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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2011 10:57AM

Rob(b) needs a subscription to this...



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 07, 2011 11:02AM

I did come up with a way Rob(b) could passively generate some income for his family...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2011 01:07PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> I did come up with a way Rob(b) could passively
> generate some income for his family...

Now, now. You KNOW that would piss Mike off!

Now, if he wrote something on there about it being advertising for the MOM failcast, that would be different.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 07, 2011 01:10PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> I did come up with a way Rob(b) could passively
> generate some income for his family...

That's a great example of how to be funny. WTL is right. I thought something looked strange about that image. It has been doctored. Freeking hilarious! He looks even worse. A stupid fucking DNA altered "dumb Rob(b) all jaundiced up and shit. looks like he has a wad of chaw in his lip too.Like Brian and Stewies dumbed down clones on The Family Man.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2011 01:15PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> YoungDCian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I did come up with a way Rob(b) could passively
> > generate some income for his family...
> That's a great example of how to be funny. WTL is
> right. I thought something looked strange about
> that image. It has been doctored. Freeking
> hilarious! He looks even worse. A stupid fucking
> DNA altered "dumb Rob(b) all jaundiced up and
> shit. looks like he has a wad of chaw in his lip
> too.Like Brian and Stewies dumbed down clones on
> The Family Man.

He elongated his face and pushed it to the left in order to cover the distortion on his neck. This makes the back of his head look abnormally small compared to his jawline. You can also see the warp in the door behind him. It bows in like it is being viewed through a wide angle lens. He probably used some sort of wide angle setting and then tried to manipulate his jaw to make the distortion look less obvious.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Honestly Part 2 ()
Date: March 07, 2011 01:26PM

Which is more fucking sad, this or CAT?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 07, 2011 01:47PM

I don't know what you guys are talking about...

If you compare his fb pic to a recent family reunion picture, they look similar. He didn't alter a thing.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 07, 2011 02:13PM

I'm glad we got that photo. Robs already changed his profile pic to his stupid fucking cartoon avatar. I'm sure he didn't think anyone would note his sub par attempt at Photoshop. It's kind of like they are all disappearing removing photos off their social networks and websites replacing them all with the cartoon pics. What a way to promote yourself.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2011 02:28PM

So I wonder if, after a long day at work, Carrie bathed the kids, got them in their PJs and read them bedtime stories while Rob(b) was fucking around with his crappy Photoshop job. I say the odds are pretty good.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 07, 2011 03:52PM

If he's gonna play around with Photoshop, he should have gone all the way!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2011 03:56PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> If he's gonna play around with Photoshop, he
> should have gone all the way!

No shit!

But seriously, is this really the look he's going for? Because it seems like it...


...He's got the same personality, too.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: March 07, 2011 07:30PM

To continue with Comic Book Guy: "Worst Photoshop EVER!"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Not Rob(b) ()
Date: March 08, 2011 09:08AM

Come on, guys, you know that Robb is a great father. He's talked about it on the air before, about how much he loves his kids and how he likes to spend as much time as possible with them. True, Carrie is probably a bit put out right now, but Robb knows that when MOM gets a new guy-talk job, Robb will be right there along with Mike and back on the payroll.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 10:05AM

Not Rob(b) Wrote:
> Come on, guys, you know that Robb is a great
> father.

Great fathers find a way to provide for their kids.

> He's talked about it on the air before,
> about how much he loves his kids and how he likes
> to spend as much time as possible with them.

Well, he certainly has plenty of time. But being a great father involves being a great role model. Letting yourself go while wandering around the house all day in sweats while mom works is NOT what a great father does.

> True,
> Carrie is probably a bit put out right now,

Right now? This summer will be two fucking years of this bullshit!

> but
> Robb knows that when MOM gets a new guy-talk job,
> Robb will be right there along with Mike and back
> on the payroll.

The way Mike got Rob(b) a gig on The Edge? Oops. Did I say that??

Seriously, Rob(b) needs to look out for himself and his family. Waiting for Mike to figure out what the fuck he's going to do with his life and then hoping that Mike has the cache to get him a job if he ever does is fucking stupid. Mike will NEVER be what he was on D&M. And Rob(b) won't get a job from Mike when he does end up in Roanoke or Danville.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Laughing ()
Date: March 08, 2011 11:17AM

Spot on -- what makes anybody think that Mike's next real gig will have the juiced to justify hiring Robb at a living wage? Will Mike's next move from the Edge be UP (unlikely) or DOWN (helloooo, Rochester!)? I think we know the answer . . .

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 11:24AM

Laughing Wrote:
> Spot on -- what makes anybody think that Mike's
> next real gig will have the juiced to justify
> hiring Robb at a living wage? Will Mike's next
> move from the Edge be UP (unlikely) or DOWN
> (helloooo, Rochester!)? I think we know the
> answer . . .

No shit.

Mike has failed in the DC market...twice. If he does ever get another gig in this market, it won't be enough to pay Rob(b) and Buzz, too. And if he does manage to get a drive-time slot in Lynchburg or Petersburg, VA, it will most likely be for next to minimum wage with no budget for a "Morning Zoo Crew."

I can't think of a time in my life where I would ever tell someone I work with to "stick with me, I'll take care of you." How the fuck do you make that kind of promise to someone? Mike has no fucking control over something like that. He's a disingenuous prick for tell Rob(b) and Buzz bullshit like that (which I recall he did on the air a few times at JFK before they pulled the plug).

Fuck, Rob(b) has a better chance of hitting the PowerBall jackpot at this point than of Mike landing a decent-paying gig for Rob(b).


