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Michael Josef Basl aka "eesh" has been arrested *again* on 3 new charges! NO BOND - rotting away in Loudoun County Jail! LMAO!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 26, 2016 11:53PM

Happy birthday and goodbye Michael!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

Edited 25 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2016 04:21PM by lizzie.

Michael Josef Basl violation of protective order .JPG

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 26, 2016 11:58PM


I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: oh Dear God! ()
Date: March 26, 2016 11:59PM

They busted him tonight! Did they come to his house?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: oh, one more thing ()
Date: March 26, 2016 11:59PM

see if you can't get his latest mug shot. I want to see if he's still in the same wardrobe!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:00AM

oh Dear God! Wrote:
> They busted him tonight! Did they come to his
> house?


I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:00AM

Maybe he'll learn to stop fucking with people now.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: if it's his birthday ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:00AM

will they put candles on his jail loaf?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:05AM


I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!
handler1 (2).html

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: eesh the moron ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:09AM

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: The call home........ ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:12AM

Hello, dad?

Oh for fuck sake eesh! It's three o'clock in the morning! What jail are you in this time?

Uhh. Henrico....

Oh, shit. You mean this time I have to drive all the way down to Richmond!?!?!
No. Oh, hell, no.

Dad! My cat will starve!

I'll call the Humane Society. I'm not driving four hundred miles to feed your damn cat!

Dad! Lizzie betrayed me!

Who? Oh, your damn boyfriend. Well, who gives a shit? Why were you out stalking again?

Who said anything about stalking?

Well, young one, I don't suspect they locked you up for insider trading. Am I right?

Dad, Monday's my birthday!

Please don't remind me of that date. The day my life was ruined!

Dad, the Morenos are trying to -

What IS it between you and that fat retarded kid? Is it gravity, drawing two large fat masses together?!? I swear to Christ, I should've kicked your ass the first I heard of this. I wish we could put you AND that Moreno idiot on a desert island, and let you deal with each other.

Dad, are you coming to get -

No. And don't bother returning to Strath Road when they spring you. I'm selling the goddamn place. For all I care, you can move into the Hambeast's back seat.

But dad, I--

(Reciever slams down.)

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: looks quite contented in that ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:13AM

shot. I guess jail's begining to feel like home, sweet home already.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:14AM

He will once again not be getting out. Has to wait until the transfer to Loudoun this time LMAO and will NOT be given a bail since it's a felony and a probation violation, lmao so he technically has 6 charges!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2016 03:55PM by lizzie.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:17AM

So...anybody else wanna talk some shit?

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Omg!!! ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:17AM

OMG I love his smirk!!! HAHAHAHA! The look on his face just says "as soon as I get out of here....I'm coming for you"

Not a bad picture, actually.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: all this trouble began ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:18AM

because he objected to miz's stupid posts.
Not may people have exerted as much influence on a casual stranger's life, as miz has on eesh.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:19AM

He won't be smiling when he realizes he is literally facing half a decade in prison

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: not about you!!!! ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:20AM

lizzie Wrote:
> So...anybody else wanna talk some shit?

People who piss you off always seem to end up in jail or the psyche ward! I'll stick to trash-talking the Hambeast!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:22AM

I always knew eesh would go down for blowing something eventually. Didn't know it would be a horn.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:22AM

LOL! No one ever thinks I'm doing anything or that stuff is happening but it always is. Mother fuckers underestimated me all day and look! :)

Hahahah and he was going off on here earlier, proving me right.

Guess what everyone? I officially won. I finally got eesh back. It's over.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: A former poster ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:22AM

Lizzie, were you planning this all along? If not, what did he do to make you turn on him?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:23AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I always knew eesh would go down for blowing
> something eventually. Didn't know it would be a
> horn.

Stupid ass bitch. He did something else. This arrest comes from Loudoun. He's going away for a very long time.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:24AM

A former poster Wrote:
> Lizzie, were you planning this all along?


