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The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 15, 2008 11:49AM

Did anyone else catch it yesterday? I was surprised, but it really wasn't very good. Say what you will about Don Geronimo, but the show worked when he would take a cynical slant on things. O'Meara was playing clips of Steven Wright doing Chris Rock material and Chris Rock during Steven Wright material (which, surprisingly, was painfully unfunny) and O'Meara, Rob-a and Buzz were laughing at it like it was the Jack Diamond Morning Show. I sure hope to hell O'Meara doesn't take this approach with the show, because it won't be on very long if he does.

edit by Cary (the admin): After 7+ years in Fairfax General this thread has been moved to the Off-Topic forum. The Mike O'Meara Show has not been broadcast from Fairfax City for many years, and is no longer transmitted by any local radio stations. An influx of out-of-town posters who visit solely for this thread have been polluting other topics.

Everyone is certainly welcome to continue contributing to this thread; it will now simply be housed in the Off-Topic forum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2015 12:34AM by Cary.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 15, 2008 11:56AM

Is it possible to achieve an apex higher than The Don and Mike Show???

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 15, 2008 12:04PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Is it possible to achieve an apex higher than The
> Don and Mike Show???

It doesn't have to be better than D&M, but it shouldn't be as bad as Jack Diamond.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: erik ()
Date: April 15, 2008 02:05PM

I listened for a little while. It was the opposite of entertainment.

I'm kind of bummed about it, but not surprised. D&M has been uninteresting since the midday fiasco.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fat ()
Date: April 15, 2008 03:22PM

Mike O'Meara is fat and annoying.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Greed ()
Date: April 15, 2008 04:07PM

Yeah, but he has a fine ex stripper girlfriend who straddles his big fat ass because he has lots of $$$.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: April 16, 2008 03:55AM

I love D&M, but evertime Don was not in the studio, i felt it was lacking something.... It could just be another voice in the show.

I feel Buzz just doesn't know what to say at time.
Rob is absolutely perfect for the background jokes, doesn't work so well when he is on the mic.

Mike is funny, but he needs another person to joke around with, Rob and Buzz don't work so well, but they are key people to the show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: don_not_mike_fan ()
Date: April 16, 2008 08:17AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Did anyone else catch it yesterday? I was
> surprised, but it really wasn't very good.

surprised it happened or surprised it wasnt good... the first no shit don left, and the second no shit don left

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yeah she is. ()
Date: April 16, 2008 03:34PM

His ex stripper girlfriend probably strattles a lot of fat asses. He can have her.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: oops ()
Date: April 16, 2008 03:35PM

I meant straddle...lol

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: lorton guy ()
Date: April 17, 2008 10:00AM

Does anyone else think he's terrible at impressions? The voices all sound just like his regular voice -- I don't get it. Why does he contimue to do impressions that are so bad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 17, 2008 10:08AM

I always thought Mike was a funny guy, but yeah, his impressions are really lame. I haven't listened in years, but I used to hate when he'd do that "Charlie Stewang Stabalack" voice. That was one of the most offensively unfunny bits on the entire show, that stupid voice drove me crazy. Ugh.

Thank God for Sirius.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Timmy the Greek ()
Date: April 18, 2008 09:44AM

I've been a fan of Don and Mike since the WAVA days, but I must be honest and say the new show is very annoying. It kind of gives me a headache. Mike is very uncomfortable being the show's leader. And Buzz and Rob don't add much either. And they are adding another voice? Bottom line: this show DOES NOT WORK!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 18, 2008 10:11AM

lorton guy Wrote:
> Does anyone else think he's terrible at
> impressions? The voices all sound just like his
> regular voice -- I don't get it. Why does he
> contimue to do impressions that are so bad.

Yes. I agree 100%. Mike's impressions are terrible.

I don't think it is because he can't do voices well. I think he is just going through the motions nowadays. If you listen to the "best of" shows, you can hear how just four or five years ago he really nailed some of the impressions, especially Bob Barker, Regis Philbin and Larry King. Now when he does impressions he sounds like Mike O'Meara with a head cold or sore throat. I say if you aren't going to try to do an impression well, don't bother at all.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ronald Mexico ()
Date: April 18, 2008 11:00AM

Let's start a Mike O'Meara Show deathwatch. I predict the show will be off the air April of 2009. I'll be gracious and give it a year. It's bad. I can only listen to a few minutes before hitting the dial.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 18, 2008 11:05AM

Ronald Mexico Wrote:
> Let's start a Mike O'Meara Show deathwatch. I
> predict the show will be off the air April of
> 2009. I'll be gracious and give it a year. It's
> bad. I can only listen to a few minutes before
> hitting the dial.

I don't think it will make it a year. Not so much because it will be canceled, per se, but I think the powers that be at CBS radio will drop the whole shock-jock format at WJFK. The station's ratings have sucked for a couple of years and you can't tell me that the station makes much money with the bloated payrolls being paid out to the ensemble casts of The Junkies and Mike O'Meara's show. Also, D&M was subsidized somewhat by the syndication deal. I think that went away when Don did.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: walkman ()
Date: April 18, 2008 11:36AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
The station's
> ratings have sucked for a couple of years and you
> can't tell me that the station makes much money
> with the bloated payrolls being paid out to the
> ensemble casts of The Junkies and Mike O'Meara's
> show.

