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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: buzzhater ()
Date: March 22, 2009 02:12AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Captain Trips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is also glaringly obvious that most of Buzz'
> > news is ripped from Drew Curtis' Fark.com. The
> > worst part is that it is day-old fark, which is
> > analogous to dog-years.
> Buzz was talking last night about the Pope's
> comment about condoms increasing the spread of
> HIV. Why doesn't Buzz just talk about Larry Craig
> getting caught in the bathroom stall while he is
> at it.

Speaking of Larry Craig and not giving a fuck -- Buzz mistakenly called him the "Senator from Iowa" for WEEKS longer than anyone else (it was Idaho, for the record).

Those darn I-states really trip you up if you're (a) stupid, (b) lazy, (c) an egomaniac or (d) a combination of all.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz-Killer Burbank ()
Date: March 22, 2009 08:17AM

Buzz is an idiot and a major reason that the show sucks so bad. Don kept Buzz's lack of talent and charisma largely hidden until the end of the show. Mike is such a lazy drunken slob that he allows this buffoon far too much time on the air.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 22, 2009 10:46AM

Buzz-Killer Burbank Wrote:
> Buzz is an idiot and a major reason that the show
> sucks so bad. Don kept Buzz's lack of talent and
> charisma largely hidden until the end of the show.
> Mike is such a lazy drunken slob that he allows
> this buffoon far too much time on the air.

When it was D&M, Don was great about talking over Buzz's newscast in the last segment. Often, Buzz didn't get a chance to cover half the shit he had prepared. Back then, I always thought Don was kind of rude. Now I realize he was doing Buzz a favor.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sethro1234 ()
Date: March 22, 2009 05:06PM

Here's an idea, CHANGE THE FUCKING STATION. Or is listining to every second of every show and then running to the computer to tap out pathetic rants of "MOM sucks Robb sucks Buzz sucks" THAT much more enjoyable? Get a life. WJFK is the only local station playing anything remotely original, and I would be sad to see it go, IF all the rumors are true. My $0.02

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: H. Walk ()
Date: March 22, 2009 06:12PM

Sethro1234 Wrote:

I agree with Sethro1234 - it is time to change the station format. CHANGE THE FUCKING STATION! ALL SPORTS!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Skooly D ()
Date: March 22, 2009 06:48PM

Support local Radio! have some pride people! MOM Rules!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 22, 2009 06:55PM

Sethro1234 Wrote:
> Here's an idea, CHANGE THE FUCKING STATION. Or is
> listining to every second of every show and then
> running to the computer to tap out pathetic rants
> of "MOM sucks Robb sucks Buzz sucks" THAT much
> more enjoyable? Get a life. WJFK is the only local
> station playing anything remotely original, and I
> would be sad to see it go, IF all the rumors are
> true. My $0.02

Here's an idea...don't read THIS FUCKING THREAD!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 22, 2009 06:56PM

H. Walk Wrote:
> Sethro1234 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> I agree with Sethro1234 - it is time to change the


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 22, 2009 06:56PM

Skooly D Wrote:
> Support local Radio! have some pride people! MOM
> Rules!

The ratings say differently.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Skooly D ()
Date: March 22, 2009 06:58PM

This is why bands hate playing DC because we are too cool for the room WashingtontoneLocian. We can't even support local talent. I try and do my part.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: H. Walk ()
Date: March 22, 2009 07:01PM

Skooly D Wrote:
> This is why bands hate playing DC because we are
> too cool for the room WashingtontoneLocian. We
> can't even support local talent. I try and do my
> part.

Is that what happened to the Craps Blues Band? I try and support local talent, but Mike was just too fucking fat to support. I suggest you support your local message boards and if you don't like a topic, don't read it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Skooly D ()
Date: March 22, 2009 07:14PM

You are a Dumbshit as well HWalk. Support your suicide

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: March 23, 2009 08:46AM

WJFK is actually looking into the idea of going all PSA. They are running the numbers to see how much revenue they could generate by running nothing but Public Service Announcements 24 hours a day. The ratings would be about the same as they are now or maybe even higher!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:30AM

What everybody needs to understand is that the vast majority of people are boring as fuck and stupid as fuck. Thus, it makes total sense that the show continues to stay on the air, as it caters to the "Boring And Stupid As Fuck" demographic.

Believe it or not, there are people out there that don't know what Fark is, and have nothing more interesting going on in their lives than what some fat bastard is eating on the radio.

Enough hate. Start feeling pity mixed with terror at the future of our boring and stupid as fuck country.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 09:56AM

MrMephisto Wrote:

> Enough hate. Start feeling pity mixed with terror
> at the future of our boring and stupid as fuck
> country.

If MoM manages to stay on the air in April, one could only conclude that Michael Hughes has pulled off a Faustian deal with the Devil.

Hughes: Dark Lord. I want to make sure that I never get fired from a job again.

The Devil: Yes. I will make it so.

Hughes: Thank you, oh Dark One.

