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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz's Colon ()
Date: February 19, 2009 10:12PM

What did Mike eat on the show tonight?

I love those segments. Nothing says "entertainment" like fat guys eating on the radio, with the occasional sporadic and awkward pause. Pure brilliance! And it only took Mike, what, 30 years to come up with this comedic genius?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 20, 2009 11:31AM

Beware the Ides of March...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dean Vernon Wormer ()
Date: February 20, 2009 07:07PM

Hey O'Meara, Dean Wormer has some advice for you: Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The end is near ()
Date: February 23, 2009 02:10PM

The rudderless ship is going down....

From DCRTV.com

JFK Ousts Jim Rome For Reruns - 2/23 - CBS guy talker WJFK (106.7 FM) has bounced syndicated sports talker Jim Rome (right) from evenings due to low ratings. Instead, the 7 PM slot will now feature "WJFK Overtime," with same-day "best of" segments from the morning Junkies, middayers Big O and Dukes, and afternooner Mike O'Meara.....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 23, 2009 02:31PM

The end is near Wrote:
> The rudderless ship is going down....
> From DCRTV.com
> __________________________________________________
> _________________-
> JFK Ousts Jim Rome For Reruns - 2/23 - CBS guy
> talker WJFK (106.7 FM) has bounced syndicated
> sports talker Jim Rome (right) from evenings due
> to low ratings. Instead, the 7 PM slot will now
> feature "WJFK Overtime," with same-day "best of"
> segments from the morning Junkies, middayers Big O
> and Dukes, and afternooner Mike O'Meara.....

So they drop Jim Rome, a piped-in program, because of bad ratings? But they are keeping the much more expensive O'Meara and Junkies (which probably have ratings that are nearly as bad?).

Jim Rome is terrible on the radio, no doubt. But the economics of sports stations involves them being low-rated. Then you adjust your costs accordingly.

Can anyone explain to me why Michael Hughes still has a job?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: February 23, 2009 03:10PM

Who is the poor bastard (i.e.,intern) that's got to dredge up three hours of "best of" material from the three JFK day time shows?!?!?

Good question Tone Locian - how does Michael Hughes and his toady Chris Kinard actually get checks for working in the "broadcast industry"? F'in amazing!!

I should be working for CBS Radio, even in a very down advertising market, they throw good money after bad at no-talent hacks...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 23, 2009 03:45PM

dapjdj Wrote:
> Who is the poor bastard (i.e.,intern) that's got
> to dredge up three hours of "best of" material
> from the three JFK day time shows?!?!?
> Good question Tone Locian - how does Michael
> Hughes and his toady Chris Kinard actually get
> checks for working in the "broadcast industry"?
> F'in amazing!!
> I should be working for CBS Radio, even in a very
> down advertising market, they throw good money
> after bad at no-talent hacks...

Radio is the ultimate laboratory for "the Peter Principle." During my time in the industry, I can't recall one senior manager who wasn't woefully incompetent. They were usually sales guys who didn't understand the product side at all and who got promoted over time because all the good people left the industry for better paying opportunities over the years. Most of the GMs and Sales Directors I knew were complete fucking morons.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bob in Southeast Loudoun ()
Date: February 23, 2009 04:02PM

Just to get it out there, the Jim Rome Show was broadcast on JFK hours on a delay of several hours. In otherwords, it was stale.

Who wants to listen to old sports talk? Clearly, no one in DC. There's a small enough audience for live sports talk.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Derek ()
Date: February 23, 2009 04:04PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> The end is near Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The rudderless ship is going down....
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From DCRTV.com
> >
> __________________________________________________
> > _________________-
> >
> > JFK Ousts Jim Rome For Reruns - 2/23 - CBS guy
> > talker WJFK (106.7 FM) has bounced syndicated
> > sports talker Jim Rome (right) from evenings
> due
> > to low ratings. Instead, the 7 PM slot will now
> > feature "WJFK Overtime," with same-day "best
> of"
> > segments from the morning Junkies, middayers Big
> O
> > and Dukes, and afternooner Mike O'Meara.....
> So they drop Jim Rome, a piped-in program, because
> of bad ratings? But they are keeping the much more
> expensive O'Meara and Junkies (which probably have
> ratings that are nearly as bad?).
> Jim Rome is terrible on the radio, no doubt. But
> the economics of sports stations involves them
> being low-rated. Then you adjust your costs
> accordingly.
> Can anyone explain to me why Michael Hughes still
> has a job?

I don't know about you but Jim Rome is the only WJFK show I listen to. There are sometimes I have switch channels because it seems he has nothing to talk about and goes on boring rants on non-issues. But I enjoyed many of the guests he had on his show, especially during football season. I agree that he is terrible on radio.

I have tried to listen to the Junkies but all they do is step over themselves and all try to talk at once. It is hard to pick out their voices and personalities. Personally, I can only handle so much of them. However, I did enjoy their interviews this morning with Eric Hayes and Johnny Holiday.

In comparison, Mike O'Meara is very boring and Rob and Buzz are worse. They talk about boring issues and have boring guests. I listened for a week and haven't felt like tuning in since.

However, the whole station is down so it's hard to single out Mike O'Meara. I'm new to the area - how long has Michael Hughes been running this station into the ground?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 23, 2009 04:31PM

Derek Wrote:

> However, the whole station is down so it's hard to
> single out Mike O'Meara. I'm new to the area -
> how long has Michael Hughes been running this
> station into the ground?

Four or five years, I believe.

You are lucky. You missed the Peter Rosenburg, Bill O'Reilly, Jay Severin and "Poor Man's Loveline" project from a few years ago. You think the station is horrid now!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mia ()
Date: February 23, 2009 06:59PM

WJFK must have the worst programming people in the world. Peter Rosenberg, Bill O'Reilly, G. Gordon Liddy and Mike O'Meara are all basically out of the same mold. They are all a bunch of pompous egomanics that bascially enjoy listening to themselves. They all easily forgot that they are/were there to entertain a listening audience. Big O and Dukes (the newcomers) seem to get it. The Junkies used to get it but it seems like they've become too big for their britches over the years. They're like a bunch of frat boys who refuse to grow up. They are a tad more entertaining then Mike O'Meara, but just barely. Hopefully the latter two get canned and WJFK rebuilds around Big O.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 24, 2009 12:31AM

Don't forget the greaseman fiasco. Liddy wasn't totally bad at the beginning, as far as ratings, but his schtick got old fast.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: LC ()
Date: February 24, 2009 01:46AM

Mia Wrote:

> Big O and Dukes (the newcomers) seem to get it.
> The Junkies used to get it but it seems like
> they've become too big for their britches over the
> years. They're like a bunch of frat boys who
> refuse to grow up. They are a tad more
> entertaining then Mike O'Meara, but just barely.
> Hopefully the latter two get canned and WJFK
> rebuilds around Big O.