Thats probably why when I turn to that station and many others, all I hear are commercials.

Radio sucks nowadays

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JigSAW ()
Date: April 18, 2008 02:02PM

Greed Wrote:
> Yeah, but he has a fine ex stripper girlfriend who
> straddles his big fat ass because he has lots of
> $$$.

Yup, a true gold digger.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: rottenpunk ()
Date: April 20, 2008 07:11PM

Two words - atomically horrible.

Wouldn't it have been better just to retire the whole deal and bow out with some sort of dignity?

Let's face it - the show wasn't that good anyway. This entire deal seems ego driven. (someone can't let go) I can't tell you how many times I cringed when they unloaded something really unfunny, i.e. the employee of the month game. It's not even close. Don's whole deal was making the stupid games funny by adding the cynicism and relating it to the stupidity of the radio business.

The only logical explanation I can present is that maybe the station got caught in a bind with Don leaving so abruptly and had to fill the time until they dump the format.

Bottom line - too much Buzz (he's boring), Rob is only good being off the mike - and Beth Ann McBride? Please - what the hell is she coming back for. The only reason she was funny before was because she and Mike had that fake tension that Don "mediated."

6 months - tops.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OMEARA IIS FAT ()
Date: April 21, 2008 07:02AM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 21, 2008 09:33AM

rottenpunk Wrote:
I can't tell you how many times I cringed
> when they unloaded something really unfunny, i.e.
> the employee of the month game.

That was truly awful. I kept waiting for someone to slice and dice the callers apart ala Don Geronimo and all Mike, Buzz and Robb did was applaud them for their stupid stories. And then they didn't even let the best one compete (the apartment manager who spent his entire day watching movies and playing poker online). What's up with that??

They also didn't vet the callers very well. The guy who won, the mechanic, sounded like a fake set-up to me, especially when the boss was yelling at him on the phone. Where the hell was Mike's B.S. detector on that one? I guess Don took it with him when he retired.

I don't know what the payroll is for that show, but I think JFK is paying too much. If they end up pulling Glenn Beck numbers, I imagine they will be gone sooner rather than later.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bob in Wichita ()
Date: April 21, 2008 10:33PM

I have been a D&M listener for 10+ years,I'm going to give the show a chance.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mal ()
Date: April 22, 2008 04:21PM

I am honestly shocked at how many haters there are on this board. Mike is definitely a funny guy. Lets give him a chance to see what he can do on his own before shoveling dirt on him.

And dissing his girlfriend is just stupid. There's no reason for it.

Lets not piss on both the man's work life and home life, shall we?

I bet you guys lives are just filled with stacks of cash and supermodels.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 22, 2008 04:28PM

I'll give it a chance, but they need better bits. The show yesterday with the psychic was closer to the tone the show needs to have. Not this crap of playing stale bits from Steven Wright and laughing at them without comment. That is lame and lazy.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Coca Cola ()
Date: April 22, 2008 04:36PM

Any fat guy with a hot girlfriend has to have stacks of cash..I wonder what his daughters' mother thinks of his stripper girlfriend spending all the kids money on coke.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 22, 2008 04:42PM

Any word on what happened to O'Meara's restaurant? I heard it is only open on weekends. He talked about it on Monday's show a bit and sounded like he wants to unload it. Another guy with no restaurant experience failing as a restaurant owner. Big surprise.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Greg ()
Date: April 22, 2008 04:55PM

Come on, this show is something that the "old" d&m would have cut down to size in mockery. Mike is now 'nice'. 2 bad the old d&m bits like uh game are 20 years old. Plus, can Mike run down the old show much more? It only paid his fat ass for 20+ years. I give it six months. Buzz is good, but when he does the news now it's like reading from a newspaper. Oh gotta go. Is it 'argument wednesday' or 'do you care tuesday'? lame-o

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ronald Mexico ()
Date: April 22, 2008 05:00PM

Mal Wrote:
> Mike is definitely a funny guy.

No, he's not. I'm not going to "diss" on the man's personal life at all. I just think he is not particularly funny. As a matter of fact, that "Charlie" voice is stupidest damn thing I've ever heard in my life. Whenever I hear that I switch stations so fast it'll make your head spin. Buzz puts me to sleep when he talks. Rob is just a douche.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: GREASY ()
Date: April 22, 2008 05:14PM

rottenpunk Wrote:
> Two words - atomically horrible.
> Wouldn't it have been better just to retire the
> whole deal and bow out with some sort of dignity?
> Let's face it - the show wasn't that good anyway.
> This entire deal seems ego driven. (someone can't
> let go) I can't tell you how many times I cringed
> when they unloaded something really unfunny, i.e.
> the employee of the month game. It's not even
> close. Don's whole deal was making the stupid
> games funny by adding the cynicism and relating it
> to the stupidity of the radio business.
> The only logical explanation I can present is that
> maybe the station got caught in a bind with Don
> leaving so abruptly and had to fill the time until
> they dump the format.
> Bottom line - too much Buzz (he's boring), Rob is
> only good being off the mike - and Beth Ann
> McBride? Please - what the hell is she coming
> back for. The only reason she was funny before
> was because she and Mike had that fake tension
> that Don "mediated."
> 6 months - tops.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: GREASY ()
Date: April 22, 2008 05:18PM

I have been listening to the d&m show for years. I think that Don was getting tired and Mike was ready for his own show, however, I think Mike needs some new "schtick". A new format might bode well for all of them, especially the stoned one. It's got to be tough to entertain for 4 hours everyday when the main cog in the machine just up and left. Give it time......

