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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 24, 2017 12:43PM

99 PAGES of FUN!!!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 24, 2017 12:45PM

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: What happened? ()
Date: June 24, 2017 01:10PM

Ludwig Wrote:
> 99 PAGES of FUN!!!

Is it true that she smears peanut butter in her vadge and goes to the dog park to get it to look that color?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: uses grape jelly ()
Date: June 24, 2017 04:29PM

She read somewhere that contraceptive jelly was good birth control, so she went to the grocery store and bought some Smuckers...

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Empire of the ants ()
Date: June 24, 2017 04:47PM

uses grape jelly Wrote:
> She read somewhere that contraceptive jelly was
> good birth control, so she went to the grocery
> store and bought some Smuckers...
I thought she used jelly because she got off by having ants crawl on her clit.

Smear the Smuckers and sit on an anthill.....

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megan Studies 101 ()
Date: June 25, 2017 05:31AM

Megan knows that her parasitic lifestyle/meal ticket is plugged into AJ. No child custody now means Megan has to work and be a productive citizen responsible for her own survival.

Poor Aaron has to go to court in July to deal with some petty bullshit from Megan. She uses the court system as a weapon against anyone that she feels has wronged her. In this case, Aaron got custody of the child because he is a productive member of society, whereas Megan is a career fraudster that sucks the life out of men like a tick or horsefly.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Dr. Katz ()
Date: June 25, 2017 06:20AM

Megan Studies 101 Wrote:
> Megan knows that her parasitic lifestyle/meal
> ticket is plugged into AJ. No child custody now
> means Megan has to work and be a productive
> citizen responsible for her own survival.
> Poor Aaron has to go to court in July to deal with
> some petty bullshit from Megan. She uses the court
> system as a weapon against anyone that she feels
> has wronged her. In this case, Aaron got custody
> of the child because he is a productive member of
> society, whereas Megan is a career fraudster that
> sucks the life out of men like a tick or horsefly.

Josh is either the reformer/savior type, the guy who sees a basket case of a woman who's led a life of pain and regret and is determined to fix/save/protect her from herself.....or the desperate/doormat type who will put up with much more than anyone else ever would because he's lonely and hungry for love. These men can have their lives turned completely upside down by a woman and their wallets continuously drained, but will stick around anyway and even defend her behavoir when family and friends voice concern. I haven't been able to pin him.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 25, 2017 10:39AM

And remember, Josh's wife assulted his mother. His wife then filed assult charges against his mother. However, his mother was found not guilty. Holiday family get togethers must be really fun.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: No family holidays ()
Date: June 25, 2017 06:51PM

Megan claimed that Josh disowned his family for being so "abusive and callous" to her. Her words.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: what probably happened ()
Date: June 25, 2017 07:05PM

No family holidays Wrote:
> Megan claimed that Josh disowned his family for
> being so "abusive and callous" to her. Her words.

Josh's family told him not to come around until he was rid of that monster.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: observer97 ()
Date: June 25, 2017 07:07PM

A dude who disowns his own family over a chick is solidly a desperate doormat. He may consider himself her white knight, but no solidly grounded person would abandon their parents over a girlfriend or boyfriend.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: and more to the point ()
Date: June 25, 2017 07:27PM

abandoning one's parents over THAT piece of work.

Can you imagine being a member of Josh's family, and meeting that woman, and just thinking 'Ohhhh shit. What the exact fuck does the future hold in store for all of us?'

Now, perhaps Josh thought she was a fixer-upper special; with a little work and guidance, she might be all right. If so, he is cursed with optimism bordering on the criminally negligent.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Lovernotafighter ()
Date: June 26, 2017 09:55PM

Not to mention everything she said in court was a lie. She made disgusting cps case accusations against aaron and others that were of course deemed unfounded with prejudice. Just like all her claims of her being abused by him were thrown out with no proof. She is no victim! she was caught lying on the stand multiple times as well as her current husband was. She was shown on video attacking Aaron and then calling the police and stating she was being atraked! She had no case and left the court crying because she knew she had lost. This time around will be no different. AJ has been steadily improving in his fathers care and only has meltdowns and has to be deprogrammed every time he comes back from visitation with her. She is a detriment to his mental health and refuses to stop talking about negative things regarding AJ's father to him, regardless of how many professionals tell her to stop. And there is no way a court will not see that. I feel even more sorry for her new child and hope that Josh smartens up enough to get that child away from her too. She is willing to hurt ANYONE to get what she wants. I've never met such a horrible person In My life. She needs to stop procreating and get help. I mean she can't even find a lawyer to represent her she's so crazy! Give the kids a chance at a normal life and stay the hell away!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: great addition to Team miz... ()
Date: June 26, 2017 10:07PM

It'd be awesome if the hambeast could actually get convicted of something serious and end up sharing a cell with lizzie...