I have only been listening to Big O and Dukes for a few months, but they are already my favorite radio show anywhere. I like what they talk about and how they discuss the topics they bring up. They seem very genuine and they really get into what they are doing. The passion is there and everyone involved in the show feed very well off of one another. I don't think there are any other talk shows on radio that work harder that these guys.

I really wish that Mike's show had this. I do listen to Mike, but not like I do with O & D. I never turn off O & D, but Mike's show gets shut off at times. It makes me sad because I really wanted Mike, Robb, Buzz, and Joe to succeed. I hope they still can, but what went down in CA has me worried. Especially for O & D because I really feel that they are very talented and shouldn't get thrown out because of being sandwiched by lesser quality.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 24, 2009 08:55AM

I was listening to 98 Rock out of Baltimore yesterday morning and they did this riff about using Sham-Wows to wipe up after gay sex. It was funnier than hell.

Remember when D&M used to do bits like that? Can you imagine Mike doing something like that now? Hell, no. Instead he will spend 40 minutes on a boring segment about Haggis.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WTF ()
Date: February 24, 2009 10:28AM

LC Wrote:
> Mia Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Big O and Dukes (the newcomers) seem to get it.
> > The Junkies used to get it but it seems like
> > they've become too big for their britches over
> the
> > years. They're like a bunch of frat boys who
> > refuse to grow up. They are a tad more
> > entertaining then Mike O'Meara, but just barely.
> > Hopefully the latter two get canned and WJFK
> > rebuilds around Big O.
> I have only been listening to Big O and Dukes for
> a few months, but they are already my favorite
> radio show anywhere. I like what they talk about
> and how they discuss the topics they bring up.
> They seem very genuine and they really get into
> what they are doing. The passion is there and
> everyone involved in the show feed very well off
> of one another. I don't think there are any other
> talk shows on radio that work harder that these
> guys.
> I really wish that Mike's show had this. I do
> listen to Mike, but not like I do with O & D. I
> never turn off O & D, but Mike's show gets shut
> off at times. It makes me sad because I really
> wanted Mike, Robb, Buzz, and Joe to succeed. I
> hope they still can, but what went down in CA has
> me worried. Especially for O & D because I really
> feel that they are very talented and shouldn't get
> thrown out because of being sandwiched by lesser
> quality.

Really? is that what you do with your time - wishing that bad shit just automatically turns to good ? really....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tony ()
Date: February 24, 2009 02:59PM

> Really? is that what you do with your time -
> wishing that bad shit just automatically turns to
> good ? really....

Well, I don't see a problem with people voicing their opinions and trying to figure out what in the world Michael Hughes and WJFK are doing. Aren't they the idiots that may be thinking their shows will improve?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Brent Hatley ()
Date: February 24, 2009 09:05PM

"Bubba the Love Sponge" is the only one who can save wjfk.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Breaking News re: Redskins Free Agent Signings ()
Date: February 25, 2009 12:30AM

> Mia Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Big O and Dukes (the newcomers) seem to get it.
> > The Junkies used to get it but it seems like
> > they've become too big for their britches over
> the
> > years. They're like a bunch of frat boys who
> > refuse to grow up.

We have yet to see if it is a true scoop, but how is it that BigO and Dukes have a guest that breaks a major story about a free agent signing to the Redskins, while the "Junkies", nee "Sports Junkies", seem to be asleep at the switch? Isn't that still supposed to be one of the main focuses of the Junkies' show? BigO and Dukes are big on MMA, but have seemingly eclipsed the Sports Junkies in terms of giving coverage to even many more sports.

I used to like the Sports Junkies quite a bit, but they have definitely seen their better days. I hate to say that it would not pain me to see them taken off the air if WJFK decides to clean out the dead wood (which would, of course, start with the MOM show cast).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sans Junkies ()
Date: February 25, 2009 06:43AM

Breaking News re: Redskins Free Agent Signings Wrote:

> We have yet to see if it is a true scoop, but how
> is it that BigO and Dukes have a guest that breaks
> a major story about a free agent signing to the
> Redskins, while the "Junkies", nee "Sports
> Junkies", seem to be asleep at the switch?

It's because The Junkies are complacent and lazy while Big O and Dukes are hungry and want to prove themselves. That is the problem with WJFK. The Junkies and O'Meara don't care and it shows. Don Geronimo managed to still care after 30 years in the business. Even if D&M lost some of its fizz toward the end, it wasn't because Don didn't make the effort. The Junkies and O'Meara "phone it in."

> I used to like the Sports Junkies quite a bit, but
> they have definitely seen their better days. I
> hate to say that it would not pain me to see them
> taken off the air if WJFK decides to clean out the
> dead wood (which would, of course, start with the
> MOM show cast).

If WJFK goes to a sports-only format, I believe they should clean out the MOM show, put Big O and Dukes on Morning Drive and split The Junkies up, putting EB and JP on Middays and Cakes and Lurch on evening drive. If The Junkies don't like it, send them back to working at Toys R Us because nobody else is going to pay them top dollar to do their dull shtick.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 25, 2009 08:57AM

Even Don Geronimo is reading the writing on the wall...

Geronimo Reserves Possible CBS Web Addresses - 2/25 - Updated. DCRTV hears that former WJFK afternooner Don Geronimo (aka Michael Sorce, right) has registered the following internet addresses: 947ampradio.com and 1067ampradio.com. Geronimo's former employer, CBS Radio, just launched its contemporary hit "Amp Radio" in place of guy talker KLSX in LA.

...CHR means no O'Meara.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bob in Southeast Loudoun ()
Date: February 25, 2009 12:05PM

The Junkies need to stay on the air at least until their marriages start to crumble, which will make for some great radio.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 25, 2009 12:12PM

Bob in Southeast Loudoun Wrote:
> The Junkies need to stay on the air at least until
> their marriages start to crumble, which will make
> for some great radio.

Unfortunately they won't discuss that on the air. They will just treat BDK worse.

I have to say that the whole "man child" shtick must be wearing pretty thin at home. I remember having several friends who were married and who were still acting like that in their late 20s and early 30s. Pretty much all of them ended up divorced.

Women want to be married to men. Not boys.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2009 12:13PM by WashingTone Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: February 25, 2009 01:00PM

All four Junkies don't have enough combinded ambition or talent to create a compelling radio show.

