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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:48AM

In case you haven't noticed, we have no problem attacking each other... unlike MOM, we never run out of material and we never have to water it down for censors.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:52AM

In case you haven't noticed, we have no problem attacking each other... unlike MOM, we never run out of material and we never have to water it down for censors.

That's true. Even though most incoherent,pointless post on here is more interesting than 98% of the MOM show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:53AM

Aside from having a faggy name like Oscar, he sounds like the biggest ass at the station. They're giving him money, trying to patch things up after the "blow up" and he's still calling people dicks. They should take their offer of money back and tell that fucker to go hang.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:55AM

ouch ive listened to the replays and its terrible. Glad I cant hear that drivel at school. They should just play old D&M shows from holidays past.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: December 20, 2008 03:01PM

Oscar is a very nice guy. he can't help what his parents named him. He comes to my gym and I just adore him. I would be mad too. Chad is also very nice. I hope their show stays on the air. They are both the sweetest guys and very respectful of older people.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 20, 2008 04:35PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> January 23 is only a few short weeks away. Then
> what are we going to attack on here?

We'll figure out something.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: lets continue the speculation til he gets shitcanned ()
Date: December 22, 2008 12:05PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Reality Man ()
Date: December 22, 2008 04:00PM

My 2009 predictions:

-WJFK will make serious format changes as has been mentioned on this site, possibly to all-sports, and the Mike O'Meara show will be gone as of 1/23/09.

-WJFK will not 'shit can' Mike that way everyone would prefer or are predicting here. Due to his many years at WJFK, he will somehow take a lesser role in the new format. He will take this new position due to his current financial situation and the lack of opportunities elsewhere. He's got to support his girlfriend, his house, his kids, and ex-wives so he will reluctantly accept another paycut.

-The disappointment that the posters on this website will feel actually will allow this site to continue in its current state. Everyone will continue to have fun cutting down Mike and his various roles. WJFK may let him be a roving sports reporter, weather man, janitor, or sometype of executive - who knows. It will be fun follow the changes.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 22, 2008 04:13PM

I spent a few years around radio stations. When you are not wanted, you are not wanted. Expect Mike to be gone. You get ZERO brownie points for "many years" at a radio station.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: brainlessmonkeyboy ()
Date: December 22, 2008 04:47PM

I know the January 23rd date is thrown around a lot here, but has it actually been substantiated or has a source been named? Or is it just rampant wishful speculation?

Inquiring minds and all...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 22, 2008 04:51PM

Yes indeed. January 23 is the date. It was leaked by a disgruntled WJFK employee. I would think that very few WJFK employees are gruntled at this point.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: December 22, 2008 06:02PM

What job would O'Meara be good in at WJFK?

A call screener for a better show?
A news guy or a movie reviewer for a better show?
Prize closet guy/van driver?
Some kind of "goodwill ambassador" ala WalMart?

NARU HODO- I'm believing in you, radio has been pretty sucky in 08 and needs a change.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mikumsmukim ()
Date: December 22, 2008 06:23PM

mike knows about as much about radio as the people who sank wjfk. he's perfectly qualified to ruin other radio stations ie. land an exec job.

hope they keep big o and dukes. or at least dukes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2008 06:25PM by mikumsmukim.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 23, 2008 09:26PM

Paul Fahri at the Washington Post writes what we have all been thinking...

"Radio station most likely headed for a fall: WJFK-FM. As much as I enjoy the morning Junkies and Mike O'Meara's afternoon show, I wonder how long CBS Radio will keep such high-cost, local shows around in the current economic calamity. The Junks tied for 16th among adults (25-54) in November; O'Meara finished 17th"

Fahri also pointed out that Jim Rome's show in the evenings sucks just as bad in the ratings, but because it is piped in, it costs a hell of a lot less than O'Meara's fat contract.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: December 24, 2008 06:54AM

Man, it's depressing but seems like it's becoming true. The once mighty WJFK will go down the crapper. :(

Can anyone suggest some other stations to listen to? I don't really dig sports. I used to listen to Elliot a long while ago, but not sure if I want to again (although, he's funny). Just looking for something new w/o going to satrad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: December 24, 2008 07:00AM

I'm pretty sure this is new, but I heard a SirriusXM commercial on O and Dukes last week.Maybe I'm wrong but I think that its a first for WJFK to allow an ad from basically a competitor. The ad may have well said- "Our lineup is crappy, go here for something really worth listening to!"