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: One Who Knows Things ()
Date: June 26, 2017 10:08PM

A little shit storm has been stirring up and getting bigger. Meg's house of cards will be falling soon..a room back home has already been made up for Josh.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: the best outcome would be ()
Date: June 26, 2017 10:22PM

if, in the fallout, Josh released some fresh Hammie nudes.

Our current collection is getting stale.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: the best outcome would be ()
Date: June 26, 2017 10:22PM

if, in the fallout, Josh released some fresh Hammie nudes.

Our current collection is getting stale.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Pam ()
Date: June 27, 2017 02:58AM


Josh's father and I are concerned for our only son, we want Megan's hold over him broken!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Awesome! ()
Date: June 27, 2017 04:03AM

Megan is winning!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Woodsy Owl Knows Who Who ()
Date: June 27, 2017 08:06AM

Pam Wrote:
> https://youtu.be/sNpKFNDLIrg
> Josh's father and I are concerned for our only
> son, we want Megan's hold over him broken!

Don't worry, it's coming!!!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Pam ()
Date: June 27, 2017 03:33PM

I now know that you and Joshua are still present on this website Megan. Mark my words, you will not come out of all this with my son still by your side, he can't stay brainwashed forever.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Every White Trash Wife ()
Date: June 27, 2017 03:44PM

Pam Wrote:
> I now know that you and Joshua are still present
> on this website Megan. Mark my words, you will not
> come out of all this with my son still by your
> side, he can't stay brainwashed forever.


Then sing along with exene...


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: what's going down here? ()
Date: June 27, 2017 08:56PM

Isn't hambeast currently about to crank out Josh's (or somebody's) kid?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Baby daddy ()
Date: June 27, 2017 09:24PM

what's going down here? Wrote:
> Isn't hambeast currently about to crank out Josh's
> (or somebody's) kid?

Megan is due in late July, and she claims Josh is the father. Could be, but knowing her, could be anybody.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: maybe eesh's kid? ()
Date: June 27, 2017 09:35PM

or someone from Papa John's? Or Aaron? what if the father were miz? That would be a great FFU twist!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: probably ()
Date: June 27, 2017 09:53PM

Both Megan and her husband were found to be lying under oath, and he has assisted her in her past harassment of Aaron. AJ has claimed multiple times that Josh was mean to him just like Megan. So while it's been hoped that Josh was the voice of reason in Megan's life, he either has become just as bad as she is, or already wasn't the best person before he met her (sorry pam). I don't forsee them staying together permanently, as Megan is just incredibly unstable. So at some point, a divorce and custody battle will ensue between her and Josh. The courts will see the fact that she has lost custody of her two previous children, and will inevitably rule in his favor.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: TWO children... ()
Date: June 27, 2017 10:02PM

So, the hambeast had another child BESIDES the one she had with Aaron?
And that child is now gone?
And now she's having a third with Josh?

Am I getting it right so far?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 28, 2017 02:27AM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Someone in the know ()
Date: June 28, 2017 02:41AM

TWO children... Wrote:
> So, the hambeast had another child BESIDES the one
> she had with Aaron?
> And that child is now gone?
> And now she's having a third with Josh?
> Am I getting it right so far?