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Gary ()
Date: April 23, 2008 10:03AM

okay i listened yesterday. if shit had a radio show, this would be it. do the people at wjfk think this show will make it? i'd get big o and dukes ready, just in case this falls apart real soon. news on the hour and re hashing beth annes past does not make for riveting radio, which is what the other show used to do.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 23, 2008 10:13AM

It really does sound like the Jack Diamond Morning Show. You have all the trademarks. The fake group laughs. Playing clips from outside sources that are supposed to be funny but aren't. Mike setting up a scenario and then asking callers to call in and give their own experiences (ever get the wrong order at a fast food drive-through? What was your worst experience?). And reading bits from those stupid joke services Don used to lambaste. I mean, did Mike not learn anything over the past 25 years???

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Marky ()
Date: April 23, 2008 04:13PM

This show can be salvaged only if Mike NEVER be serious. Use his funny impressions. For example they need to schedule interviews then tell the interviewee that they have a surprise gust like Jack Nicolson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The guy in rich and famous TV program Robin Leech and all the other famous people that Mike does a good job making fun. This can be good.

Another point Rob Spewak needs to really shut up and stop laughing like a bum looser. Hay man you can’t full people with your fake laughter. I really hate it when he does that.

The way it’s going with no drastic changes I’ll give it a few months only before it crashes.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike's Ex-Stripper Girlfriend ()
Date: April 23, 2008 04:35PM

Greed Wrote:
> Yeah, but he has a fine ex stripper girlfriend who
> straddles his big fat ass because he has lots of
> $$$.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: April 23, 2008 04:44PM

The show is just missing something. It's like somebody ran over Mike's puppy and Mike is trying to be plastic funny.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 23, 2008 08:30PM

What is that segment called, the Audio Vault??

Awful. Absolutely awful. Just play shit that has been fed to you by American Idol or Hell's Kitchen and laugh at it. Jesus, is this guy being paid to do this???

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: lauren ()
Date: April 24, 2008 09:39AM

I listened to Don and Mike for 10 years, and I gave the Mike O Meara show a try. Back to Sirius for me. He (Mike 0) is to the point where there is no ass he wont lick. Forget the fact the show has no edge or geniune laughs, but to hear him talk up the virtues of the Junkys or the two Junky want to be's that are on before him is just sad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 24, 2008 09:57AM

I guess the other day they had a 20-minute interview with Tom Green. Maybe they can do an interview with Pauly Shore while they are at it. I guess relevance isn't part of the criteria they use for selecting guests.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 27, 2008 08:26AM

Topic for Friday's show: Call in folks and tell us about your "weekend from Hell."

Might as well start spinning Maroon 5 records while they are at it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: greg ()
Date: April 27, 2008 11:08AM

check out radiogodsforum.com it's a bunch of folks who think the new show is better and funnier really, i say? i've tried to listen and can't find it worth the time

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: April 28, 2008 06:19PM

greg Wrote:
> check out radiogodsforum.com it's a bunch of
> folks who think the new show is better and funnier
> really, i say? i've tried to listen and can't
> find it worth the time

Probably Mike O'Meare posting, LOL

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: greg ()
Date: April 29, 2008 08:42AM

I am hardly Mike O Mara, just someone who think his message board is hilarious as they discuss his all new comedy show. Hangover Monday yesterday and a big foot expert today. Wow. Really not funny. I give this show 3 months.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 01, 2008 11:54AM

O'Meara's restaurant is officially closed....

DCRTV hears that WJFK-FM afternoon man Mike O'Meara's Manassas eatery is now closed. O'Meara's Irish Pub had been open only on weekends since mid-March. The slumping economy, Virginia's stringent booze regulations, and the demands of launching his new JFK show, since the recent retirement of partner Don Geronimo, have all contributed to the demise of the restaurant, we're told.

...So let me get this straight. Giving booze to someone after hours and keeping ABC agents out of your place of business constitute "stringent booze regulations?" WTF???

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Tooth ()
Date: May 01, 2008 03:24PM

I think that Mike needs to get out from under Spewak, take Buzz and start fresh. Fresh show, fresh concept, etc. (if that is possible). Continuin on in this format will only result in him being endlessly (and rightfully) slammed for riding on the coattails of the D&M show (which has sucked since the days of the nekkid olympics)...

