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NOTICE: How peaceful/civil the board has been...
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:30PM

Wonder why that is...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2015 09:49PM by Good Samaritan.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 24, 2015 10:34PM

I hope it's a boy! :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/26/2015 11:22PM by Good Samaritan.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Cert ()
Date: December 25, 2015 05:08AM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: survival of the fattest ()
Date: December 25, 2015 05:20AM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: jdFkF ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:25AM

from fx co gov i got legal mail on birthdays and jail during christmas - several times

go to hell

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Date: December 25, 2015 04:17PM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: LOLZZZZ!!!!!! ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:19PM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: To lazy to log in ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:26PM

Title 8.01.
� 18.2-409. Resisting or obstructing execution of legal process.
Every person acting jointly or in combination with any other person to resist or obstruct the execution of any legal process shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

This applies to Sadler and wells currently via this and his post by "ghost."

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: THAT'S GREAT IP ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:29PM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: So what? ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:31PM

> SRC=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals
> /fa/bb/81/fabb816b64d93784b2f194d4a70d3105.jpg>

You'll be in jail within a month I am not worried. (All three of you!) Trust me.

Also, there is an expectation of privacy to an ip sending a hidden message to hack my address isn't legal. You should talk to your buddies about who will take the fall.

You're literally committing crimes daily and flaunting it here.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: sillycow ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:35PM

megan..how can someone obstruct execution of legal process if they dont know what the certified mail is? it is not illegal to miss your mail or not pick up a letter, esp if the letter isnt even of the legal type ;-)

the ip thing isnt illegal you may want to do a search history for when eli posted everyone's ips and cary said it wasnt even against his rules

and if anyone was committing crimes i am sure they would be in jail or arrested

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Jigsaw Puzzle ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:38PM

"You'll be in jail within a month I am not worried. (All three of you!) Trust me."

lol, a month huh? Is that how long the police, detectives and magistates told you there investigations would take? LOL

I thought you had all this stuff NOW?

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Federal investigations ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:44PM

Revealing a “name” per se’ may, or may not be considered “Doxing” depending on the level of anticipated anonymity. However, in this law, the term “restricted personal information” means, “with respect to an individual, the Social Security number, the home address, home phone number, mobile phone number, personal email, or home fax number of, and identifiable to, that individual.” This is an important distinction to remember.

Once you outline the address or location of a person, within which a person can be placed at risk, YOU have VIOLATED THE LAW. PERIOD.

In all cases if you outline the physical location of any individual with the intent to harm, shame, stalk, humiliate, endanger, or otherwise compromise the safety and security of ANY individual you have placed that person in a position of risk and you are in violation of ALL State Stalking laws.

THIS is the most commonly crossed line.

However, in some cases, such as federal agents, or in Mark Osterman’s case his anonymity as a Federal Air Marshal, just revealing his name crosses the threshold for illegal activity.

I CAN FIND THOSE PIECES OF INFORMATION USING GOOGLE SEARCH. IS THAT STILL RESTRICTED? YES. It is illegal to announce or disseminate or post those listed pieces of information for the purposes listed in the law (18 USC § 119). Those are purposes such as threatening or intimidating or making it so others can harass or harm the person. This law is about acts that endanger the safety of or encourage attacks against a person or a person’s family. It is not about where you found the information.


This law is about acts that endanger the safety of, or encourage attacks against, a person or a person’s family. It is not about where you found the information.

18 USC § 119

The information may or may not even be on the internet; that is not a factor for a charge. A criminal act does not need to be physically possible for a charge to exist with regard to it. The activity can take the form of cyber-space and internet posting.

Doxing might also be part of a conspiracy to harm, endanger, or even kill a person. Even if unintentionally if the action of the party is intended to threaten, harass or harm.

Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. There are federal and state laws that specifically address doxing government employees 18 U.S.C. Sec 371 (18 U.S.C. Sec 119).

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: does not apply ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:45PM

still tryinf to find when any of that has happened to anyone?

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: There's plenty more too ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:50PM

does not apply Wrote:
> still tryinf to find when any of that has happened
> to anyone?

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: uhhhhhh ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:53PM

still...not..seeing..anything you posted...relating to the doxxing definition

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Seriously though... ()
Date: December 25, 2015 04:56PM

Help me out here, you keep posting this stuff, what exactly does it all prove?