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 08, 2011 11:49AM

"I can't think of a time in my life where I would ever tell someone I work with to "stick with me, I'll take care of you." How the fuck do you make that kind of promise to someone?"...WTL

Great point. I'm sure they think that they are all investors but it is more like a band of alcoholic homeless people that group together for camaraderie.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jhopkins ()
Date: March 08, 2011 12:28PM

I understand that Mike is a fat, washed up, loser, but even with that said how did he think putting the little girl on his podcast would be entertaining?

I don't understand how Mike thinks the following topics are worth listening to:
1) His dogs defecating on the carpet. It is obvious that he is too lazy to take the dog out / housebreak it

2) His "battle" with weight loss

3) Anything to do with Rob(b)

4) Sales of his Merch

I don't believe Mike is capable of growing (unless we are talking about inches). The MOM show was a failure and JFK pulled the plug on it. So, he started a podcast that kept the worse bits of the MOM radio show.

Unlike many of the folks that post here, I'll tell Mike how to fix his podcast (my 1st bit of advice would be to ensure he gets his *ENTIRE* head in front of the shotgun):

0) You need to form a business plan that exceeds what Oscar is capable of putting together

1) Look back at the bits of the D&M show (face it you stupid, fat hack and the only reason you have folks talking about you was that you were on the radio with Don years and years ago) and take those bits and update them

2) Do not give Rob(b) any podcast time

3) Buzz should read the news and that is all

4) RJ & Mark & ... should have less podcast time than the time allotted to Rob(b)

5) Mike (although you are fat, old, and stupid) you are a good mimic. Come up with the modern version of Larry to Larry

6) Guests, Mike, you must still have a rolodex (I'm betting they aren;t in your phone / email addy bok / linkedin) with some interesting folks on it. How about you bring them in rather than hear some jackass's toddler? Or, the 50th story about your dogs making a mess of your house.

7) Your podcast is not live. How about adding some work in post?

8) How about interaction with you ustreamers during the show? More than reading the comments?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Skigum Mcdoo ()
Date: March 08, 2011 12:52PM

The little girl was the least of the problems with M.O.M Show, she wasn't a brat like Kirks daughter who we had to listen to for the full show on that travesty of a show ....Everything else was SPOT ON. Especially with those stupid Arse dog. Does anyone truly get a ef about those retarded animals. Dog ate Chocolate. Oh Noooo stop you're Killing Me Mike.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: March 08, 2011 01:12PM


All great suggestions, but I think we all know the chances of any of these happening are slim to zero. Mike is way to lazy to do any of this stuff. Mike lords over everyone else on the show with his whole: "Well I showed up on time (to his own living room) to do this so you all should be able to create a great show around my greatness."

Just listen to that old D&M somebody posted two pages back where Mike admits that his job on D&M was to just "show up and be funny" while Don steered the ship. That clearly won't cut it when you're supposed to be the sole focus of the show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 01:13PM

Short of the fact that they are stupid, there's really no reason why then couldn't record a week's worth of 30-minute episodes each Friday evening. They don't need Buzz's crappy and outdated news. Have him talk about fisting or whatever body part is falling off of him this week. Then, they would have the rest of the week to go find real jobs.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: oc ()
Date: March 08, 2011 01:36PM

If they recorded a week's worth of shows in one day, that would mean that Mike and Robb would have four fewer opportunities to get together and drink every week. Therefore, it'll never happen.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 01:38PM

oc Wrote:
> If they recorded a week's worth of shows in one
> day, that would mean that Mike and Robb would have
> four fewer opportunities to get together and drink
> every week. Therefore, it'll never happen.

I would have to guess that they start drinking as soon as MOM gets home from work. So, what, 10 am-ish? That's pretty fucked up.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Are you saying Mike is an alcoholic? ()
Date: March 08, 2011 01:48PM

Are you saying Mike and Robb are alcoholics? Because that is a pretty strong accusation to make about people that you don't even know personally.

I'd back off that kind of talk so you don't get sued.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 08, 2011 01:53PM

Mike makes no secret of his boozing. Robb I don't know I don't listen.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 01:53PM

Are you saying Mike is an alcoholic? Wrote:
> Are you saying Mike and Robb are alcoholics?
> Because that is a pretty strong accusation to make
> about people that you don't even know personally.
> I'd back off that kind of talk so you don't get
> sued.

You are right. I don't know them personally. In fact, I have stated that MANY, MANY times on this forum. So it's pretty much established that what I write here is pure conjecture. Hence, "I would have to guess."

In addition, Mike has talked MANY, MANY times on his various shows and the failcast about how he likes to drink. Given that context, our speculation is more than appropriate.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hater ()
Date: March 08, 2011 02:23PM

Hey WTL. Morrissey is a butt tunnel fag!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 08, 2011 02:49PM

I have heard from two individuals that are VERY close to Mike and Rob(b) that they are in fact alcoholics!

Are you saying Mike is an alcoholic? Wrote:
> Are you saying Mike and Robb are alcoholics?
> Because that is a pretty strong accusation to make
> about people that you don't even know personally.
> I'd back off that kind of talk so you don't get
> sued.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 02:53PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> I have heard from two individuals that are VERY
> close to Mike and Rob(b) that they are in fact
> alcoholics!



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 02:54PM

Hater Wrote:
> Hey WTL. Morrissey is a butt tunnel fag!

So is Rob Halford. Do you listen to Priest when you are getting ass-raped?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 08, 2011 03:52PM

So this guy calls Don's show today...

