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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 17, 2011 07:24PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> 10,000 Posts, Bitches!!!!!

I'm sure YoungDCian is in the process of blowing something up real good.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2011 07:24PM by mcsmack.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: S & Giggles ()
Date: February 17, 2011 09:28PM

Man, this thread has been entertaining.

Hats off to all the people involved. You all kick ass.

The funniest thing to me, right now, is that Mike O'Meara is in absolute last place on a show that airs at 5 a.m.


To all who have keep this thread going, you all kick ass!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 17, 2011 10:59PM

Mike is done at The Edge. I'm sure Citadel management is just crossing their t's and dotting the i's on the legal end of things before giving him the boot.

As for the failcast, like I said before, Mike is going to be in denial until someone shows up at his door to enforce the eviction notice.

Mike is a man-child who expected Don to take care of him until the day they both died (apparently). I think the 25 years Don gave Mike was more than enough. Don decided to do his own thing. Mike needs to grow the fuck up and get it through his head that Don owes him NOTHING.

Mike got lots of money being partnered with Don. Don convinced Michael Hughes, apparently against Hughes's better judgment, to give Mike a shot at his own show. Mike fucked it up. Mike has no one else to blame but himself.

Time for Mike to face reality. The Edge gig is going away. The failcast has been nothing but a time-consuming drain of resources that is only delaying the inevitable...Mike moving to a crappy apartment in a market where he can actually find and maintain a job. The means solo mornings on WBFE in Buttfuck, VA for $25K a year (or whatever they pay).


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Fan ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:18AM

I don't know what you people are talking about, I like the podcast.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:46AM

Looks like some MOM supporters are trying to derail this thread. Too bad you guys are too dumb to realize that all you are doing is bumping it with each post.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:55AM

Do you think The Greaseman could beat the ratings that the LFF has generated on The Edge in same time slot? Hobble-de-ge(sp)

we having an influx of radiogodforum psychophants
how's that joint doing these days

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: February 18, 2011 02:42AM

Is that you razorboy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Keep It Up ()
Date: February 18, 2011 02:47AM

Even all of this sh!t is more entertaining than anything LFF has spewed out in the past couple of years...

Did LFF ever do a show on the best way to remove mildew from aluminum siding? If so, please post a synopsis.

Also, I could use a primer on the FDA regulations governing beef jerky. Surely LFF has addressed that on either his former FM show or his failcast.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Post early, post often ()
Date: February 18, 2011 03:04AM

Liz Bradsher is quietly gaining on MOM here on FFXU. Please keep those posts coming!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: February 18, 2011 03:15AM

Just finished listening to entire thursday failcast not a single laugh
oh sure they do their usual laughing at each others alleged funnyness, I find myself thinking am I missing something sometimes ,nah, this shit is pure time filler

i'll go elsewhere for my time filler thank you very much

hello ron and fez

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:34AM

Geez, Mike O'Meara can't even afford decent trollwork.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 101 pages ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:48AM

thanks, guys! :)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: February 18, 2011 09:25AM

You guys show up now and again.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 09:58AM

Laughing Wrote:
> Geez, Mike O'Meara can't even afford decent
> trollwork.

If only Rob(b) put this much effort into filling out job applications at Fair Oaks Mall.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:13AM

This is part of Mikes all out assault on every social network he can get his stooges to pump. They're pumping DCRTV posts as noted by YoungDCian on pg # 100. Also the "Kirk and Mike listener club.

Pumping MOM Facebook friends and trying to derail this thread. Wow! One intense fucking 3 prong attack.Pumping DCRTV, Facebook and this thread. That's all the MOM crew is. A bunch of queer pumps.

When you MOM pumps get tired of being pumped in the ass by Mikes crank tune into a real TV show (not a cheap online animation production)


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:16AM

Thanks to the Shakespeare poster, I always love reading some of the Bard to get my day going. And thanks to all of you Wikipedia and Federal Register copiers for the turbo-boost of posts to keep the thread expanding.

Jesus, and here I thought that we thread regulars were wasting time posting on this thread.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:26AM

I'm sure they will probably hit us again after their pod C today. One good thing about tards like MOMS BM's they loose focus fast.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:38AM

Robb Spewak

And Jesus H Christ Rob! Clean yourself up a bit and get someone else to take your FB pic other than yourself. Have some pride!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 12:04PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> >
> And Jesus H Christ Rob! Clean yourself up a bit
> and get someone else to take your FB pic other
> than yourself. Have some pride!