She had a son in 2008 with her boyfriend at the time. I will not mention the boy's name, he is an innocent. But he was born with severe brain issues and has to be on breathing and feeding tubes. The father ended up getting in trouble with the law due to drugs and was sent across the country to rehab. His parents were awarded sole custody of the boy, and Megan was eventually allowed visitation.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: that poor fucking dog ()
Date: June 28, 2017 02:46AM

Every White Trash Wife Wrote:
> Pam Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I now know that you and Joshua are still
> present
> > on this website Megan. Mark my words, you will
> not
> > come out of all this with my son still by your
> > side, he can't stay brainwashed forever.
> Watch
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNpKFNDLIrg
> Then sing along with exene...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uim8vRrgWhg

Hope it got placed in a good home, and not shoved up Megan's ass.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 28, 2017 02:50AM

prince william show cause.jpg

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: meg's representing herself? ()
Date: June 28, 2017 03:02AM

Only an idiot does that!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Stupid Is As Stupid Does ()
Date: June 28, 2017 09:23AM

meg's representing herself? Wrote:
> Only an idiot does that!

Yep. Ask dumb shit eesh how well that turned out for him.

Life is ruined over a ridiculous internet forum, and his own retarded choices that he made.

How dumb is that?

Hi, I'm eesh. King of the retards.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: No lawyer for Megynlynn ()
Date: June 28, 2017 12:32PM

She has no choice but to defend herself, Megan can't get representation. Not only can she not afford it, but no one will take her case. Out of all the times she's had to be in court over the custody and divorce stuff with Aaron, she's only had a lawyer with her once. She's been held in contempt numerous times for uncontrolled outbursts, that could have something to do with it as well.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: lawyer up ()
Date: June 28, 2017 12:57PM

Stupid Is As Stupid Does Wrote:
> meg's representing herself? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only an idiot does that!
> Yep. Ask dumb shit eesh how well that turned out
> for him.
> Life is ruined over a ridiculous internet forum,
> and his own retarded choices that he made.
> How dumb is that?
> Hi, I'm eesh. King of the retards.

The retarded choice eesh made was foregoing the services of a lawyer. Maybe he got over-confident after winning the Megan case, who knows... It is incredibly stupid and not even a seasoned attorney would represent himself in such matters. With competent legal representation, eesh could easily have won the civil case and counter-sued the Morenos into bankruptcy, gotten sanctions against them, and possibly even jail for the death threats, trespassing, disclosure of confidential information, and witness intimidation. (Pedo Moreno even came on this site boasting about how eesh didn't have any witnesses.)

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Rape me ()
Date: June 28, 2017 01:20PM

my friend

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Statute of Limitations? ()
Date: June 28, 2017 01:28PM

lawyer up Wrote:
> competent legal representation, eesh could easily
> have won the civil case and counter-sued the
> Morenos into bankruptcy, gotten sanctions against
> them, and possibly even jail for the death
> threats, trespassing, disclosure of confidential
> information, and witness intimidation. (Pedo
> Moreno even came on this site boasting about how
> eesh didn't have any witnesses.)

Is there a 6 month or 2 year limit on appealing for this case.

Eesh should appeal with a lawyer if there is still time.
And countersue...

Drag Lizzie into court wearing her prison jumpsuit.
That is always a good look for one's chief witness against eesh.
And it will give her something to obsess about.

Grab the 'child porn on his computer' bullshit the Morenos posted to this site as evidence of libel.

Maybe Eesh will be taking their house on Riverview Court?

I wonder if he will continue with the webcam?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: More Moreno Madness ()
Date: June 28, 2017 02:54PM

Statute of Limitations? Wrote:
> lawyer up Wrote:
> With
> > competent legal representation, eesh could
> easily
> > have won the civil case and counter-sued the
> > Morenos into bankruptcy, gotten sanctions
> against
> > them, and possibly even jail for the death
> > threats, trespassing, disclosure of
> confidential
> > information, and witness intimidation. (Pedo
> > Moreno even came on this site boasting about
> how
> > eesh didn't have any witnesses.)
> Is there a 6 month or 2 year limit on appealing
> for this case.
> Eesh should appeal with a lawyer if there is still
> time.
> And countersue...
> Drag Lizzie into court wearing her prison
> jumpsuit.
> That is always a good look for one's chief witness
> against eesh.
> And it will give her something to obsess about.
> Grab the 'child porn on his computer' bullshit the
> Morenos posted to this site as evidence of libel.
> Maybe Eesh will be taking their house on Riverview
> Court?
> I wonder if he will continue with the webcam?

The "child porn" libel attempt was total bullshit. There was no child porn found, in the browser cache or anywhere else. Furthermore, eesh's computers were turned over to Sensei Enterprises for a very specific legal purpose and were under a signed non-disclosure agreement. Sharon Moreno had no legal right to publicly post anything about the computers. The libel that she committed by making false porn accusations was in addition to the crime of disclosure itself.