He calls regularly and makes fun of Mike while pretending to be Mike. Today's show featured a call from "Charly", after the call Don said "this guy is becoming my favorite caller". It's nice to know that Don is finally able to make fun of Mike now. I look forward to more good-natured ribbing from Don.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2011 04:05PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> So this guy calls Don's show today...
> He calls regularly and makes fun of Mike while
> pretending to be Mike. Today's show featured a
> call from "Charly", after the call Don said "this
> guy is becoming my favorite caller". It's nice to
> know that Don is finally able to make fun of Mike
> now. I look forward to more good-natured ribbing
> from Don.

It also proves any fucker can do what Mike does.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jhopkins ()
Date: March 08, 2011 04:14PM

If I remember correctly, Rob(b)'s doc told him he has a fatty liver, which is one of the 1st steps on the road to:

Back in the JFK days, the MOM had shows on Fridays where all they did was drink. I'm not sure what the definition of having a drinking problem is, but I'd guess if your ratings are failing and the best idea you have is to get hammered on the radio on Friday, then you may have a drinking problem.

If I were in that situation I'd do my best work, and I don't think you can do your best work while hammered.

Mike is what in his 50's and he gets drunk enough at bars that the staff has to drive him to a hotel. I think that is actually very sad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Doni Sheen ()
Date: March 08, 2011 04:16PM

I dont think Doni is trying to bag on the old crew.....I think he's a bit hurt...When he first started he asked his listners to listen to MoM..said it was a fine show filled with good guys...Mikes few gasping fans want to stir it up for a bump...Doni would rather flame war with a hack..than give Mikey the pub...Good on Dong

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Capt. Factoid! ()
Date: March 08, 2011 07:48PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> So this guy calls Don's show today...
> He calls regularly and makes fun of Mike while
> pretending to be Mike. Today's show featured a
> call from "Charly", after the call Don said "this
> guy is becoming my favorite caller". It's nice to
> know that Don is finally able to make fun of Mike
> now. I look forward to more good-natured ribbing
> from Don.

The guy is actually talking about Mike Lamb, who used to co-host with Grant Napier, but was let go awhile ago because he wanted more money. The caller specifically says "Mike Lamb" and uses a parody of Mike Lamb's voice. The caller also says that he is coming back when Grant moves with the Kings to Anaheim (*cry*).

No need to stir up extra shit.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tom Gavin ()
Date: March 08, 2011 08:19PM

To be honest .....buy a sirius/xm radio.trust me, you will then understand how lame and boring the pod cast shows are. fuck TMOS,fuck boad, fuck the sports junkies, and fuck elliot....trust me get sirius/xm...turn on jason ellis, howard stern, opie and anthony, ron and fez, jim norton..the list goes on

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 08, 2011 09:04PM

Tom Gavin Wrote:
> To be honest .....buy a sirius/xm radio.trust me,
> you will then understand how lame and boring the
> pod cast shows are. fuck TMOS,fuck boad, fuck the
> sports junkies, and fuck elliot....trust me get
> sirius/xm...turn on jason ellis, howard stern,
> opie and anthony, ron and fez, jim norton..the
> list goes on

Howard Stern and RF sort of suck now.

O and A were funny when I last listened but I'm not getting sirius/xm for one show I thought was funny.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mr deez ()
Date: March 08, 2011 09:08PM

Doni Sheen Wrote:
> I dont think Doni is trying to bag on the old
> crew.....I think he's a bit hurt...When he first
> started he asked his listners to listen to
> MoM..said it was a fine show filled with good
> guys...Mikes few gasping fans want to stir it up
> for a bump...Doni would rather flame war with a
> hack..than give Mikey the pub...Good on Dong

A couple times a week callers ask how Mike O'Meara is or ask Don what happened to Mike...He gets annoyed and sarcastically says that he ALWAYS talks to Mike every day and that they are tight and everything.

I don't think Don's hurt, as much as he is just trying to move on and put as much distance as possible from his old days with the old crew. Don's professional present doesn't have anything to do with MOM and that group, so any mention of that derails him.

Don actually took a pretty good swipe at Mike on Monday's show, when someone asked him how Mike was and he said (I'm paraphrasing here) "why don't you call in and ask Mike how he's doing....oh yeah, that's right, he doesn't take phone calls on his internet podcast". I usually have Don G's podcast on during the work day as background noise, so sorry no idea what part of the whole damn 3 hour show that CBS slaps up on itunes, but I'm pretty sure it's in the first half of the 3/7/11 show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Doni Sheen ()
Date: March 08, 2011 11:05PM

I think he is hurt....Unless he and robbay have a secret relationship still?...He loved that boy and his family....I never bought his and Mike best bud thing.....but I really believed Buzz loved him at one time?....Makes ya wonder?...Money is the root of all evil ...And that crew not getting what Doni went thru losing his world and still showing up because he cared about them...And getting this crap from them is a pure shit sandwich....If you dont get that...you dont get hurt man

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:01AM

Actually, when Joe Ardinger was on his show last week he said a couple of times that he seemed to think that the old crew held a grudge against him,,,he did however speak positively about MOM and the guys,,,sort of

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mr deez ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:09AM

Doni Sheen Wrote:
> I think he is hurt....Unless he and robbay have a
> secret relationship still?...He loved that boy and
> his family....I never bought his and Mike best bud
> thing.....but I really believed Buzz loved him at
> one time?....Makes ya wonder?...Money is the root
> of all evil ...And that crew not getting what Doni
> went thru losing his world and still showing up
> because he cared about them...And getting this
> crap from them is a pure shit sandwich....If you
> dont get that...you dont get hurt man

Sure he was close to them, but as professionals times change and situations make people move on. Don's got the #2 rated show in his market (on an AM sports talk station no less), a new TV gig, and seems to be happy in his new digs and life.