I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: A former poster ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:27AM

What exactly did eesh do to you to make you do this? Not saying he doesn't deserve it or anything like that.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:30AM

I was the Morenos to eesh before the Morenos were the Morenos. eesh did everything he did to them to me a year earlier. I vowed that I would make him pay and now the time has come.

I won. He's about to be a felon and I will testify to everything I know.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: and BTW lizzie.... ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:30AM

Your battle with eesh is over, and you are triumphant. Eesh is vanquished. Miz is, well, miz was more or less BORN vanquished.

Now, go do something positive with your life. We know you can, and that you want to.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:31AM

Yeah. I know. Thank you. This is the only reason I stuck around this place.

Everything eesh did to me has happened to him.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: FFXU historian ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:32AM

A former poster Wrote:
> What exactly did eesh do to you to make you do
> this? Not saying he doesn't deserve it or anything
> like that.

Eesh worked with Katie to try and get Lizzie tossed in the can for stalking.

Obviously, eesh has never learned and does not understand that women have very, very, very long memories, especially if you cross them, and can be astoundingly vindictive.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: why he's smiling ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:34AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I always knew eesh would go down for blowing
> something eventually. Didn't know it would be a
> horn.

He'll be doing lots of 'going down' and 'blowing' in lockup. That's probably why he's so damned happy.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Dr Phill ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:35AM

The reality is he is paying the price for his own behavior that he chooses to engage in. His inability to control himself, his obsession with certain people, and his inability or refusal to think through the potential consequences of the unacceptable behavior he chooses to engage in results in multiple civil law suits, multiple criminal charges, and multiple protective orders.

Normal, well adjusted people of average intelligence and above don't make the idiotic choices that he makes. Well over 90 percent of people don't make choices that result in the consequences that he chooses to bring upon himself.

Engaging in the same sketchy behavior over and over again, expecting different results, isn't very bright.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:35AM

LOL! Yall don't even know how overjoyed I am right now!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: A former poster ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:35AM

Yes, I remember something like that. You agreed to meet him and then he went all Psycho on you after wards right? Took your glove and stalked you?

Damn, Lizzie.. I have to admit. You're like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:37AM

All that shit some of you fuckers were talking earlier, LMAO! Especially this bitch! Not knowing his dumbass was about to go bye bye! He should have never fucked with me and should have left the Morenos alone when that first deputy taped something to his door.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: fatherless infant ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:40AM

So what happens when Eesh's kid is born? Is that Miz dude gonna raise it instead?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:41AM

A former poster Wrote:
> Yes, I remember something like that. You agreed to
> meet him and then he went all Psycho on you after
> wards right? Took your glove and stalked you?
> Damn, Lizzie.. I have to admit. You're like Uma
> Thurman in Kill Bill.

Yeah, he has done too much to even get into. It doesn't matter anymore, he's gone and I can't wait to testify against him.

Everyone thought I was his bitch, huh? LOL I'm failing? Losing? Nah. I won and so do the Morenos.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:42AM

A former poster Wrote:
> Damn, Lizzie.. I have to admit. You're like Uma
> Thurman in Kill Bill.

LMAO! I tried to warn people. Don't fuck with me! I will ALWAYS get you back. Doesn't matter if it's today, tomorrow, a year or 10 from now. I keep my word.

I am not "all talk" I just LIE and wait!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: EKtjL ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:47AM

lizzie Wrote:
> He will once again not be getting out. Has to wait
> until the transfer to Loudoun this time LMAO and
> will NOT be given a bail since it's a felony and a
> probation violation, lmao so he technically has 4
> charges!

What is he on probation for? And did he violate the protective order again or is this tied to the incident in the parking lot when he honked at the Morenos?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:50AM

He's on probation for the violation in Fairfax, it's supervised release which is basically pre probation. His bond will be revoked ad he will get a violation.

