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Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Howard Sterno ()
Date: January 11, 2022 09:42PM

On the commute home tonight, I heard an advertisement on SiriusXM they are going to have a limited time channel for Meade Skelton. They often do this for other music icons such as David Bowie and Tom Petty. Frequently these lead to a regular full time channel. I could see Meade having a Meade’s Boneyard channel similar to Ozzy’s. The victories keep coming for Meade in 2022!

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Eddie Trunk ()
Date: January 11, 2022 09:50PM

I heard Kristine Stone is a huge fan. I heard Meade has some epic live tracks. I can't wait for this channel.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Rachel Steele ()
Date: January 11, 2022 10:00PM

Welcome aboard the lineup Meade! You’re a great addition. Looking forward to your commentary about your Branson shows between the music

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Reginald Wentworth III ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:57AM

All of you, lay off the drugs and get help immediately. Our own Mr Skelton has never had one song played on Sirius XM. I would be shocked shocked shocked if he's ever actually received a royalty check.

He has never been to Branson, and never will. He has not dated any famous celebrities. As a matter of fact he hasn't dated at all in his entire life.

With all the videos he posts on YouTube, have you ever seen him with somebody else? A friend? A lover? Even a relative? No you have not

You need help. Meade needs help. All of you are living in a fantasy world

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Meade ruins everything ()
Date: January 12, 2022 11:46AM

One of Meade's follies over the past 20 years is he actually thinks boasting about his music, gets people to like his music. People have their own eyes and ears and nothing from anyone here is going to talk people into liking it. OR hating it.

This one blog entry concisely describes it pretty well.


"Phew! Mead’s music actually isn’t that bad: naïve, perhaps; mediocre certainly, but not point-blank horrible. But what makes this outsider musician so fascinating is his personality. Self-righteous and obsessed with junk food, the man who wrote an ode to a cuppa (Sweet Tea) is fanatical about protecting his image – so much so that should anyone dare to criticise his work online (at, say, Amazon or any one of a number of online forums) he will appear under the guise of one of his many alter egos to remonstrate with them. He’s also rather fond of posting four and five star reviews of his own albums to try and kid people into believing that the release they’re purchasing is in fact the work of the next Elvis."

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Meade the enhancer ()
Date: January 12, 2022 12:44PM

I actually found out about Meade from Fairfax Underground. I agree that Meade's music isn't terrible. It is certainly different. I actually like some of his songs. I think his videos are kind of creative.

I think Meade is an interesting character. If you like him listen, if you don't then listen to something else.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Meade Skelton lies lies lies ()
Date: January 12, 2022 01:09PM

OP is Meade Skelton lies lies lies

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Amatuer Hour Meade ()
Date: January 12, 2022 02:20PM

Meade the enhancer Wrote:
> I think his videos are
> kind of creative.

You don't watch a lot of videos, do you?

His videos look like a high schooler's attempt after watching a few "how-to" videos on Youtube.

Meade has been at this for too long to still be at this level.

"look daddy, I learned how to overlay and fade an image out!"
download (78).gif

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Efmkm ()
Date: January 12, 2022 02:25PM

I don't understand why meade feels the need to lie here? It doesn't matter that he's a failed musician, he's still doing better in life then Micheal basl, just be real about it.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Haven't you figured it out? ()
Date: January 12, 2022 03:04PM

Efmkm Wrote:
> I don't understand why meade feels the need to lie
> here? It doesn't matter that he's a failed
> musician, he's still doing better in life then
> Micheal basl, just be real about it.

Meade is retarded. As mediocre as his music-making seems to be, music is actually Meade's "Savant" quality. One of his problems at Publix has to do with the "quick-check" line. Meade is mathematically challenged by the concept of "ten items or less".

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Reginald Wentworth III ()
Date: January 12, 2022 03:30PM

Haven't you figured it out? Wrote:
> Efmkm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't understand why meade feels the need to
> lie
> > here? It doesn't matter that he's a failed
> > musician, he's still doing better in life then
> > Micheal basl, just be real about it.
> Meade is retarded. As mediocre as his music-making
> seems to be, music is actually Meade's "Savant"
> quality. One of his problems at Publix has to do
> with the "quick-check" line. Meade is
> mathematically challenged by the concept of "ten
> items or less".

The grammatically correct phrase is "10 items or fewer".

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: You sound smart ()
Date: January 12, 2022 06:34PM

Reggie you sound very smart. You must be the senior cash register guy at Giant, with your superior knowledge of proper grocery store grammar . Now get back behind the register and stop being jealous of Meade’s success and your lack thereof

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Winner, Winner-Chicken Dinner! ()
Date: January 12, 2022 06:53PM

You sound smart Wrote:
> Reggie you sound very smart. You must be the
> senior cash register guy at Giant, with your
> superior knowledge of proper grocery store grammar
> . Now get back behind the register and stop being
> jealous of Meade’s success and your lack thereof

It was been a long time coming but Meade has finally figured out how to generate income. And it involves using a microphone... "Would you like waffle fries with your order?"

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Nypnt ()
Date: January 12, 2022 06:58PM

God it must burn meade up even having to serve black people. I bet it's hilarious to see 1 give him a hard time, getting uppity with him when he fucks up an order.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: I wonder if ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:03PM

I wonder if Meade’s SiriusXM channel will include his commentary, like his vlogs, or will it just be music? I hope it is both.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Making it all up... ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:09PM

I wonder if Wrote:
> I wonder if Meade’s SiriusXM channel will
> include his commentary, like his vlogs, or will it
> just be music? I hope it is both.

Why not have it all?
As long as you are making up lies, you might as well throw in the biggest lies you conjure up!

It doesn't change the fact that Meade music has never been popular and never will be.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: Reginald Wentworth III ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:27PM

I'm jealous of Meade Skelton. I will think about that when me and Mrs. Wentworth are having sex in our house in Great Falls.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: The Truthfulness ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:41PM

Yeah sure we believe you Reggie. They don’t have trailer parks in Great Falls. And the thought of your bald sweaty ass humping on top of your fat ugly wife made me spit up in my mouth a little bit. Please don’t say that again.

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Re: Meade Skelton on SiriusXM
Posted by: 2022 is the year of Meade! ()
Date: January 12, 2022 07:46PM

Reginald Wentworth III Wrote:
> I'm jealous of Meade Skelton. I will think about
> that when me and Mrs. Wentworth are having sex in
> our house in Great Falls.

I bet you are also jelly of that high-profile job he has in the service industry.

There is no classier way to pay off your hefty consumer debt than working a drive-through window at a fast-food restaurant.

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