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anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Date: April 18, 2024 11:05AM

this asshole flew into Axum-dale yesterday afternoon, flew around in crazy circles, flying way too low and erratic like he/she was drunk, looked like he was going to crash and flew off...this all happened in the span of time of a minute...eye was watching it and wondering should eye be running for cover...wish eye had my camera on me....eye was wondering if the dumb faggot was going crash into the tower behind Safeway...

the helicopter had this lit up digital sign with yellow letter like the busses have to designate the routes on the side of it

fucking assholes...they are experimenting in Axum-dale and not in a good way

also, later in the day this military chopper flew by flying entirely too low...keep your fucking elevation to a reasonable level....the whole fucking ground is shaking when you fly by....it makes the buildings shake, assholes

aircraft is simply a plague to humanity

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2024 11:07AM by the real General Mahdi.

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Re: anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Posted by: Chemtrail Flight Rules ()
Date: April 18, 2024 12:00PM

Methamphetamine is not the pilot’s friend, either.

What do you think?

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Re: anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Posted by: Kisses for another princess! ()
Date: April 18, 2024 05:37PM

Trump Stumped the Chumps???
Nah! We always KNEW you were a twistee!


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Re: anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Date: May 13, 2024 10:41AM

eye just ceen that same red helicopter fly by and it didn't show up on the flight tracker

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Re: anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Posted by: everphukt ()
Date: May 13, 2024 08:03PM

> "do you think eye just post shit up without researching it first?"

You're a wannabee gold miner, except you're always throwing excited girlie tantrums about your pyrite discoveries.

> "not on my watch"

You were never assigned a "watch"

Your anonymous posts support the likelihood that you lack legitimate qualification.

The resentment you use when referencing official citations is a probable result of a personal or professional setback.

Your prodigious postings are the only obstacle preventing a deadly workplace shooting.

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Re: anyone cee the red helicopter piloted by a drunk idiot jussturday in Axum-dale(Annandale)?
Date: June 25, 2024 11:21AM

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