He's definitely crossed over into Chuck Hoffmann territory with that one. That does not look like a man with many prospects or a happy home life. I don't know if he is growing his hair out for cancer kids or not. Whatever the case, he needs to get a fucking haircut to look professional and go out looking for a job. I think in his situation his priority should be the well-being of his own kids.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:06PM

Looks like I'm a day late and a dollar short...

But happy ten-thousandth post! I was thinking of whipping up something with explosions, nudity, bestiality, etc. you know the usual. I realized that no Photoshop creation could compete with reality at this point. Just look at Rob(b)s fb picture above, Jesus! Both Rob(b) and Mike are sinking deeper into depression and really letting themselves go. So here's my simple celebratory Photoshop, keep in mind that I didn't alter this recent picture of Mike (notice the nipple sweat stains).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:15PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> >
> And Jesus H Christ Rob! Clean yourself up a bit
> and get someone else to take your FB pic other
> than yourself. Have some pride!

Holy crap that's a bad look. That's an "I give up" look.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:42PM

Keep Bumping...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 18, 2011 01:53PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: February 18, 2011 02:23PM

Bump, bump, bump it up!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: February 18, 2011 02:55PM

Glad to see the MOM trolls are spending more time on this thread than the regular posters,,,


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 02:58PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Glad to see the MOM trolls are spending more time
> on this thread than the regular posters,,,
> Enjoy!

Well, when your radio show is in 27th place and the failcast is in the 100s, you kind of give up on trying to work on those things and just vent your frustration on a bunch of anonymous folks who have been right all along...again.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: suck it ()
Date: February 18, 2011 03:45PM

The term gay was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; it had also come to acquire some connotations of "immorality" as early as 1637.[1]

The term's use as a reference to homosexuality may date as early as the late 19th century, but its use gradually increased in the 20th century.[1] In modern English, gay has come to be used as an adjective, and occasionally as a noun, referring to the people, practices, and culture associated with homosexuality. By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex.[2][3] At about the same time, a new, pejorative use became prevalent in some parts of the world. In the Anglosphere, this connotation, among younger speakers, has a derisive meaning equivalent to rubbish or stupid (as in "That's so gay."). In this use the word does not mean "homosexual", so it can be used, for example, to refer to an inanimate object or abstract concept of which one disapproves. This usage can also refer to weakness or unmanliness. When used in this way, the extent to which it still retains connotations of homosexuality has been debated

By the mid-20th century, gay was well-established in reference to hedonistic and uninhibited lifestyles[12] and its antonym straight, which had long had connotations of seriousness, respectability, and conventionality, had now acquired specific connotations of heterosexuality.[13] In the case of gay, other connotations of frivolousness and showiness in dress ("gay apparel") led to association with camp and effeminacy. This association no doubt helped the gradual narrowing in scope of the term towards its current dominant meaning, which was at first confined to subcultures. Gay was the preferred term since other terms, such as queer, were felt to be derogatory.[14] Homosexual is perceived as excessively clinical,[15][16][17] since the sexual orientation now commonly referred to as "homosexuality" was at that time a mental illness diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

In mid-20th century Britain, where male homosexuality was illegal until the Sexual Offences Act 1967, to openly identify someone as homosexual was considered very offensive and an accusation of serious criminal activity. Additionally, none of the words describing any aspect of homosexuality were considered suitable for polite society. Consequently, a number of euphemisms were used to hint at suspected homosexuality. Examples include "sporty" girls and "artistic" boys,[18] all with the stress deliberately on the otherwise completely innocent adjective.

By 1963, a new sense of the word gay was known well enough to be used by Albert Ellis in his book The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Man-Hunting. However, later examples of the original meaning of the word being used in popular culture include the theme song to the 1960–1966 animated TV series The Flintstones, whereby viewers are assured that they will "have a gay old time." Similarly, the 1966 Herman's Hermits song "No Milk Today", which became a Top 10 hit in the UK and a Top 40 hit in the U.S. and included the lyric "No milk today, it was not always so / The company was gay, we had turn night into day."[19] In June 1967, the headline of the review of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album in the British daily newspaper The Times stated, "The Beatles revive hopes of progress in pop music with their gay new LP".[20] As late as 1970, the first episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show has the demonstrably straight Mary Richards' downstairs neighbor, Phyllis, breezily declaiming that Mary is, at age 30, still "young and gay."