The four uber-slackers sleep-walk their way through each show, punch their tickets with the "Hollywood News", the "Sports Ticker" and whatever else they can get by with in 10-minute increments before "boy genius" producer Chris Kinard mercifully cuts them off for a commercial break.

The boys have the Michael Hughes/Chris Kinard stank all over them: do the same hacky bits each day, snooze through "interviews" that are generally product-placement infomercials, and in the interim, don't do anything interesting.

Hey! I just described the MOMS!! Could it be a coincidence that both the Junks and MOMS are unlistenable because they are lazy, unambitious "radio personalities" that leave all the decisions to idiots like Huges and Kinard?

Well, the sort answer is "yes".

I was never a particular fan of Geronimo, especially in his last two years on the air, but I hope he does come back as GM/PD of a reborn AMP-format JFK, I'll tune in.

Imagine what fun it would be for Donnie G. to fire the Junks? (Someone on this board may know the answer to this question: Years ago when the Junks went to HFS, did Donnie G. threaten them with a baseball bat? I heard or read that he felt he had "groomed" the boys and they turned on him...hence the malo sangre between the Junks and D&M show...).

Final word, the Junks are indeed boys. Very, very lazy boys. When they grow up, they should strive to be like Big Mikey O'meara: twice divored and living with a stripper!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 25, 2009 01:15PM

I don't know about the baseball bat story. My recollection of the whole Don Geronimo/Junkies falling out goes back to when Howard Stern announced he was going to Sirius. It sounded like Don was working out a deal where D&M would move to mornings for a serious pay increase. The Junkies basically swooped in and got the big check from Hughes to do mornings. If this didn't piss Don off enough, when Freda died, i think only Lurch's wife sent him flowers or a card. None of the other Junkies or their wives did anything. When Don mentioned this on the air, Michael Hughes called him into his office and said some of The Junkies were upset by this. Don went off the deep-end and lambasted Hughes on the air. I think Hughes actually pulled Don off for a week over it.

Anyway, Don hated The Junkies after the whole Freda thing.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 25, 2009 01:21PM

when they interviewed the GMU HomeComingdragqueen coulda been fun but was cringe worthy bad

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 25, 2009 01:33PM

ferfux Wrote:
> when they interviewed the GMU HomeComingdragqueen
> coulda been fun but was cringe worthy bad

That's pathetic.

Don could interview a nun selling bibles and make it interesting by screwing with her.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: February 25, 2009 01:42PM

Tone Loc - thx for the backstory on the Junks/D&M feud - doesn't that make the "best pals" nonsense between MOMS and Junks all the more staged?

The feud did make for good radio: Kinard dressed down D&M on air in early '08 for mentioning a sales staff member on air. Donnie G. went nuts and tried to get Kinard to respond to him but CK wouldn't answer his phone. Donnie G. said "you need a lawyer to do anyhing at this station". O'Meara said "why don't we hire John Paul Flaim, Esq.?". Donnie G. and O'meara break up laughing!

Then a few months later O'meara is making nice, jukking it up with "Lurchie" and the boys. Ugh!

O'meara = Hughes bitch.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 25, 2009 03:00PM

dapjdj Wrote:
> Tone Loc - thx for the backstory on the Junks/D&M
> feud - doesn't that make the "best pals" nonsense
> between MOMS and Junks all the more staged?
> The feud did make for good radio: Kinard dressed
> down D&M on air in early '08 for mentioning a
> sales staff member on air. Donnie G. went nuts
> and tried to get Kinard to respond to him but CK
> wouldn't answer his phone. Donnie G. said "you
> need a lawyer to do anyhing at this station".
> O'Meara said "why don't we hire John Paul Flaim,
> Esq.?". Donnie G. and O'meara break up laughing!
> Then a few months later O'meara is making nice,
> jukking it up with "Lurchie" and the boys. Ugh!
> O'meara = Hughes bitch.

O'Meara is just trying to be "A Company Man." The problem is when the company's leadership is giving you advice that is destroying your career, you need to push back and do what you know works. Howard Stern and Don Geronimo pissed off management. But they are also millionaires (or possibly billionaire in Stern's case) with great careers.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 25, 2009 03:01PM

The show was good because Donny G would invite the listeners in and they and Don would all be in on it. Don would turn the MICs off so the interviewee wouldnt be anble to hear Don and Mike Screwing with him, sound effects etc etc. The listeners were in on the joke. Now the joke is on the listeners.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: February 25, 2009 07:46PM

"Now the joke is on the listeners."

Word, my brother.

This board "is" better than anything on JF'nK!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Junkies ()
Date: February 25, 2009 08:17PM

Lurch: That Junkette was money.

Cakes: Yeah. She was "hurtin'"

E.B.: It made me feel like a donkey.

J.P.: (Silence)

Cakes: She got me sized.

E.B.: A joe smoker.

J.P.: (Silence)

Lurch: I'm going to play some online poker and watch some mixed martial arts.

E.B.: Hurtin'!

Repeat over and over and over again, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year until canceled.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rah ()
Date: February 25, 2009 09:21PM

Dead on with the Junkies interpretation....

Good stuff on TMOS today. Now it's turned into Bible study... WTF? Who do they think is enjoying this crap

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Smoker Family ()
Date: February 25, 2009 11:55PM

The Junkies Wrote:
> Lurch: That Junkette was money.
> Cakes: Yeah. She was "hurtin'"
> E.B.: It made me feel like a donkey.
> J.P.: (Silence)
> Cakes: She got me sized.
> E.B.: A joe smoker.
> J.P.: (Silence)
> Lurch: I'm going to play some online poker and
> watch some mixed martial arts.
> E.B.: Hurtin'!
> Repeat over and over and over again, 5 days a
> week, 50 weeks a year until canceled.

A couple of minor edits:

"sized"" should be --syched-- (rhyming with "sliced", I am sure that was what you meant, but what you wrote was a real word with a different pronunciation)

it is Jeff, not Joe, Smoker that they talk about on the show.

The term "syched" (however you decide it should be spelled) is a great example of what the SPORTS Junkies brought to their listening audience so many years ago. It was then a cutting edge term (originated by them) that made its way into the vernacular, locally. That was about their last groundbreaking contribution to sports commentary, as well as radio broadcasting.