The Devil: By the way. Have you seen the latest PPMs? All your stations have shit for ratings! Your programming is a joke! You are the laughing stock of the entire DC-media market!!

Hughes: Noooooooooooo!!!!

The Devil: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2009 09:56AM by WashingTone Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:52AM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> The Devil: By the way. Have you seen the latest
> PPMs? All your stations have shit for ratings!
> Your programming is a joke! You are the laughing
> stock of the entire DC-media market!!
> Hughes: Noooooooooooo!!!!

Since Friday there have been several good posts regarding the state of the MOMS and why it is what it is.

I listened to the first segment podcast from Friday, and I'm still amazed MOM would pull the "we were all hurting in the past two years, especially Rob(b), his heart-wrenching story is coming up, right after the break!!".

For that little ploy MOM, may you forever burn in an unemployed Hell, drunk, broke and bereft of you stripper girlfriend.

Buzz/Rob(b), how could you stoop so low?

I hope this thread bugs the shit out of all you!!

As ever, please, please ESAD.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 10:54AM

dapjdj Wrote:
> WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----

> Buzz/Rob(b), how could you stoop so low?

Because Buzz is clueless and Rob(b) is a bigger attention whore than Mike.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rahrah ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:58PM

Big O announced that they are filling in for Mike on Friday? Should we be reading in to this? Why no "Best Of"? Why not leave the talented Robb and Buzz at the helm live. They even commented that they dont want Beth Ann to have anything to do with their show.... Hmmmmmmm

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 01:22PM

Rahrah Wrote:
> Big O announced that they are filling in for Mike
> on Friday? Should we be reading in to this? Why
> no "Best Of"? Why not leave the talented Robb and
> Buzz at the helm live. They even commented that
> they dont want Beth Ann to have anything to do
> with their show.... Hmmmmmmm

I think it's interesting. Apparently EB is in Atlantic City today while the rest of the Junkies are on the air. They said they are "rotating vacations" to keep the ratings up.

Or, the job cuts are about to happen.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Nerd Killer ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:36PM

I heard that Mike O'Meara is selling his ball sweat for 50.00 an ounce at his next apperance. You douche bags better start saving your pennies.

You have a fraud amongst you! One of your posters who claims to hate MOM so much is actually a regular guess on his show...doing schtick to bait you pathetic fucks. Don't think for a minute the MOM show is not sitting back and laughing at you dim- witted assholes.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo Pete ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:42PM

I love the MOM Show. THe show rocks. I love Robb and BethAnn and Buzz too!.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ms. Kelly Davis (With The Big Ass) ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:47PM

I heard Big O and Dukes are taking over the morning slot from the Junkies, Opie and Anthony will take the 10-3 slot, and The Junkies are returning to their roots...of being a sports/talk show, and hosting a retooled sports show from 3-7. Mike O' Meara will be canceled altogether. He cost too much to keep around. The Junkies and Big O and Dukes will hve their contracts re-worked.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo Pete ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:49PM

Oh, I hope not. THose Big O and Dukes are homophobes and the Junkies too! MOM seems to like gays, thats why I love his show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz Burbank ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:52PM

All of you hating mother fuckers can kiss my ass! The show will go on!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: B.A. McBride ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:56PM

I'll be out of work soon, so if anyone knows where a has-been overweight, old white woman with no real marketable talent can get a job, please let me know. I'll even suck your dick for the right price.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: puckett ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:59PM

Would love to see a stronger source than "I heard" for this information. Seems unlikely for a number of reasons.

On a practical level, how would they make it work? Cleaning up the XM show for FM rebroadcast later would be a labor-intensive nightmare, and they're unlikely to convince O&A to do a live, tame show for FM radio in a distant market and in a completely different day-part than they're used to doing. That'd be ~5-6am through 3pm day, counting XM and this supposed WJFK shift.

It'll never happen.

Ms. Kelly Davis (With The Big Ass) Wrote:
> I heard Big O and Dukes are taking over the
> morning slot from the Junkies, Opie and Anthony
> will take the 10-3 slot, and The Junkies are
> returning to their roots...of being a sports/talk
> show, and hosting a retooled sports show from 3-7.
> Mike O' Meara will be canceled altogether. He
> cost too much to keep around. The Junkies and Big
> O and Dukes will hve their contracts re-worked.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 02:12PM

Nerd Killer Wrote:

> You have a fraud amongst you! One of your posters
> who claims to hate MOM so much is actually a
> regular guess on his show...doing schtick to bait
> you pathetic fucks. Don't think for a minute the
> MOM show is not sitting back and laughing at you
> dim- witted assholes.

And who might that be?

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Nothing Like...
Posted by: Buzz Burbank ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:32PM

I am Buzz Burbank. People like me because I'm nice. For my money, there is nothing like a good 'ol fashioned fisting. I love fisting Marcia. MMMmmm Fisting. I love feeling like Jim Henson. Fisting. MMMmmm. Fist. Ing. Fisting. Mmmm.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:47PM

Although the radio shows around here are far from top-notch it's the only talk radio we have, and I for one DO NOT want to listen to a 24/7 sports channel. I would much rather listen to Big O and Dukes and Mike O'Meara even though Mike and Chad are clearly the biggest assholes in the state.