-The Tooth

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Face ()
Date: May 02, 2008 01:36PM

Didn't one of those guys get busted for having a pound of weed in his trunk a while back? Whatever happened with that?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 02, 2008 01:48PM

Here's the link to the Mike O'Meara Show's website. Nice to see they didn't bother to take new photos of the "on air talent." I'm sure that's because JFK doesn't want to invest any more in these folks since they won't be around much longer.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Ghost of Geronimo ()
Date: May 05, 2008 02:28PM

So the Washington Post finally reported that O'Meara's pub is out of business...

"O'Meara's Goes Dark for Good in Manassas

It's one of those celebrity rites of passage: Get famous, then become a partner in a cool restaurant and hang out with fans. But it doesn't always work out: Ask Mike O'Meara.

WJFK-FM's afternoon talker just shuttered O'Meara's, his Irish pub in Manassas."

I hope the Washington Post prints a retraction. O'Meara's Pub was never "a cool restaurant." It was a so-so sports bar that featured an eating area with the decor of some old lady's sitting room and food that tasted like it was sitting under that old lady's coach for about a week.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: DON GERONIMO ()
Date: May 07, 2008 11:01AM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: DOn Geronimo ()
Date: May 07, 2008 11:07AM


Licensee/Number Objections/Charges

Honor, Inc.
O’Mearas Restaurant & Pub
8971 Center Street
Manassas, Virginia 22110
#029047 WB On Premises & MB
Inc. #200609150011
1. Entreated, urged, enticed, a patron to purchased AB.
2. Unauthorized gift of AB.
3. Advertising – happy hour.
4. Loitering – intoxicated person.
5. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
6. Loitering – intoxicated person.
7. Unauthorized gifts of AB.
8. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
9. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
10. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
11. Consumption o AB by an intoxicated person.
12. Conduct happy hour.
13. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
14. Conduct happy hour.
15. Consumption of AB by an intoxicated person.
16. Conduct happy hour.
17. Conduct happy hour.
18. Conduct happy hour.
19. Unauthorized gifts of AB.
20. Unauthorized gifts of AB.
21. Conduct happy hour.
22. Unauthorized gifts of AB.
23. Unauthorized gifts of AB.
24. Conduct happy hour.
25. Sale of AB to an intoxicated person.
26. Unauthorized gifts of AB.

(Alexandria Regional Office)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jack ()
Date: May 08, 2008 04:00PM

I was a listner/fan of the D&M show for many years. The ensemble of personalities seemed to fit nicely but DON did carry the show. There we bits I couldnt stand (ie. anything with Charlie, low budget jeopardy, anything with the angry mailman, when they were spending lot's of time with the King of Queens chick). Now that I think about it, maybe I didnt really like but it was only talk show on the radio at the drive home. Mike WAS always uncomfortable when Don was off for some reason (I never figured out why they didnt just play "best of"). The new show, even with the support of Buzz and Rob and BA doesnt really offer up much. They just seem to have drank the CBS Kool-Aid and are being politically correct, are no longer "shock jocks", and seem to just kiss the butt of everyone else featured on the other radio programs at JFK. Does anyone really care when Rob is featured on the Junkies? Or Cakes is on the Big O and Dukes Show? Or Big O is on the Mike O'meara show. They just seem to be overzealous in proving to the world (albeit at CBS's direction) that they can all get along post "Don" era. It all seems pre-fab and they are assuming we are all just a bunch of dopes.

I really wanted the Mike O'meara show to work as there is nothing else to listen to. As cheap as I am, I am seriously considering investing in satellite radio.....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 08, 2008 04:14PM

Jack Wrote:
They just seem to have drank the CBS
> Kool-Aid and are being politically correct, are no
> longer "shock jocks", and seem to just kiss the
> butt of everyone else featured on the other radio
> programs at JFK.

I listened a bit yesterday. They kept dumping Mike for saying "fluffer." WTF??? That's not obscene!! (even when you know the context, which I imagine a lot of people don't).

This is what Don was railing against. You try to play by the rules and they start dumping you for ridiculous shit. There were so many dump-outs it totally ruined the segment (not that it was that great to begin with). CBS isn't doing itself any favors by acting like pussies.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jack ()
Date: May 09, 2008 10:31AM

And what was soooo entertaining about the pregnant "survivor" segment, which ate up the entire show?????????????

Gone are the fun days of Rob calling all the women Whores and being a little edgy. They are starting to sound alot like the Jack Diamond Show.

This show is like Howard Stern retiring and his female side-kick having her own show....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 09, 2008 11:29AM

Jack Wrote:
> And what was soooo entertaining about the pregnant
> "survivor" segment, which ate up the entire
> show?????????????
> Gone are the fun days of Rob calling all the women
> Whores and being a little edgy. They are starting
> to sound alot like the Jack Diamond Show.
> This show is like Howard Stern retiring and his
> female side-kick having her own show....