I don't get that he's hurt by his standing with the old crew at all. If anything, Don's clearly moved on to the next challenge and they aren't relevant anymore. Personally, I don't think he cares one way or another about Buzz, Robb or Mike, they're in the rearview mirror and waaaaay off the radar.

I bet he wish he didn't have to go through things that he did, but hey, that's life, right?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 09, 2011 09:23AM

Don probably just thinks his former crew is a bunch of ungrateful bastards who selfishly blame Don for moving on with his life. In fact, I think most rational people would think this.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: March 09, 2011 09:24AM

If anything, Don is probably more pissed that fans keep bringing Mike and crew up on his show! And if they all were off doing something other than the failcast, he wouldn't have to deal with Mike's insipid, simple-minded 40+ year old, male fanbase (admittedly a crossover for Don's audience as weel) not letting him forget his past.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 09, 2011 11:54AM

Look at these two unemployed schmucks...

Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Here's two generations of failure having a happy reunion on Rob(b)'s 40th birthday. Rob(b)'s mom must be one ugly whore, because it looks like his father has held up better than he has.

Maybe when his wife kicks him out, Rob(b) can move into his pop's bachelor pad. This way Rob(b) won't have to get off the couch to get his unemployment check from the mailbox, come the first of the month his dad will already be on the curb waiting for the mailman.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RojerMoore ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:08PM

Don is an asshole
Mike is petty
Robb is fat funny
Buzz is boring

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:33PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Don probably just thinks his former crew is a
> bunch of ungrateful bastards who selfishly blame
> Don for moving on with his life.

I still think O'Meara could have hung on with CBS and maybe even made the transition to a sports talk format, if he had done something other than present a lame version of the D&M show on JFK - without Don.

O'Meara had **months** to plan and set up the MOMS on JFK and he brought nothing to the plate but the tired old zoo crew and a barely competent BA McB.

I'm guessing when the MOMS went down in flames O'Meara probably begged Don to "get the band back together" and he was horrified to see Don hang on with CBS and re-make himself.

So MOM and crew deserve their lot in life. Rob(b) could have seen O'Meara was career poison and stayed with CBS but he's such a zero radio talent interns at JFK passed by him to build decent radio careers.

O'Meara is wallowing in a justified radio Hell - a lowly rated classic rock station paired with a hack partner and "janitor's wages".

Well done Mike!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:47PM

I concur...

Mike: Not smart or talented enough to put together his own show. Even if the winning formula was handed to him, he does not possess the work ethic to keep it going. He's just waiting for that inevitable pink slip.

Rob(b): Thought Source was his meal ticket, thought wrong. When CBS (wjfk) wouldn't even hire him for part-time production work, he clung to Mike. He will now spiral downward into oblivion with him.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jhopkins ()
Date: March 09, 2011 03:09PM

The fact that JFK didn't retain Rob(b) to do some part-time production work is very telling.

I have never worked in radio, so maybe the analogy doesn't hold, but every place I've worked at has a certain way of doing things (equipment, process, management, etc) and I've found it is easier and more cost effective to retain folks than to hire and train.

Rob(b) obviously knew how JFK did business and if they didn't keep him around to do whatever off-air tasks, that shows how little his skills were valued.

Of course, it could be that Rob(b) believes he is on-air talent now and not a background guy and maybe JFK offered him a background job but he turned it down to find an on-air gig.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 09, 2011 03:18PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> Rob(b): Thought Source was his meal ticket,
> thought wrong. When CBS (wjfk) wouldn't even hire
> him for part-time production work, he clung to
> Mike. He will now spiral downward into oblivion
> with him.

When Don ruled JFK he could get away with busting Chris Kinard's balls on air and get away with it. MOM and Rob(b) bashed away at CK as well only to become born-again model CBS employees when Don retired. Didn't they think anyone would remember the past?

I'm sure CK and others at JFK were just waiting for the SS MOMS to hit that ratings iceburg and slide under the waves.

Who's laughing now Mike, Rob(b)? As PD at JFK CK could be making as much O'Meara.

It would be piling on to compare Rob(b)'s annual income with a part time board op at JFK.

Oh, I forgot!! Rob(b) does have that KCJJ money rolling in from the midwest!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 09, 2011 03:22PM

I think Rob(b) spent his time cruising with the D&M Show and didn't really learn how to do anything besides whatever simple tasks Don told him to.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 09, 2011 03:50PM

Didn't Don demote Rob(b) from being his producer at one point? Shouldn't that have been an indication to Rob(b) that maybe he didn't have what it takes to be successful at radio?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: March 09, 2011 04:41PM

I've been listening to a lot of the old shows on and donandmikewebsite.com. The energy,the funny it's still there. The failcast, I hate wasting my limited time on this earth listening to that shit.
Listening to donnie g. now is okay but it ain't the same as yesteryear. But definitely not the shit the failcast is

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 09, 2011 10:30PM

I still think it is funny that Mike blames BA for his failure on WJFK. Why? Because she didn't get good guests? How many good guests did Don ever have on D&M? Don would have the shittiest guest possible...that's what was funny.

I loved when he would interview someone using nonsense questions and ignoring them until they got pissed off and hung up. Mike, on the other hand, insisted on treating the crack-pot psychics and D-list celebrities BA lined up with "respect." WHY??? Did the EARN it? Fuck no!

Then, when Mike would get the occasional good get, he'd fuck it up by a) talking over the fucking guest and not asking a fucking decent question (as Anne Coulter pointed out during her interview with him) or b) let Buzz and Rob(b) help conduct the interview with their inane questions (like when Mike let Buzz come up with his own clueless questions for sports figures he knew nothing about).