Has satrad advertised on WJFK before? Bad sign.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: December 24, 2008 08:02AM

Yeah, I noticed that too. I guess if you have to pay the bills you'll sell commercials to anyone?

No Meara Wrote:
> I'm pretty sure this is new, but I heard a
> SirriusXM commercial on O and Dukes last
> week.Maybe I'm wrong but I think that its a first
> for WJFK to allow an ad from basically a
> competitor. The ad may have well said- "Our lineup
> is crappy, go here for something really worth
> listening to!"
> Has satrad advertised on WJFK before? Bad sign.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 09:31AM

No Meara Wrote:
> I'm pretty sure this is new, but I heard a
> SirriusXM commercial on O and Dukes last
> week.Maybe I'm wrong but I think that its a first
> for WJFK to allow an ad from basically a
> competitor. The ad may have well said- "Our lineup
> is crappy, go here for something really worth
> listening to!"
> Has satrad advertised on WJFK before? Bad sign.

I believe they ran ads when Stern was getting ready to jump to Sirius. I think broadcast outlets have limited leeway about what advertisers they can refuse because they are considered a public trust because of the public airwaves. Even if WJFK balked at running the ads, I don't believe they have much recourse to deny them.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Douglas Fir ()
Date: December 24, 2008 09:52AM

Paul Fahri doesn't seem to be a very intrepid reporter. The January 23 date for the end of the MOM show is widely known. Word around the campfire is that Mike may not even return from his vacation, ala Don last spring.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:01AM

Damn, that would be rough. Would they keep playing "Best of TMOS" until the presumed station flip? I would rather Big O & Dukes get to be in the afternoon drive slot for the time remaining.

Douglas Fir Wrote:
> Paul Fahri doesn't seem to be a very intrepid
> reporter. The January 23 date for the end of the
> MOM show is widely known. Word around the campfire
> is that Mike may not even return from his
> vacation, ala Don last spring.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 10:02AM

Douglas Fir Wrote:
> Paul Fahri doesn't seem to be a very intrepid
> reporter. The January 23 date for the end of the
> MOM show is widely known. Word around the campfire
> is that Mike may not even return from his
> vacation, ala Don last spring.

I wouldn't be surprised if on Jan 1 you are listening to all piped-in sports programming on JFK.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Alexis ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:17AM

I can see them not giving Mike a "goodbye" week. All he would do is come in more and more drunk every day and go into one of his two modes: cry and/or fight. The idea of a goodbye week with Mike would be a disaster. I would listen to it, but it would be cringe radio at its finest.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: radio thinker ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:20AM

He will NOT get a farewell, ala Geroinimo. Don left with decent numbers and the show in good standing in the market. Nine months later, it is DEAD LAST.

I agree, he won't return in 2009.

Bye, now

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:44AM

It's fairly certain that the last "fresh", and I use that term very loosely, MOM show was broadcast last week before he went on vacation. He will not be back. WJFK could broadcast an endless loop of an emergency broadcast warning and get better ratings than O'Meara.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz-killer Burbank ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:48AM

Buzz Burbank has a lucrative new position clerking at the CVS in Herndon. Finally, a job he's suited for.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: December 24, 2008 12:27PM

why are you busting on Buzz? I'll be the first to admit that he's not comfortable in his current role in TMOS. Otherwise, I think he's a solid news caster, as well as voice-over guy.

Buzz-killer Burbank Wrote:
> Buzz Burbank has a lucrative new position clerking
> at the CVS in Herndon. Finally, a job he's suited
> for.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz-killer Burbank ()
Date: December 24, 2008 12:39PM

Buzz Burbank is a talentless, charisma-challenged idiot.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 01:05PM

MrB Wrote:
> why are you busting on Buzz? I'll be the first to
> admit that he's not comfortable in his current
> role in TMOS. Otherwise, I think he's a solid news
> caster, as well as voice-over guy.
> Buzz-killer Burbank Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Buzz Burbank has a lucrative new position
> clerking
> > at the CVS in Herndon. Finally, a job he's
> suited
> > for.