I've noticed the deal with them doing hour-long interviews with people nobody cares about. Do they really have no content? Hell, it would be more entertaining if they just did open phones.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TECHNOVIKING ()
Date: May 09, 2008 11:44AM

mike's belly looks like he was pregnant for the last 48 years. Unfortunately he cant retire cuz he is paying alimony and his restaurant went belly UP.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jack ()
Date: May 09, 2008 03:47PM

I dont think he banked his paychecks as Don did.... and Im willing to bet he took a pay cut for this gig. Hence, between alimony, child support, the new girlfriend, the failing restaurant, etc. he's having a tough time financially.

Everyone has to remember that during the good 'ol days, all he had to do was play second fiddle, show up to work 5 minutes before air time, and basically ad lib his way through the show. Now he has to plan, direct, produce and carry the weight of the show (nothing he's had to do before). It IS CLEAR that they have no vision for the show and just seem to take it day by day by filling up air time with any nonsense they can think of. Kind of reminds me of Peter Rosenberg and all the other failed shows/personalities of WJFK.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 09, 2008 04:11PM

Jack Wrote:
Kind of
> reminds me of Peter Rosenberg and all the other
> failed shows/personalities of WJFK.

Peter Rosenberg...Ha! I miss the days of that dumbass spending an hour telling everyone how cool his girlfriend was. What a lousy on-air personality. Wonder how that gig as a DJ at McDonald's panned out?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Brian ()
Date: May 10, 2008 07:47PM

What really got to me is the constant focus on Beth Ann McBride. She is not funny and should never be featured on the show. And the obsession with her boobs and past are not only boring, but uninspired. The comments about Mike seeming uncomfortable are spot on. Tom Gavine would be funnier than the current lineup. I am so sad that this format is not working. I truly can not listen any longer. The only portion I still enjoy is Buzz' news hour.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: May 10, 2008 08:48PM

Ugh, I can't stand that bethann McBride. She is totally bland and says nothing of interest. Her voice is even a bore. I heard her doing a voice over for some Mother's Day ad today and I turned it off!!!

Personally, I think Mike needs to go to rehab or something. he drinks too much and he looks so unhealthy. I am sick of him bragging about his girlfriend Karla too. I wonder if she is cute or ugly? He never talks about his kids anymore just his dog or Karla's dog.

I really do like Buzz but they keep interrupting him all the time. Rob is semi-funny. And that pregnant mother game was just ridiculous.
Give me the old days with Homo Joe, Dennis Murphy and Sherry Likker.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jerry ()
Date: May 11, 2008 07:14AM

GAWD, this show sucks so bad. And can they go out of their way any more to make it clear the EVIL DON is gone? There's no loyalty to the show that fed Mike o's fat ass for 20 years, cause he's NICE MIKE, without EVIL DON. Summary: as others have mentioned, this is a Jack Diamond offend no-one show. Where's any funny? Always Bubba on Howard 100 for me on Sirus!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 13, 2008 10:04AM

So apparently O'Meara got hit with $26K in fines. Instead of paying them, he surrendered his liquor license and shut down his restaurant...


I love how O'Meara blamed Virginia's stringent liquor laws. You mean, like running "Happy Hour" between 9pm and 2am? Or giving away liquor as gifts at a bar? Or not cutting off people who were obviously drunk? Or goading people into buying drinks when they didn't want to? Or, my all-time favorite, keeping ABC agents out of your place of business?

Great way to keep a liquor license.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: skippy ()
Date: May 13, 2008 06:52PM

basically the don and mike contract still has time left. rather than let mike go away cbs figures they will get something out of him since they are still paying him. im not sure when the contract is up, but when it does the show will be gone too

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 13, 2008 07:34PM

God that fat lard needs to go die! He should have left with some dignity when Don did. How many freaking interviews and "guests" is he going to do in a show? Talk about a crutch.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Don ()
Date: May 13, 2008 09:34PM

I am sick of him bragging about his girlfriend Karla too. I wonder if she is cute or ugly? He never talks about his kids anymore just his dog or Karla's dog.

Actually , she is cute but kind of dumb in good hearted way, unfortunately her Mom's a prostitute, her brother is in jail and she basically comes from a white trash broken home. I'd have to say Mike sort of saved her from her own miserable existence.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 14, 2008 09:48AM

Don Wrote:

> Actually , she is cute but kind of dumb in good
> hearted way, unfortunately her Mom's a prostitute,
> her brother is in jail and she basically comes
> from a white trash broken home. I'd have to say
> Mike sort of saved her from her own miserable
> existence.

How many times has Mike been divorced? Really sounds like this one will break the cycle.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JailBait Mike ()
Date: May 14, 2008 01:21PM

Mike is 21 Years OLDER than Karla! That is just sick. How would he feel if a forty year old guy was dating one of his daughters? It really makes me wonder about the saftey of his children in his home.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Greed ()
Date: May 14, 2008 04:01PM

That's not sick that's perfectly normal. If he's 50 and she's 29 there's no problem at all, if she were 15 and he were 36, that would be different and illegal. Besides after her career as a stripper at the Crystal City Restaurant, I'm sure she is no inexperienced, goody 2 shoe virgin anyway but I still have no doubt she wouldn't be with him if he weren't rich.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 14, 2008 04:11PM

Greed Wrote:
> That's not sick that's perfectly normal. If he's
> 50 and she's 29 there's no problem at all, if she
> were 15 and he were 36, that would be different
> and illegal. Besides after her career as a
> stripper at the Crystal City Restaurant, I'm sure
> she is no inexperienced, goody 2 shoe virgin
> anyway but I still have no doubt she wouldn't be
> with him if he weren't rich.