If eesh had been represented by an attorney, he could have had the Morenos held in contempt, and criminal charges filed against them.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Bitdwi6fh9 ()
Date: June 28, 2017 03:32PM

Tryna get to you and that booty

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 28, 2017 03:37PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: If If If ... ()
Date: June 28, 2017 04:04PM

More Moreno Madness Wrote:
> Statute of Limitations? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > lawyer up Wrote:
> > With
> > > competent legal representation, eesh could
> > easily
> > > have won the civil case and counter-sued the
> > > Morenos into bankruptcy, gotten sanctions
> > against
> > > them, and possibly even jail for the death
> > > threats, trespassing, disclosure of
> > confidential
> > > information, and witness intimidation. (Pedo
> > > Moreno even came on this site boasting about
> > how
> > > eesh didn't have any witnesses.)
> >
> >
> > Is there a 6 month or 2 year limit on appealing
> > for this case.
> >
> > Eesh should appeal with a lawyer if there is
> still
> > time.
> > And countersue...
> >
> >
> > Drag Lizzie into court wearing her prison
> > jumpsuit.
> > That is always a good look for one's chief
> witness
> > against eesh.
> > And it will give her something to obsess about.
> >
> >
> > Grab the 'child porn on his computer' bullshit
> the
> > Morenos posted to this site as evidence of
> libel.
> >
> > Maybe Eesh will be taking their house on
> Riverview
> > Court?
> >
> > I wonder if he will continue with the webcam?
> The "child porn" libel attempt was total bullshit.
> There was no child porn found, in the browser
> cache or anywhere else. Furthermore, eesh's
> computers were turned over to Sensei Enterprises
> for a very specific legal purpose and were under a
> signed non-disclosure agreement. Sharon Moreno
> had no legal right to publicly post anything about
> the computers. The libel that she committed by
> making false porn accusations was in addition to
> the crime of disclosure itself.
> If eesh had been represented by an attorney, he
> could have had the Morenos held in contempt, and
> criminal charges filed against them.

If If If ...

If dumb ass didn't make the stupid choices that dumb ass made, things would be a lot different. It will cost tens of thousands of dollars in legal expenses to undo what is already done, with no guarantee that it will succeed.

If the Queen had balls, she would have been King. But since she didn't, she wasn't.

Just like the story of eesh's pathetic miserable existence.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: stfu miz ()
Date: June 28, 2017 05:04PM

Pay the lawyers, before they put a lien on your parents' house.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Harrasment from Ms. Toohey ()
Date: June 28, 2017 05:32PM

Cease and Desist Request for Recent YouTube Violations
From Megan Elizabeth Toohey Price

John/Jane Doe
Registered owner of email pamelaprice2016@gmail.com

28th of June 2017

RE: Cease and desist from cyberharassment and cyber bullying, use of copyright videos without consent, using my face and voice without consent on social media from materials you are not the rightful owner of and do not have my consent to use, impersonation via computer, and intentional infliction of emotional damages resulting in pain and suffering.

Dear Jane/John Doe:

This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER is to inform you that your actions including but not limited to uploading the content found on YouTube with link

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sNpKFNDLIrg Without my consent or permission and utilizing this video to intimidate, harass, and embarrass is unlawful.
You are ORDERED TO STOP such activities immediately and remove this content as they are being done in violation of the law And have been reported to local authorities.

I have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute online abuse and privacy violations, but also breach many of my civil rights. As such I will pursue any legal remedies available to me against you if these activities continue. These remedies include but are not limited to: suing you in a John Doe suit to obtain ip and ISP addresses from YouTube and being civil litigation against you. I will also include demands for damages I have incurred as a result of your actions due to your public acknowledgement of the privacy complaint through YouTube as posted on Fairfax underground and included below to moderate even though they have violated the terms of YouTube and my civil rights

Again, you must IMMEDIATELY STOP the threads that give any personal details to my identification or use of matoerials I appear in without my consent. As well as any comments that are personal attacks that have been posted in relation to your uploading of this unauthorized content. I will need you to send me written confirmation that you will stop such activities. If you don't you risk incurring some very severe legal consequences if you fail to comply with this demand.