If they would stick to sports a little more, they would probably still be relevant.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OG ()
Date: February 25, 2009 11:57PM

During the 15 seconds that I tuned in to the show today while scanning the stations, I heard Mike say that he did not like to wear pea coats because "they make my head look big". You gotta be kiddin' me, does he have a friggin' mirror in his house, his dome piece is ENORMOUS no matter WTF he's wearing.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 26, 2009 06:16AM

The Smoker Family Wrote:
> The Junkies Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lurch: That Junkette was money.
> >
> > Cakes: Yeah. She was "hurtin'"
> >
> > E.B.: It made me feel like a donkey.
> >
> > J.P.: (Silence)
> >
> > Cakes: She got me sized.
> >
> > E.B.: A joe smoker.
> >
> > J.P.: (Silence)
> >
> > Lurch: I'm going to play some online poker and
> > watch some mixed martial arts.
> >
> > E.B.: Hurtin'!
> >
> > Repeat over and over and over again, 5 days a
> > week, 50 weeks a year until canceled.
> A couple of minor edits:
> "sized"" should be --syched-- (rhyming with
> "sliced", I am sure that was what you meant, but
> what you wrote was a real word with a different
> pronunciation)
> it is Jeff, not Joe, Smoker that they talk about
> on the show.
> The term "syched" (however you decide it should be
> spelled) is a great example of what the SPORTS
> Junkies brought to their listening audience so
> many years ago. It was then a cutting edge term
> (originated by them) that made its way into the
> vernacular, locally. That was about their last
> groundbreaking contribution to sports commentary,
> as well as radio broadcasting.
> If they would stick to sports a little more, they
> would probably still be relevant.

You are right on "Jeff Smoker," but I believe the term is "Sized" as in "I have an erection."

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Steve ()
Date: February 26, 2009 03:26PM

OG Wrote:
> During the 15 seconds that I tuned in to the show
> today while scanning the stations, I heard Mike
> say that he did not like to wear pea coats because
> "they make my head look big". You gotta be kiddin'
> me, does he have a friggin' mirror in his house,
> his dome piece is ENORMOUS no matter WTF he's
> wearing.

It's "posts" like this one which makes this website so entertaining - it's more fun than the Mike O'Meara show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carl ()
Date: February 26, 2009 04:12PM

Steve Wrote:
> OG Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > During the 15 seconds that I tuned in to the
> show
> > today while scanning the stations, I heard Mike
> > say that he did not like to wear pea coats
> because
> > "they make my head look big". You gotta be
> kiddin'
> > me, does he have a friggin' mirror in his
> house,
> > his dome piece is ENORMOUS no matter WTF he's
> > wearing.
> It's "posts" like this one which makes this
> website so entertaining - it's more fun than the
> Mike O'Meara show.

I agree - it seems like the only way for the Mike O'Meara show to dramatically improve its ratings would be to bring in a new person that can really insult everything Mike does and says. He could fill out a job application at WJFK and be a "heckler" - a modern day Don Rickles.

I nominate Washingtone Locian or someone else that can take the criticisms on this website and nail Mike throughout his show everyday. Now - that would be fun to listen to and Mike's ratings would go through the roof. Can you imagine the controversy and interaction on comments like Mike's big head, ego, laziness, stripper girlfriend, stupid trivia games or weight. Now, that's entertainment!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 26, 2009 04:36PM

Carl Wrote:

> I agree - it seems like the only way for the Mike
> O'Meara show to dramatically improve its ratings
> would be to bring in a new person that can really
> insult everything Mike does and says. He could
> fill out a job application at WJFK and be a
> "heckler" - a modern day Don Rickles.
> I nominate Washingtone Locian or someone else that
> can take the criticisms on this website and nail
> Mike throughout his show everyday. Now - that
> would be fun to listen to and Mike's ratings would
> go through the roof. Can you imagine the
> controversy and interaction on comments like
> Mike's big head, ego, laziness, stripper
> girlfriend, stupid trivia games or weight. Now,
> that's entertainment!

How's this for starters...

"Hey, you drunk Irish prick! You'll never be as good as Don! Maybe you should just quit now. Maybe you should go manage a bar...Oops! Sorry! You suck ass at that too, you fat ass loser!!"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: John Coyote ()
Date: February 26, 2009 04:48PM

The Junkies Wrote:
> Cakes: She got me sized.

It's "psyched," but most of the 'inner-city' folks couldn't pronounce it properly. Instead, it sounds like "sized" when they talk.

Crap, it's sad I know this. It's a show. Butt trifling. I'm bitter and distraught. Don't be Rick.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 26, 2009 05:00PM

John Coyote Wrote:
> The Junkies Wrote:
> >
> > Cakes: She got me sized.
> It's "psyched," but most of the 'inner-city' folks
> couldn't pronounce it properly. Instead, it
> sounds like "sized" when they talk.
> Crap, it's sad I know this. It's a show. Butt
> trifling. I'm bitter and distraught. Don't be
> Rick.

That's retarded. You mean they have been mispronouncing a term that has been around for 30 years?

At least with "I'm sized" meaning, "I've got a boner," it is a tad compelling. What you are telling me makes these guys sound like complete Geri Jewells!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: qwerty ()
Date: February 26, 2009 06:00PM

From the junkies website under "lingo"

Cised (v.)
To be excited; (occasionally) sexually aroused. If used in a phrase such as "cised for [something]," it can simply mean that the speaker likes the thing in question. The word is pronounced with a soft "s" (as in 'side' or 'psychology') and rhymes with "iced", rather than with "excised" or "prized." This term is commonly preceded by the word “butt-” which may amplify the phrase to mean extremely excited.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: puckett ()
Date: February 27, 2009 09:12AM

Bask in your collective pointlessness, Junkies. Creating your own pseudo-language is the ultimate in BAD SCHTICK.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2009 09:29AM

qwerty Wrote:
> From the junkies website under "lingo"
> Cised (v.)
> To be excited; (occasionally) sexually aroused. If
> used in a phrase such as "cised for ," it can
> simply mean that the speaker likes the thing in
> question. The word is pronounced with a soft "s"
> (as in 'side' or 'psychology') and rhymes with
> "iced", rather than with "excised" or "prized."
> This term is commonly preceded by the word “butt-”
> which may amplify the phrase to mean extremely
> excited.

I misspelled it, but this is basically what I said it was. It's not "psyched" with a mispronunciation.

Regardless, it is stupid. When I was in middle school, somebody came up with the term 'flicted! As in, short for "afflicted." It was like, "You are so crazy, you are 'flicted, man."

This Cised is the same stupid shit, except I'm not a 40-year-old walking around still using 'Flicted in everyday language because that would make me a fucking retard....like The Junkies.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rah ()
Date: February 27, 2009 10:56AM

Did ANYONE enjoy the Gifford's ice cream segment yesterday? Was more like something Regis, Martha or Oprah would do, NOT a program targeted at a young-ish male audience. THEY ARE CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe today they will have a knitting or scrapbooking segment.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2009 11:04AM

Rah Wrote:
> Did ANYONE enjoy the Gifford's ice cream segment
> yesterday? Was more like something Regis, Martha
> or Oprah would do, NOT a program targeted at a
> young-ish male audience. THEY ARE
> CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Maybe today they will have a knitting or
> scrapbooking segment.