There is little doubt that the homosexual sense is a development of the word's traditional meaning, as described above. It has nevertheless been claimed that gay stands for "Good As You", but there is no evidence for this: it is a folk etymology backronym.[21]

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 18, 2011 03:53PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 04:43PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> mcsmack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > And Jesus H Christ Rob! Clean yourself up a bit
> > and get someone else to take your FB pic other
> > than yourself. Have some pride!
> He's definitely crossed over into Chuck Hoffmann
> territory with that one. That does not look like a
> man with many prospects or a happy home life. I
> don't know if he is growing his hair out for
> cancer kids or not. Whatever the case, he needs to
> get a fucking haircut to look professional and go
> out looking for a job. I think in his situation
> his priority should be the well-being of his own
> kids.

The Grim Freeking Reaper will be harvesting that hair. And by all appearances in the not to distant future.Jesus doesn't he want his kids to have a father?

Also isn't it interesting these MOM trolls only pop up in the wee hours of the morning then after the noon time cracks?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: February 18, 2011 04:47PM

Big O and Dukes at #42 on Comedy Podcasts this week! GO BOAD!

Failcast: nowhere to be seen in the top 100.

Sven Lloyd's gay exploits > Mike's racist, unfunny schtick re: Oscar's Mom.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lady Baltimore ()
Date: February 18, 2011 05:42PM

Robb actually uses that picture for his facebook pic? He's be better off using the little cartoon image instead. In fact, I'll bet Carrie wishes she was married to the little cartoon image instead.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 06:08PM

Yabels Wrote:
> Big O and Dukes at #42 on Comedy Podcasts this
> week! GO BOAD!
> Failcast: nowhere to be seen in the top 100.
> Sven Lloyd's gay exploits > Mike's racist, unfunny
> schtick re: Oscar's Mom.

Considering the dramatic fall in the failcast rankings, I have to think that MOM was paying for some sort of online advertising to specifically drive up the count...and then he stopped. The failcast isn't any suckier now than it was when it was in the 50s, so I don't think it's just a content thing.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lady Baltimore ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:16PM

WTL wrote:

>That does not look like a man with many prospects or a happy home life. I don't
>know if he is growing his hair out for cancer kids or not. Whatever the case, he
>needs to get a fucking haircut to look professional and go out looking for a
>job. I think in his situation his priority should be the well-being of his own

Seriously. I just listened to today's podcast, and even Mike & co. were kidding Robb about that picture, asking him how many drinks he had when he took it.

Robb does look wasted in that pic. A few months ago, Robb said his doctor told him he had a fatty liver and he needed to quit drinking. I'd challenge that doctor to find ANYTHING on Robb's body that ISN'T fatty.

But Robb just keeps on pouring the liquor down his throat. He's going to put himself in an early grave at that rate.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:30PM

Rob(b) is trying to kill himself,,,,in a passive aggressive way

At this point I think he's willing to die,,,but if a job comes along he wants to be able to pull himself back from the brink,,,

He better think about this hard,,,he looks very close to the edge

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 07:36PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Rob(b) is trying to kill himself,,,,in a passive
> aggressive way
> At this point I think he's willing to die,,,but if
> a job comes along he wants to be able to pull
> himself back from the brink,,,
> He better think about this hard,,,he looks very
> close to the edge

I have no idea what's going through Rob(b)'s mind at this point. All I know is that in order to get his shit together, he needs to admit that he is wrong to himself and to his family and then drastically change his behavior. It's a tough pill to swallow at first, but within six months he will feel infinitely better about himself, and so will his family. If he stays on his current track, I have no idea what's going to happen...besides losing everything. Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid beyond that.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 07:41PM



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 07:46PM

You will eventually grow tired of this. We will still be here.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:47PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> mcsmack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > And Jesus H Christ Rob! Clean yourself up a bit
> > and get someone else to take your FB pic other
> > than yourself. Have some pride!
> Holy crap that's a bad look. That's an "I give up"
> look.

I've seen that look before in a man once before. He killed himself within a month.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: word ()
Date: February 18, 2011 08:08PM

Yes, we will. Unlike the Kirk and Mike show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 08:49PM

Life can be poetic as demonstrated by troll behavior here. Mike's parting words in his swan dance at WJFK was that what he and Rob represented was "a rare and DYING breed of radio format and personalities" my emphasis................

From the looks of them both I can't disagree.