I've never understood the idea of eating dinner at a strip club. Talk about hair in your soup!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Greed ()
Date: May 14, 2008 04:21PM

Me either, but if you ever saw Mike, you know he's gonna eat wherever, whenever and probably whatever he can.

"I've never understood the idea of eating dinner at a strip club. Talk about hair in your soup!"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jack ()
Date: May 14, 2008 08:34PM

And have you noticed that he's now kind of talking with a fake upbeat "Jack Diamondesque" voice (Rob too). They've also added some re-verb or something....

The show gets more un-listenable by the day. They are clearly just trying to go day by day by lamely filling up air time with nonsense. The show has no vision. At least there's a beat or rhythm with the Junkies and Big O and Dukes. Mike's show is flat. Don must be vomiting on his pool deck in Great Falls. I guarantee you when it looks as though the show is going to tank for good, Don makes some type of return (as a guest host, as frequent call-in guest, or something).

And what's with all these fat/ugly pseudo-celebs who score these hot chicks as girlfriends/wives (ie. Mike, Larry King, etc). I understand that these guys would never get these women if they were "regular" dudes, but what kind of woman would lower herself to this? You dont see many good looking young men latching on to rich/famous old bats....

Anyways. I think it's time to bring back G Gordon Liddy or the Greaseman....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 15, 2008 09:31AM

jack Wrote:
> And have you noticed that he's now kind of talking
> with a fake upbeat "Jack Diamondesque" voice (Rob
> too). They've also added some re-verb or
> something....

I switched over for just a few minutes yesterday before going back to The Globe (which has its own issues but is infinitely better than WJFK). I noticed during the commercial break that about 50-percent of the spots were promos and PSAs. Not a good sign. Also, I heard Rob's horrific Tahiti Village spot with Roseanne Barr. The guy has spent years honing an image of a sarcastic ass and then he yucks it up on a pre-taped, canned bit with Barr like he is Dick Clark. It really sounded terrible.

> The show gets more un-listenable by the day. They
> are clearly just trying to go day by day by lamely
> filling up air time with nonsense.

Yeah. Mike had Tony Perkins, the weather guy, on. Like who the hell wants to hear what Tony Perkins has to say outside of a Five Day Forecast?

> And what's with all these fat/ugly pseudo-celebs
> who score these hot chicks as girlfriends/wives
> (ie. Mike, Larry King, etc). I understand that
> these guys would never get these women if they
> were "regular" dudes, but what kind of woman would
> lower herself to this? You dont see many good
> looking young men latching on to rich/famous old
> bats....
I don't get it either, especially since I don't think Mike is rich. I would be surprised if he makes six figures. Radio pays shit unless you are the owner or producer of your own show (Don Geronimo, Howard Stern). Given the fact Don had to negotiate the deal for Mike with WJFK, I imagine Mike is incapable of not getting himself hosed (see O'Meara's Restaurant and Pub).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jack ()
Date: May 15, 2008 01:55PM

I've never figured out who gets paid how much in radio. I do know that Don Geranimo is a multi-millionaire as evidenced by his huge spread in Great Falls and his OC beach house. I know "Cakes" from the Junkies does ok as he lives in a $600k house in Olney and his wife doesnt work. I have to think that in the Don and Mike heyday, Mike was probably making between $500k and a million dollars a year. He had a big house in Haymarket (now lives in Manassas) and was able to pony up bucks to buy the Manassas restaurant (and put in a bid for Sign of the Whale). Im guessing he makes considerably less now (probably on some type of temporary/contingency contract, awaiting to see how the show does over the first few months before CBS commits to signing a longer-term contract). I think the initial ratings (listenership) of the show were ok because it was a new show and had all the D&M hanger-ons/loyals. I think now that the show is no longer a novelty and is clearly sucky , the ratings are dipping and CBS is scrambling to figure out what to do.....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 15, 2008 02:09PM

jack Wrote:
> I've never figured out who gets paid how much in
> radio. I do know that Don Geranimo is a
> multi-millionaire as evidenced by his huge spread
> in Great Falls and his OC beach house. I know
> "Cakes" from the Junkies does ok as he lives in a
> $600k house in Olney and his wife doesnt work. I
> have to think that in the Don and Mike heyday,
> Mike was probably making between $500k and a
> million dollars a year. He had a big house in
> Haymarket (now lives in Manassas) and was able to
> pony up bucks to buy the Manassas restaurant (and
> put in a bid for Sign of the Whale). Im guessing
> he makes considerably less now (probably on some
> type of temporary/contingency contract, awaiting
> to see how the show does over the first few months
> before CBS commits to signing a longer-term
> contract). I think the initial ratings
> (listenership) of the show were ok because it was
> a new show and had all the D&M hanger-ons/loyals.
> I think now that the show is no longer a novelty
> and is clearly sucky , the ratings are dipping and
> CBS is scrambling to figure out what to do.....