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 09, 2011 11:28PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I still think it is funny that Mike blames BA for
> his failure on WJFK. Why? Because she didn't get
> good guests? How many good guests did Don ever
> have on D&M? Don would have the shittiest guest
> possible...that's what was funny.
> I loved when he would interview someone using
> nonsense questions and ignoring them until they
> got pissed off and hung up. Mike, on the other
> hand, insisted on treating the crack-pot psychics
> and D-list celebrities BA lined up with "respect."
> WHY??? Did the EARN it? Fuck no!

Yeah that morning zoo shtick is really hilarious... not dated at all. Haha, see they got a shitty guest and asked dumb questions... HILARIOUS!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 10, 2011 09:34AM

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> Yeah that morning zoo shtick is really
> hilarious... not dated at all.

"Zoos" are alive and well - the hackiest POS "morning zoo" ('Monsters in the Morning) is on WTKS in Orlando, XM actually wastes bandwidth on this unfunny borderline infomercial for local car dealers, Orlando-area bars and an arena football team.

Even the MOMS was radio gold compared to this drivel.

Hmm, O'Meara ought to send out some resumes to Orlando, his 22 rating in DC would equate to a top five in, well, Orlando. He could pack up his zoo crew and be in business in no time at all!!

Carlita may not be thrilled with the number of strip clubs in the Orlando/Cocoa beach area, but maybe her hubby isn't prowling as much as he was in the D&M heyday!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 10, 2011 10:57AM

You are not too far from the truth...

Mike's "back-up plan" is to retire to a small station in the Fort Myers area. He can live in his vacation home and dump the Manassas joint (short sale?) and all of his other trappings. He also plans to continue the failcast via Skype (or similar technology).

The only problems with this pipe dream are:

1. He will still have to find employment. Even the great O'Meara may have trouble landing a gig in market #62.

2. He will have to get rid of his house, enough said.

3. Carla likes to be close to her mom.

4. Failcast, Skype, O'Meara, really?

This little scenario that Mike concocted is the only thing keeping him from enjoying a lead sandwich while waiting for his pink slip from Citadel. Keep reaching for the stars Mikey!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 10, 2011 11:10AM

dapjdj Wrote:
> ChadIsFat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Yeah that morning zoo shtick is really
> > hilarious... not dated at all.
> "Zoos" are alive and well - the hackiest POS
> "morning zoo" ('Monsters in the Morning) is on
> WTKS in Orlando, XM actually wastes bandwidth on
> this unfunny borderline infomercial for local car
> dealers, Orlando-area bars and an arena football
> team.
> Even the MOMS was radio gold compared to this
> drivel.

Oh I'm sure they are alive but that style of entertainment is so dated and irrelevant now that only morons would still be into it.

The fact that anyone would say how hilarious it is to get a guest on and ask them irrelevant questions until the guest hangs up shows that the person really hasn't been paying attention to the evolution of talk radio. To be honest, I think guests themselves are sort of crap time fillers in talk radio. I mean the actual chance that anything of value ever gets asked (outside of NPR) is so minute that it's irrelevant.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 10, 2011 11:34AM

What the fuck are you talking about?

When these D-list douche bags have their "media tours" it's painful to listen to. Haven't you heard one of these canned "interviews" on a shitty morning show and wished the DJ would fuck with the guest? Don used these "guests" as the toilet paper they are and then allowed them to flush themselves.

There were some wacky "zoo" moments, but the interview execution was simple and brilliant! I think most listeners would agree that it was entertaining, as evidenced by the consistent top ratings.

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> The fact that anyone would say how hilarious it is
> to get a guest on and ask them irrelevant
> questions until the guest hangs up shows that the
> person really hasn't been paying attention to the
> evolution of talk radio. To be honest, I think
> guests themselves are sort of crap time fillers in
> talk radio. I mean the actual chance that
> anything of value ever gets asked (outside of NPR)
> is so minute that it's irrelevant.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 10, 2011 12:29PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> What the fuck are you talking about?
> When these D-list douche bags have their "media
> tours" it's painful to listen to. Haven't you
> heard one of these canned "interviews" on a shitty
> morning show and wished the DJ would fuck with the
> guest? Don used these "guests" as the toilet paper
> they are and then allowed them to flush
> themselves.
> There were some wacky "zoo" moments, but the
> interview execution was simple and brilliant!

No, I haven't. Because I think it's stupid to have guests on generally and don't find a single thing interesting about it. If the DJ were WHACKY AND WILD I wouldn't find it any more interesting. It's fucking terrible. There is nothing interesting when a radio guys interviews anyone, regardless of if they are A or Z list.

There is nothing funny about asking them irrelevant questions. It isn't funny and it's just some morning zoo whacky HEY GUYS GET A LOAD OF THIS AND HOW EDGY IM GONNA BE sort of attitude that exemplifies the 80s. The guest sucks and the host sucks when talking to them.

Just don't have the guest on and simply be funny or entertaining.

>I think most listeners would agree that it was entertaining, as evidenced by the consistent top ratings

Most listeners are fucking idiots so I don't think ratings are the end all judge of quality. I didn't say it was stupid on the talk show hosts part since they are basically pegging people as retarded and being rewarded.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 12:39PM


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 10, 2011 12:46PM

Congratulations, you have figured out the radio business!

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> Most listeners are fucking idiots so I don't think
> ratings are the end all judge of quality. I
> didn't say it was stupid on the talk show hosts
> part since they are basically pegging people as
> retarded and being rewarded.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 10, 2011 01:41PM

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> Just don't have the guest on and simply be funny
> or entertaining.