This letter acts as your final warning to discontinue this unwanted conduct before I pursue further legal actions against you. At this time, I am not filing civil suit against you, as I hope we can resolve this matter without court involvement. I am not under any circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal remedies against you by sending you this letter. I have screenshots of all the threads and posts in question as well as my repeated and ignored attempts to resolve this matter. This order acts as ONE FINAL CHANCE for you to cease your illegal activities before I exercise my rights. I also included the screenshots you wrote, screencaps of the upload by you, and the attack posted after my privacy complaint was filed with YouTube. This shall suffice as proper evidence showing why those posts have been authored by you and will suffice in court as such.

To ensure compliance with this letter, and to halt any legal action I may take against you, I require you to fill in and sign the attached form, hand sign and and email (or request address to mail) it back to me within 7 days of today the sending date of this letter. Failure to do so will act as evidence of your infringement upon my civil, and legal rights, and I will immediately seek legal avenues to remedy the situation.


Megan Elizabeth Price



I, John/Jane Doe, do hereby agree to stop the harraewnt and intimidation online against Megan E Price and remove all illegal content or content that can be used to further harass her including any post that infringes on any of her legal rights and not post in this manner again. Also any post/ upload/ or threat of any type that used her picture, voice, name or likeness without a consent of copyright sharing or model release at any time that have been used of a one, Megan E Price. I understand these posts which are in violation of Megan E Price‘s rights. I understand that this is my final chance to cease these activities. I understand that Megan Elizabeth Price may and can potentially pursue legal action against me relating to my engagement in these activities, but she will not pursue those rights in contemplation of my compliance with this written demand. I further understand that Megan Elizabeth Price has not waived her rights and may pursue legal remedies against me if I fail to abide by this agreement. I understand that this agreement is not specifically limited to the activities named herein. I will not engage in any activity now or in the future done for the purpose of online harrassment or any form of copyright infringement of Megan Elizabeth Price in the future. I furthermore agree not to engage in any activity, regardless of its official title, that is done in violation of Megan Elizabeth Price‘s legal rights. If I fail to cease performing these activities, Megan Elizabeth Price may pursue legal action against me in accordance her civil and legal rights. This agreement acts as a contract between John/Jane Doe and Megan Elizabeth Toohey. Forbearing enforcement of legal civilly enforceable remedies is sufficient consideration to support this agreement. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. Any statements made orally, written, or otherwise which are not contained herein shall have no impact on either parties’ rights or obligations elaborated in this agreement.

Date ____________________

John/Jane Doe Legal Name :: alias PamelaPrice2016@gmail.com used for offending actions


Signature and Contact Number

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 28, 2017 05:40PM

LMAO She's a nut.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 28, 2017 05:51PM

She even tries to ruin her (former) attorney. You can tell the very obvious Toohey complaint that was written on 2/13/17.

megan elizabeth toohey.jpg
toohey megan.jpg

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: harraewnt ()
Date: June 28, 2017 06:24PM

From Megan's diatribe above:

I, John/Jane Doe, do hereby agree to stop the harraewnt and intimidation online against Megan E Price

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Needs more exposure ()
Date: June 28, 2017 08:22PM

Can someone post up that vid of her attacking her husband and lying to the police to Vinelink, World Star, etc? That would be fucking awesome.
That leechy bitch just needs to stay under her little rock.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: jwylm ()
Date: June 28, 2017 09:20PM

Despite everything written here, I'd gladly spend a weekend with Megan if I thought I could easily end it. She can be attractive in some of her pictures and she seems to have a zest for life. However I have known women like Megan. They have a type which is basically the type of guys they wanted in high school. I am not it.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ma$e ()
Date: June 28, 2017 10:11PM

jwylm Wrote:
> Despite everything written here, I'd gladly spend
> a weekend with Megan if I thought I could easily
> end it. She can be attractive in some of her
> pictures and she seems to have a zest for life.
> However I have known women like Megan. They have
> a type which is basically the type of guys they
> wanted in high school. I am not it.

You mean "bad boys"? The anti-social casanovas. Josh doesn't fit that bill, at least on the surface. Not sure Aaron did either. But those are probably the type she cheats with while in a relationship with men who support her.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: BTNBL ()
Date: June 28, 2017 11:18PM

Hey it's your bookie, mike.