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Re: Nothing Like...
Date: March 23, 2009 02:58PM

Buzz Burbank Wrote:
> I love fisting Marcia.
> MMMmmm Fisting. I love feeling like Jim Henson.


I'll have to remember that one.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:24PM

puckett Wrote:
> Would love to see a stronger source than "I heard"
> for this information. Seems unlikely for a number
> of reasons.

OnA were just jetisoned by CBS. Why would they get hired in a single market? Besides that, they failed in the same time slot in the same market in the past year or so.

OnA's return to an FM station in DC is not likely.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BethAnnMcFailure ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:27PM

> Nerd Killer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > You have a fraud amongst you! One of your
> posters
> > who claims to hate MOM so much is actually a
> > regular guess on his show...doing schtick to
> bait
> > you pathetic fucks. Don't think for a minute
> the
> > MOM show is not sitting back and laughing at
> you
> > dim- witted assholes.
> And who might that be?

Dennis Murphy posts on this board! That bastard! He is exclusive MOMS talent!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tom Gavin ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:45PM

It is I Tom Gavin, I love the Mike O'Meara Show.

Watch itttttttt

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 03:53PM

Tom Gavin Wrote:
> It is I Tom Gavin, I love the Mike O'Meara Show.
> Watch itttttttt

So Tom Glavin, who is mentally retarded, is a better speller than 95% of the people on FU?

Sounds about right.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Gigo ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:55PM

dapjdj Wrote:
> WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Devil: By the way. Have you seen the latest
> > PPMs? All your stations have shit for ratings!
> > Your programming is a joke! You are the
> laughing
> > stock of the entire DC-media market!!
> >
> > Hughes: Noooooooooooo!!!!
> >
> Since Friday there have been several good posts
> regarding the state of the MOMS and why it is what
> it is.
> I listened to the first segment podcast from
> Friday, and I'm still amazed MOM would pull the
> "we were all hurting in the past two years,
> especially Rob(b), his heart-wrenching story is
> coming up, right after the break!!".
> For that little ploy MOM, may you forever burn in
> an unemployed Hell, drunk, broke and bereft of you
> stripper girlfriend.
> Buzz/Rob(b), how could you stoop so low?
> I hope this thread bugs the shit out of all you!!
> As ever, please, please ESAD.

And Mike pulled that shit the day before Don's wedding. Your an asshole Mike and I hope your children read this thread so they know what a piece of shit, drunk, unloyal father they have and I hope their school friends google your name and find out that you are a preverted pedophile.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:05PM

Gigo Wrote:

> And Mike pulled that shit the day before Don's
> wedding. Your an asshole Mike and I hope your
> children read this thread so they know what a
> piece of shit, drunk, unloyal father they have and
> I hope their school friends google your name and
> find out that you are a preverted pedophile.

This is why Mike is going to die penniless and alone. If what Mike is saying is true - that he and Don didn't get along for years - then Don obviously showed his loyalty by 1) keeping Mike employed for all of those years and 2) going to bat for Mike to keep his job after he (Don) left.

Mike, in return, trash talks Don on the day before his wedding. He whines about his hurt feelings....actually, WORSE! He doesn't even have the balls to do it. He drags Rob(b) in front of the microphone to talk about his dying/dead relative.

Mike is a coward and a fake. When he has lost everything, I seriously doubt Carla will stick around. Maybe he is a good father...I hope so, anyway, for his sake. Otherwise, NOBODY will come by once a year when he is old and living in a home (if he makes it that long).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Janet ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:22PM

We get MOMs in Spokane, WA and I LOVE it! Listen to it at work all afternoon; I'd be bored to tears without it. How come the show isn't on today? (it should be on right now, but it's an old episode).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Skooly D ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:22PM

All haters are gonna hate. Nothing you can do about that. Don Geronimo was a cancer that was thankfully removed from WJFK. Can I please hear more talk from your goddawful self absorbed whiny world Don? How about another bit about your son and your stupid girlfriend? I heard Ol' Gernimo got himself fired from his Altantic City gig. Nice going dick.

Mike O'Meara show > Don and Mike show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:22PM

Janet Wrote:
> We get MOMs in Spokane, WA and I LOVE it! Listen
> to it at work all afternoon; I'd be bored to tears
> without it. How come the show isn't on today? (it
> should be on right now, but it's an old episode).

Tune in April 1st and see.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:27PM

Skooly D Wrote:
> All haters are gonna hate.

Thanks for your permission.

> Nothing you can do
> about that.

Nope. So stop trying.

> Don Geronimo was a cancer that was
> thankfully removed from WJFK.

A cancer that helped WJFK be a Top 10, and sometimes Top 5, station. If being 22nd, down amongst the free Jesus and Amy Goodman Communist Radio stations is the anti-cancer, then I would hate to see the fucking cure!