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: The Hamiest of Beasts ()
Date: December 25, 2015 05:44PM

Federal investigations Wrote:
> Revealing a “name” per se’ may, or may not
> be considered “Doxing” depending on the level
> of anticipated anonymity. However, in this law,
> the term “restricted personal information”
> means, “with respect to an individual, the
> Social Security number, the home address, home
> phone number, mobile phone number, personal email,
> or home fax number of, and identifiable to, that
> individual.” This is an important distinction
> to remember.
> Once you outline the address or location of a
> person, within which a person can be placed at
> In all cases if you outline the physical location
> of any individual with the intent to harm, shame,
> stalk, humiliate, endanger, or otherwise
> compromise the safety and security of ANY
> individual you have placed that person in a
> position of risk and you are in violation of ALL
> State Stalking laws.
> THIS is the most commonly crossed line.
> However, in some cases, such as federal agents, or
> in Mark Osterman’s case his anonymity as a
> Federal Air Marshal, just revealing his name
> crosses the threshold for illegal activity.
> It is illegal to announce or disseminate or post
> those listed pieces of information for the
> purposes listed in the law (18 USC § 119). Those
> are purposes such as threatening or intimidating
> or making it so others can harass or harm the
> person. This law is about acts that endanger the
> safety of or encourage attacks against a person or
> a person’s family. It is not about where you
> found the information.
> This law is about acts that endanger the safety
> of, or encourage attacks against, a person or a
> person’s family. It is not about where you
> found the information.
> 18 USC § 119
> The information may or may not even be on the
> internet; that is not a factor for a charge. A
> criminal act does not need to be physically
> possible for a charge to exist with regard to it.
> The activity can take the form of cyber-space and
> internet posting.
> Doxing might also be part of a conspiracy to harm,
> endanger, or even kill a person. Even if
> unintentionally if the action of the party is
> intended to threaten, harass or harm.
> Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done
> against a federal employee, a state employee, or a
> regular person. There are federal and state laws
> that specifically address doxing government
> employees 18 U.S.C. Sec 371 (18 U.S.C. Sec 119).

Spending Christmas day copy and pasting this shit. You are pathetic.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: HhJNw ()
Date: December 25, 2015 06:04PM


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: dumbass megan posts ()
Date: December 25, 2015 06:13PM

To lazy to log in Wrote:
> Title 8.01.
> � 18.2-409. Resisting or obstructing
> execution of legal process.
> Every person acting jointly or in combination with
> any other person to resist or obstruct the
> execution of any legal process shall be guilty of
> a Class 1 misdemeanor.
> This applies to Sadler and wells currently via
> this and his post by "ghost."

although the statue you posted is incorrect and no laws have been broken - how would this apply to sadler if he recieved his mail?

stop being such a stupid retarded fat fucking bitch for once in your worthless life

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Absouletly ()
Date: December 25, 2015 09:17PM

Seriously though... Wrote:
> Help me out here, you keep posting this stuff,
> what exactly does it all prove?


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 10:58PM

> SRC=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals
> /fa/bb/81/fabb816b64d93784b2f194d4a70d3105.jpg>

LOL! Ah, man...

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:02PM

To lazy to log in Wrote:
> Title 8.01.
> � 18.2-409. Resisting or obstructing
> execution of legal process.
> Every person acting jointly or in combination with
> any other person to resist or obstruct the
> execution of any legal process shall be guilty of
> a Class 1 misdemeanor.
> This applies to Sadler and wells currently via
> this and his post by "ghost."

That's great, Megan. Can you tell me what law I am breaking that ties into this? I will need to see proof, evidence, screen shots, date and timestamps, archives, dragon printing, magistate listings, police case numbers, recorded admissions, youtube and Facebook videos and FBI and CIA postage confirming all of this.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:05PM

I eagerly await your reply with unrelated rants and emails from Cary proving nothing! :)

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Date: December 25, 2015 11:11PM

Good Samaritan Wrote:
> That's great, Megan. Can you tell me what law I am
> breaking that ties into this? I will need to see
> proof, evidence, screen shots, date and
> timestamps, archives, dragon printing, magistate
> listings, police case numbers, recorded
> admissions, youtube and Facebook videos and FBI
> and CIA postage confirming all of this.

You rang?

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:12PM

The Dragon Printer Wrote:
> Good Samaritan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > That's great, Megan. Can you tell me what law I
> am
> > breaking that ties into this? I will need to
> see
> > proof, evidence, screen shots, date and
> > timestamps, archives, dragon printing,
> magistate
> > listings, police case numbers, recorded
> > admissions, youtube and Facebook videos and FBI
> > and CIA postage confirming all of this.

> You rang?


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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:14PM

Faxed to the police and printed off for further evidence of no one's harassment of anyone.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:23PM

Someone should have gotten Megan a filing cabinet and some three ring binders for Christmas.

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 25, 2015 11:25PM

eesh Wrote:
> Someone should have gotten Megan a filing cabinet



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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: mail call ()
Date: December 26, 2015 12:39PM

A little something for the holidays…

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Re: So, I got some certified mail today..
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 26, 2015 01:15PM

LOL, yeah..I hear the other guy got somethin' much worse! :X

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Re: See how peaceful it's been lately?
Posted by: Good Samaritan ()
Date: December 30, 2015 09:48PM

This place sure has been peaceful and civil lately. Interesting...

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