EX #1Robb Spewak EX #2

Judging by the troll posts above and physical appearance we are surely seeing the MOMS in its death throws.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I swear to God... ()
Date: February 18, 2011 08:53PM

...Robb does look like a homeless alcoholic in that picture. Why the hell would he put that picture, of all pictures, on FB?!?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 09:35PM

Another thing that pisses me of is guys that use what we call "pussy putters". I see a lot of older golfers using these for stability which is okay. But when you have to use one because you're so fucking fat and out of shape like Mike it's embarrassing. Dude needs a trainer badly.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 09:50PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> Another thing that pisses me of is guys that use
> what we call "pussy putters". I see a lot of older
> golfers using these for stability which is okay.
> But when you have to use one because you're so
> fucking fat and out of shape like Mike it's
> embarrassing. Dude needs a trainer badly.

I imagine Mike uses the excuse that it's because of his back (and not his girth). Of course, if you back problems, how the fuck do you drive the ball in the first place?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:38PM

way to cut and paste O'Meara. I'm glad your fat fingers can still click the mouse button douche-bag.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 18, 2011 10:43PM

Sammy the Tooth Wrote:
> way to cut and paste O'Meara. I'm glad your fat
> fingers can still click the mouse button
> douche-bag.

This seems more like a Rob(b)-type activity.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dilbo ()
Date: February 18, 2011 10:57PM

Robb Spewak

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 18, 2011 11:35PM

Robb SpewakDrinking high amounts of alcohol causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels in the body in men, particularly the day after, you know, when your hung over. Not only that but alcohol can deplete the mineral zinc from your body. Zinc is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Zinc depletion can give you that stringy split ends and broken down look to the body of your hair. this can also be directly related to liver disease..........I'm just sayin'.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lady Baltimore ()
Date: February 19, 2011 12:09AM

Look how red and flushed his face is -- typical of an alkie.

Robb mentioned on the failcast today that he's going to be 40 years old next month. He looks pretty haggard for 40.

Oh, and one other note -- BA's name happened to come up and Mike said, "She ran my career into the ground and then left."

Right, Mike. She did what you told her to do -- she formatted the show because you didn't feel like doing it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dear McSmack... ()
Date: February 19, 2011 12:22AM

I am nott Robb, I swearr!

Although, I am losing hair... would Zinc help?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: February 19, 2011 08:13AM

Lady Baltimore Wrote:
> Oh, and one other note -- BA's name happened to
> come up and Mike said, "She ran my career into the
> ground and then left."

If I didn't know this dick - albeit on a business level, I might be surprised by that comment - but still, it's quite amazing he'd blame BA McBride for his lot in life!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 19, 2011 08:56AM

Lady Baltimore Wrote:
> Look how red and flushed his face is -- typical of
> an alkie.

It's called an "Irish tan."

> Robb mentioned on the failcast today that he's
> going to be 40 years old next month. He looks
> pretty haggard for 40.

A haircut would actually do wonders for making him look younger. That, and losing about 70 lbs.

> Oh, and one other note -- BA's name happened to
> come up and Mike said, "She ran my career into the
> ground and then left."

There goes Mike, blaming everyone else for his own failures. Okay, BA did suck as a producer. But everyone knew that before MOM brought her back. I mean, Don basically showed her the door after 18 months. She was in North Carolina selling carpet, or whatever, when Mike had this great idea to bring her back. It's not BA's fault she sucked as Mike's producer. It's Mike's fault for hiring someone back who was a proven failure at that position.

> Right, Mike. She did what you told her to do --
> she formatted the show because you didn't feel
> like doing it.

So let's see. Who has contributed to ruining Mike's career so far...

Don...for deciding to do something else after 25 years. Bastard!

Chad Dukes...for having the audacity to take a raise and a drive-time slot when offered to him, even though if he refused it Mike still would have been out of a job. Fucker!

BA McBride...who was so bad at radio that she wasn't even in the industry anymore when Mike decided to hire her as his producer, even though she failed as D&M's producer a year before.

When Mike loses The Edge gig, it will be interesting to hear how much of that failure he blames on Kirk and Shamrock.

Yep, everyone's responsible for Mike's failures except Mike.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: HoneyDipshitCrap ()
Date: February 19, 2011 09:37AM

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:19AM

Dear McSmack... Wrote:
> I am nott Robb, I swearr!
> Although, I am losing hair... would Zinc help?

Absolutely! You'll want to administer by both crushing it up and snorting it and suppository.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mr deez ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:45AM

> So let's see. Who has contributed to ruining
> Mike's career so far...
> Don...for deciding to do something else after 25
> years. Bastard!
> Chad Dukes...for having the audacity to take a
> raise and a drive-time slot when offered to him,
> even though if he refused it Mike still would have
> been out of a job. Fucker!
> BA McBride...who was so bad at radio that she
> wasn't even in the industry anymore when Mike
> decided to hire her as his producer, even though
> she failed as D&M's producer a year before.
> When Mike loses The Edge gig, it will be
> interesting to hear how much of that failure he
> blames on Kirk and Shamrock.
> Yep, everyone's responsible for Mike's failures
> except Mike.

