is a blessed event! ()
Date: December 29, 2015 01:38AM

Eesh and Mo are going to have a child! This will cause the two of them to become more loving, caring, and mature. (Just as parenthood turned Megan's life around.)

What should they named the child? Meesh? Eeshizzie? Megan? William? Katie? Perhaps Carry, in honor of our forum master?

Do you think mo will move into eesh's place? Or will eesh move into Lizzie's shack?

Will eesh get a job to support his new family? Put on a suit and tie, and go in to the office every morning, wiht a sack lunch lovingly assembled by Mo?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: heir ()
Date: December 29, 2015 09:24AM

Megynlynn Wrote:
> finally Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Let's see Megan Toohey try and argue with an
> > actual Virginia attorney. This ends this shit
> > once and for all, all of her threats about
> > pursuing legal action are bullshit. She's a
> > felon, has crimes that revolve around lying
> > cheating and stealing on her record, and she
> > created attack threads here, and leaked others
> > nudes. I really hope that this will cause her
> to
> > finally go away for good.
> Still can clearly sue. Second not a felon. Third
> if people can't keep my name out of heir mouth I
> am not going anywhere.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 94tMF ()
Date: December 29, 2015 12:20PM

We need to get this thread to 79 pages.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:00PM

Only 24 more posts!!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 23 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:24PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 22 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:28PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 21 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:30PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 20 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:32PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 19 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:33PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 18 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:34PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 17 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:37PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 16 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:37PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 15 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:42PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 14 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:43PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: serious queston ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:44PM

Ludwig Wrote:
> Only 24 more posts!!

How do you know that? Did you count every single post on a page and then count how many are on this page?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 13 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:45PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 11 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:47PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 10 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:49PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: EwxjT ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:49PM

serious queston Wrote:
> Ludwig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only 24 more posts!!
> How do you know that? Did you count every single
> post on a page and then count how many are on this
> page?

just look at the post count in the main Off-Topic page. It will tell you how many posts are in the thread. Each page has 100 posts.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 9.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:50PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 7.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:51PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 6.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:52PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 5.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:58PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 4.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:59PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 3.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 03:00PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 2.1 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 03:01PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: 1.0 ()
Date: December 29, 2015 03:02PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Page 79! ()
Date: December 29, 2015 03:03PM

Did it for you, do I get a present now?

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