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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 27, 2010 10:57PM

Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
Date: March 24, 2009 03:17PM

Will you stains have some class and dignity. Geez, WTF did anyone do besides put on a goddam radio show? Turn the freakin' station if you don't like it, but to continue with this crap is borderline insanity. For all of the naysayers and rumor mongers...F You! The show WILL go on!!! I've never in all my years seen a bunch of people with so much venom over a radio personality. Stern in his worst years never got this much crap...and I'm not a F-ing shock jock! Like another posted said, "Get a hobby"! Get a paper route if you have too much time on your hands.

What do you think? I still think it was him.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: February 28, 2010 10:03AM

This is Robs on-air personality.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jackie the Jokeman ()
Date: February 28, 2010 04:14PM

That could have been Mike commenting. Probably sitting around his house all drunk with nothing better to do. Poor fat bastard.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 28, 2010 04:57PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
> Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
> Date: March 24, 2009 03:17PM
> Will you stains have some class and dignity. Geez,
> WTF did anyone do besides put on a goddam radio
> show? Turn the freakin' station if you don't like
> it, but to continue with this crap is borderline
> insanity. For all of the naysayers and rumor
> mongers...F You! The show WILL go on!!! I've never
> in all my years seen a bunch of people with so
> much venom over a radio personality. Stern in his
> worst years never got this much crap...and I'm not
> a F-ing shock jock! Like another posted said, "Get
> a hobby"! Get a paper route if you have too much
> time on your hands.
> What do you think? I still think it was him.

I lean towards it being him. He's always liked the word "naysayer".

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: sy ()
Date: March 01, 2010 12:23AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> I lean towards it being him. He's always liked
> the word "naysayer".

And "stain." And "eff" this, "eff" that," like he's a chastened little third-grader. You're "not an F-ing shock jock" -- we know, Mike, we know.

I see his newest sponsor is some shithole spaghetti slophouse AN HOUR NORTH OF FUCKING SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA. And he spent five minutes at the top of his show plugging it and giving it head, when he most needs to capture his audience's attention, all so that the hundred or so NoCal listeners he still has can hear the ad, maybe 15 of whom enjoy crappy quick-service pasta, 2 of whom will even be in the area anytime in the next year, both of whom will go but who will then skip out on the bill because they are Sacramentans. Pasquini's Profit = $0.00

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Farfalotus of the Blowhole ()
Date: March 01, 2010 02:41PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
> Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
> Date: March 24, 2009 03:17PM
> Will you stains have some class and dignity. Geez,
> WTF did anyone do besides put on a goddam radio
> show? Turn the freakin' station if you don't like
> it, but to continue with this crap is borderline
> insanity. For all of the naysayers and rumor
> mongers...F You! The show WILL go on!!! I've never
> in all my years seen a bunch of people with so
> much venom over a radio personality. Stern in his
> worst years never got this much crap...and I'm not
> a F-ing shock jock! Like another posted said, "Get
> a hobby"! Get a paper route if you have too much
> time on your hands.
> What do you think? I still think it was him.

I think it's him honestly. It follows his speech patter as well as some of his standbys - "effer" "naysayers". And the big one for me, look his pronoun changes. It goes from "WTF did anyone do" to "I'm not a F-ing". Sounds like someone was trying to be anonymous but got too worked up and let it slip.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Pirate ()
Date: March 01, 2010 03:11PM

If someone actually buys these Raw shows post the mp3's kty

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: my penis is a HUGE fan! ()
Date: March 01, 2010 05:29PM

I want to have raw, gay, mansex with Mike O'Meara while
he wears a Leopard print Speedo with a hole cut out in the but.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: liol ()
Date: March 01, 2010 05:32PM

lol ur gqay

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Allison ()
Date: March 01, 2010 06:58PM

my penis is a HUGE fan! Wrote:
> I want to have raw, gay, mansex with Mike O'Meara
> while
> he wears a Leopard print Speedo with a hole cut
> out in the but.