I heard about two minutes of that. When Robb was starting to give advice to the Gifford guy about how he should make ice cream, I was like, "fuck this" and switched it to WTOP.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rob sucks ()
Date: February 27, 2009 11:45AM

Rob Spewak is the WORST. He doesn't bring anything to the table and gives Mike nothing to work off of. All he knows how to do is say "Who are you?", "Yeah Mike" and that is about it. If he hadn't sucked Dons dick for all those years, he would NEVER have made it in radio this far. Mike can be funny, but he has to have someone to play off of. Rob Spewak just fucks it up and kills the timing every time Mike starts to get on a roll.
Here is what Rob Spewak needs to focus on, shutting up and brushing his teeth. I swear how fucking lazy and unhygienic do you have to be to not go to the dentist for over 5 years and let your mouth rot so bad that you have to gum replacement surgery. Fucking buy a toothbrush and use it Rob Spewak. If you aren’t going to spend money on a toothbrush and toothpaste, at least set it aside so you can buy a house. Rob Spewak is around 40, with two kids and a wife and still can’t get his act together enough to buy a home. Rob Spewak is a talentless hack who is only on the radio because of sucking Don’s dick for so many years like the kiss ass he is. Go fucking brush your teeth, kiss ass.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: FredKruger ()
Date: February 27, 2009 02:18PM

Nedw January ratings...and O'Meara is in 19th place!
Whomeever at CBS is forcing spin on the webmaster of DCRTV.com.
FYI: "In Men 25-54, O'Meara was 4th.
Not mentioned...Adults 25-54, 15th place
Men 18+ 20th place

Anyone can find ONE splintered cell in the ratings info.

Truth is, this show has fallen OFF the ratings radar, despite the spin.

Radio Guy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2009 02:20PM

Rob sucks Wrote:
> he hadn't sucked Dons dick for all those years, he
> would NEVER have made it in radio this far.

Robb was actually decent under Don because Don gave him three things to say during a show. Don put him on in small doses as "the fat, bald, Nazi dick." That worked. But now, Robb is talking way too much with no prep and it shows.

> I swear how
> fucking lazy and unhygienic do you have to be to
> not go to the dentist for over 5 years and let
> your mouth rot so bad that you have to gum
> replacement surgery. Fucking buy a toothbrush and
> use it Rob Spewak. If you aren’t going to spend
> money on a toothbrush and toothpaste, at least set
> it aside so you can buy a house.

That's pretty gross

> Rob Spewak is
> around 40, with two kids and a wife and still
> can’t get his act together enough to buy a home.

This is what people who haven't worked in broadcasting don't understand....most people on the air don't get paid shit. Yes, a star might. But the 2nd bananas and producers get paid crap.

Robb may have gotten a boost with TMOS show. But it wouldn't be hard to believe if he was making $40K or $50K under Don, which buys you nothing in this market.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2009 02:37PM

FredKruger Wrote:
> Nedw January ratings...and O'Meara is in 19th
> place!
> Whomeever at CBS is forcing spin on the webmaster
> of DCRTV.com.
> FYI: "In Men 25-54, O'Meara was 4th.
> Not mentioned...Adults 25-54, 15th place
> Men 18+ 20th place
> Anyone can find ONE splintered cell in the
> ratings info.
> Truth is, this show has fallen OFF the ratings
> radar, despite the spin.
> Radio Guy

I saw that spin on 4th place. I'm not sure how a show can be ranked in 19th place and be 4th place in 25-54 males unless the top 3 stations (WTOP, Big100, DC101, for instance) had 80 or 90 percent of the male listeners, which is entirely possible.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Monica ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:51PM

Rob sucks Wrote:
> Rob Spewak is the WORST.

I always thought that Rob was at his best when he first started with the Don and Mike show. He was perceived by the listeners as a dorky intern and Don and Mike used to make him the butt of their jokes. It's similar to the way Elliott treats Flounder on WWDC. One time, they dressed him up in girl's clothes and made him stand by the side of the street waving at cars. They made him funny.

I guess through his loyalty, they made him producer and now he is Mike's side kick. However, everyone is right - he is a horrible sidekick to Mike, who's a good sidekick but a horrible host. What a combination!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OG ()
Date: February 27, 2009 08:13PM

When Robb used to call the 1-900 sex lines for D&M as "Dolores" and goof on the whores on the other line, well that was some of the funniest stuff on the radio that they ever did. Now it seems that they do not want to cater to the same audience as before. They think that interviews with people that we don't know and don't give a shit about is entertaining. "On the show today we'll talk to Dick Wadd who played Dufuss on the hit Australian sitcom "Where's me Koala?" Some lame ass garbage they are putting out these days.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BAM ()
Date: February 27, 2009 08:54PM

Here's something very telling: I listened to an MP3 of an old Don and Mike 80's show from 1995. They played tapes of themselves from the Morning Zoo and apologized for the fact that back then they laughed like idiots every time their guests said something.

Turn on the Mike O'Meara Show today: Every time the painfully unfunny Patton Oswalt and Maria Bamford said something, Mike and Rob laughed like idiots.

Please cancel O'Meara And The Breakfast Flakes, CBS. Every episode of the show shits on the Don and Mike legacy.

By the way, were supposed to be entertained when Mike was basically wanking to that 10 minute Buddy Rich song at the end of the show today?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2009 09:44PM

BAM Wrote:

> Turn on the Mike O'Meara Show today: Every time
> the painfully unfunny Patton Oswalt and Maria
> Bamford said something, Mike and Rob laughed like
> idiots.

I think they must prep people from the sales department to call in and slobber on about the guests. I can't believe all the comments about how great that Maria chick supposedly is. She stole her act from Victoria Jackson, who stole it from a long line of comediennes going back to Gracie Allen. She sucked.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: February 28, 2009 03:05PM

How Patton Oswald makes a living from his so-called "comedy" is a mystery. Buzz Burbank is funnier than him and Buzz is not funny at all.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 28, 2009 03:22PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> How Patton Oswald makes a living from his
> so-called "comedy" is a mystery. Buzz Burbank is
> funnier than him and Buzz is not funny at all.