I find it incredibly hard to believe that Mike ever made $500K+. My understanding is that a station in this market that books $10 million in gross revenue a year is doing pretty well. Once you take out operating, salary, obligations to Clear Channel, etc, I can't imagine WJFK would give big payrolls to anyone outside of Don, who really owned the show.

As for who buys what, it doesn't take that much money to start a restaurant. People who make far less than $500K do it all of the time. And for Cakes, plenty of people in the $90K to $120K range live in $600K houses. That is pretty much the norm for this area.

You shouldn't mistake debt for income. My understanding is that Elliott in the Morning makes about $140K.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 16, 2008 08:55AM

WTL, don't forget D&M was syndicated. Probably a lot of his cake came from that.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tony ()
Date: May 16, 2008 10:18AM

I can't listen to O'mearas show, too many guests, too much news, and too phoney. I also don't like listening to him bitch about how he is doing it for the money and if he had the money he wouldn't be doing it. If you don't like doing your show Mike, then stop doing it and allow someone else to take your place.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 16, 2008 10:55AM

Tony Wrote:
> I can't listen to O'mearas show, too many guests,
> too much news, and too phoney. I also don't like
> listening to him bitch about how he is doing it
> for the money and if he had the money he wouldn't
> be doing it. If you don't like doing your show
> Mike, then stop doing it and allow someone else to
> take your place.

He really is phoning it in, isn't he? So are the other guys.

I get the impression Don was a real prick to work for/with. But I think he kept these guys in line and on task. Mike is letting everyone do what they want to do and the result speaks for itself - a shitty show that is getting less and less tolerable by the day.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: O'Meara Fan ()
Date: May 16, 2008 01:16PM

I'm tired of you people hatin' on Mike O'Meara. The guy is a riot! He does the best impressions of Bob Barker. And that Charlie thing he does is hilarious!!

He's also a cool dude. Did you know he drives a Harley? Here's a photo from his MySpace page...

fat guy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ima Laughing ()
Date: May 16, 2008 01:52PM

Hahahahahhahahahahaha.........that picture made me laugh.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: DeathtoHaters ()
Date: May 17, 2008 08:55PM

This must be one of the sites Don used to talk about where everybody just whales on D&M and now M for the hell of it.
The show was forced lacking structure for sure in the beginning but has improved steadily. If you care to listen you can see it is starting to develop a style and structure all its own.
Here are some points you seem to be missing:
Don left two fricken weeks early "kind of threw Mike under the bus don't ya think?". Unlike most new shows that grow organically, Mike's show was expected to burst fully formed from it shell. I say he has one hell of a set of Balls if you ask me for even trying to do this. Westwood one - what about it - what do they have to lose - just 26 syndicated stations already in the stable. CBS - owes no one anything, if they didn't think he deserved a chance they would have told him to kiss off! Attacking his private life cheap at best. Like to see how any of you would stand up under such scrutany. As for wise business decisions only those who never take chances would be so harsh and everyone knows that those who don't take chances are the sheep of the world. My prediction - 6 months if left to their own devices and with some coaching and support Mike and crew will have a tight ship that all but the biggest of haters will appreciate.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: May 17, 2008 10:18PM

Okay, I hope you are right. But do you really think Bethann adds much to this show? Let her run the show behind the scenes because she does seem organized, but she is boring on the air.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jeff ()
Date: May 18, 2008 05:44AM

Omera knew A YEAR AGO Geronimooooo was quitting, so stop this shit about how he's wasn't prepared. Besides, he'd worked with DOn for something like 25 yrs, so if he wasn't ready in the middle of April as opposed to the end of May makes no never mind. Stop apologogizing for this crap show, please. It is something so horrid the old Don & Mike show would have cut it to shreds. End of the year = cancellation. And affiliate count is 26 stations with Don, now Mike has 9. Lost Baltimore, Vegas, Houston and even Ocean City without Don.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 18, 2008 09:34AM

To the contrary, the show has actually gotten WORSE over the weeks. The first week or so O'Meara actually had planned bits. Now he is putting Tony Perkins and phone psychics on there for hours at a time. This tells me he either doesn't know what he is doing or doesn't care. Odds are, if he has a contract, he would be just as happy if they canceled his show and wrote him a check.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Travis ()
Date: May 18, 2008 11:51AM

Only worthwhile shows on WJFK are The Hideout and Joe Radio.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tony ()
Date: May 19, 2008 12:41AM

Jeff has it right - O'meara has been doing this for over 25 YEARS! So what if Don left 2 weeks early, like Jeff said, he say this coming for well over a year. Mikes show is boring as hell and he sure as hell can't interview guests. He needs to stop acting like a big baby and do some show prep or get off the air.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JohnM ()
Date: May 19, 2008 09:58AM

I will keep listening as long as Mike O'Meara doesn't act like it is a pain to be there doing the show. As long as Mike O'Meara doesn't act like a baby, the Mike O'Meara show should be fine.