He has violated the protective order about 100 times. More charges are in the works.

This is out of Loudoun.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: so lizzie - all that helicopter ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:55AM

shit earlier today. Was that you or eesh?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: 1 and a half years in jail ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:55AM

If convicted of all upcoming charges, the mandatory minimum sentence will be one and a half years in jail.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: We do ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:55AM

lizzie Wrote:
> LOL! Yall don't even know how overjoyed I am right
> now!

This is a great victory for you tonight. A couple months ago I was ready to declare team eesh victorious over team Moreno when the word Moreno appeared on the front page 106 times.

Now it looks like team lizzie is the real winner here.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Choices ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:56AM

jeez stop blowing your horn. Getting Eesh in trouble is like cutting warm butter, It doesn't mean you are some kind of mastermind, anyone can do it. He is done now so stop gloating.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:58AM

so lizzie - all that helicopter Wrote:
> shit earlier today. Was that you or eesh?

That was not me

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: let lizzie bask..... ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:58AM

It's a big day in the annals of FU history!

And think, in a couple of years, eesh will be released, all grown up and completely reformed, ready to take his place in adult society!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 12:59AM

1 and a half years in jail Wrote:
> If convicted of all upcoming charges, the
> mandatory minimum sentence will be one and a half
> years in jail.

Yep and 5.5 if given the max

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: eesh then.... ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:00AM

lizzie Wrote:
> so lizzie - all that helicopter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > shit earlier today. Was that you or eesh?
> That was not me

Making the word 'helicopter' appear 8 zillion times on this forum was his last futile, spastic tantrum? I hope they work out an effective medication regime for him in jail.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:01AM

We do Wrote:
> lizzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL! Yall don't even know how overjoyed I am
> right
> > now!
> This is a great victory for you tonight. A couple
> months ago I was ready to declare team eesh
> victorious over team Moreno when the word Moreno
> appeared on the front page 106 times.
> Now it looks like team lizzie is the real winner here.

The Morenos are. I am so amused that it happened on the same day that I decided to let everyone know it was all me behind his trolling. Oh well cats out of the bag now!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:02AM

eesh then.... Wrote:
> lizzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > so lizzie - all that helicopter Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > shit earlier today. Was that you or eesh?
> >
> >
> > That was not me
> Making the word 'helicopter' appear 8 zillion
> times on this forum was his last futile, spastic
> tantrum? I hope they work out an effective
> medication regime for him in jail.

You didn't notice that all started happening when I started showing how he was guilty?

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:03AM

let lizzie bask..... Wrote:
> It's a big day in the annals of FU history!
> And think, in a couple of years, eesh will be
> released, all grown up and completely reformed,
> ready to take his place in adult society!

Nah, hopefully he kills himself in prison or gets killed.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: in all fairness to myself ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:04AM

I only lurk here. I don't read every post, so can hardly be expected to know all of the inner workings of the eeshlizmizmeg continuum.

I do suspect it's going to get a little quieter around here...

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:05AM

It sure is after tonight. Sorry to everyone in advance but I will be spamming maniacally

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: So Lizzie, ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:06AM

that night you went up with eesh to 'visit' moreno, and he chased you with a bat. Was that a setup to get eesh busted?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: h6b97 ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:07AM

lizzie Wrote:
> We do Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > lizzie Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > LOL! Yall don't even know how overjoyed I am
> > right
> > > now!
> >
> >
> > This is a great victory for you tonight. A
> couple
> > months ago I was ready to declare team eesh
> > victorious over team Moreno when the word
> Moreno
> > appeared on the front page 106 times.
> >
> > Now it looks like team lizzie is the real winner
> here.
> The Morenos are. I am so amused that it happened
> on the same day that I decided to let everyone
> know it was all me behind his trolling. Oh well
> cats out of the bag now!

lizzie, let's not forget how much damage you did to the Morenos. You posted pictures of his apartment, a picture of him about to hang himself and pictures of his mother and him outside your house. Tons or screen shots of text messages and emails claiming he swatted himself. What about all those voicemails and remixes and songs you made calling him a pedo?

