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70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: The angry and violent ones ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:18PM


The first time a Trump campaign sign disappeared from her yard, Judy Beaty figured it must have blown away in the wind. But then two more signs went missing overnight. And when Beaty went outside to investigate the next morning, she saw that someone had vandalized her Northern Virginia home.

Messages were scrawled in black spray paint on two sides of her Gainesville house: “Can you see the new world through the tear gas,” said one. “Revolution,” said the other.

Beaty, 69, discovered the graffiti on Wednesday morning and reported it to Prince William County police. Since then, she has had trouble sleeping. “I don’t feel safe here anymore. I feel like I’ve been violated,” she said.

The first time a Trump campaign sign disappeared from her yard, Judy Beaty figured it must have blown away in the wind. But then two more signs went missing overnight. And when Beaty went outside to investigate the next morning, she saw that someone had vandalized her Northern Virginia home.

Messages were scrawled in black spray paint on two sides of her Gainesville house: “Can you see the new world through the tear gas,” said one. “Revolution,” said the other.

Beaty, 69, discovered the graffiti on Wednesday morning and reported it to Prince William County police. Since then, she has had trouble sleeping. “I don’t feel safe here anymore. I feel like I’ve been violated,” she said.

Graffiti at Judy Beaty’s Gainesville home. (Donna Widowski)
Beaty said she believes whoever is responsible was politically motivated.

“It’s so hateful right now. People have really gone crazy over this,” she said of the tenor of the 2016 presidential race. “I have a vote, everybody has a vote. It’s not fair for anybody to try to terrorize me.”

A Prince William County police spokesman confirmed that the vandalism was reported to the department, but he had no details to share about the investigation.

Beaty said she supports real estate mogul and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump because she believes his experience in business will help the national economy, and she believes he will keep the country safe.

She said she now counts a total of 10 Trump signs in her yard. “I’m not going to be beaten down,” she said. “I’m a Trump supporter and I don’t care who knows it.”

The first time a Trump campaign sign disappeared from her yard, Judy Beaty figured it must have blown away in the wind. But then two more signs went missing overnight. And when Beaty went outside to investigate the next morning, she saw that someone had vandalized her Northern Virginia home.

Messages were scrawled in black spray paint on two sides of her Gainesville house: “Can you see the new world through the tear gas,” said one. “Revolution,” said the other.

Beaty, 69, discovered the graffiti on Wednesday morning and reported it to Prince William County police. Since then, she has had trouble sleeping. “I don’t feel safe here anymore. I feel like I’ve been violated,” she said.

Graffiti at Judy Beaty’s Gainesville home. (Donna Widowski)
Beaty said she believes whoever is responsible was politically motivated.

“It’s so hateful right now. People have really gone crazy over this,” she said of the tenor of the 2016 presidential race. “I have a vote, everybody has a vote. It’s not fair for anybody to try to terrorize me.”

A Prince William County police spokesman confirmed that the vandalism was reported to the department, but he had no details to share about the investigation.

Beaty said she supports real estate mogul and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump because she believes his experience in business will help the national economy, and she believes he will keep the country safe.

She said she now counts a total of 10 Trump signs in her yard. “I’m not going to be beaten down,” she said. “I’m a Trump supporter and I don’t care who knows it.”

Beaty has replaced her missing Trump signs. (Donna Widowski)
Virginia Women for Trump is organizing a Sunday morning rally at Beaty’s house.

“God will forgive you if you miss church,” the organization’s Alice Butler-Short wrote in a message to other Trump supporters. “It is more important that we reach out in support of this dear lady.”

Elizabeth Schultz, a school board member in neighboring Fairfax County who is running to be a delegate to the Republican presidential convention, tweeted about the incident on Saturday. “I don’t care what you think about somebody that justifies you defacing their home in the middle of the night,” she said in an interview. “It’s seriously perverted.”


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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Far left faggots ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:21PM

These Marxist vermin need to be destroyed. Soon enough....soon enough....

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: MdtGY ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:22PM

Take it easy you old bag. You're lucky they didn't set your house on fire.

Probably niggers or latinos.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: MLK Dindu Nuffin ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:23PM

Keep it up niggers. This is your future:

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: calling all cars ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:25PM

Gerryfaggot better have a good alibi.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: DonaldTrump ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:27PM

Vote Trump

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: The future for far left radicals ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:27PM


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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Alphabet Agency #6 Trillion ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:28PM

This was likely written by a spic or nigger female. That or the Marxist losers are so effeminate now that their handwriting looks like that of a 13 year old girl writing in her diary.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Zionism = Capitalism = Communism ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:29PM


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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: ELKkY ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:35PM

OP claims this woman is 70, and yet the article clearly states her age as 69. Makes me wonder what else they're lying about.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Impossible ()
Date: March 12, 2016 11:40PM

Alphabet Agency #6 Trillion Wrote:
> This was likely written by a spic or nigger
> female. That or the Marxist losers are so
> effeminate now that their handwriting looks like
> that of a 13 year old girl writing in her diary.