Why download the Mike O'Meara show when you be entertained by the things that people come up with on this Fairfax Underground site?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 01, 2010 07:21PM

This is what passes for "funny" on the Mike O'Meara Show...


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara RAW ()
Date: March 01, 2010 08:12PM

YOU HATERS BETTER BACK OFF! You can't handle the anger of MIKE O'MEARA!

Here "RAW" Mike is keeping it real.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2010 09:19AM

I understand that Mike is investing in a studio expansion to accommodate The Junkies when they finally lose their show...



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Junkies sucked b4 they SUCKED! ()
Date: March 02, 2010 02:26PM

Folding metal chairs? With no padding?
Well I guess the MOM Pod-Cast Series Crew come
equiped naturally with plenty of padding.
Way to go Mike, spare no expense huh, you

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2010 04:46PM

So Mike is talking about selling his house now. The same house that is worth $300K less than what he paid for it.

Yeah. This podcast is a GREAT idea.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 02, 2010 06:05PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> So Mike is talking about selling his house now.
> The same house that is worth $300K less than what
> he paid for it.
> Yeah. This podcast is a GREAT idea.

In Mike's words he didn't really care in the beginning whether or not the podcast succeeded or not because it was just something to do........But now says he has "fallen in love with the format"?....... No Shit?..... Get the fuck out!............... So I suppose now it's a labor of love for him to go ahead and force the shows success. We are talking first class dumb ass of stupendous proportions here.

What a blithering stupid fuck.

A supreme Jack Ass. See he was just fuckin' around doing a podcast to fill time and just like Gomer Freeking Pyle..... "GGOOOOLLLLEEEE!! SHAFUCKINGZAM MOTHER FUCKER!!! Look at what fell out of MY ASS! A fabulously successful podcast! Just goes to show you how scary talented I really am." The pros make it look easy.

Just because you say it Mike doesn't make it so. There may be a few idiots that will fall for your line of bullshit but not here.

Oh yeah and he has to find somewhere else to host this accidental success of a podcast, my guess is because he is with in months of foreclosure or at the very least in a short sell position with the bank on his house.

Man I tell you it is amazing watching him turn everything he touches into gold.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: HaHa ()
Date: March 02, 2010 06:35PM

I'm sure you could pick up the MOM crib REALLY cheap in this crappy market on a short sale. Maybe I will put in a bid being he prolly gots killer appliances and other neat-o upgrades for me to enjoy. Plus when you get tired of the place it would be a great flip being you got it so dang cheap.

Plus, I wouldn't mind washin' my face in Carla's Bidet once or twice.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2010 07:03PM

HaHa Wrote:

> Plus, I wouldn't mind washin' my face in Carla's
> Bidet once or twice.

Something tells me there isn't much of a bidet in this place...


Probably something more like this...



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2010 03:16PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2010 07:10PM

mcsmack Wrote:

> Oh yeah and he has to find somewhere else to host
> this accidental success of a podcast, my guess is
> because he is with in months of foreclosure or at
> the very least in a short sell position with the
> bank on his house.

Kind of puts to rest his bullshit about how he hasn't totally thrown his money away. Bad investments. Bad marriages. Being Don's employee (instead of business partner) all of those years because it was easier.

No wonder the guy has been freaking out about no "big sponsors." He probably was under the gun before the CBS contract was up. What an idiot.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:30PM

Why are we still in Iraq k k rhcript ra1extjavahcript"> 0 && end > 0) { start && end > -1) { -1) { ') + 1; Home•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtlist.php?2">Ffairfa General Forum•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/arrests/">Arrest/Ticket Search•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/wiki">Wiki new•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/media">Pictures/Videos•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/cgi-bin/irc.cgi arget="_newwiunow">Chat•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtlist.php?6">Artict" •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/el="s">Ll=" •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtr .php?2,104">About
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ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 01:47PM

Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there years ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?

ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314738,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314738">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314741"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 01:51PM

ra" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfile.php?41,file=15726,filenam" stfu_ask.jpg">
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k k k ra nam" rmsg-314755"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:10PM

we are keeping tur troops over there because we are going to start a war with iran n1ex...r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314755,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314755">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314773"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:24PM

Trolls get off work early..r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314773,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314773">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314773">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314791"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:33PM

soldier Wrote:
> Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there years
> ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in
> thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?

We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to the power of tur military industrial complex. Not even Obama has been able to shake loose of their power aun influence.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314791,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314791">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314791">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,314791">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314793"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:37PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> soldier Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there
> years
> > ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in
> > thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?
> We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to the
> power of tur military industrial complex. Not
> even Obama has been able to shake loose of their
> power aun influence.

You aren't good enough to shine tur troops boots let alone comment td
their mis1.0". You're mommy'h calling.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314793,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314793">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314876"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 03:52PM

Seriou ly, V has a hard time just shakin hih peepee let alone anything else.

Well if you sain it, obviou ly it must make selse then.r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314876,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314876">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314876">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314881"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 03:56PM

hillbilly jim Wrote:
> we are keeping tur troops over there because we
> are going to start a war with iran n1ex...

It'h no mistake that the Marines are practicing artillery at Quantico thih week. As we saw during the inva1.0" of 2003, artillery comes in hauny during saun storms.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't xundestand! r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314881,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314881">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314881">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314901"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 04:06PM

For the civilians who haven't alr y figured out, we will most likely be in Iraq for 2-3 more years at a minimum. I was surprised at how many people believed that we were actually going to withraw from Iraq so quick. People in the military xundestood that was not actually going to happen but it din bring in quite a few votes for Obama.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314901,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314901">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314957"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:00PM

Yeah Obama didn't miun lying to the uneducated inner-city poor people, that'h just what Liberals do to coerce votes out of people. They LIE, LIE LIKE OBAMA.
Those of us with > ape IQs knew about hih old played out tactics aun watched while the dumb aun ignorant were brain-washed by the Media aun mesmorized by hih haunsome stature, gr t speaking skills, uh uh uh , aun hih wholesome racist white-guilt message becconing for "chauge". Well ytur "chauge" ih here aun it doesn't seem to be fixing shit.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314957,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314957">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314964"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:08PM

Chopper Gunner Wrote:
> For the civilians who haven't alr y figured out,
> we will most likely be in Iraq for 2-3 more years
> at a minimum. I was surprised at how many people
> believed that we were actually going to withraw
> from Iraq so quick. People in the military
> xundestood that was not actually going to happen
> but it din bring in quite a few votes for Obama.

We will leave Iraq when it becomes thih...

...Oh. Nevermiun. We haven't left there, either.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't xundestand! r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314964,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314964">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314964">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314968"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:16PM

•Vote Obama Out 2012• Wrote:
> Yeah Obama didn't miun lying to the uneducated
> inner-city poor people, that'h just what Liberals
> do to coerce votes out of people. They LIE, LIE
> Those of us with > ape IQs knew about hih old
> played out tactics aun watched while the dumb aun
> ignorant were brain-washed by the Media aun
> mesmorized by hih haunsome stature, gr t speaking
> skills, uh uh uh , aun hih wholesome racist
> white-guilt message becconing for "chauge". Well
> ytur "chauge" ih here aun it doesn't seem to be
> fixing shit.

Hold off naming any faicraft carriers after him. P.T Barnum was right, amazing it tdly took a year for the lam" folks that voted democrat to figure out he is in over hih h aun surgroljed by political yes men aun lackies,,,,,r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314968,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314968">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315007"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 06:12PM

We are in Iraq looking for WMDs.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315007,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315007">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315021"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 06:40PM

Don't forget oil, that, aun suitcases full of money.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315021,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315021">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315051"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 07:17PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> Seriou ly, V has a hard time just shakin hih
> peepee let alone anything else.