You flooding this site with william Moreno/pedophile posts; hell, it was even your signature for a while. lol

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:08AM

I have nothing to say about that except that I can am the reason Michael Basl has the protective order against him in the first place

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Good question ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:09AM

So Lizzie, Wrote:
> that night you went up with eesh to 'visit'
> moreno, and he chased you with a bat. Was that a
> setup to get eesh busted?

Yeah, what were you doing showing up to Morenos apartment? Given how much eesh and miz hated each other, there is no way you were there to 'visit' him.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Choices ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:10AM


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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:11AM

h6b97 Wrote:

> lizzie, let's not forget how much damage you did
> to the Morenos. You posted pictures of his
> apartment, a picture of him about to hang himself
> and pictures of his mother and him outside your
> house. Tons or screen shots of text messages and
> emails claiming he swatted himself. What about
> all those voicemails and remixes and songs you
> made calling him a pedo?
> You flooding this site with william
> Moreno/pedophile posts; hell, it was even your
> signature for a while. lol

And would you look at that! As soon as I stopped eesh gets arrested twice with six charges, a felony and a protective order that ultimately is the result of me. I'm sure they got over that, just like I got over what they did.

No one cares anymore. Michael Basl is gone.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: take the helicopter shit ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:11AM

over to the general forum. Those assholes deserve it.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:13AM


I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: for length and longevity ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:14AM

I imagine this thread will one day rival the Hambeast thread!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: 93YN9 ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:14AM

lizzie Wrote:
> It sure is after tonight. Sorry to everyone in
> advance but I will be spamming maniacally

go ahead lizzie. you deserve to enjoy your victory a bit. You earned this one.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:16AM

I will try to keep it contained to this one thread but am bumping up the funny and ironic threads, just today though

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:17AM

All I ever wanted was to be left alone. And now it will happen. I will be leaving soon. I have no reason to stay. I finally got what I have been waiting all these years for

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:17AM

He's a FELON

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: A former poster ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:18AM

Lizzie, can you please post the full recording of you talking to him

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:19AM

It's two hours long, maybe tomorrow

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: A former poster ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:21AM

Pretty pleaseee

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:39AM

Retard lasted 21 days

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!
Michael Josef Basl violation of protective order -1.jpg

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: LMjMY ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:41AM

so what is left?

does William have a case still pending against eesh? and why is he not here celebrating too?

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:42AM

LOL William has like 7 cases pending against eesh. These are his charges

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2016 01:45AM by lizzie.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Pete and Repeat ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:45AM

U made your point. Enough already.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:45AM

Okay. I'm done. Bye

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:47AM

This whole thing will have a very bizarre ending.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:48AM

Pete and Repeat Wrote:
> U made your point. Enough already.

Actually, I might as well kill two birds with one stone and bump all the eesh threads and spam his mugshot and get the format back

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: apologies to lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:51AM

I used to hate on you, but damn girl, good job. You put this douchebag away, eesh IMO is the worst of the band of 4.

I think miz's posts are sick, yea. FFXU thrives off of being a anything goes forum, including sick posts like the ones Miz made. Nothing calls for doing anything offline, eesh went way too far.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:53AM

Thanks. This is William's win. After today we will all be gone. I am leaving, he is too, megan is gone Tj as well. We can finally move on from this site.

Thank you.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: watch that door ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:55AM

lizzie Wrote:
> Pete and Repeat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > U made your point. Enough already.
> Actually, I might as well kill two birds with one
> stone and bump all the eesh threads and spam his
> mugshot and get the format back

So now you can leave.

You're as worthless of a piece of shit as he is.