> Can I please hear
> more talk from your goddawful self absorbed whiny
> world Don?


> How about another bit about your son
> and your stupid girlfriend?

Remember when Mike used to talk about his kids' pony? And his bar?

> I heard Ol' Gernimo
> got himself fired from his Altantic City gig.

It's difficult for "A Great Man" to be a good man. And it was Ocean City, moron.

> Nice
> going dick.

Yes. But he is still funnier than Mike.

> Mike O'Meara show = Cancelled

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: From the DCRTV Mailbag ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:30PM

Inexplicable love for our miserable MOM. Hmm, can a Nobel Peace Price and Congressional Medal of Freedom be far behind? Not according to DCRTV, which edits/approves all Mailbag postings, like the drivel below about Saint MOM. Note to DCRTV: Just report the news and shut down your "mailbag".

Here is an indication of the biggest difference between Mike O'Meara and Don Geronimo. The Mike O'Meara Show is on vacation for 2 weeks (shocker) however, Big O and Dukes will be doing a marathon show on Friday and, in addition to their show, they will be doing their show during Mike O'Meara Show timeslot. Mike is allowing them to do their show (which of course helps him too) on WJFK but more importantly, allowing O&D to be on the syndicated stations as well. What great exposure for them. Kudos to Mike for being a decent guy. (3/23/09)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Janet ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:32PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Janet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We get MOMs in Spokane, WA and I LOVE it!
> Listen
> > to it at work all afternoon; I'd be bored to
> tears
> > without it. How come the show isn't on today?
> (it
> > should be on right now, but it's an old
> episode).
> Tune in April 1st and see.

So the show's off all week? (and you seem to be implying it's gone forever) Was this week a scheduled vacation? I remember last year they took a week or two off in the Spring. I think it's great to have a comedy show in the afternoon; I'll be really sad if it's gone.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Murph ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:47PM

Skooly D Wrote:
> All haters are gonna hate. Nothing you can do
> about that. Don Geronimo was a cancer that was
> thankfully removed from WJFK. Can I please hear
> more talk from your goddawful self absorbed whiny
> world Don? How about another bit about your son
> and your stupid girlfriend? I heard Ol' Gernimo
> got himself fired from his Altantic City gig. Nice
> going dick.
> Mike O'Meara show > Don and Mike show.

I'm not coming here to hate and spew venom at you for your opinions, and I hope you will treat me with an equal amount of respect. Let me ask you: What is it about Mike's show that you like so much?

If MOM is greater than D&M, which is what you said to end your post, then how come D&M had number ratings for so many years, and MOM struggles on a weekly basis to earn more listeners that a Christian station (WAVA)? Those are the numbers, bud, and the numbers don't lie.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:48PM

From the DCRTV Mailbag Wrote:
Kudos to Mike for being a decent guy.
> (3/23/09)

Kudos to Mike for letting someone else do his work for him??

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:49PM

Janet Wrote:

> >
> >
> > Tune in April 1st and see.
> So the show's off all week? (and you seem to be
> implying it's gone forever) Was this week a
> scheduled vacation? I remember last year they
> took a week or two off in the Spring. I think
> it's great to have a comedy show in the afternoon;
> I'll be really sad if it's gone.

I don't know if it is gone. But considering it is rated in 22nd place in the DC market, it should be gone.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:54PM

Don't drag 2-time Cy Young Award Winner Tom Glavine into this conversation.

Nor should you besmirch 'Rescue Me' character Tommy Gavin.

Feel free to bust on Tom Gavin, retard extraordinaire.

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Tom Gavin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is I Tom Gavin, I love the Mike O'Meara
> Show.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Watch itttttttt
> So Tom Glavin, who is mentally retarded, is a
> better speller than 95% of the people on FU?
> Sounds about right.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:55PM

Murph Wrote:

> If MOM is greater than D&M, which is what you said
> to end your post, then how come D&M had number
> ratings for so many years, and MOM struggles on a
> weekly basis to earn more listeners that a
> Christian station (WAVA)? Those are the numbers,
> bud, and the numbers don't lie.

Seriously. Mike is in a battle for his life with the only live local talent for a Christian talk station...(one guy with a mic and the producer)...


And a piped-in rehash of Abby Hoffman and Joan Baez...


It is truly pitiful!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 23, 2009 04:56PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Don't drag 2-time Cy Young Award Winner Tom
> Glavine into this conversation.
> Nor should you besmirch 'Rescue Me' character
> Tommy Gavin.
> Feel free to bust on Tom Gavin, retard
> extraordinaire.
> WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tom Gavin Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > It is I Tom Gavin, I love the Mike O'Meara
> > Show.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Watch itttttttt
> >
> >
> > So Tom Glavin, who is mentally retarded, is a
> > better speller than 95% of the people on FU?
> >
> > Sounds about right.