We're running this bet.

Megan soon has 99 pages devoted to her woman-ness on ffu. The bet is how many ffu pages she has when she's 99 see?

I'll hold the money till the bets over, as usual.

If you don't bet on this your missing out!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: IF meg lives to 99 ()
Date: June 28, 2017 11:33PM

this page will either be in chinese, Arabic, or Spanish.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: asdfghj ()
Date: June 29, 2017 10:46AM

jwylm Wrote:
> Despite everything written here, I'd gladly spend
> a weekend with Megan if I thought I could easily
> end it. She can be attractive in some of her
> pictures and she seems to have a zest for life.
> However I have known women like Megan. They have
> a type which is basically the type of guys they
> wanted in high school. I am not it.

I hope you realize that what you will see in person bears no resemblance to the heavily edited photos that you've seen on here in which she appears to be "attractive".

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: are you sure you want that? ()
Date: June 29, 2017 11:12AM

You are in for a disappointment. Megan has kind of an odd/awkward body shape. You can see it some photos but she tries to hide it with camera angles. She always wears very high heels but Megan actually is really short, about 5'0" or 5'1" and really wide across the ass and back with a torso that looks too small for her ass. The measurement of the diameter around her ass is greater than her height.

She has blubber, cottage cheese, and cellulite all over her thighs and ass. Megan also has bad skin and some scars, gouges, divots, and lumps on her face that she trowels over with makeup.

If you like violent short fat chicks that will steal the contents of your wallet and medicine cabinet, Megan is for you.

edit by Cary: Imagery involved in DMCA copyright complaints removed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2017 03:44PM by Cary.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: she was never that large ()
Date: June 29, 2017 02:08PM

^^^^just so you know, all of those photos above have been photoshopped to make her look fat. You should message her on facebook if you want to see genuine unedited photos.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Moooooooooooo ()
Date: June 29, 2017 02:13PM

she was never that large Wrote:
> ^^^^just so you know, all of those photos above
> have been photoshopped to make her look fat. You
> should message her on facebook if you want to see
> genuine unedited photos.

How do you know her FB photos haven't been photo chopped to make her look better?

And I dont see any signs of photo shop on the above pictures. She is a fat cloven hooved heifer.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: yeah right ()
Date: June 29, 2017 02:14PM

and her asshole was never purple...

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 29, 2017 02:16PM

She's monitoring this thread...


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: wouldn't be the first time ()
Date: June 29, 2017 02:18PM

yeah right Wrote:
> and her asshole was never purple...

And she doesn't smell like a tuna boat.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Family Friend ()
Date: June 29, 2017 04:35PM

eesh Wrote:
> She's monitoring this thread...
> .

Good for her. Now she won't be surprised when she comes home to an empty room.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: soon enough ()
Date: June 29, 2017 05:10PM

We'll surpass 100 pages soon.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: No drama zone ()
Date: June 29, 2017 05:48PM

Fuck da haters!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Thread moniterer ()
Date: June 29, 2017 09:00PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: cary was here! ()
Date: June 29, 2017 09:31PM

are you sure you want that? Wrote:
> edit by Cary: Imagery involved in DMCA copyright
> complaints removed.

Which means, Megan was here!

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: She never left ()
Date: June 30, 2017 12:04AM

cary was here! Wrote:
> are you sure you want that? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > edit by Cary: Imagery involved in DMCA
> copyright
> > complaints removed.
> Which means, Megan was here!

Obviously. She also sent cary a bunch of dmca requests a few weeks ago to get most of the pics from the first few dozen pages removed, flagged the video of her attacking aaron on youtube, and sent a cease and desist email to the uploader. It's very known that she still moniters this site and occasionally posts anon. It's great that she stopped feeding in the way she used to, but she should really just leave all together. Forget ffxu exists and move on. As long as she keeps visiting to see what people are saying or to see if more pics were posted, she will be allowing this site to have power over her.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: and more than that ()
Date: June 30, 2017 01:36AM

This thread gets a lot more attention when people know she's reading it.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Megan is a beast ()
Date: June 30, 2017 02:18AM

She never left Wrote:

> Obviously. She also sent cary a bunch of dmca
> requests a few weeks ago to get most of the pics
> from the first few dozen pages removed, flagged
> the video of her attacking aaron on youtube, and
> sent a cease and desist email to the uploader.
> It's very known that she still moniters this site
> and occasionally posts anon. It's great that she
> stopped feeding in the way she used to, but she
> should really just leave all together. Forget
> ffxu exists and move on. As long as she keeps
> visiting to see what people are saying or to see
> if more pics were posted, she will be allowing
> this site to have power over her.