Buzz Burbank will make a decent living as a voice-over guy. Robb and Joe will end up working in retail somewhere. Mike? I imagine he will have the same career prospects as any other hack DJ in this market. Middays at Big 103 at $50K a year? Yep.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 24, 2008 01:11PM

Not to defend these losers, but my understanding is that mike and rob have college degrees. they'll probably at least be able to get work at a call center or something.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animan ()
Date: December 24, 2008 01:15PM

Who is going to hire buzz for news after he talked for months about his love of weed, wife swapping, and buzz babes. He ruined his news cred. Voice over for buzz at best.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 02:27PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Not to defend these losers, but my understanding
> is that mike and rob have college degrees.
> they'll probably at least be able to get work at a
> call center or something.

I can't tell you how many times I have run into former radio personalities working shitty retail jobs. Mike is a 50-something asshole making $250K+ who has only done radio his entire life. Who the hell is going to hire him outside of the radio industry?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 02:53PM

Why is it Big O and Dukes can get John Cusack on their show, but Mike and his crack production team of Rob, Beth Ann and Joe can't get guests worth a shit on his show? It would be nice, for once, to hear an interview with someone who was famous in THIS millennium.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 24, 2008 03:10PM

Prediction: January 24,2009 Mike O'Meara will be holed up making love to a bottle of scotch while his skanky girlfriend tries to make ends meet by selling her pussy on Craigslist.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 24, 2008 04:13PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> Prediction: January 24,2009 Mike O'Meara will be
> holed up making love to a bottle of scotch while
> his skanky girlfriend tries to make ends meet by
> selling her pussy on Craigslist.

His skanky ex-girlfriend.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Douglas Fir ()
Date: December 24, 2008 04:18PM

I believe that you fellows are referring to Karla. She offers very reasonable rates.
One can have her perform fellatio for five dollars and expect to get change back!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 25, 2008 09:36AM

From DCRTV. Couldn't have said it better myself...

Worst: MIKE O MEARA SHOW How much did Don G do? Everything it seems. It was an evergreen show, now it is DEAD LAST bottom of the pile filler shit. I thought all those years Mike was the talented one, now the curtain has been pulled away and it was all Don. Sad for a once great show AND station. His interviews are NOT "pay for play" by Cbs or advertisters. He's just lazy, and takes whatever crap Beth Ann throws at him. Shameful. His 60% pay cut when Don left was not enough. And he nutered Rob, who was once also funny. CBS will pull the plug shortly.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Will G. ()
Date: December 26, 2008 01:08PM

Now that the general media is reporting on Mike O'Meara losing his show, he is pretty much toast. You can't tell me that advertisers like hearing that the show they are spending money on isn't just in last, but is rumored to be close to being cancelled. I can’t think of press that is much worse for a radio show than reports that you are going to lose the show due to low ratings. “Box office poison”. The end is in site.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: December 26, 2008 04:38PM

Very good point. I don't think that TMOS will come back in '09, but I don't think that the entire lineup will be cancelled. I have a strong feeling that 'Big O & Dukes' will get the afternoon drive slot and not sure about middays?

Will G. Wrote:
> Now that the general media is reporting on Mike
> O'Meara losing his show, he is pretty much toast.
> You can't tell me that advertisers like hearing
> that the show they are spending money on isn't
> just in last, but is rumored to be close to being
> cancelled. I can’t think of press that is much
> worse for a radio show than reports that you are
> going to lose the show due to low ratings. “Box
> office poison”. The end is in site.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 26, 2008 04:40PM

MrB Wrote:
> Very good point. I don't think that TMOS will come
> back in '09, but I don't think that the entire
> lineup will be cancelled. I have a strong feeling
> that 'Big O & Dukes' will get the afternoon drive
> slot and not sure about middays?

I think CBS is going to cut costs as much as possible. They are going to cut everything in one fell swoop. i would imagine it won't sound anything like the WJFK of today.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tunde Knightrider ()
Date: December 29, 2008 05:16PM

Damn, I knew it. I listened to D&M a lot before I relocated back to Nigeria in 2004. When I read about Frida's tragedy on the internet I was sadened. It was more sadening when I visited the US this past summer to hear Mike without Don. Listening to TMOS, I knew the show is dead without Don.What a pity!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Freddy ()
Date: December 29, 2008 08:55PM

Tunde Knightrider Wrote:
> Damn, I knew it. I listened to D&M a lot before I
> relocated back to Nigeria in 2004. When I read
> about Frida's tragedy on the internet I was
> sadened. It was more sadening when I visited the
> US this past summer to hear Mike without Don.
> Listening to TMOS, I knew the show is dead without
> Don.What a pity!