Patton Oswald looks like he should be funny. He's not. The guy is nearly 40 and his regular gigs include doing voice work for "Spongebob Squarepants." That's not the resume of a brilliant comedy mind.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Eoj ()
Date: March 01, 2009 01:54PM

Rob is the fat kid in high school with divorced parents and no father figure who still thinks he is a special little snow flake because he had a part in the school play. Be funny or make room for someone who can be.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dan O. ()
Date: March 02, 2009 01:33PM

I can't wait to listen to the show's opening for a 45 minute discussion on long it took them all to get to work and how bad D.C. drivers are in the snow...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2009 07:48AM by Dan O..

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: No more maine??? ()
Date: March 02, 2009 02:32PM


Someone over at RGF has posted this. Is it true?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2009 02:40PM

No more maine??? Wrote:
> SHOW??!!??!!??
> Someone over at RGF has posted this. Is it true?

Portland, Maine!??? Oh, noooooo!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2009 03:54PM

Dan O. Wrote:
> I can't wait to listening to the show's opening
> for a 45 minute discussion on long it took them
> all to get to work and how bad D.C. drivers are in
> the snow...


DCRTV - Notable Quotable - 3/2 - "They are the land of suck... A hype frenzy machine... BS for an entire weekend." Without mentioning the rival station's call letters, that was WJFK's Mike O'Meara today on all-news WTOP's pre-storm coverage over the weekend. New England native O'Meara defined a true snowstorm as one that delivers at least a foot of snow and high winds, and lasts for at least two days. He also had critcism for the local TV forecasters (right), calling them "conjurers," singling out 4's Bob Ryan. O'Meara added: "I am fed up with our collective pussification in this specific area".....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: March 02, 2009 03:57PM

Since Mike has never gotten over leaving New England, perhaps he can go back there as soon as his suck-fest of a show finally meets its well overdue demise.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hobo Joe ()
Date: March 02, 2009 03:59PM

The show might have been more interesting if they HAD talked about the snow. But a female voice-over actress? I turned it off before the first commercial break. My eyes were starting to glaze over. Come back Don! All is forgiven! Please save this sinking ship of a show!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2009 04:00PM

Naru Hodo Wrote:
> Since Mike has never gotten over leaving New
> England, perhaps he can go back there as soon as
> his suck-fest of a show finally meets its well
> overdue demise.

It must really burn Mike's ass that he left Massachusetts to attend American University only to suck worse at radio than a high school drop-out who is now a millionaire living in OC.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Eoj ()
Date: March 02, 2009 06:00PM


Rob uses this everyday.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 03, 2009 12:07AM

The longer it gets, the more likely Don will come out of retirement and "save" the show. His ego is too big to stay out of the sun for too long, and that is the perfect way to show what a big star he really is.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dan O. ()
Date: March 03, 2009 07:50AM

I think that if Don comes out of retirement it will be to do something new and not to save the O'Meara Show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2009 01:15PM

The Michael Hughes suck-fest continues...

TOP Tops 1st Week Of Feb PPMs - 3/3 - Those Portable People Meter radio ratings for the first week of February. DC, full-week, age 12+: 1) WTOP, 2) WAMU, 3) WASH, 4) WHUR, 5) WIHT, 6) WWDC, 7) WETA-FM and WRQX, 9) WMMJ and WPRS, 11) WKYS, 12) WBIG and WPGC, 14) WMAL, 15) WGTS, 16) WMZQ, 17) WLZL, 18) WTGB, 19) WJZW, 20) WTEM and WJFK, 22) WAVA. More: 25) WPFW, 34) WACA and WILC and WTNT, 39) WFED and WWRC.....

...I listened to a bit of The Junkies this morning. They were going on and on about The Bachelor. Seriously. A chick show. WTF is their demographic again????

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: puckett ()
Date: March 03, 2009 01:19PM

Dan O. Wrote:
> I can't wait to listen to the show's opening for a
> 45 minute discussion on long it took them all to
> get to work and how bad D.C. drivers are in the
> snow...

But you know, Don and Mike did THIS EXACT SEGMENT a few years back during a DC snowstorm, and it WAS compelling... funny, even. Just goes to show, it's not the content but what you do with it that carries the most water.

Unfortunately, Mike's got below-average content and refuses to do anything with it. He still thinks it's last April and we're all giving him "time to find his footing."


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2009 02:16PM

puckett Wrote:
> Dan O. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can't wait to listen to the show's opening for
> a
> > 45 minute discussion on long it took them all
> to
> > get to work and how bad D.C. drivers are in the
> > snow...
> But you know, Don and Mike did THIS EXACT SEGMENT
> a few years back during a DC snowstorm, and it WAS
> compelling... funny, even. Just goes to show,
> it's not the content but what you do with it that
> carries the most water.
> Unfortunately, Mike's got below-average content
> and refuses to do anything with it. He still
> thinks it's last April and we're all giving him
> "time to find his footing."

The difference is Don would have had Robb pulled down audio clips of Topper Shutt or Bob Ryan or Sue Palka or some other idiot going nuts on the air and then Don would play them over and over and make fun of them. I guarantee you Mike didn't do this because this would involve Robb and Mike actually prepping for a show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 03, 2009 02:54PM

If it's true the MOMS has lost Portland, Maine - that is a tragedy - what could MOMS be drawing there - a .000005 share?

At some point I realized MOMS was channeling Jack Diamond - except I'll bet JD is running a better show at this time, and he's got one thing the fat boy doesn't: ratings!

Here's quick fix for ya Mike: Get that stripper girlfriend on the air with bi-weekly "Stripper Tales". She can even make up stories, I don't give a fuck, it's got to be a better bit that anything you are doing now. What have you got to lose? You might even crack the top 15 in your demo!!

Here's another quick fix: Give your diminishing audience some credit. You don't have to hype every hack-assed 8th tier "celebrity" fatter-than-you-Beth-Ann-McBride gets to answer the phone as the second coming of Jerry Sienfeld. Geez, what a complete failure as a broadcaster.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2009 03:07PM

dapjdj Wrote:
> If it's true the MOMS has lost Portland, Maine -
> that is a tragedy - what could MOMS be drawing
> there - a .000005 share?

Basically Mike's ratings suck in every market he is in. His show seems to be 15th or worse in almost every market.

> At some point I realized MOMS was channeling Jack
> Diamond - except I'll bet JD is running a better
> show at this time, and he's got one thing the fat
> boy doesn't: ratings!

The difference is JD targets 40- to 50-ish women with low IQs, so he does a great show for those nitwits. O'Meara is using the same exact approach to appeal to 20-ish men...men who don't give a shit about Haggis or southern vampire chicks.