Spics and nigs can't write.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: March 13, 2016 09:09AM

This shit gives me a hard on. I think I'll get some Trump signs for my yard today and leave my front door cracked.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: March 13, 2016 09:46AM

FrankR. Wrote:
> This shit gives me a hard on. I think I'll get
> some Trump signs for my yard today and leave my
> front door cracked.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Barely a dem still ()
Date: March 13, 2016 09:55AM

This incident shouldn't be blamed on all Democrats or liberals just as any vandalism on the side is not the fault of all Republicans.

If you have to destroy someones property you are really pathetic.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Anti-Trumpers ()
Date: March 13, 2016 10:56AM

Anti-Trumpers are mainly criminals and terrorists. I will not be ruled by criminals and terrorists.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Dale Sinclair ()
Date: March 13, 2016 11:03AM

Lol burn the bitch's house down next time. Or push her in the mud. Was hoping to hear how people were smashing her Windows, egging her house, or vandalizing her car. The old bitch's house looks like shit anyways. She's probably doing it herself and is too mental to remember because of Alzheimer's

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: 9hFtd ()
Date: March 13, 2016 12:11PM

yes i can see the new world through tear gas it looks like facism lost

the last WARS this world have seen all started by liberal facists

(mexicans, blacks, asians, germany italy, horrific wars and genocide in africa, etc)

WWII facism was a problem, vietnam korea: facist rulers attacked, sadam hussain: facist ruler.

facist rulers are rulers who feed lies to the public while using the government for their privatization wealth and armed militia to prevent the public complaint from stopping them and to collect anything the public has their family wants, overthrow of cuba for freedom from facism excluded

also - recent wars are to unseat facists or help people trying to ratify a constitution (ie, voting rights) to get free from abusive facists

liberals: give us your guns and your car and live in a cracker box: dont worry were not really using liberal jobs in gov, and police to protect it, to go to the casino and beaches (they are)

saying republicans start wars is absolutely rediculous. it's communist crap that live rich and use police to prevent people from "bringing back true communism", peices of crap that spend when there is no money instead of investing in their own country - that are always a sure match on the flag

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: falseflag ()
Date: March 13, 2016 12:14PM

obvious false flag. Fraud like all the Trump platform.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Can't Stump the Trump ()
Date: March 13, 2016 12:16PM


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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: LvxjW ()
Date: March 13, 2016 01:55PM

Dale Sinclair Wrote:
> Lol burn the bitch's house down next time. Or push
> her in the mud. Was hoping to hear how people were
> smashing her Windows, egging her house, or
> vandalizing her car. The old bitch's house looks
> like shit anyways. She's probably doing it herself
> and is too mental to remember because of
> Alzheimer's

Thanks Bernie.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Gerrymeandererz ()
Date: March 13, 2016 03:38PM

Barely a dem still Wrote:
> This incident shouldn't be blamed on all Democrats
> or liberals just as any vandalism on the side is
> not the fault of all Republicans.
> If you have to destroy someones property you are
> really pathetic.

During the 2008 election, many garage doors were spray painted with anti-McCain messages. That neighborhood was less than 2 miles from where this lady currently lives.

It seems that there's some rabid libs in western PWC. Hopefully, someone will catch them as they're performing the vandalism and beat the living h3ll out of them. Might be the best lesson they'll ever learn.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: when I was a kid, I would switch ()
Date: March 13, 2016 03:41PM

the neighbors' signs, so the Democrats would get all the Repub sings in his yard, and vice versa.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Know Trump ()
Date: March 13, 2016 03:53PM

Know Trump, Know Peace

No Trump, No Peace

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: k3YNK ()
Date: March 14, 2016 01:43PM

The Left is full of criminals

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Trump Card ()
Date: March 14, 2016 01:49PM

nothing is too low for the the anti-Trump camps. expect much more of this.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: I am Ready! ()
Date: March 14, 2016 04:06PM

The angry and violent ones Wrote:
> Beaty, 69, discovered the graffiti on Wednesday
> morning and reported it to Prince William County
> police. Since then, she has had trouble sleeping.
> “I don’t feel safe here anymore. I feel like
> I’ve been violated,” she said.

I feel the very same way (Unsafe, violated) about her support for Trump.

> “It’s so hateful right now. People have really
> gone crazy over this,” she said of the tenor of
> the 2016 presidential race. “I have a vote,
> everybody has a vote. It’s not fair for anybody
> to try to terrorize me.”