Yeah, but look at it this way, at least you still get to send out scam emails to unsuspecting people and get them to relinquish funds. All is not lost.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Prince Fotfl ()
Date: December 29, 2008 09:05PM

"Yeah, but look at it this way, at least you still get to send out scam emails to unsuspecting people and get them to relinquish funds. All is not lost."


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Prince Fotfl ()
Date: December 29, 2008 09:06PM

Oh yeah, and mike o'meara still sucks.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 29, 2008 09:23PM

Mike reads his Christmas card from Michael Hughes...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 30, 2008 08:41AM

wow, he is really fat.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz-killer Burbank ()
Date: December 30, 2008 04:35PM

Re-watching this video confirmed one thing, well several things actually, but one thing in particular: Buzz Burbank has no business trying to be in show business.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 30, 2008 04:36PM

Buzz Burbank has no business trying to be in show business.

After 1/23/09 he won't be.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Big Dick Steve ()
Date: December 30, 2008 04:57PM

I heard the show is cancelled...the Maryland game is on right now

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: John Norman ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:01PM

Let me confirm for you ass clowns, none of the shows are being cancelled. The junkies, Big O and Dukes, and TMOS will be intact. we will be dumping that monotoned nitwit, Jim Rome @ 7 however. And for all of you douches who talk shit about the station...go fuck yourselves! There are plenty of stations your miserable fingers can turn to.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carlisle Rothchield III ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:06PM

That Karla has some good wet pussy. I use to fuck that tramp back in college. She has some good head too. I also fucked her roommate. Those were the days. Sorry Mike, I hope I didn't stretch that sweet pink pussy too much for your old ass.!!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:08PM

Nice try, but you're not John Norman and 1/23 is the date for the end of the MOM show. If you were John Norman you'd know that.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Don Geronimo ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:10PM

I told you suckers the show would STINK!!! Fuck WJFK and that slut Beth Ann. I never liked that whore. It's cold in O.C., but I'd rather be here than in that stink hole of a radio station. All of you fuckers can come work for me wiping my shitty ass after I take a dump

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: John Norman ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:17PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Katie ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:17PM

So what? Half of Fairfax has fucked her.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Sack ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:18PM

That Karla has some good wet pussy. I use to fuck that tramp back in college. She has some good head too. I also fucked her roommate. Those were the days. Sorry Mike, I hope I didn't stretch that sweet pink pussy too much for your old ass.!!!!

I fucked her, the other guys in the frat house fucked her, the dog fucked her, even the old homeless guy who lived by the dumpster fucked her. She was what you might call a whore.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Licky ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:19PM

Even DCRTV has confirmed the end date of the MOM show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:19PM

This pseudo John Norman person is a liar. 1/23/09 is the end of the line for Mike.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 30, 2008 05:44PM

Apparently no one has told Rob...I mean, John Norman.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: brainlessmonkeyboy ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:46PM

Licky Wrote:
> Even DCRTV has confirmed the end date of the MOM show.

When was this?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: rue ()
Date: December 30, 2008 05:53PM

Amusing how John "Norman" doesn't even know how to spell his own name.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 30, 2008 06:11PM

Whats really amazing is the life of this thread. It bored me to tears months ago.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BAM ()
Date: December 30, 2008 06:18PM

John Norman Wrote:
> Let me confirm for you ass clowns, none of the
> shows are being cancelled. The junkies, Big O and
> Dukes, and TMOS will be intact. we will be
> dumping that monotoned nitwit, Jim Rome @ 7
> however. And for all of you douches who talk shit
> about the station...go fuck yourselves! There are
> plenty of stations your miserable fingers can turn
> to.