Like I said. 95% of the people on FU can't spell. That includes me.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Crazed ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:30PM

I would certainly listen to the Junkie or Big O & Dukes over O'Meara

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Re: Nothing Like...
Posted by: puckett ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:06AM

Buzz Burbank Wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Buzz Burbank. People like me because I'm
> nice. For my money, there is nothing like a good
> 'ol fashioned fisting. I love fisting Marcia.
> MMMmmm Fisting. I love feeling like Jim Henson.
> Fisting. MMMmmm. Fist. Ing. Fisting. Mmmm.
> Hi,
> Buzz

Granted, I'm easy to please when it's midnight and my brain is toast. But ending the message with "Hi" made me LOL. Well played.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 09:40AM

Crazed Wrote:
> I would certainly listen to the Junkie or Big O &
> Dukes over O'Meara

Let's look at the situation. It is so important that WJFK keeps its ratings up that only one Junkie can go on vacation at a time and Big O & Dukes are filling in for MoM. At the same time, WJFK has NO problem letting the entire MoM crew take two weeks off???

Here's a theory. EB (with the Junkies) is actually working on prepping a mid-day show that he will do with one of the other Junkies. Big O & Dukes are going to be doing a preview of their show on Westwood One for affiliates that may want to pick them up. MoM and company are about to be shown the door.

All sports April 1.

How does that grab ya?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: March 24, 2009 09:55AM

Here's an idea, CHANGE THE FUCKING STATION. That's the plan. April 1, 2009 WJFK changes to all-sports.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: March 24, 2009 09:56AM

Bring back Tom Gavin. At least he was entertaining. Watch it!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 10:00AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> Bring back Tom Gavin. At least he was
> entertaining. Watch it!

Spell elephant.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: March 24, 2009 10:07AM

Spell elephant.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 24, 2009 10:28AM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> All sports April 1.
> How does that grab ya?

Well, you have to figure **something** has to occur. Let's assume the MOMS is the most expensive, lowest rated JFK daytime show.

Keeping the show on air only makes sense if CBS signed a completely stupid contract with MOM that will keep him employed despite dreadful ratings that started bad and are getting worse.

It's clear Michael Hughes is beyond stupid and there's every possibility MOM will survive due to a boneheaded CBS contract decision made last year.

So, maybe the MOMS gets moved to the 7 to 10pm time slot where it can't do as much damage to the station's PPMs? That would allow a format flip, keep MOM on the air for the remainder of his contract, which enabled MOM to say he'll still be on JFK.

With his personal/financial issues, I don't think MOM cares if he's doing the 3am to 6am shift, as long as the money keeps coming in.

MOM's got a lot of bills to pay: strippers, mortgage, bar tabs, alimony, child support, rent on a vacant restaurant property, etc., etc., etc.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Naru Hodo ()
Date: March 24, 2009 10:31AM

With his personal/financial issues- not to mention his utter lack of professionalism and general laziness.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 10:41AM

dapjdj Wrote:

> Keeping the show on air only makes sense if CBS
> signed a completely stupid contract with MOM that
> will keep him employed despite dreadful ratings
> that started bad and are getting worse.
> It's clear Michael Hughes is beyond stupid and
> there's every possibility MOM will survive due to
> a boneheaded CBS contract decision made last year.

While I have no doubt Michael Hughes would be stupid enough to sign O'Meara to a long-term, iron-clad deal, I have a hard time believing CBS would agree to such a thing, or would allow Hughes to sign such an agreement on their behalf without the CBS legal department looking at it and adding the appropriate exit clauses (such as, if Mike's ratings suck, CBS has the right to pull the plug).

> So, maybe the MOMS gets moved to the 7 to 10pm
> time slot where it can't do as much damage to the
> station's PPMs? That would allow a format flip,
> keep MOM on the air for the remainder of his
> contract, which enabled MOM to say he'll still be
> on JFK.

WJFK would do better to fire his ass, pay off the contract and pipe in some generic sports talk program.

> MOM's got a lot of bills to pay: strippers,
> mortgage, bar tabs, alimony, child support, rent
> on a vacant restaurant property, etc., etc., etc.

If Mike was stupid enough to personally guarantee that restaurant lease, he really had no business having a bar. I would hope his so-called business partner had enough common sense to set up a corporate entity to sign the lease so that they could simply dissolve it and walk away. But then again, this is Mike.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: March 24, 2009 10:57AM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> If Mike was stupid enough to personally guarantee
> that restaurant lease, he really had no business
> having a bar. I would hope his so-called business
> partner had enough common sense to set up a
> corporate entity to sign the lease so that they
> could simply dissolve it and walk away. But then
> again, this is Mike.

I don't think Michael Hughes would have crafted the MOM contract with CBS, but he would have had input on the terms of the contract. IOW, somebody had to tell CBS Radio: "If we don't ink this guy to a long-term contract, he's going to take his monster talent to the competition!".

If the MOMS is back on the air after the vacation, and JFK doesn't try a new format, then CBS radio is operating in an alternate universe.

As for the restaurant lease - a couple of months ago MOM said on air he was getting offers on restaurant property for far less than he owed. He also said he didn't know what he was getting into by entering the restaurant business.