She supports Trump; ergo, she's crazy.

"Fair"? lol. FAIR?

> The old biddie supports Trump because she believes
> he will keep the country safe.

That's not how it's working for her so far. lol.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: 3UbET ()
Date: March 14, 2016 09:22PM

for those of you who don't know, she now needs new siding on the whole front of the house. you can't paint permanent aluminum or rubber-maid siding

its ass kicking time

(permanent aluminum siding has white paint, aluminum rusts white, the paint is baked on and specially forumlated to remix with the aluminum rust. some dumb mother fucker pressure washed some siding after i said no and was away my geriatric parents agreed - there is significant damage pain gone 30' up on the siding and the parents dont know which foreigner they f'ing hired. i fucking hate fairfax)

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:05AM

The angry and violent ones Wrote:
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/
> 03/12/trump-supporters-virginia-house-vandalized/

> Virginia Women for Trump is organizing a Sunday
> morning rally at Beaty’s house.
> “God will forgive you if you miss church,” the
> organization’s Alice Butler-Short wrote in a
> message to other Trump supporters. “It is more
> important that we reach out in support of this
> dear lady.”

I think the Virginia Women for Trump should throw Alice Butler-Short out of the group. I don’t think God takes too kindly to being knocked down a notch; and then speaking for him. uh oh Step back ladies.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:07AM

3UbET Wrote:

> for those of you who don't know, she now needs new
> siding on the whole front of the house. you can't
> paint permanent aluminum or rubber-maid siding
> its ass kicking time

> (permanent aluminum siding has white paint,
> aluminum rusts white, the paint is baked on and
> specially forumlated to remix with the aluminum
> rust. some dumb mother fucker pressure washed
> some siding after i said no and was away my
> geriatric parents agreed - there is significant
> damage pain gone 30' up on the siding and the
> parents dont know which foreigner they f'ing
> hired. i fucking hate fairfax)

be nice to your folks. they don’t know what they’ve done

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:10AM

I am Ready! Wrote:
> The angry and violent ones Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Beaty, 69, discovered the graffiti on Wednesday
> > morning and reported it to Prince William
> County
> > police. Since then, she has had trouble
> sleeping.
> > “I don’t feel safe here anymore. I feel
> like
> > I’ve been violated,” she said.
> I feel the very same way (Unsafe, violated) about
> her support for Trump.
> > “It’s so hateful right now. People have
> really
> > gone crazy over this,” she said of the tenor
> of
> > the 2016 presidential race. “I have a vote,
> > everybody has a vote. It’s not fair for
> anybody
> > to try to terrorize me.”
> She supports Trump; ergo, she's crazy.
> "Fair"? lol. FAIR?
> > The old biddie supports Trump because she
> believes
> > he will keep the country safe.
> That's not how it's working for her so far. lol.

This is how it goes, everyone gets a vote. The one with the most, wins. Someone loses. Try again next time. How old are you? Have you not lost before. There’s an election every 4 years. Grow up.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:11AM

when I was a kid, I would switch Wrote:
> the neighbors' signs, so the Democrats would get
> all the Repub sings in his yard, and vice versa.

that’s funny

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:13AM

Gerrymeandererz Wrote:
> Barely a dem still Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This incident shouldn't be blamed on all
> Democrats
> > or liberals just as any vandalism on the side
> is
> > not the fault of all Republicans.
> >
> > If you have to destroy someones property you
> are
> > really pathetic.
> During the 2008 election, many garage doors were
> spray painted with anti-McCain messages. That
> neighborhood was less than 2 miles from where this
> lady currently lives.
> It seems that there's some rabid libs in western
> PWC. Hopefully, someone will catch them as
> they're performing the vandalism and beat the
> living h3ll out of them. Might be the best lesson
> they'll ever learn.

it’s probably just one asshole. check your cameras or set your cameras.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:18AM

Dale Sinclair Wrote:
> Lol burn the bitch's house down next time. Or push
> her in the mud. Was hoping to hear how people were
> smashing her Windows, egging her house, or
> vandalizing her car. The old bitch's house looks
> like shit anyways. She's probably doing it herself
> and is too mental to remember because of
> Alzheimer's

what a little baby. are you afraid you may lose? calling a voter offensive names and inciting violence against her because she is not voting for your candidate? What does that make you?

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: March 15, 2016 01:20AM

ELKkY Wrote:
> OP claims this woman is 70, and yet the article
> clearly states her age as 69. Makes me wonder
> what else they're lying about.

I guess you could read the rest of the article and find out.

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Re: 70 year old womans house vandalized over political signs
Posted by: Math 101 for Anti-Trumpers ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:13AM

I think they were rounding her age to the nearest 10, for effect.
Is that a big deal?

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