Well then, your pathetic ratings will continue to drop faster than the Dow Jones. Even if the show doesn't end on 1-23, do you think WJFK will continue to keep paying you no talent turds when advertisers start buying airtime on other stations instead of yours? Maybe you'll be able to entertain people in the unemployment line, because the ratings reflect that you're NOT entertaining people who listen to the radio...Dipshit.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 30, 2008 07:58PM

Think of it this way, John Norman. WJFK may have a contract with Mike O'Meara, but I doubt it has a contract with Buzz, Rob, Beth Ann or Joe. Whatever happens in the coming year, many people at JFK won't be there in a month or two.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: December 30, 2008 09:14PM

That's a really funny fake picture of Omera on his scooter.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 31, 2008 09:40AM

496 Wrote:
> Whats really amazing is the life of this thread.
> It bored me to tears months ago.

It's all about this...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hey JOHN NORMAN, check this out ()
Date: December 31, 2008 01:04PM


December FULL MONTH Arbitron PPM's

wjfk 21st
junkies 18th
o'meara 21st

These are now the ratings that are used to set ad rates, effective tomorrow (1/1/09).

Gbye WJFK!
Hello The Fan 106.7

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: December 31, 2008 01:17PM

Wait a minute now, WJFK beat WBQB and WPFW soundly in the ratings!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 31, 2008 01:54PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> Wait a minute now, WJFK beat WBQB and WPFW soundly
> in the ratings!

O'Meara would have lost to WPFW if his on-air Obama blow-job hadn't pulled some communists over to his end of the dial.

FYI - Vince, it's a joke. I like Amy Goodman's brand of Marxist naivete.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: SoupySales ()
Date: December 31, 2008 04:20PM

December FULL MONTH Arbitron PPM's
wjfk 21st
junkies 18th
o'meara 21st "

Happy New Year WJFK Sales Staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun trying to sell a last place show on a last place station! Oh and congrats to Mike,Rob & Buzz - it only took you a couple of months to undo 20 years of Don Geronimos hard work. GOOD JOB! YOU GUYS ROCK! Thanks for making it even harder for the sales staff to sell, as if the economy wasn't enough of a problem.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: December 31, 2008 09:57PM

SoupySales Wrote:
> "dcrtv.com
> 12.31.08
> December FULL MONTH Arbitron PPM's
> wjfk 21st
> junkies 18th
> o'meara 21st "
> Happy New Year WJFK Sales
> Staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun trying to
> sell a last place show on a last place station!
> Oh and congrats to Mike,Rob & Buzz - it only took
> you a couple of months to undo 20 years of Don
> Geronimos hard work. GOOD JOB! YOU GUYS ROCK!
> Thanks for making it even harder for the sales
> staff to sell, as if the economy wasn't enough of
> a problem.

With PPMs becoming official and setting ad rates, the sales staff could book the entire show and it will still lose money. CBS has no choice but to start firing people.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Geronimos Ghost ()
Date: January 01, 2009 04:13PM

Hey JOHN NORMAN, check this out () ..........
December FULL MONTH Arbitron PPM's
wjfk 21st
junkies 18th
o'meara 21st "

Thin the herd.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TUHG ()
Date: January 01, 2009 05:15PM

Is this where Carla use to dance? Does anyone know the name she used? You can archive search the site for pics.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 12345 ()
Date: January 01, 2009 05:45PM

I'm amazed that more people aren't focussing on Robb "Ratings Poison" Spewak! He has become some combination of Robin Quivers (laughs at everything Mike says) and Elliot (thinks laughing into the mike for long periods of time is somehow compelling radio). He's the albatross around Mike's neck. As soon as they announced that he was in the lineup, I knew that show was doomed. P.S. Hey Robb - knowing stuff about 60's and 70's television doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you a dork.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: January 01, 2009 06:45PM

12345 Wrote:
> I'm amazed that more people aren't focussing on
> Robb "Ratings Poison" Spewak!

I thought Spewak was funny on the D&M Show, but they kept him on a short tether, he was more of the guy on the sitcom who'd pass through and make a funny aside and then not be heard of again for the rest of the show. I usually got a good laugh out of Spewaks little inferences to beating his wife or neo-nazism, if you can imagine those things having any humor. I also liked the charmless way he would speak to callers or contestants.

I think Geronimo brought out the "better" in Robb and used him sparingly. With Mike in charge, Robb has to pull more weight and worse of all, has to "make funny" with someone who isn't - O'Meara.

I detested D&M's old Morning Zoo on the old WAVA. I was "forced" to listen while at work when they moved to WJFK and came to appreciate their show for what it was. It was never Howard Stern caliber (Stern has a lot of writers and top flight guests etc) and D & M did pander to the soccer moms a little, but as background noise while working it was better than decent.D & M even in syndication was a local oriented show and that was worth a lot as a listener.

