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Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: Jew Watch ()
Date: July 23, 2023 08:44AM

In Essay 1, the essay preceding this one, we introduced the central, essential activity

upon which the entire history and existence of these Jews rests:

These Jews, telling everyone else, what they want them to think.

We also offered a recent historical example of this activity’s use as a weapon to attack

an institution of the United States. In our example, the target of this weapon was the United

States military, an institution that was aggressively targeted by these Jews, starting in

the early 1990s, as they attempted to normalize homosexual behavior.

The central, essential activity of these Jews, and the example of its application against

the U.S. military that we introduced in the first essay, leave us with a number intriguing

questions. The most important, “to what end?” is a question that we are unable to answer

satisfactorily without more information.

We can speculate, of course, and we can make educated guesses based on the examples of the

essential activity of these Jews that we can observe, but we cannot know for sure of their

longer-term objectives or desired end state.

For this second essay, we provide additional examples of the central activity of these Jews

in its day-to-day use with the intent that our readers will, after reading the two essays,

be able to readily identify its use in practice by these Jews. In addition, we begin to

answer an important question:

What is it that these Jews want us to think?

In other words, can we identify a general classification or category for the messages that

these Jews communicate to us as they aggressively undertake their central activity of telling

us what they want us to think?

We begin with additional examples of the essential activity of these Jews beyond that which

we introduced in our first essay: the aggressive, centralized, systematic, methodical effort

by these Jews to normalize homosexual behavior.

As we have seen over the past thirty years, the success that these Jews have had at normalizing

homosexual behavior has not been enough to satisfy them, and they have followed it with even

more aggressive attempts to normalize a related form of mental illness that has the same

effect (sterilization of the victim) as homosexual behavior.

In their attempts to normalize this related form of mental illness, which has traditionally

been referred to as “gender identity disorder,” these Jews claim that one’s biological sex

should not be considered a barrier to self-discovery. In other words, these Jews want

people to think that they should sterilize themselves by removing or permanently mutilating

their genitals in order to liberate themselves from the “prison” of biological sex.

But these Jews don’t stop there. These Jews also claim that anyone who attempts to exercise

prudence in the face of their systematic, methodical, sexual mutilation and sterilization

program (a program that targets children and young people in particular) is guilty of

participating in a “genocide” against the “trans-gender” population.

This rhetoric, as preposterous as it sounds, has been incredibly effective in serving the

tribal interests of these Jews. For example, in March, 2023 a “trans gender” person who had

fallen victim to what these Jews wanted them to think, carried out a terrorist attack

against a Christian school in Tennessee that killed multiple children.

Considering the orchestration of this sterilization program by these Jews, and their

associated rhetoric regarding the “genocide” and “holocaust” of the “trans-gender” people

who are their victims, we should expect to see more terrorist attacks carried out by people

who have made the grave mistake of mutilating or sterilizing themselves because they

believed what these Jews wanted them to think.

At this point, we have covered two of the more prominent examples of the central activity

of these Jews: these Jews normalizing homosexual behavior by aggressively telling people

to think that it is perfectly normal, and these Jews attempting to normalize the

sterilization and sexual mutilation of children by telling us to think that it is a form of

“healthcare” that children have a “right” to receive, and that medical professionals have

a “duty” to dispense. In both cases, regardless of the claims made by these Jews, the actual

effect on the victims is the same: sterilization.

Numerous parallels to the claims of these Jews about homosexual behavior and the sexual

mutilation of children are also to be found in the claims that these Jews make about abortion.

Like their claims about the sexual mutilation of our children, these Jews go to great

lengths to attempt to make us think that abortion is an indispensable form of “healthcare”

for women and that any attempt to exercise prudence or restraint around the matter infringes

on the rights of women to obtain “healthcare.”

Like the peculiar enthusiasm with which these Jews have undertaken their efforts to

normalize homosexual behavior, the sheer zealotry expressed by these Jews as they attempt

to convince women to dispose of their unborn children must pique the curiosity of any

intelligent person.

Certainly, one cannot help but notice that the attempts by these Jews to impose abortion

on the masses has a a religious intensity to it. And one can easily be left with the

impression that these Jews maintain an intense desire to spread a false religion of infant

sacrifice by targeting vulnerable women in the same manner that they target young people

and children for sexual mutilation.

Such a false religion certainly has historical precedent and is one of the more dangerous

applications of the central, essential activity that these Jews center their entire

existence around.

Furthermore, considering the prominence of these Jews in the contemporary movements

(diversity, democracy, man-made global-warming) that reasonably qualify as “false religions,”

we can conclude that the false religion is a natural offshoot of the central activity of

these Jews and that it must thus be considered another weapon in the arsenal that they

deploy against us.

In sum, given the three examples we have just covered, we can start to answer the question

that we posed earlier in this essay: What is it that these Jews want us to think? If the

examples we have just provided are an indication, then among the highest priorities of what

these Jews want us to think, is:

That self-destruction is something to aspire to.

Of course, the list of destructive behaviors that these Jews want us to think are normal,

noble, and virtuous is not limited to the homosexuality, the sexual mutilation and

sterilization of children, and the abortion that we discussed above. Numerous other

examples are to be found in the areas of drug and alcohol use, and the fervent calls from

these Jews for “tolerance” of crime, criminality, and criminals.

In the essays following this one, we will explore the broader implications and effects of

the central activity of these Jews. Implications and effects that go far beyond homosexual

behavior, the sexual mutilation of children, and abortion.

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Re: Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: Jews make you read all that ()
Date: July 23, 2023 08:47AM



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Re: Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: bmprz ()
Date: July 23, 2023 07:27PM


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Re: Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: Very Informative ()
Date: August 28, 2023 04:26PM

Very informative! Thanks, JP!!!

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Re: Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: FJB ()
Date: August 28, 2023 04:55PM

It's the Jews.
Montgomery County's Islamic community outraged their children won't be allowed to op out of LGBT indoctrination while Christians are angered by judge's decision. Crickets from the County's large Jewish population.

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Re: Essay 2: On the Topic of these Jews
Posted by: Jew Watch ()
Date: August 28, 2023 08:14PM

FJB Wrote:
> It's the Jews.
> Montgomery County's Islamic community outraged
> their children won't be allowed to op out of LGBT
> indoctrination while Christians are angered by
> judge's decision. Crickets from the County's large
> Jewish population.

If Islam is any indication, these Jews have been using homosexuals as biological weapons for thousands of years.

On the positive side, there's a lot more information becoming available about how evil these Jews actually are.

Americans will wake up to the evils of these Jews, since it's pretty much impossible not to.

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