Don't forget he's blamed "the economy" as a whole for tanking and ruining his show "just as it was gaining traction". This is funnier still since economists have pin-pointed June 2009 as the end of the recession, which is right when MOMS show got the boot from JFK.

And didn't he blame Barack Obama for some of his woes too? Not sure if that was in jest and I don't listen to the mf'er enough but I think that was mentioned on this thread earlier.

I'm sure there are other scapegoats too.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: February 19, 2011 11:51AM

mr deez Wrote:
> > So let's see. Who has contributed to ruining
> > Mike's career so far...
> >
> > Don...for deciding to do something else after
> 25
> > years. Bastard!
> >
> > Chad Dukes...for having the audacity to take a
> > raise and a drive-time slot when offered to
> him,
> > even though if he refused it Mike still would
> have
> > been out of a job. Fucker!
> >
> > BA McBride...who was so bad at radio that she
> > wasn't even in the industry anymore when Mike
> > decided to hire her as his producer, even
> though
> > she failed as D&M's producer a year before.
> >
> > When Mike loses The Edge gig, it will be
> > interesting to hear how much of that failure he
> > blames on Kirk and Shamrock.
> >
> > Yep, everyone's responsible for Mike's failures
> > except Mike.
> Don't forget he's blamed "the economy" as a whole
> for tanking and ruining his show "just as it was
> gaining traction". This is funnier still since
> economists have pin-pointed June 2009 as the end
> of the recession, which is right when MOMS show
> got the boot from JFK.
> And didn't he blame Barack Obama for some of his
> woes too? Not sure if that was in jest and I
> don't listen to the mf'er enough but I think that
> was mentioned on this thread earlier.
> I'm sure there are other scapegoats too.

Yeah and corporate America.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 19, 2011 01:13PM

I believe he claimed "we are no longer free" because his bank didn't treat a tenant's rent check like a cashier's check. So, in other words, the $25 Mike had to pay for bouncing a check is conclusive evidence that we live in Mao's China.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: February 19, 2011 05:40PM

It's good to see that the mods on this site did a little house cleaning and got rid of the spam posts.

Funny thing I noticed the other day on FB

Mike O'meara is NOT Facebook friends with Don G or Chad Dukes.

But fat-Dukes is friends with Spewak and Geronimo.

The fact that Dukes and DonG all have 5000+ FB friends and Mike is not one of them means that there is clearly some petty fued going on.

I know people have suggested that MOM is bitter cause Dukes 'took' his afternoon drive spot but I always assumed that was a joke.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: February 19, 2011 07:39PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> It's good to see that the mods on this site did a
> little house cleaning and got rid of the spam
> posts.
> Funny thing I noticed the other day on FB
> Mike O'meara is NOT Facebook friends with Don G or
> Chad Dukes.
> But fat-Dukes is friends with Spewak and
> Geronimo.
> The fact that Dukes and DonG all have 5000+ FB
> friends and Mike is not one of them means that
> there is clearly some petty fued going on.
> I know people have suggested that MOM is bitter
> cause Dukes 'took' his afternoon drive spot but I
> always assumed that was a joke.

Given how petty he has been non stop are you really all that shocked?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: February 20, 2011 08:49AM

With his dying breath, MOM will be explaining how all his problems are somebody else's fault.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 20, 2011 08:52AM

Laughing Wrote:
> With his dying breath, MOM will be explaining how
> all his problems are somebody else's fault.

Mickey D's is responsible for him being so fat.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: February 21, 2011 05:42AM

That picture of Robb is terrifying; you can see all the stress of the past few years dragging him down into oblivion.

Or just to KFC.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: February 21, 2011 08:10AM

Drove past the old O'Meara's bar Saturday night about midnite place was very busy

What happened under it's previous owner that business was so bad? just kidding

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: i ferget to mention ()
Date: February 21, 2011 08:17AM

listened to a donnie g. show last week feb. 15th I believe and donnie g. is esplaining some sexual activity with his wife janet
having seen a picture of the janet i found myself feeling a tad queasy and donnie g. went on about his cockmanship with his wife

also the news about SacrAmento Kings will likely be moving to SoCal can't be good news for KHTK
perhaps the station will go back to Guy Talk but I doubt CBS Radio wants anything to do with guy talk anymore

still donnie g. is a way better listen than the failcast

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 21, 2011 08:54AM

wally pip Wrote:

> What happened under it's previous owner that
> business was so bad?