Curious statements from someone who just over a year ago was ready to buy the "Sign of the Whale" (**HOW** f'king appropriate was that!!) in DC.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 11:13AM

dapjdj Wrote:

> As for the restaurant lease - a couple of months
> ago MOM said on air he was getting offers on
> restaurant property for far less than he owed. He
> also said he didn't know what he was getting into
> by entering the restaurant business.

Really??? What a fucking clueless moron!!

This is why you hire an experienced attorney to consult you when going through this kind of thing. You don't go into business with one of your drinking buddies and expect him to handle this kind of thing.

As for "entering the restaurant business," this kills me. Why is it everybody and their friggin' brother-in-law thinks they are qualified to run a restaurant? NOBODY should open a restaurant unless you have actual experience - lots of experience - managing one. The margins are so thin on a business like that, you are going to lose your shirt (ugly image of Mike) if you don't know what you are doing.

Sounds to me like Mike got duped by the dude who used to own Brady's into taking over a ridiculously priced lease. Just because you like hanging out in a bar, doesn't mean you should own one.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dan O. ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:29AM

From Don's Twitter:

"Maybe IF radio stations tried being spontaneous instead of telling us to the second when some lame guest was appearing, people would listen."

I know that's not directed just towards the MOM show but it still made me laugh. I'd love to listen to fours of Don's commentary as he listens to the MOM show.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 11:40AM

Dan O. Wrote:
> From Don's Twitter:
> "Maybe IF radio stations tried being spontaneous
> instead of telling us to the second when some lame
> guest was appearing, people would listen."
> I know that's not directed just towards the MOM
> show but it still made me laugh. I'd love to
> listen to fours of Don's commentary as he listens
> to the MOM show.

I think that was directed exactly AT Mike. I think Don is pissed about Mike's little "poor little me" routine from last week.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: B.A. McBride ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:04PM

I'm selling pussy on Craigslist if anyone is interested.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TeaBag Tim ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:07PM

From MOM's Twitter: Douche bags get their kicks from slinging mud...Makes me chuckle. Thanks, Fairfax Underground..you are the best!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Tom Gavin ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:09PM

Mke hve his a gud shwo. pleeze stpo saysing bad tings bout his.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Robb Spewak ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:09PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:13PM

TeaBag Tim Wrote:
> From MOM's Twitter: Douche bags get their kicks
> from slinging mud...Makes me chuckle. Thanks,
> Fairfax Underground..you are the best!

Actually, Mike's Twitter hasn't been updated since January...


Ha! A classic, epic FAIL!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2009 01:13PM by WashingTone Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:14PM

Only 400 more views and we will have as many views as Mike has listeners!!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mrs.Nut Bucket ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:16PM

Please check out my videos on www.onprobation.com

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Chad ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:19PM

Wow....You guys are certified whackos. Checking Twitter accounts? Scary stuff, man. Do me a favor? Kill yourselves, losers.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:20PM

Chad Wrote:
> Wow....You guys are certified whackos. Checking
> Twitter accounts? Scary stuff, man. Do me a
> favor? Kill yourselves, losers.

I only checked because it was brought up. The last update from Mike was Jan 3 to say the show was going to be back on Monday. Before that, the previous entry was in July 08. Why even bother having a Twitter account?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:22PM

300 views! Keep them coming!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sick of Listening to Nerds ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:24PM

MOM has thousands and thousands of listeners. He had to turn away a few hundred last week at Finegans for his St. Patrick's Day Party. You people are pathetic with your hatred. Get a new hobby. I hear playing on the GW Parkway blindfolded is all the rage now...try it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:26PM

Sick of Listening to Nerds Wrote:
> MOM has thousands and thousands of listeners. He
> had to turn away a few hundred last week at
> Finegans for his St. Patrick's Day Party.

What!??? A huge line to get into an Irish Bar on St. Patrick's Day!!!???

OMG! That HAD to have something to do with Mike and NOTHING to do with the fact that EVERY FUCKING IRISH BAR HAD A LINE OUT THE DOOR ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Maury Douglas ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:27PM

Dont go on Craigslist to buy pussy from Beth Ann McBride. I tried, and she was not there. I think someone posted that as a hoax. I was hoping it was her. I would love to whomp on that fat puss

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Buzz Burbank ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:32PM

Hi. I am Buzz, people like me because I'm nice. Hi. I am going to single handedly bring the talk to a halt here in this thread. Hi. ... for my money, nothing caps off a great evening like a round of fisting <..up> .
Tickle me Elmo indeed . Hi. A few pumps of the Black Power Salute , and daddy drives it home <...up>. People thinks I's sessy...
Hi. I'm nice. You're doing it wrong. Hi.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:34PM

Buzz Burbank Wrote:
> Hi. I am Buzz, people like me because I'm nice.
> Hi. I am going to single handedly bring the talk
> to a halt here in this thread. Hi. ... for my
> money, nothing caps off a great evening like a
> round of fisting <..up> .
> Tickle me Elmo indeed . Hi. A few pumps of the
> Black Power Salute , and daddy drives it home
> <...up>. People thinks I's sessy...
> Hi. I'm nice. You're doing it wrong. Hi.