Now that Don is gone, I can really appreciate all he must have done for that show and the station. I think he wrote a great deal of the material and gave everyone just about the right amount of airtime. Don could tell a story and make it interesting, he had good timing and sounded most of all genuine, unlike O'Meara.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 01, 2009 07:23PM

I see Robb differently. I thought that he was unfunny for most of his time on D&M. But, when he started getting more of a major role on TMOS, he became funny to me. I think that the problem that is going on is that Mike shouldn't be the lead guy - doesn't work. I have mentioned this in a previous post on this thread - Let Robb play the lead/Don role and Mike second fiddle. Tone Buzz down to solid news and tell BethAnn to produce some better guests or go back to real estate.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: January 01, 2009 07:35PM

I couldn't see any show revolving around Robb, though it would probably be very charitable to allow O'Meara on any show as a second fiddle after he's performed so poorly leading a show.

O'Meara isn't that unbearable when he cameos on the Junkies or O and Dukes, though the "dysfunctional family show" a few weeks back was butt awful. Buzz sucks pretty much and Beth Ann isn't radio worthy. The guests that have been coming on don't seem to be tough catches, just typical performers or writers etc on publicity tours. Their agent sends out a press release, BA calls and O'Meara snoozes through the boring interview.

I am really starting to think this whole shitfest has been ( though maybe inadvertently) a great tool in making the Dc market hungry for Geronimo to return to the airwaves.

MrB Wrote:
> I see Robb differently. I thought that he was
> unfunny for most of his time on D&M. But, when he
> started getting more of a major role on TMOS, he
> became funny to me. I think that the problem that
> is going on is that Mike shouldn't be the lead guy
> - doesn't work. I have mentioned this in a
> previous post on this thread - Let Robb play the
> lead/Don role and Mike second fiddle. Tone Buzz
> down to solid news and tell BethAnn to produce
> some better guests or go back to real estate.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 01, 2009 08:22PM

Wow, if Don Geronimo would come back it would be amazing! I would think that he'd be doing more of a morning/music show though?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 01, 2009 08:50PM

MrB Wrote:
> I see Robb differently. I thought that he was
> unfunny for most of his time on D&M. But, when he
> started getting more of a major role on TMOS, he
> became funny to me.

What fucking planet are you from? What exactly does Robb do now that is funny? Bray at Mike's unfunny jokes? Kiss Mike's ass?

> I think that the problem that
> is going on is that Mike shouldn't be the lead guy
> - doesn't work. I have mentioned this in a
> previous post on this thread - Let Robb play the
> lead/Don role and Mike second fiddle.

You have to be fucking joking, right? Robb has demonstrated ZERO talent or ability.

> Tone Buzz
> down to solid news and tell BethAnn to produce
> some better guests or go back to real estate.

That part I can agree with. However, Beth Ann has had ample opportunity to book good guests and she has failed. Fire her ass now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 01, 2009 08:52PM

No Meara Wrote:
Buzz sucks pretty much and Beth Ann
> isn't radio worthy. The guests that have been
> coming on don't seem to be tough catches, just
> typical performers or writers etc on publicity
> tours. Their agent sends out a press release, BA
> calls and O'Meara snoozes through the boring
> interview.

I guarantee you Beth Ann has two or three PR people doing all her work for her in exchange for booking shitty guests. Being a producer isn't that hard, especially if you put no effort into it and don't care about the caliber of the guests you get...AKA Beth Ann.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 01, 2009 10:26PM

I know that Robb can't touch a candle to Don & he's not the funniest guy in the world. I'm just saying that I think he's funnier on TMOS vs. his time on D&M where I think that he was annoying and unfunny. Just figuring to give the guy a chance. No, I don't know him or anything - just saying what I think, however stupid it may sound.