Interesting point. In his manic heyday, the Greaseman on DC 101 relied on his talent to carry a show without any guests whatsoever.

Morning drive radio guests are all trying to sell some POS product or pitch a movie or apperance and they deserve to be fucked with, but I suspect paranoia and station corporate tie-ins to advertisers or other corporate entities prevent that.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 02:00PM

You forgot 5...his daughters.

What fucking douche bag would leave his kids in another state?

YoungDCian Wrote:
> You are not too far from the truth...
> Mike's "back-up plan" is to retire to a small
> station in the Fort Myers area. He can live in his
> vacation home and dump the Manassas joint (short
> sale?) and all of his other trappings. He also
> plans to continue the failcast via Skype (or
> similar technology).
> The only problems with this pipe dream are:
> 1. He will still have to find employment. Even the
> great O'Meara may have trouble landing a gig in
> market #62.
> 2. He will have to get rid of his house, enough
> said.
> 3. Carla likes to be close to her mom.
> 4. Failcast, Skype, O'Meara, really?
> This little scenario that Mike concocted is the
> only thing keeping him from enjoying a lead
> sandwich while waiting for his pink slip from
> Citadel. Keep reaching for the stars Mikey!


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 10, 2011 02:20PM

Ha, good one...

When has ANY decision Mike has ever made been for the benefit of his kids? From divorce, to cashing in his life insurance, the lack of college funds, getting piss drunk in front of them, etc.

The only time Mike's kids are on his mind is when he's thinking of ways to weasel out of paying for their shit. They come over to his house every other weekend and hang out with Carla mostly. Mike may spend a little "quality time" with them playing video games before his afternoon nap, but that's about it.

Sadly, they'd be better off if he only saw them a few times a year.

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> You forgot 5...his daughters.
> What fucking douche bag would leave his kids in
> another state?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 02:48PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> Ha, good one...
> When has ANY decision Mike has ever made been for
> the benefit of his kids? From divorce, to cashing
> in his life insurance, the lack of college funds,
> getting piss drunk in front of them, etc.
> The only time Mike's kids are on his mind is when
> he's thinking of ways to weasel out of paying for
> their shit. They come over to his house every
> other weekend and hang out with Carla mostly. Mike
> may spend a little "quality time" with them
> playing video games before his afternoon nap, but
> that's about it.
> Sadly, they'd be better off if he only saw them a
> few times a year.

That is incredibly sad. I see my kids everyday and manage to muster time on the weekends to take them places or go to their activities. You would think if he only saw them every other weekend he would stay sober long enough to take them to a museum or a concert or a Mystics game or SOMETHING! What a pathetic piece of shit father they have.

I have friends who have gone through divorce who were crappy fathers while married but have acted like Danny Fucking Thomas since in order to compensate for their shortcomings. The fact that so little is asked of Mike and he can't even handle that is sickening.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 10, 2011 02:57PM

Hey! He bought them a damn pony!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 03:03PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> Hey! He bought them a damn pony!

Oh, and he took them to a Nats Game when he sang the National Anthem and sat with them in the St. Patrick's Day Parade to promote his bar. I forgot about what a great dad he is. Not like he uses them as a prop or anything....


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jhopkins ()
Date: March 10, 2011 04:35PM

How did the bar owner thing turn out for Mike?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 05:44PM

jhopkins Wrote:
> How did the bar owner thing turn out for Mike?

ABC fined him $20K or so for violations and instead of paying them he closed the bar.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 10, 2011 05:54PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Didn't Don demote Rob(b) from being his producer
> at one point? Shouldn't that have been an
> indication to Rob(b) that maybe he didn't have
> what it takes to be successful at radio?

I think he had multiple chances at being producer. The number 3 sticks in my mind for some reason.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 06:00PM

Warhawk Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Didn't Don demote Rob(b) from being his
> producer
> > at one point? Shouldn't that have been an
> > indication to Rob(b) that maybe he didn't have
> > what it takes to be successful at radio?
> I think he had multiple chances at being producer.
> The number 3 sticks in my mind for some reason.

So Rob(b) couldn't do that and saw all of these people coming and going over the years...moving on to better jobs within the industry. I have no doubt Don must have had a few "come to Jesus" meetings with Rob(b) to tell him that he simply didn't have the talent/skills to succeed in radio and that he might want to consider other options.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 10, 2011 06:04PM

Whenever I think of Rob(b) the number 2 seems to stick in my mind...


Warhawk Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Didn't Don demote Rob(b) from being his
> producer
> > at one point? Shouldn't that have been an
> > indication to Rob(b) that maybe he didn't have
> > what it takes to be successful at radio?
> I think he had multiple chances at being producer.
> The number 3 sticks in my mind for some reason.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: oc ()
Date: March 10, 2011 09:20PM

The other day, Kirk and Mike had some kind of dog expert on. I could only listen to MoM seriously ask "real" questions for about 90 seconds before I had to turn the dial in pain.
At least he could have called her "Bitchly CowCorn" or said "how about that...isn't that something!" or, better still, hung up on her mid-sentence. THEN, I would've laughed.
Does he honestly hope to captivate an audience with a sincere interview with a grade-Z guest like that? ugh..

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 10:26PM

I still remember when they did the interview with the birthday cake lady on D&M. She sent them a cake and then hounded them to pay her. She was such a psycho bitch. Damn, THAT was funny.