You forgot, "If Mike's buyin', I'm eatin.'"

Cue Rob(b)'s horse-laugh.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 01:36PM

Congratulations! There have been 71,000 views of this thread, roughly equal to the number of people who listen to Mike O'Meara in the DC market (based on a guess-timate using R&R's rating numbers).

Whoo hooo!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Murph ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:39PM

Chad Wrote:
> Wow....You guys are certified whackos. Checking
> Twitter accounts? Scary stuff, man. Do me a
> favor? Kill yourselves, losers.

And you're a certified lardass, Dukes. Enjoy unemployment...If you don't have your heartattack between now and then.

Seriously...a turd who talks constantly about video games has no right to call ANYONE a loser.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: CBS Radio Blog Post ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:44PM

Last week, CBS Radio dumped a poorly-rated format on WXRK-FM, New York to play the hits on 92.3 Now.

CBS is making a move toward younger demographics.

A few weeks ago AMP Radio debuted in Los Angeles.

Prior to that Hot 95.7 in Houston and 101.5 Jamz in Phoenix. CBS also returned B94 to Pittsburgh.

CBS is looking for younger demos -- and in New York and LA -- they want some of the audience that Clear Channel has at Z100 and KIIS-FM.

Plus CBS is going to delve into more social networking -- something radio stations have been slow to do. With 160 million people on Facebook -- and "over 30" being the biggest growth area for Facebook currently -- radio has been late to the party.

That means CBS will try to include audio and video blogs created by "the station's network of bloggers", outside contributors from the area, music videos, fan forums and access to exclusive programs and events.

Twitter. Facebook. MySpace. Text messaging. Online streaming. All this to encourage interaction.

WJFK in the Washington market will be retooled in the next few months. The station will have a completely different format catering to a younger audience. It will no longer be a "talk" station.

Young people -- certainly 25 and under -- are increasingly listening to radio when there is no other choice. What they like is music discovery not the repetition that radio offers. It is likely that these new CBS CHR stations will have to be repetitive to compete with Clear Channel's dominant brands in New York and LA.

So, here is some advice -- and it's worth exactly what you're paying for it -- about reaching out to a younger radio audience:

1. Less repetition -- even if it goes against your grain. Old PDs know cutting the playlist works in the ratings but it doesn't work with an audience that turned radio off because they can get more music variety on their own -- online, through file sharing sites. The next generation really means it -- they want variety.

2. More genres -- if it's going to be hip-hop and Katy Perry -- lots of luck. The younger end of the desired demo already has a station like that.

3. Authorities who know the music, singers and scene as djs. Radio has failed to keep up with the next generation that knows more about the music than many radio stations. Without this, the format will only be an also ran -- even with the favorable People Meter treatment to youth-oriented music stations.

4. Local artists -- undiscovered and unsigned -- should be "broken" on these stations. They must become music leaders not repeaters if they want to get the attention of the young end of their target demo. Apple knows how to find undiscovered music and make it a hit. Radio can do it, too. My guess is that there won't be a lick of difference between the Z100 and 92.3 Now playlists. That would be a big mistake. The playlists should share only 35-40% of their music. Think "Morning Becomes Eclectic" if you doubt new artists are essential.

5. Build 100 podcasts based around singers, bands, trends and the like and offer them daily as sub-sets of the terrestrial format. That's right -- I said 100! Monetize these without commercials but with sponsorship tie-ins. Get on-air listeners to subscribe to the podcasts as part of being a listener to the terrestrial radio station.

6. It's good to use Twitter, Facebook and MySpace but if the station gets traction in the "local" community, build your own social network that is specific to the music and scene. Let it be a place listeners can go to score tickets, ask questions, find out info not readily available elsewhere and connect them with each other. Again, make music discovery a big part of the station's proprietary social networking site. (And, don't -- I repeat don't -- create a CBS format specific social networking site for all your CHR stations. Keep it local).

7. Dump the usual formatics. The top of the hour has no meaning to this demographic. It is a station that is in continual motion and never stops. There is no need for a traditional hot clock.

8. Run only one unit per break. I see some folks having a heart attack right now -- don't. This generation has a short attention span. They actually like stopping and starting. College students have told me they prefer one commercial and a song over stacking the stopsets. If you watch them closely, as I have, you'll see they frequently don't even wait around to listen to the end of a song on their iPods. Run ten breaks an hour if you must but no music sweeps at the expense of big stopsets. That is so bogus. So non-believable to young people. Do that and you're buying trouble.

9. Build in some social consciousness -- causes, outreach. Gen Y is extremely civic-oriented. If you want them, this is where you must go. Save the public service spots -- I'm talking about cleaning up Central Park, rescuing animals given up because their families can't feed them. Nice local causes that the station champions, organizes, leads and participates in.