Get the fuck out.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:56AM

I think I'll stay now

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:56AM

Eat ass eesh
Posted by: iLL ()
Date: October 17, 2015 02:38AM

I'm going to pay you back eesh, for everything you've done to me, for no reason.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: will u now marry miz? ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:56AM

such a CUTE couple!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:56AM

Posted by: iLL ()
Date: October 17, 2015 02:18AM

Oh eesh, you'll get your turn to find out first hand what I can be about.

Hope you can forgive me! ;)

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: PFeGD ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:57AM

lizzie Wrote:
> Thanks. This is William's win. After today we will
> all be gone. I am leaving, he is too, megan is
> gone Tj as well. We can finally move on from this
> site.
> Thank you.

You, miz and megan will be here celebrating for a long time. If eesh gets out anytime soon, he'll be back. You won a huge victory but this mess will continue.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: totally uncalled for. ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:57AM

watch that door Wrote:

> So now you can leave.
> You're as worthless of a piece of shit as he is.
> Get the fuck out.

Whatever you feel about the other three members of eeshlizmizmeg, be happy one is gone, and let lizzie do her victory dance.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:58AM

Re: Hey Monique you missed what happened to your ex boyfriend
Posted by: iLL ()
Date: November 14, 2015 03:33PM

Oh karma, I'm such a bitch! The thing about tables Mike is - they always turn. Once again, my legal troubles are over. Yours are just beginning, let's focus on the here and now, not the past.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:58AM

Re: Monique Wells to testify against Michael Basl
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: July 23, 2015 10:55PM

LOL! I will NEVER be forgotten.

Perhaps, you don't know, or are new, but I am the only thing that keeps this site running. I am the common denominator in all of eesh's legal issues. I am the contender.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 01:59AM

This site will be pretty dead next week

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Lizziy ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:02AM


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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:02AM

At least I'm not a monkey in a cage

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: Walter White ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:03AM

We do Wrote:
> lizzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL! Yall don't even know how overjoyed I am
> right
> > now!
> This is a great victory for you tonight. A couple
> months ago I was ready to declare team eesh
> victorious over team Moreno when the word Moreno
> appeared on the front page 106 times.
> Now it looks like team lizzie is the real winner
> here.


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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: leave already ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:03AM

lizzie Wrote:
> This site will be pretty dead next week

Great. Now get the fuck out.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: b3PFD ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:04AM

I think the poster fucking with you constantly saying "NOTHING WILL HAPPEN" helped push things along.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:05AM

Haha. Yeah. Good ol nothin' happened.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: be a bit magnanimous ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:07AM

leave already Wrote:
> lizzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This site will be pretty dead next week
> Great. Now get the fuck out.

Lizzie is Queen for a Day.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:08AM

leave already Wrote:
> lizzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This site will be pretty dead next week
> Great. Now get the fuck out.

Fuck you.

Team Miz!

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: FFXU Peta ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:09AM

Please make sure his cat is okay!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: tonight, lizzie is welcome ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:09AM

to post all she wants. Gloat away! Your detractors are quite simply jealous!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: hambeast will adopt the cat ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:10AM

FFXU Peta Wrote:
> Please make sure his cat is okay!

She likes small, furry animals.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:10AM

I'm going to keep it in this thread only so if people are mad that I am happy, overjoyed and winning then they can go call eesh lolololololllolololollahahahahahahaha

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: dGr44 ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:11AM

tonight, lizzie is welcome Wrote:
> to post all she wants. Gloat away! Your detractors
> are quite simply jealous!

Go away, lizzie.

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: and keep this thread on top! ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:11AM

the dreaded eesh has been defanged!

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Re: Michael Josef Basl has been arrested again on FELONY! NO BOND - birthday in jail!
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 27, 2016 02:12AM

dGr44 Wrote:
> tonight, lizzie is welcome Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > to post all she wants. Gloat away! Your
> detractors
> > are quite simply jealous!
> Go away, lizzie.

Bitch that wasn't me why don't you get your mad ass off my fucking thread

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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