And remember when Joe used to do those man on the street interviews? They weren't great, but at least they were better than complaining about a dog shitting in the living for the umpteenth time. How fucking hard would it be for Rob(b) to get off his fat ass with a recorder and walk around the streets of Manassas asking questions?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tom Gavin ()
Date: March 10, 2011 10:28PM

atleast is wasn't the "power of three" or the lame ass "watercooler challange" or "guess whats in kirks pants"...fuckin mike doing lame ass morning zoo shit that worked 20 years ago.
I'll bet he sit home with a drink and wonders were all of the magic went.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 10, 2011 10:30PM

Or his latest shtick...blame Kirk and Shamrock for the show's failures.

I'm sure that is wearing pretty thin with those guys already. Both of them have been infinitely more successful without Mike's involvement. I wonder how often Kirk and Shamrock look at each other when Mike makes one of his bitchy asides about how they are fucking up the show.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 11, 2011 12:36AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I still remember when they did the interview with
> the birthday cake lady on D&M. She sent them a
> cake and then hounded them to pay her. She was
> such a psycho bitch. Damn, THAT was funny.
> And remember when Joe used to do those man on the
> street interviews? They weren't great, but at
> least they were better than complaining about a
> dog shitting in the living for the umpteenth time.
> How fucking hard would it be for Rob(b) to get off
> his fat ass with a recorder and walk around the
> streets of Manassas asking questions?

It was "Jomos" Joe man on the street, very simple. Don sent him out with a script of questions. One would always be about the untimely death of James Garner.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: March 11, 2011 03:35AM

Listened to a segment of The Edge this morning and the LFF asks why ABC newswoman Vicki Mabrey was going to be on the show. Kirk responds that she is an old friend of his. So a guest on the show who's got to be booked sometime in advanced and LFF is clueless as to why she is going to be on the show. Is this a sign of the LFF's own self involvement and reveals his actual efforts at show prep, BURP. Wait he's off stealing tired old games from the D&M show which he can't carry off. let's give that caller a t-shirt

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: joe arnn ()
Date: March 11, 2011 07:24AM

Do you think O'Meara might have ADD? He seems to get easily distracted when he hears some sound, real or imagined, in the studio or whenever someone is talking and they go beyond one sentence he'll constantly change the subject and talk right over the person.
Or it could be he's a self centered A-hole

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: oc ()
Date: March 11, 2011 07:42AM

At least we got to hear the "Booty Song" this morning. AGAIN.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 11, 2011 09:30AM

joe arnn Wrote:
> Do you think O'Meara might have ADD? He seems to
> get easily distracted when he hears some sound,
> real or imagined...

I'm guessing he's tired and hung over - two factors that make it hard to focus!

The bigger question is: Why does Citadel (or whatever it's merged into) keep this POS on the air? I'd just let a computer "program" a classic rotation of 'China Grove, Stairway to Heaven and Hell's Bells' over and over.

That should get a 20 rating.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 11, 2011 10:05AM

joe arnn Wrote:
> Do you think O'Meara might have ADD? He seems to
> get easily distracted when he hears some sound,
> real or imagined, in the studio or whenever
> someone is talking and they go beyond one sentence
> he'll constantly change the subject and talk right
> over the person.
> Or it could be he's a self centered A-hole

The old-school way of DJ-ing was to talk over dead air. "Dead air is the enemy" was the old mantra. Of course, that was back when DJs were trying to fill time between records being played. Since the 80s with Stern and Limbaugh, a bit of dead air during a program has become the norm. However, Mike apparently hasn't heard the news and constantly yammers even if he has nothing to say. I think that's what is behind the constantly changing subject matter.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: March 11, 2011 10:19AM

joe arnn Wrote:
> Do you think O'Meara might have ADD? He seems to
> get easily distracted when he hears some sound,
> real or imagined, in the studio or whenever
> someone is talking and they go beyond one sentence
> he'll constantly change the subject and talk right
> over the person.
> Or it could be he's a self centered A-hole

Of all of the speculated ailments besetting O'Meara, ADD is the least of his concerns.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 11, 2011 10:34AM

Yep, he's just trying to fill time...

That's why he get's so mad when he feels someone doesn't give the response he's looking for or doesn't fill enough time. He has realized that if you simply babble about whatever random thought pops into your head, time flies. If you actually take the time to compose a thought and be 'in the moment', it can be scary. That big clock starts ticking slower, and you hope that no one notices that you are really a big fraud. Remember how nervous he would act when he would have to fly solo in Don's absence? Rambling is his coping mechanism, which has now evolved into his "style" of radio, yet another reason why he sucks as a broadcaster.

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> The old-school way of DJ-ing was to talk over dead
> air. "Dead air is the enemy" was the old mantra.
> Of course, that was back when DJs were trying to
> fill time between records being played. Since the
> 80s with Stern and Limbaugh, a bit of dead air
> during a program has become the norm. However,
> Mike apparently hasn't heard the news and
> constantly yammers even if he has nothing to say.
> I think that's what is behind the constantly
> changing subject matter.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YoungDCian ()
Date: March 11, 2011 12:08PM

O'Meara weekly recap...

This weak in O'mearica
So they ripped off the BOAD "rally the horde" podcast and now have one of their own. I took a look at the fb and twitter pages describing it, the handful of comments that I saw there were questions asking how much listeners will have to fork over to experience this liquid winning. To everyone's surprise, it's free, but it's hosted by Marc.

The big duff, redux
Yeah, this piece of shit again. I hope they order less trophies this time. The potluck dinner was nice though. I'm bringing a case of Schlitz.

* Disclaimer: I did not create this POS Photoshop, I only altered the text.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 11, 2011 12:22PM

YoungDCian Wrote:
> Remember how nervous he would act when he would have to fly
> solo in Don's absence? Rambling is his coping
> mechanism, which has now evolved into his "style"
> of radio, yet another reason why he sucks as a
> broadcaster.