> Here's quick fix for ya Mike: Get that stripper
> girlfriend on the air with bi-weekly "Stripper
> Tales". She can even make up stories, I don't
> give a fuck, it's got to be a better bit that
> anything you are doing now. What have you got to
> lose? You might even crack the top 15 in your
> demo!!

This would only be good if she compares Mike's dick size to that of other men she has known.

> Here's another quick fix: Give your diminishing
> audience some credit. You don't have to hype
> every hack-assed 8th tier "celebrity"
> fatter-than-you-Beth-Ann-McBride gets to answer
> the phone as the second coming of Jerry Sienfeld.
> Geez, what a complete failure as a broadcaster.

He is the worst at that. I bet now he wishes like hell they could get Al Molinaro on his shitty show...

Al from happy days says hey to IYH buck as well Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 03, 2009 03:41PM

"The difference is JD targets 40- to 50-ish women with low IQs, so he does a great show for those nitwits. O'Meara is using the same exact approach to appeal to 20-ish men...men who don't give a shit about Haggis or southern vampire chicks."

Some of the best moments of the ol D&M show is when Don would attack JD/Havey Joe Fisher - now MOM has morphed into the same bland, let's interview someone who was on TV 15 years ago snooze-meister. At least JD plays music - that way you don't have to listen to him 100% of the time - a lesson the MOMS crew should glom on to...

I still think there's hope for bringing the stripper girlfriend to the show. She could do a bit where she rates her boning sessions. Wonder if MOM is in the top 500, 1,000, 2,500 or 5,000?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carl ()
Date: March 03, 2009 04:31PM

dapjdj Wrote:

> Here's quick fix for ya Mike: Get that stripper
> girlfriend on the air with bi-weekly "Stripper
> Tales". She can even make up stories, I don't
> give a fuck, it's got to be a better bit that
> anything you are doing now. What have you got to
> lose? You might even crack the top 15 in your
> demo!!

This is exactly what I was talking about back on Page 33 about having a heckler in the studio or periodically calling to give Mike and his show some crap. This would be funny and unique - possibly the reverse of Shock Jock format. The shocks would come from the listeners back in the face of the on-air personalities. However, Mike or any DJ has such an ego that he wouldn't let himself be the "butt" of the jokes.

Mike needs to do something immediately to turn his show about and create controversy so people will listen. He needs to get this whore Carla on the air right now!

Also, it's hard to compare Jack Diamond to Mike O'Meara because Jack is on in the morning and is dealing with more competition. In the afternoon, Mike has very little competition from other stations which is why his show is so frustrating to listen to. He has gone from "riding the edge" and "pushing the envelope" with Don for twenty years to a very bland and boring show. He needs to pull out all the stops - what are they doing?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The BunnyMan ()
Date: March 03, 2009 04:33PM

hey MIKE!? Todays Tuesday! the DAY AFTER MONDAY! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cough cough cough. Damn Cigars! Hack BLEH FUCK!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Memo ()
Date: March 03, 2009 07:04PM

After almost of full year of trying, I just cant listen to the show anymore. Big O seems to pull off a pretty good show just ad libing for 5 hours. Mike cant pull off anything remotely close to entertainment even with all of his guests and games. Ive decided just to return phone calls during the drive home, something I never did in the "Don days." Go "F" yourself Mike for screwing up my drive home.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Robb - ratings poison ()
Date: March 04, 2009 12:17AM

Also, i hate it when dumbasses who went to schools for dumbasses later claim that they "could probably have gotten into UVA, VA Tech," Yeah, you're scary intelligent, you just went to VCU because......hmmm, i can't even think of anything sarcastic enough to go in here. God, you are such a fucking douchebag! My high school was harder than your college, you fucking douchebag!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rob sucks ()
Date: March 04, 2009 10:12AM

Robb - ratings poison Wrote:
> Also, i hate it when dumbasses who went to schools
> for dumbasses later claim that they "could
> probably have gotten into UVA, VA Tech," Yeah,
> you're scary intelligent, you just went to VCU
> because......hmmm, i can't even think of anything
> sarcastic enough to go in here. God, you are
> such a fucking douchebag! My high school was
> harder than your college, you fucking douchebag!

They obviously didn't have a course on brushing your teeth, Rob could have used a few pointers. Fucking rot mouth Rob.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2009 10:19AM

I've seen news features on Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh. The reason why they are successful is that they spend about three to four hours prepping each day before their shows (yes, I hate Limbaugh, but I will give him credit for being a pioneer in broadcasting). It is obvious Mike spends ZERO time prepping.

I really think that's why these guys didn't like working with Don. Don prepped and he would make them prep. I remember he used to bitch at Mike because Mike would show up late to the prep sessions and whine about it.

Lazy Mike = Shitty Show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 04, 2009 11:46AM

Despite myself, I relapsed on the ride home yesterday and T Loc's comments were confirmed in two minutes.

A caller from Washington State commented on how he missed the D&M show, but "loved" MOMS (or some drivel to that effect).

MOMS said the would love to be working with Don so he (MOM) could kick back and shine in the background. He also said he was "proud" of how Buzz, Rob and Beth Ann "stepped it up".

More like you stepped into a big pile of unlistenable, soccer-mon friendly, bland-assed shit MOM.

Here's another quick MOM: Get Carla da whoo-wah and your ex-wife #2 on the air once a week for a debate:

Carla: Bitch!!
Ex #2: Whore!!
Carla: Bitch!!
Ex #2: Whore!!

Hee, Hee - I could listen to **that** forever. MOM - do that and I'll guarantee you'll rocket to #14 in PM drive time - and big plus, you can have a snack while the debate rages!!

And finally, Rob turned his back on UVA - yeah, right.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Caps Fan ()
Date: March 04, 2009 12:44PM

How about a dick sucking show to boost the ratings? Carla can talk about how old man dick tastes. Rob can talk about how Dons dick tastes, and Buzz can talk about how that old trannys dick tastes that he is married to. Seriously, Buzz is married to a dick tucker.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2009 12:47PM

dapjdj Wrote:

> And finally, Rob turned his back on UVA - yeah,
> right.

Maybe Robb can stage an On Air forensic match between UVA and VCU students...as soon as Robb looks up the meaning of "forensic."

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mrs. Mike Elston ()
Date: March 04, 2009 01:37PM

You boys leave Buzz alone or I'll bite your dicks off!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Predator Obama ()
Date: March 04, 2009 01:49PM

Donny G once said that if you steal from him you are stealing twice. SO my advice to Mike is to start listening to highly rated shows and Steal from them.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2009 02:06PM

Predator Obama Wrote:
> Donny G once said that if you steal from him you
> are stealing twice. SO my advice to Mike is to
> start listening to highly rated shows and Steal
> from them.