In her warped mind, it is much better for he to play the crybaby to Cary than to actually change her behavior..we saw the youtube video, some of us have even copied it. It shows her being fucking nuts.
She seemed to show more emotion about a fucking cell phone than she has ever shown about her kids.
Removing the video ain't going ain't gonna change that.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Counterproductive ()
Date: June 30, 2017 11:52AM

Don't see any point in her continuing to come here. She may be able to get her damning video removed from Youtube and wherever else, and some unwanted photos removed....but she will never be successful in censoring the way she wants. As a previous poster touched on, the more she tries, the more trolls and others will keep this going. Very counterproductive on her part. Not to mention that she is about to have a baby, she should be focused on caring for it and for her family, not monitering her thread on Fairfax Underground.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Why ask why? ()
Date: June 30, 2017 01:49PM

Counterproductive Wrote:
> Don't see any point in her continuing to come
> here. She may be able to get her damning video
> removed from Youtube and wherever else, and some
> unwanted photos removed....but she will never be
> successful in censoring the way she wants. As a
> previous poster touched on, the more she tries,
> the more trolls and others will keep this going.
> Very counterproductive on her part. Not to
> mention that she is about to have a baby, she
> should be focused on caring for it and for her
> family, not monitering her thread on Fairfax
> Underground.

A thread about her makes her feel important.

It doesn't make rational sense, but when has a white trash women ever made rational sense?

Especially once they hit 30 and any chance for happiness is over since guys who will want to fuck are drying up and she has nothing to offer but her ever-aging vadge.

Her next stop is to get even fatter and start wearing white shorts and hanging out in the frozen food section of the Walmart for a few decades until she dies in her mid fifties. Anyone remembering her will go, "that figures".

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: freak of nature ()
Date: June 30, 2017 02:35PM

What's up with the dude holding the blue cup?

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 30, 2017 02:58PM

What's that blue light??? Vacuum???

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Butterfly Effect ()
Date: June 30, 2017 03:21PM

freak of nature Wrote:
> What's up with the dude holding the blue cup?

He looks like Ashton's Kutcher's morbidly obese college roommate from The Butterfly Effect.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: what's UP with him? ()
Date: June 30, 2017 10:58PM

freak of nature Wrote:
> What's up with the dude holding the blue cup?

His weight, his BP, not his IQ.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: EvilClown ()
Date: July 01, 2017 06:33AM

what's UP with him? Wrote:
> freak of nature Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's up with the dude holding the blue cup?
> His weight, his BP, not his IQ.

He's a juggalo.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: juggalo my ass ()
Date: July 01, 2017 06:34AM

JabbaTheHuttalo, maybe...

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: allyourfoodismine ()
Date: July 01, 2017 10:47AM

Betting his family is thrilled when he shows up for Thanksgiving dinner.
What a fucking embarrassment.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: I have a cousin ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:04AM

allyourfoodismine Wrote:
> Betting his family is thrilled when he shows up
> for Thanksgiving dinner.
> What a fucking embarrassment.

I have a cousin who looks like that.

I avoid family get-togethers which involve restaurants or anywhere else in public.

Fat boy is one of the few people who showed up to Megan's birthday. It is only a matter of time before even he won't put up with her bitchiness.

She brought her awful life on herself.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:05AM

Megan was working yesterday evening at a Mcdonald's I was eating at. She's the manager, which proves Megan has organizational and leadership skills.