Giving award your inventory to your buddies so that you can feel like a big swinging dick with do that.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2011 08:54AM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 21, 2011 08:57AM

i ferget to mention Wrote:
> listened to a donnie g. show last week feb. 15th I
> believe and donnie g. is esplaining some sexual
> activity with his wife janet
> having seen a picture of the janet i found myself
> feeling a tad queasy and donnie g. went on about
> his cockmanship with his wife
> also the news about SacrAmento Kings will likely
> be moving to SoCal can't be good news for KHTK
> perhaps the station will go back to Guy Talk but I
> doubt CBS Radio wants anything to do with guy talk
> anymore
> still donnie g. is a way better listen than the
> failcast

Like the Sacramento Kings have anything to do with that station's ratings? The Kings suck. And good luck going down to SoCal and trying to compete with the Lakers. Look how well the Clippers have done.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Siddhartha ()
Date: February 21, 2011 10:43AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> wally pip Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > What happened under it's previous owner that
> > business was so bad?
> Giving award your inventory to your buddies so
> that you can feel like a big swinging dick with do
> that.

Away? What?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 21, 2011 10:47AM

That place was always packed on the weekends, and it had a pretty good lunch crowd during the weekdays too. A lot of business came through those doors when Mike was captain of the ship. Like any good thing in Mike's life, he ran it into the ground.

Free drinks (among other things) got him fined and ultimately shuttered the place, but that's not the whole story. O'Meara's was hemorrhagic the last year or so of operation, yet Mike continued to act like a big shot and throw his weight around. Remember the "sign of the whale" incident, it would have happened if the bank hadn't laughed in his face when he attempted to get a loan for the deal. That douche bag was installing new flat screens in the place during it's last month of operation, yet when the party was over he stiffed most of his employees. What a class act!

Now watch as history repeats itself with the failcast and K&M.

wally pip Wrote:
> Drove past the old O'Meara's bar Saturday night
> about midnite place was very busy
> What happened under it's previous owner that
> business was so bad? just kidding

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: February 21, 2011 04:51PM

I was actually going to listen to the show today but it's an "encore' presentation

President's day vacation?,,,


I guess they'll take Arbor day off too,,,

Well, they did tough it out on Groundhog day

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: February 21, 2011 05:42PM

Hey give them some credit for doing the show on Groundhog day.

Also, President's Day is a big day for everyone. If the federal govt is off TMOS should get off too.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: February 21, 2011 05:46PM

For anybody interested in hearing more on the fall out with MOM and Oscar


go to "Rally the Horde 2". This guys are really good at pointing out the obvious.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 21, 2011 05:54PM

I'm not really interested in learning more about the Oscar blowout. At this point his involvement in the failcast is self-flagellation. I have no interest in hearing his rationalizations for putting up with Mike's, or Kara's, psychological bullshit.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Donny G is my home boy ()
Date: February 21, 2011 06:19PM

Oscar is definitely the most interesting part of TMOS

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 21, 2011 07:07PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I'm not really interested in learning more about
> the Oscar blowout. At this point his involvement
> in the failcast is self-flagellation. I have no
> interest in hearing his rationalizations for
> putting up with Mike's, or Kara's, psychological
> bullshit.

It's like battered wife syndrome at this point.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: February 22, 2011 05:51AM

Boy, that BOAD podcast re: MOM was really weird -- it's like they're tripping over themselves to say, "Oh, we love MOM, and he's such a broadcast legend, and everything's really OK . . . .", but you can hear the tension.

Oh, and the reference to MOM as a "perfectionist"? The laziest man in the world? The king of NO show prep? Please.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:02AM

"Oh, and the reference to MOM as a "perfectionist"? The laziest man in the world? The king of NO show prep? Please."

Part of the delusional LFF and why this topic has hit over 101 pages

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 22, 2011 07:18AM

MOM is a perfectionist. He just believes everyone else is supposed to be perfect, not him.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: bankrupt ()
Date: February 22, 2011 09:26AM

According to the BOAD podcast, Oscar will leave in July, when Chads contract is done.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: February 22, 2011 09:35AM

bankrupt Wrote:
> According to the BOAD podcast, Oscar will leave in
> July, when Chads contract is done.