10. No liners. No sweepers. I repeat -- nothing says "radio" in the negative sense more than what we love to do -- use liners and sweepers. Think-- "don't say it, do it". They'll get it.

I commend CBS and any group that wants to break out of radio as usual -- broadcasting in a world that has changed so radically. And Clear Channel has done a terrific job maintaining Z100 and "Kiss".

But to build a successful station it will take more than a People Meter bias, more than accessing the top social networks and more than just playing the same music featured by the competitor you're going after.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Bilbo ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:49PM

I heard that WJFK is turning into a POP station. Don't we have enough of that crap already? I hope they keep the Junkies around. Fuck MOM and those nerds Big O and Douche Bag. I do love the Junks. The rest can suck my dick.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:51PM

Is it true that Buzz got arrested once for lewd behavior and assaulting a college co-ed back in 1995?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Howie M. ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:53PM

Beth Ann has some funky ass pussy. I took her out on a date, and man, I don't think she washes her ass. I left her at the bar because I couldn't take it anymore.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Uncle Wayne ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:56PM

What time does the Mike O'Meara come on? I want to see what the fuss is all about.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 02:00PM

CBS Radio Blog Post Wrote:
> Last week, CBS Radio dumped a poorly-rated format
> on WXRK-FM, New York to play the hits on 92.3
> Now.

Nice way of sliding that WJFK line into that industry blog content. For clarification, that original author did not write that about WJFK (though he could have).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Robb Spewak ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:00PM

Cholesterol on a Plate

3 c. sugar
1 c. butter
1/2 c. shortening
5 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3 c sifted flour (a tbl more if humid)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 c milk

Cream butter, sugar, shortening. Throw everything else in. Whip it, Whip it good.

Pour in tube pan that's been greased and floured. Bake at 350 for approx 1 hour (or clean toothpick). Add a small pan of water to oven if it's really arid.

Tasty Artery Clogging Goodness.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Rave Von ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:04PM

The last time I went to a MoM show event the place was half empty. The half that did show up were middle aged over weight guys with cameras to take pictures of the buzz babes.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:07PM

Mike Wrote:
> Is it true that Buzz got arrested once for lewd
> behavior and assaulting a college co-ed back in
> 1995?

I think Don got busted twice- once for coke and once for weed and bad driving or something, BFD- someone in radio or entertainment USING DRUGS?!?!

I think Mike was sued by a young woman at some point, maybe a babysitter or someone for some kind of misbehavior. I think it was a nuisance lawsuit and got dissmissed, but I don't know.

In the mid 80's, someone pulled a sexual assault-the rapist posed as Don Geronimo and lured a woman with a promise of prizes. It's old news but I'd like to hear that story if anyone knows it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Beth Ann ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:08PM

Will you people grow up already

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Murph ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:19PM

We will as soon as you put together an entertaining radio show, sweetheart.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Reformed Anal Rapist ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:32PM

I would like to taste your sweet bung hole, Beth Ann. I bet it taste like shit, but I still want to put my tongue in there. Ummmmmm Hmmmmm. I wonder who has the biggest arse hole...you or that queer Robb Spewak? I bet you can fit a cambells soup can in Robb's arse hole. Beth Ann, you turn me on baby. Meet me tonight at the Bonefish in Ashburn around 8:00 pm. I'll be at the bar wearing a stripped blue shirt and khakis. See you soon.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: T ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:35PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Robb Spewak ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:36PM

Hey my Asshole is NOT that big! See for yourself...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Worm Hole ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:46PM

I threw up when I saw that pic. Geez, Robb have some dignity, dude. WTF is wrong with you?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 02:47PM

Worm Hole Wrote:
> I threw up when I saw that pic. Geez, Robb have
> some dignity, dude. WTF is wrong with you?

That's gross, even by my standards.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Chad ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:48PM

WTF is that!?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 02:56PM

Chad Wrote:
> WTF is that!?

I can tell you it's not Rob(b). It would take a "Jaws of Life" to separate his fat ass cheeks enough to see his asshole.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara is Posting ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:59PM

It is always on Mike's days off that we get the pro-Mike and change of subject posters.

Mike you need to get a life. Go post at www.radiogodsforum.com if you are that bored.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 24, 2009 03:03PM

Mike O'Meara is Posting Wrote:
> It is always on Mike's days off that we get the
> pro-Mike and change of subject posters.
> Mike you need to get a life. Go post at
> www.radiogodsforum.com if you are that bored.

That's pretty much what I figured. You will notice that the pro-Mike posts will either be on his days off or later in the evenings, 9pm to midnight, on those days he works.

I definitely think he is on here. He is so thin-skinned that he cries on air when the Radio Gods Forum texters berate him. I can imagine he reads all of this shit.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Like To Watch Bum Fights ()
Date: March 24, 2009 03:07PM

Don't think Mike is posting at all...He too chicken shit for that. I don't think thats Robb's asshole either. He's a lard ass and that guy is too slim. Maybe thats him in his college years.

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