I'm proud of her.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: matchmaker ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:12AM

Eesh just fuck her already. You both want each other, that is obvious. Pam would be delighted to have her son back so that you and Hammie can get married. When you two produce a litter of eeshlets and hamlets they can post to each other on Fairfax Underground. You can take family trips to see Lizzie in jail and the pedo in whatever asylum he is in.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:19AM

matchmaker Wrote:
> When you two produce a litter of
> eeshlets and hamlets

This is an "eeshlet," and my child will be the typical white person (no white males) by 2050.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Long dong silver ()
Date: July 01, 2017 12:15PM

eesh Wrote:
> matchmaker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When you two produce a litter of
> > eeshlets and hamlets
> This is an "eeshlet," and my child will be the
> typical white person (no white males) by 2050.
> -

Getting a cock up your ass won't get you knocked up

But keep trying. You are a persistent little bitch.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh says ()
Date: July 01, 2017 12:23PM

Eesh says "black cock tastes like chicken"

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: MIZ SAYS ()
Date: July 01, 2017 12:24PM

Tator's cock tastes like aged Feta.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh and mo = piglet ()
Date: July 01, 2017 01:14PM

matchmaker Wrote:
> Eesh just fuck her already. You both want each
> other, that is obvious. Pam would be delighted to
> have her son back so that you and Hammie can get
> married. When you two produce a litter of
> eeshlets and hamlets they can post to each other
> on Fairfax Underground. You can take family trips
> to see Lizzie in jail and the pedo in whatever
> asylum he is in.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: and she's managing lizzie ()
Date: July 01, 2017 04:39PM

eesh Wrote:
> Megan was working yesterday evening at a
> Mcdonald's I was eating at. She's the manager,
> which proves Megan has organizational and
> leadership skills.
> I'm proud of her.
> .
Kudos to both!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: PB ()
Date: July 01, 2017 04:51PM

If eesh plays Dom in the bedroom, gets rough and tells Megan he will rape her good and long, then Meg will spread for him like peanut butter. She loves that shit.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Camp Mom ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:24PM


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:54PM

I don't think Pop Tarts and a can of Spam count as a kid's lunch.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: also she forgot Tuesday ()
Date: July 01, 2017 11:55PM

But clearly, Megan is the perfect mother - sort of a June Cleaver type.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Date: July 02, 2017 02:44AM

EESH NEVER Let Megan put makeup on your Kid!!!!

I thought you knew better!! My gods all that paint your child is going to have neck pain from the added weight!!.

Eesh qoute

This is an "eeshlet," and my child will be the typical white person (no white males) by 2050.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: July 02, 2017 11:49AM

manipulation of a minor with lunch bags.

When's the hearing?????

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 02, 2017 12:10PM

Ludwig Wrote:
> manipulation of a minor with lunch bags.
> When's the hearing?????

LOL I thought of that too.

7/10 is the show cause appeal from JDR.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: July 02, 2017 12:38PM

eesh Wrote:
> Ludwig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > manipulation of a minor with lunch bags.
> >
> > When's the hearing?????
> LOL I thought of that too.
> 7/10 is the show cause appeal from JDR.


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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: confused ()
Date: July 02, 2017 02:37PM

How is she able to make lunches and send him off to camp if she doesn't have custody??

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Joshua Beware ()
Date: July 02, 2017 02:56PM

If Megan is truly pregnant with Josh's baby, she can sue for child support if they ever get divorced. Whether or not Josh stays with Megan, she will guarantee him a life of inescapable misery.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Inescapable misery ()
Date: July 02, 2017 03:23PM

Joshua Beware Wrote:
> If Megan is truly pregnant with Josh's baby, she
> can sue for child support if they ever get
> divorced. Whether or not Josh stays with Megan,
> she will guarantee him a life of inescapable
> misery.

Aaron has been going through that since 2012.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: It's the hambeast plan ()
Date: July 02, 2017 04:27PM

Joshua Beware Wrote:
> If Megan is truly pregnant with Josh's baby, she
> can sue for child support if they ever get
> divorced.

Get knocked up by lots of dudes, keep the kids, and every day is payday.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: July 02, 2017 04:44PM

confused Wrote:
> How is she able to make lunches and send him off
> to camp if she doesn't have custody??

Josh drops them off at camp???

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: wasnt video used in court case ()
Date: July 02, 2017 06:36PM

Was the video ever presented to the courts as evidence?
If not it's still not too late to Amicus Curie.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: the fat dude? ()
Date: July 02, 2017 07:06PM

freak of nature Wrote:
> What's up with the dude holding the blue cup?

He used to be unknown to the rest of the bunch. He came with the apartment, as he is too big to be moved out.

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Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: July 02, 2017 08:38PM

One more......

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