He's already stealing from Jack Diamond. He needs to steal from shows that appeal to a 25-45 male demographic. Maybe he can start fake-laughing like a hyena.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Predator Obama ()
Date: March 04, 2009 02:11PM

Maybe he could just start stealing from Big O and Dukes. Those guys are pretty awesome. Snacks of the round table and talking about ultimate fighting are a lot more entertaining than hearing Mike get into a lather about Buddy Rich and the fucking West side story suite.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2009 02:14PM

Predator Obama Wrote:
> Maybe he could just start stealing from Big O and
> Dukes. Those guys are pretty awesome. Snacks of
> the round table and talking about ultimate
> fighting are a lot more entertaining than hearing
> Mike get into a lather about Buddy Rich and the
> fucking West side story suite.

Buzz and Robb can barely have a coherent exchange about the NFL. Can you imagine how deadly it would be if Mike threw out a reference to Kimbo Slice?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Predator Obama ()
Date: March 04, 2009 02:52PM

maybe that station should have a survivor style contest amongst its DJ teams. With the Team with the highest ratings being the lone survivor and able to keep their jobs. They would keep their time slot and broadcast live and have re-runs of the winning show on the other time slots as each ensemble gets voted off. Then back fill the open slots with talent from other stations redskins snyder style in large cash free agent style aquisitions. Poaching talent from other stations and keeping the highest rated people is the only hope for WJFK.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Donnie G in Da OC ()
Date: March 04, 2009 03:17PM

Caps Fan Wrote:
> How about a dick sucking show to boost the
> ratings? Carla can talk about how old man dick
> tastes.

Now this is getting sensitive. I'm on the north side of 50 so I've got a stake in this, if any girl dancing @ the Crystal City non-topless establishment wants to service, me, I'll welcome her with open arms. She can do Jager shots afterwards!!

> Rob can talk about how Dons dick tastes,

Fish in a barrel - it could only taste like Rob's ass!

> and Buzz can talk about how that old trannys dick
> tastes that he is married to. Seriously, Buzz is
> married to a dick tucker

Say it isn't so - the lovely "Marsha" is a dude?!?! If the guy that runs dcrtv reads that, he'll have a heart attack!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: March 04, 2009 07:18PM

Mrs. Mike Elston Wrote:
> > You boys leave Buzz alone or I'll bite your
> dicks off!

uh no if even if thats a guy then he/she looks a lot sexier than Mrs Buzz

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: March 05, 2009 07:43AM

If he wants to give his ratings a shot in the arm he needs to get Don back on the air with him.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2009 09:46AM

I heard Mike yell at Beth Ann, calling her "a brake on the show" whenever she speaks. Sounds like he reads this Forum after all.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Old Fan ()
Date: March 05, 2009 10:04AM

Mike's ratings continue to sink. How can WJFK sales people sell advertisements for his show with those ratings? Even Bill Glaeser and Big Sid would not be able to make a sale for Mike's show. Fatboy has spent twenty years criticizing his old boss Jack Diamond but who has the last laugh now?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2009 10:55AM

Old Fan Wrote:
> Mike's ratings continue to sink. How can WJFK
> sales people sell advertisements for his show with
> those ratings?

The sales people have to throw away the rate card and come up with special package deals. For instance, they ran those promotions for Hard Times and they went to every Hard Times in the area for live remotes. The remotes were probably thrown in for free and the total ad buy was probably 20 to 30 percent below the normal rate card.

Also, stations usually as for freebees in exchange for promotions. Before you might have heard Mike give away free dinners and T-Shirts from Hard Times as part of the promotion. I don't think they were doing that kind of thing this time around.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dono ()
Date: March 05, 2009 11:28AM

Don we beg you save the tards and entertain us!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 05, 2009 03:14PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Sounds like he reads this Forum after all.

Doubt it, that would require some effort on MOM's part. Robbay probably has to read this Forum:

MOM: "What's the Forum saying about me Rob?"

Rob: "They love the show - can't get enough of our cutting-edge comedy, commentary and interviews!!"

Beth Ann's a "brake" on the show? What the f*** did MOM, Huges and CK expect? Baba Booey? Beth Ann got bounced from a 5 watt AM station in North Carolina and wound up selling carpets. She "succeeded" in radio when she had a real professional (Donnie G.) telling her what to do minute by minute. MOM is as lost as Beth Ann...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2009 03:52PM

dapjdj Wrote:

> Beth Ann's a "brake" on the show? What the f***
> did MOM, Huges and CK expect? Baba Booey? Beth
> Ann got bounced from a 5 watt AM station in North
> Carolina and wound up selling carpets. She
> "succeeded" in radio when she had a real
> professional (Donnie G.) telling her what to do
> minute by minute. MOM is as lost as Beth Ann...

Was she really selling carpet? That would explain all the stellar guests she has been able to book.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dono ()
Date: March 05, 2009 03:59PM

I tried again today for about 5 min. Ugh it was 'do you think TO should come to the redskins -call in!' Don would never have pandered to the jock crap - there are already two shows that do that way better on the station. Of course they pepper it with emails from fans - VOMIT.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2009 04:24PM

dono Wrote:
> I tried again today for about 5 min. Ugh it was
> 'do you think TO should come to the redskins -call
> in!' Don would never have pandered to the jock
> crap - there are already two shows that do that
> way better on the station. Of course they pepper
> it with emails from fans - VOMIT.

God. Can you imagine Zorn and Vinny trying to handle TO? They thought Portis was a handful.

I heard the interview yesterday with Manny Acta. Mike would bring up some arcane pitcher nobody has heard of and Buzz and Robb sounded completely lost. The only saving grace was that Acta is a funny guy and carried the segment for these idiots.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS ()
Date: March 05, 2009 07:48PM

Could you imagine being a swinger and having Buzz' wife show up to the party? I would rather do Buzz

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 05, 2009 09:28PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> dapjdj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Was she really selling carpet?

Word my brother. She fessed up to selling carpet then real estate after her brave move to an AM station in North Carolina failed.

Don used to simulcast her daytime gigs live, every now and then when she was on KBTobacco in NC.

And again, when she returned - in all her glory - in the early days of MOMs, she admitted that carpet sales and real estate sustained her and her daughter until MOMs rescued her.

Even in the D&M days Beth Ann could be an engaging on-air, sort of ditzy. maybe horny soccer mom, but Don let that go only so far, and MOM, has just had her working the phones...maybe she has more to offer - but with ego manic MOM, insecure Rob and "King of Trannies" Buzz in line before her - who will ever KNO?

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