What a shame...I guess Im off ytur ignore list..I'll have to launch another attack when ytur insults aun irra.dtd"> behavior even slightly bother me.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315051,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=315051">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315051">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,315051">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315052"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 07:19PM

,Jerry.Rubin Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > soldier Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there
> > years
> > > ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td
> in
> > > thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?
> >
> >
> > We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to
> the
> > power of tur military industrial complex. Not
> > even Obama has been able to shake loose of
> their
> > power aun influence.
> You aren't good enough to shine tur troops boots
> let alone comment td
> their mis1.0". You're mommy'h calling.

Well...for a quack n="1.0" of the RV/Gravis/JR characature of a humad being...neither do ytu. But then again for somoene preteljing to be a veteran you r lly take the cake.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315052,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=315052">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315052">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,315052">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
ra nam" rREPLY">
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k k k in

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:36PM

Now, don't worry guys. I'm sure that Mike has some sort of "secret plan". Like maybe he's going to start a podcast or..........um, ok, no wait................maybe he's going to have a podcast, but get THIS! He's gonna charge for UNCENSORED ADULT CONTENT and then..................um.......no, hold on a minute.............Ok, I got it. Maybe he'll buy a fancy feather hat and a long coat and a cane. He'll get some platform sandal-shoes with goldfish in the soles and then pimp Carla out. Yeah, that could be the secret plan. In fact, I'm almost sure of it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 02, 2010 07:44PM

Taylor Wrote:
> Now, don't worry guys. I'm sure that Mike has some
> sort of "secret plan". Like maybe he's going to
> start a podcast or..........um, ok, no
> wait................maybe he's going to have a
> podcast, but get THIS! He's gonna charge for
> then..................um.......no, hold on a
> minute.............Ok, I got it. Maybe he'll buy a
> fancy feather hat and a long coat and a cane.
> He'll get some platform sandal-shoes with goldfish
> in the soles and then pimp Carla out. Yeah, that
> could be the secret plan. In fact, I'm almost sure
> of it.

There's always Plan F....



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 08:02PM

Fairfax County General : Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication between residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: FOX5 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:33PM

There will be no School Wed. March 3 for the Fairax County Public School system due to the forecast of 9" of snowfall overnight tonight through tomorrow. Stay tuned for more details.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: stfu ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:44PM

Stop it with these fucking threads.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:46PM

Schools have been closed in the following counties:

In Virginia:

Accomack County, Albemarle County, Alleghany County, Amelia County, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Arlington County, Augusta County, Bath County, Bedford County, Bland County, Botetourt County, Brunswick County, Buchanan County
Buckingham County, Campbell County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Charles City County, Charlotte County, Chesterfield County, Clarke County, Craig County, Culpeper County, Cumberland County, Dickenson County, Dinwiddie County, Essex County, Fairfax County, Fauquier County, Floyd County, Fluvanna County, Franklin County, and Frederick County

In Maryland:

Allegany County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore city, Baltimore County, Calvert County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Cecil County, Charles County, Dorchester County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Harford County, Howard County, Kent County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Queen Anne's County, Somerset County, St. Mary's County, Talbot County, Washington County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:25PM

I just saw the announcement on Red Asshole 69.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: g-z? ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:44PM

Man, that's classic! The snow is avoiding all counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: ABC123 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:46PM

g-z? Wrote:
> Man, that's classic! The snow is avoiding all
> counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....


The first alphabetical storm of the season.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:44PM

This just in...

g-z? Wrote:
> The snow is avoiding all counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: I feel sorry for you ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:50PM

Really. I do. Are you always home alone? Are you some loser who's a vrigin and is lonely, who needs to make dumbass threads like this because you find this fun? Seriously, you need to kill your self. I'll be glad to put you out of your misery if you want me to. You dumb ass faggot.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:55PM

I feel sorry for you Wrote:
>Seriously, you need to kill your self.

I tried that a few times but unfortunately for all of us, it didn't work.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:57PM

I feel sorry for you Wrote:

> I'll be glad to put you out of your misery if you
> want me to. You dumb ass faggot.