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> MrB Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I see Robb differently. I thought that he was
> > unfunny for most of his time on D&M. But, when
> he
> > started getting more of a major role on TMOS,
> he
> > became funny to me.
> What fucking planet are you from? What exactly
> does Robb do now that is funny? Bray at Mike's
> unfunny jokes? Kiss Mike's ass?
> > I think that the problem that
> > is going on is that Mike shouldn't be the lead
> guy
> > - doesn't work. I have mentioned this in a
> > previous post on this thread - Let Robb play
> the
> > lead/Don role and Mike second fiddle.
> You have to be fucking joking, right? Robb has
> demonstrated ZERO talent or ability.
> > Tone Buzz
> > down to solid news and tell BethAnn to produce
> > some better guests or go back to real estate.
> That part I can agree with. However, Beth Ann has
> had ample opportunity to book good guests and she
> has failed. Fire her ass now.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 12345 ()
Date: January 01, 2009 11:13PM

Robb Spewak - painfully unfunny, starved for attention, ratings poison.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 02, 2009 09:07AM

MrB Wrote:
> I know that Robb can't touch a candle to Don &
> he's not the funniest guy in the world. I'm just
> saying that I think he's funnier on TMOS vs. his
> time on D&M where I think that he was annoying and
> unfunny. Just figuring to give the guy a chance.
> No, I don't know him or anything - just saying
> what I think, however stupid it may sound.

They gave Robb a chance. He hosted his own show on Saturdays. It failed miserably.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 02, 2009 09:09AM

I will admit that Robb likes his air time, hence the starved for attention. For the Saturday show, do you mean the car thing? That, along with any weekend WJFK programming that I've heard (except Goss's Garage, which I like the rants against the listeners) are shit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 02, 2009 09:28AM

MrB Wrote:
> I will admit that Robb likes his air time, hence
> the starved for attention. For the Saturday show,
> do you mean the car thing? That, along with any
> weekend WJFK programming that I've heard (except
> Goss's Garage, which I like the rants against the
> listeners) are shit.

He also did a bridal show.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 02, 2009 10:04AM

Ah, yes the bridal show was woeful. Whatever it takes to pay the bills, get air time? :(

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JackD. ()
Date: January 02, 2009 01:53PM

The bottom line is that Mike SUCKED when he covered for Don (during his absences) on the D&M Show. It didnt take a genius to figure that he would SUCK when given his own show. He SUCKED during his first week on the air and every week thereafter. This is confirmed by the obismal ratings. I agree that Rob was ok when he was given two-minute spots on the D&M Show. I agree that Buzz is ok when relinquished to giving the news (he cannot ad-lib and is painfully uncomfortable doing anything unscripted). The whole formula of Mike-Rob-Buzz just does not work. If you listen to the Junkies or Big O and Dukes, at least they are comfortable with each other and seem to do their shows effortless. Mike and the gang clearly struggle and it makes for painful radio.....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: January 02, 2009 02:40PM

There are only three weeks left of the Mike O'Meara Show. Its last day will be January 23rd. It will be interesting to see if O'Meara and company come back and do three weeks of shows to bow out gracefully or if they'll just play "best of" until then. The ratings would be about the same in either case.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: brainlessmonkeyboy ()
Date: January 02, 2009 03:25PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> There are only three weeks left of the Mike
> O'Meara Show. Its last day will be January 23rd.
> It will be interesting to see if O'Meara and
> company come back and do three weeks of shows to
> bow out gracefully or if they'll just play "best
> of" until then. The ratings would be about the
> same in either case.

It really will be interesting to see if your prediction is true. If so, I might ask you to pick my March Madness bracket in a couple of months.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: January 02, 2009 03:36PM

It's not a prediction. It's a fact

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: M.C. ()
Date: January 02, 2009 04:18PM

When is Mike suppose to return from vacation?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 02, 2009 05:52PM

I think Mike is coming back with about a week or 10 days to go before the 23rd. Enough time for him to do a pathetic swan song for a week on radio. I think I might tune in to listen to one of his drunken tirades. With any luck, he'll drop a few f-bombs or rant about the Jews...something that will "Greaseman" his career.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrB ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:06PM

This was just posted on DCRTV. Sounds like the momentum is building for sports at WJFK, but keeping TMOS (as well as Junks)?:

JFK Will Likely Go Sports, Keep Junks & O'Meara - 1/2 - Examiner sports media columnist Jim Williams tells DCRTV that he's spoken to representatives of Fox Sports Radio and Sporting News Radio and both have targeted CBS Radio guy talker WJFK (106.7 FM) for an all-sports or "nearly all-sports" format. There have been a number of conversations about the focus of the station. Both networks have made very attractive pitches to CBS. The two sports networks feel that an FM sports talker would be a big hit in DC, Williams adds. One scenario has WJFK, which has been battered in the new electronic Portable People Meter radio ratings, keeping the Junkies in mornings and Mike O'Meara in afternoons, but with sports talk in other time slots and a goal to make the station the flagship for the Nationals and the Wizards, and add more college sports. A sports talk WJFK would be a solid ad sales package with CBS's newly-minted sports talk WJZ-FM/AM in Baltimore, Williams adds.....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dono ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:13PM

The show sucks, sorry but its the truth. All likable characters, but without Don it has no edge and no gas.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:20PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
With any luck, he'll drop a few
> f-bombs or rant about the Jews...