It's easy to say now, but at the time I was really surprised to see Michael Hughes decide to give O'Meara the drive time slot - I guess Don's sudden departure left him with few options.

But even so, Hughes should have paired O'Meara with another lead Personality who could carry a show - maybe someone with a sports background, since it seems a sports talk flip was being considered at CBS before O'Meara's show was on the air.

In the end, O'Meara didn't/doesn't bring much to the plate other than the pointless yammering you alude to, so he has to bring Rob(b) and Buzz into forefront to fill more time which is a bad, bad decision.

Anyone up for a round of "Power of Five"? Ugh...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 11, 2011 01:03PM

Looking at this image, they should rename it "Fatty Shack"...


...Where are they holding it this year? Martinsville?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: March 12, 2011 02:38AM

I hate to admit it but I think Mike has turned things around. I actually think things have improved in every aspect of the show. The website is functional and rather professional. They seem to have real sponsors. The Amazon gig is kind of a joke but probably pays, and whats the downside. Netflix is actually a tough sponsor for podcasts because they are leery of language use. It sounds crazy, but Carolla and The Film Vault have talked about that and how they wish they could have Netflix sponsor them. Understandable because who doesn't love Netflix. All I know is that I listen to this show pretty much daily and have come to rely on it. Let's face it talk radio is dead, especially here in Southern California. I have SiriusXM and listen quite a bit, more now that its portable with the android app but only can take so many replays. I just think the big guy has checked his ego a little and has a new approach. I still won't buy the bonus shows but for free I will listen and check in on the show on my commute. I admit i kind of like Mike again, who would of known. And if any of you Geronimo fan boys say to move to Crackamento, I counter with fuck you. Sacramento is a terrible, terrible place and if you say differently you probably live there or are a know nothing asshole who believes Donnie G's bull shit. Seriously...terrible.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: huh ()
Date: March 12, 2011 08:38AM

The golden bouy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 12, 2011 09:13AM

Sammy the Tooth Wrote:
> They seem
> to have real sponsors. The Amazon gig is kind of a
> joke but probably pays, and whats the downside.
> Netflix is actually a tough sponsor for podcasts
> because they are leery of language use.

You are an idiot...

How to become a Netflix affiliate
We invite anyone with a website to apply to become an affiliate. It's easy, and we have no minimum traffic requirements. All it takes is two simple steps:

1. Read our Affiliate Network Agreement *
2. Apply Now

Once your application is accepted, you will be directed to a menu of tools, including the Netflix logo, creative and code needed to set up your links. You will also be able to produce reports and track your program results.

...Yes, Netflix is leery of language on the website...not podcast. But that said, if you read the reviews, it is one of the lower rated affiliate programs. That's because it only pays a one-time fee for the sign up of new subscribers. The fee appears to be $9. Odds are MOM has made a few hundred bucks from this and that's it.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Area Man ()
Date: March 12, 2011 09:32AM

The podcast has no sponsors!

A sponsor is an entity that provides funding or support to another entity because there is a benefit to having an official relationship with the supported entity.

The Website merely provides sales portals for companies in the hopes that people will use them and the website will get paid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 12, 2011 09:35AM

Area Man Wrote:
> The podcast has no sponsors!
> A sponsor is an entity that provides funding or
> support to another entity because there is a
> benefit to having an official relationship with
> the supported entity.
> The Website merely provides sales portals for
> companies in the hopes that people will use them
> and the website will get paid.

Agreed. What they are doing isn't any different than having a Google ad on your website. These things aren't paying anywhere near what they probably made from ManGrates. Truth is they USED to have sponsors. Now, as you said, they are a portal for banner ads. It's very lazy and not particularly lucrative on their parts.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 12, 2011 11:56AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> It's very lazy and not
> particularly lucrative on their parts.

Sounds like their whole philosophy on life right now

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wally Pip ()
Date: March 12, 2011 01:21PM

does Kirk look a little like Beetlejuice of the Whack Pack?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 12, 2011 06:35PM

Wally Pip Wrote:
> does Kirk look a little like Beetlejuice of the
> Whack Pack?

I think he looks exactly like him.



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: March 12, 2011 06:47PM

more like if Dwight Gooden and Tony Gwynn had a love child.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: March 12, 2011 06:53PM

I just know what i heard on Carolla and The Film Vault. You are probably right that those shows want a real legit sponsorship but can not obtain one because of language use on the podcast. Brian says that they can get away with a few shits and can say damn but fuck and especially cunt wont be allowed. Anderson responds that they rent R and nc-17 movies so what the fuck? Bryan responds that he has spoken to them numerous times and thats the deal. They would have to put up clean content to prove to netflix they can work clean. I doubt they are just filling time. The ace network probably doesnt want to go with the banner ads, as to not look low budget? I only know they have talked about it a few times, so real sponsorship most be tough.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 12, 2011 07:01PM

I'm sure if Carolla is talking to Netflix it isn't to do the affiliate sales program. Carolla is probably looking for a something a little more lucrative than the occasional one-time $9 payment for a new subscriber. At the very least, Carolla has about 150,000 downloads each day, so if they managed to pull in 1,000 or 2,000 new subscribers even with the affiliate program, it still might be worth it.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: March 12, 2011 07:12PM

True. Adam also has a little more of a Q-rating and doesn't need to really take every small sponsorship, especially if content change is required.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sammy the Tooth ()
Date: March 12, 2011 07:14PM

Thanks for talking me down off the ledge.

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