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Mike O'Meara

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara's Shtick ()
Date: May 19, 2008 10:11AM

Mike: Hey Rob. It's time for the Audio Vault.

Rob: The Audio Vault! Let's see what kind of wackiness is in the Audio Vault.

Thirty minutes of clips of interviews with Alan Alda, old Steven Wright bits, soundbites from the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. Every once in a while you will hear forced laughter from Mike, Rob, Buzz or some variation of that.

End of Audio Vault.

Mike: Now, let's spend the next hour interviewing our guest, Adrien Zmed. Adrien, what was it like being in TJ Hooker with William Shatner and Heather Locklear. Are they really as fun as they look.

Zmed: I would love to talk about that Mike, but first I want to mention my new website. AdrienZmedsMotorcyleMania.com. You know, I like motorcycles.

Mike: Me too! Let's talk about Harley's.

Zmed: I ride a Honda.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Freaking Dog ()
Date: May 19, 2008 04:24PM

I just turned on the Mike O'Meara show and he is doing another freaking interview - give it up!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Doga Sucks ()
Date: May 19, 2008 04:26PM

Mike O'Meara: So do you charge to have the dogs come in?

Dog Yoga Lady: No

Mike O'Meara: Ahhhhh, that's nice.....Where do you live?

Dog Yoga Lady: Florida

Mike O'Meara: Ahhhh...that's a nice place, I would like to live there.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O ()
Date: May 19, 2008 11:00PM

Mike O'Meara: So, do you have to have a lot of money to buy a thoroughbred racing horse?

Horse Guy: Yes you do.

Wow, Mike. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Can you fucking quit now?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 20, 2008 02:56AM

Don is probably spinning on top of his wife's shallow grave right now...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 20, 2008 12:38PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Don is probably spinning on top of his wife's
> shallow grave right now...

Don is spending his afternoons smoking cigars, drinking 7 and 7s and posting on here as ALIAS.

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The Jack Diamond Morning Show
Posted by: Velvetita ()
Date: May 20, 2008 02:25PM

I was spinning through the dial this morning and Jack Diamond came on the radio and started rambling about how it is a harsh world and so many people are going through tough times, what with rising gas prices and all.

Then, he and his crew of morons proceeded to break down the results show of American Idol. I'm sitting there listening to that fat, greasy bag of **** drone on about American Idol and all I can say is "Shut. The. F***. Up." over and over and over and over. Like, nobody below the age of 45 thinks you're an authority on anything.

And the icing on the cake was when Mix 107.3 played "It's Been a While" by Staind (for the 1,309,985th time since that song came out) and Diamond said that the band just "rocks out" on that song. "Rocks out"? Really?

I guess that's how they get listeners--turn them into mindless drones that don't mind hearing the same Los Lonely Boys song seven times an hour.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: NERDS R US ()
Date: May 22, 2008 09:47PM

Well I hope when the Mike O'Meara show gets a website - it doesn't have a bunch of lame ass mods. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of sites that are run by the mods and not the posters. Freakin' nerds who need to get a life or better yet go kill themselves. Even Mike hates the posters at his fan site - RadioGodsForum.com and I can't blame him. All the freakin' loser mods have run off all the good posters. I hope the Mike O'Meara show gets a cool website that doesn't have a lot of loser mods who are so un-important in the real world, they have to run to the internet and hide behind keyboards and cling to a crappy website for any sense of self worth. LOSERS!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: May 23, 2008 06:38AM

>who are so
> un-important in the real world, they have to run
> to the internet and hide behind keyboards and
> cling to a crappy website for any sense of self
> worth. LOSERS!

Wow, that sounds strangely familiar.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hi MIKE! ()
Date: May 23, 2008 11:24AM

NERDS R US = Mike O'Meara

Hi Mike!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: May 23, 2008 11:27AM

I dunno i was checking the show out yesterday and i like the new format. Buzz is always cool, Rob was pretty funny and has a good rapport with Mike. The only person who doesnt really fit in is Beth Anne. ALthpough Mike is not nearly as good a story teller as Don was. He isnt gonna open up about his private life the way don would so its a differant show than the D&M show. Less talk about American Idol thats all I would say. I cannot stand AI.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: StinkySack ()
Date: May 23, 2008 07:39PM

Done did run the show. However I wish Mike the best.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bring Back Don ()
Date: May 24, 2008 11:57AM

Yep, I miss the Don & Mike show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bring Back Don ()
Date: May 24, 2008 11:58AM

Maybe someday Don will call in to the Mike O'Meara show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 24, 2008 12:02PM

Bring Back Don Wrote:
> Maybe someday Don will call in to the Mike O'Meara
> show.

Don is busy working on lung and liver cancer in Ocean City. Don't blame him for not wanting to come back.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blah ()
Date: May 27, 2008 12:24PM

The Rob and Buzz show would have been better. I have been listening out of curiosity and familiarity, but Beth Ann has ruined that. She is horrible. Although, the show would still suck without her, just slightly less.

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