Keep in mind "Rally the Horde" is a fan/wrap up podcast by fans and show secondary characters.

Now I'll go listen to that episode.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 22, 2011 09:37AM

Laughing Wrote:
> With his dying breath, MOM will be explaining how
> all his problems are somebody else's fault.



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Shecky ()
Date: February 22, 2011 10:40AM

Warhawk Wrote:

> It's like battered wife syndrome at this point.

And of course, the only thing worse than that is a woman who has been deep-fried afterward.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: February 22, 2011 10:45AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> MOM is a perfectionist. He just believes everyone
> else is supposed to be perfect, not him.

Mike believes he is perfect.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 22, 2011 10:58AM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > MOM is a perfectionist. He just believes
> everyone
> > else is supposed to be perfect, not him.
> Mike believes he is perfect.

True. He's perfect already, so there is no need for him to actually work at being better. In two years he has had three shows fail. But that has nothing to do with him and everything to do with CBS, Citadel, Beth Ann, Don, Chad, Oscar, Kirk, Shamrock, the economy, the state of radio, blah, blah, blah. And, if things get really bad, it will be the fault of Rob(b) and Buzz. But NOTHING is Mike's fault.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 22, 2011 02:58PM

As seen on DCRTV...

K&M have a 24 for the month of January in the 25-54 demo, ouch! Mike's performance metric is based on the M 25-54 demo, which is why he hasn't seen any bonus money since he set foot in Citadel's Jennifer St. HQ. He has steadily trended downward since he replaced the computer that originally filled the AM drive slot on VRX. The automated programming consistently got better ratings than K&M.

So that's that folks, Mike is toast, unless a miracle, the likes of which have never been seen before in this market, happens this week, Mike will make his last broadcast at "the edge" before the end of the quarter.

It's a good thing he has other job skills to fall back on.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 22, 2011 03:04PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> As seen on DCRTV...
He has steadily trended
> downward since he replaced the computer that
> originally filled the AM drive slot on VRX. The
> automated programming consistently got better
> ratings than K&M.



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: best freinds ()
Date: February 22, 2011 04:36PM

Doni had another talk about his best buddy again.....while playing the titanic theme.....made me giggle :)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Harry's Pooter ()
Date: February 22, 2011 04:58PM

Thanks for going into such incredible detail about Don's show... anyone else care to fill in?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: February 22, 2011 05:28PM

Harry's Pooter Wrote:
> Thanks for going into such incredible detail about
> Don's show... anyone else care to fill in?

Yeah seriously. No link to a podcast. No detail worth anything. Just an all around waste of a post.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 22, 2011 05:44PM

I just can't get over Don doing local TV...

Watching him on "Good Day" is funny because it seems that he is actually nervous. He's in a suit and he's jiveing it up with the prompter jockeys, rather ironic. I'm not sure if it was nerves or just a bad floor director not cueing him to his camera, but Don looked very flustered/disoriented when they would cut in on him. He has always had a hard-on for TV and it's nice to see him make Sacktown his own by having a gig on local TV as well as his radio show. He is becoming quite the local celebrity, I bet that really chaps Mike's ass.

Could you imagine if O'Meara had a segment on the local morning news here? It would be like the Hindenburg of TV segments.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: February 22, 2011 05:56PM

New Big O and Dukes Podcast discuss the Oscar walk-out incident. No new ground was really covered, but Chad expressed his frustration at Mike's complete disrespect toward the BOAD podcast.

Chad needs to understand that Mike is still just a bitter bastard over Chad "stealing his job". What a baby.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: best freinds ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:42PM

Im sorry...Someone called in again about Mike and he said the same thing he did last time...we talk everyday...Mikes doing great ...rant ..then played the titanic theme...but he has been playing the clip the rest of the show towards bad callers too..so....It was at the early part of the show...no clips yet to link to

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Juxtaposition ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:45PM

...he has 0 manners.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2011 11:11PM by Juxtaposition.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Final MOM Show ()
Date: February 22, 2011 08:30PM

This is how the MOM will end. Mike and Robb killing each other.
Robb Spewak Mike O'Meara

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 22, 2011 10:08PM

Final MOM Show Wrote:
> This is how the MOM will end. Mike and Robb
> killing each other.