I've noticed over the years that O'Meara is quick with what seems to be phony outrage when someone says something racial. O'Meara also is anxious to talk about how hot he thinks some black women are, but he has no problem going into the "joo-york" accent when talking about lawyers or someone who has a Jewish sounding last name. White guilt guy with some anti-Semitism?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:21PM

Hopefully Mike will go driving in Ocean City before his vacation ends.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No Meara ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:24PM

MrB Wrote:
> This was just posted on DCRTV. Sounds like the
> momentum is building for sports at WJFK, but
> keeping TMOS (as well as Junks)?:

Hopefully the Junks will stay and TMOS will be cast off like the garbage it is.It won't be a really solid sports lineup with TMOS, O'Meara doesn't seem to know dick about sports, Robb and Buzz know less. O and Dukes have been focusing a lot on MMA and the Skins, maybe they got the memo.

If WJFK flips formats and keeps O'Meara, it'll just a matter of time before his ratings are in the commode also.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 02, 2009 06:27PM

MrB Wrote:
> This was just posted on DCRTV. Sounds like the
> momentum is building for sports at WJFK, but
> keeping TMOS (as well as Junks)?:
> JFK Will Likely Go Sports, Keep Junks & O'Meara -
> 1/2 - Examiner sports media columnist Jim Williams
> tells DCRTV that he's spoken to representatives of
> Fox Sports Radio and Sporting News Radio and both
> have targeted CBS Radio guy talker WJFK (106.7 FM)
> for an all-sports or "nearly all-sports" format.
> There have been a number of conversations about
> the focus of the station. Both networks have made
> very attractive pitches to CBS. The two sports
> networks feel that an FM sports talker would be a
> big hit in DC, Williams adds. One scenario has
> WJFK, which has been battered in the new
> electronic Portable People Meter radio ratings,
> keeping the Junkies in mornings and Mike O'Meara
> in afternoons, but with sports talk in other time
> slots and a goal to make the station the flagship
> for the Nationals and the Wizards, and add more
> college sports. A sports talk WJFK would be a
> solid ad sales package with CBS's newly-minted
> sports talk WJZ-FM/AM in Baltimore, Williams
> adds.....

There's no point converting to a Sports Talk format and keeping high payroll people. Even a good sports station probably won't crack the Top 10. If they do that, I could see JFK breaking up The Junkies, having EB and Lurch on in the Morning Drive, sticking JP and Cakes in Midday and using Big O and Dukes in the evenings.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:35PM

Mike knows a lot about baseball and maybe some hockey but thats about it. He seems to be a long time caps fan and a bigtime Redsox fan. That could carry him over the sports realm BUT buzz knows NOTHING about sports and Rob knows less.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: sports guy ()
Date: January 02, 2009 07:05PM

O Mearas knowledge of sports is less than his knowledge of how to do a radio show by himself.

Hockey? He watches a few Ca[s games.
Baseball? Red Sox fan, thats it
Football? z e r o
Basketball? z e r o
College sports ? z e r o

And I think Ive been generous.

Not saying he won't be in the new sports format.. ,just it would be a giant MISCUE

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: January 02, 2009 07:44PM

sports guy Wrote:
> O Mearas knowledge of sports is less than his
> knowledge of how to do a radio show by himself.
> Hockey? He watches a few Ca[s games.
> Baseball? Red Sox fan, thats it
> Football? z e r o
> Basketball? z e r o
> College sports ? z e r o
> And I think Ive been generous.
> Not saying he won't be in the new sports format..
> ,just it would be a giant MISCUE

The problem WJFK management has is they are saddled with Mike's contract. Anyone with half-a-brain would have given him a one-year contract with options, but I doubt these guys were that smart. However, if these guys keep Mike on the air to fulfill a contract, they may pay with their jobs in the end.

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