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OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: so stupid ()
Date: September 19, 2021 08:18AM

(the new) SEGA "emulator" released is 100% perfect streaming re-release of Sega games: professional quality re-release. Not a linux hack released by hackers w/o permission - released by SEGA.

well most 64 bit sucks anyway

ubuntu only allows 32-bit Steam games - after they tortured the linux community with forced 64 updates to "seize control" (they used incompatibility to do it - and hid the generator core - the 32/64 compiler switchout - and lorded it over to kill other distributions - and I WILL TODAY ACCUSE THEM OF HAVING USED a non-linux commercial 64 compiler to do it. they lied they never used linux to switch cannonical executables to 64)

there are super-high end graphics RPGs. but allot of them are tedious and suck. ok a few goods maybe: mostly not. many are "arcade style" which i've never liked ever.

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 6i56i ()
Date: September 19, 2021 08:34AM

my experience is: i've had two 64 bit games with "pretty graphics" and are action. they are "cool at first = graphics 1st experience wise" but have very little replay value. i rarely ever practically never fire them up after completing. only gta5 has gotten a fair number of hours used after 1st completion.

in the ? 20teens i got some PS2 high graphics games - sold them all. they weren't better than older games though. just different - and with being forced to 3D walk everywhere often tedious. not one of them i wouldn't sell.

the games i'm most likely to fire up though i've already completed? older ones - the ones UBUNTU and cancel culture told you that you didn't need

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 6u4556ii ()
Date: September 19, 2021 09:07AM


pretty graphics but not wholey different than gta5 either. same flowers? high quality composure orchestral mood music - but is very back-ground ish - not the kind you ever want to hear if the game isn't playing.

boring as sin once the main game is completed (as is gta5 also). and is the mostly-hack-slash-action main game worth repeating to see the story?

you can swim across that lake. it's boring after the first time though!


just dorky enough i might do it a second time and enjoy it just as much? and the music is less orchestral more appropriate game music you can hear over and over? use your imagination?

$60 64bit price to $1 16-bit price you have a 60:1 on "why do i need these 64 graphics instead of hand drawn graphics"

you know - the 64bit game could have insured the game was good 2nd time around or even playable after the story finished: but how many of them DID. how many of them decided: 99% spending on graphics, 1% on replay value, customers will have to keep buy $60 sagas since they won't be replaying any? good business acumen?

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 43y34yy ()
Date: September 19, 2021 09:13AM


the player is so pro it even curves the screen so it looks like a tv - without any FPS drop

very cool

been available since 2011. yet very few have even touched it. a shame in my view.

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 45u5u ()
Date: September 19, 2021 09:16AM

I thought 3D would relieve indie game programmers by freeing them from the need to do scenery / town art so they could focus on the characters and main game. but the 3D people they just want to do graphics and screw the game.

wow how the 3D and 2D RPG turned out has surprised me. the new ones are intently programming to appear to be 16-bit

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 4554uu ()
Date: September 19, 2021 09:23AM

the huge problem is

* they are all financed using democrat ties - they want to develop games using OTHER PEOPLES MONEY without financial liability - and with partents who are governent theft mavens

it's a huge problem - china new laws agaisnt children playing games. samsung suing android (which ultimlately means UBUNTU hack-2b-chinese-only hack addicts also)

a sickening number of games released - and very little corporate organization (ie, show up at work on time and work hard ethics - team development)

those who are teamed - usualy rich kids who just happened to be so anyway.

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: 45yyyy ()
Date: September 19, 2021 09:38AM


another shame is the "cancel culture" of these. king's quest space quest type.

these had allot of story imagination and "story solving" in them and were absolutely halarious

you'd have thought RPG would merge with these to be both. but they didn't

instead - these cool best sellers simply vanished from almost any new production


it looks allot like this could be integrated with RPGMaker by a company with allot of talent. an rpg-adventure? but it just never gets released. just doesn't work that way.

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Re: OMG. I just tried a Sega Genisis 16-bit game from 1993. So many cancel culture 64-bit games SUCK SO BAD
Posted by: answers own question ()
Date: September 19, 2021 10:20AM


so here's what i do with this scene

* i'd have roger with a few coins nothing to buy the whole game - wondering what they're for

* finally, an old woman needs some coins and she has what he needs to progress, finally!

* not 5 minutes later these lovely space cadets invite roger to their under-ground workout "later" and leave without him, saying he can take the subway.

* Roger tries the sub - finds out it's coin operated!! OMG the only coins in the game are gone!! his only chance to meet the ladies up later has been blown !!


you can't do good slapstic with RPGMaker. maybe you can. but you really need to more than just rpg npc icons to do a decent slap-stick setup

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