They both seem to be failing. That makes sense.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RUDY ()
Date: February 23, 2011 06:00AM

Final MOM show

Is that some kind of symbolism for the failcast is

A Circle Jerk

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rodney Alan Ripey ()
Date: February 23, 2011 07:07AM

Man listening to theat Rally the Horde 2 on BOAD podcast was some rough going for this listener.
First off the sound of the podcast from deep inside a bunker sucks
Then listening to the boring dudes prattle on and on was boring as hell. The butt licking festival in praise of BOAD was just ponderous. When they got around to saying that BOAD stature at this point in their careers(?) was equal to Stern at the same point in his career I knew I was listening to some really heavy bullshit.

The beginning about O'Meara and his behavior towards the poofy haired one was interesting but the rest was just a bunch of boring drivel

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 23, 2011 08:42AM

Rodney Alan Ripey Wrote:

> The beginning about O'Meara and his behavior
> towards the poofy haired one was interesting but
> the rest was just a bunch of boring drivel

Agreed. I think the free podcast is turning into an MOM-type promotion of the paid content. The free podcast was much better before the paid content started.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: February 23, 2011 11:48AM

I think the whole idea of pay-per-podcast is asinine...

Unless you are Howard Stern, people are not going to pay for your shit. Take a look at MOM. He left radio with a small but loyal following of leftover D&M fans who stuck it out through the MOM show on JFK and were still up for more punishment. Then they decided to charge for their "premium content". This move shaved down their dwindling audience even more.

This lead to hawking more schlock at higher prices to turn a profit. So now they are narrow-casting to a shrinking audience and their "free" product is really just a promotional vehicle for their paid content as well as their merchandise, oh and it's chock full of "sponsors". So they basically shit on their current audience, and have given up any hope of attracting a new one. Their current mode of operation is to squeeze their remaining fans for every last nickel they can, before the house of cards collapses.

I kind of like what YouTube is doing with their "partner program". Content providers apply to be a partner, if they are accepted they can run ads and share revenue with YouTube. Individuals provide the content, YouTube hosts it, and users pay nothing, everyone wins, as long as you don't mind an ad or two. Of course you actually have to have an audience for this model to work.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: February 23, 2011 01:07PM

I understand your hatred of Mike and the show but disagree greatly about most of your opinions on BOAD. Myself and many others are gladly paying the boys $99 a year to gain access to a little more of the SAME show, with a little swearing. We are the same guys who own multiple t-shirts and who the rally the horde is targeted to. I'm sure most Howard or Sirius listeners don't tune in to the wrap up show or most of the other P1 content Howard puts on. That show is for us and if you don't wan't it, don't listen. The show also quiets the hardcore listeners who inundate BOAD with requests for more show. If you wan't to hear the same type of show twice a week you now have that option if you are willing to back up the brinks truck. They let it be known that if ten guys buy it every week they would be happy and that it would make them feel a little better about the grind of doing this. One thing BOAD has always had is loyal diverse listeners. We may be a small group but we stand by and actually buy and wear the gear. I don't see much Mike O'meara gear around California but have seen a random dude sporting the BOAD colors. Seems to me BOAD is based on a love for the medium and and the future while TMOS is a means to avoid foreclosure and to try to make one last trivial payday before it's to late for the old guys and the infirmed Robb. I know Dukes is a know it all asshole, Oscar is a douche, and Drabber is a big lipped serial killer, but they grew on me ,and I will keep supporting them and dissing TMOS at the same time.

Cue fields of wheat music from Gladiator.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 23, 2011 01:20PM

I'm just saying that the BOAD free program isn't as good as the paid stuff. I understand why they are doing it. I just won't listen to the free program.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: February 23, 2011 01:32PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I'm just saying that the BOAD free program isn't
> as good as the paid stuff. I understand why they
> are doing it. I just won't listen to the free
> program.

I hear you, They say they don't save the good stuff, but we know thats bullshit.
I think it also has to do with the fact that the BOAD show was always 4 or 5 hours and it always seemed that they really got going around hour 2 or 3. So maybe recording the shows back to back emphasizes that and also that they let loose and swear in the paid show? I hope that they get phones soon and can take calls, play dumb ass games, and do interviews. Unlike Mike, BOAD had some good loyal guests and callers. Chad and Oscar always did research and were ready for the interviews and glad to have them. They also had a great hodgepodge of different guests and didn't rip them apart or ask dumb questions to embarass the guest or to get a cheap laugh. They would just let the wack a doo talk and make himself the ass and then to proceed to destroy them after the interview and take some great calls. This also led to great interaction with Drab and his producer responsibilities.

Good solid eclectic guests on BOAD

Dan Hsu
The beer guy
cnet dude
oscars tech buddy
lots of ufc guys
Oscars buddy Dom
Tom lykes

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