That is a terroristic threat. And whether it is online or in person, it is still a felony. We will see who has the last laugh.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 08:00PM

Senator Warner announced today that $24 million from the economic stimulus package will go toward funding of two projects that will jump-start Virginia's transition to expanded use of health care information technology and electronic medical records.

These grants will help Virginia medical professionals as they work to implement and use HIT to lower consumer health care costs, minimize redundant paperwork and reduce medical errors.

$11.6 million has been awarded to the Virginia Department of Health to further the transition to a standardized health IT network.
$12.4 million has been awarded to a non-profit, statewide project led by the Virginia Health Quality Center in Richmond and the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon to establish regional extension centers to provide HIT and EHR outreach and support services to providers and hospitals serving Virginia’s Medicare population.
Senator Warner said today that although Virginia health care providers are already national leaders in the use of health IT, "significantly help individual providers as they work to implement and use this technology to establish a two-way exchange of information with local health departments."

“This represents a smart, one-time investment in Virginia’s economic infrastructure – investments that should help build on our health IT investment and work to establish electronic medical records in hospitals, nursing homes and physicians' offices that will improve care and reduce costs.”

Focus on health savings & accountability
Jan 15, 2010 - 10:40 AMAs Senate and House leaders continue to work to craft a compromise health reform bill, Senator Warner is urging negotiators to remain focused on the ultimate goal of health reform: driving-down medical costs for consumers, businesses and taxpayers.

Senator Warner has joined his colleagues in two separate letters to the Senate leadership strongly urging the negotiators to maintain important cost containment measures in the Senate bill. The first letter encourages the leadership to maintain the push for greater competition and private sector innovation that were included in the Senate's version of health reform.

A second letter specifically asks the negotiators to include a “fail-safe mechanism” to require close monitoring and regular reports about whether the hundreds of billions of dollars in projected cost savings are actually being achieved.

If promised health care savings fail to materialize, Congress should have "the tools to bring its actual savings back in line with its original estimates," the letter states.

The process should be tailored in away that enables Congress to address any savings shortfall expeditiously and in the most non-partisan manner possible. It should also be conducted with an eye towards maintaining affordability and quality.

In addition, a letter signed by 14 House Democrats was delivered to the House and Senate leadership recommending that the "Value and Innovation" amendment package introduced by Senator Warner and 11 other Freshman Senators be included in any final bill.

The letters are below:

A visit to Martinsville
Jan 11, 2010 - 06:38 AMSenator Warner traveled to Southside Virginia today to meet with over 50 community and business leaders from Martinsville and Henry County. The community has been one of the hardest hit during the economic downturn -- and this former self-described "Sweatshirt Capital of the World" has been struggling for years with the economic challenges caused by the decline in U.S.-based textile manufacturing.

As part of the visit, Senator Warner passed through downtown and visited with students at the Governor's School of Mathematics. The students told Senator Warner that they regularly wake up as early as 5:30 a.m. to attend the Governor's School program for the first half of the day before going back to their normal high schools in order to take advantage of the small class sizes and advanced teaching opportunities provided by the Governor's School.

Senator Warner also dropped by a meeting of the Uptown Partners, an economic development working group that brings together organizations and individuals determined to revitalize Martinsville and Henry County.

He shared with them some lessons he learned while serving as Governor of Virginia, when he was the Commonwealth's "Chief Economic Development Officer," and discussed federal programs and resources that are available for communities like Martinsville to grow.

He also discussed two initiatives that he is working on in Congress: his on-going efforts to boost small business lending, and a new effort that will help states and local governments attract and create new jobs.

The meeting with community leaders was held at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, which he helped bring to the region when he served as Governor. Senator Warner provided the business and community leaders an update from Washington, discussed his upcoming initiatives on job-creation, and detailed how the status quo in health care ultimately could bankrupt Virginia families, businesses, and the state and federal governments.

Senator Warner told the community leaders that the noisy health care reform debate has included a lot of hyperbole, hypocrisy, misinformation and disinformation. "There's a lot to not be happy with," he said. "But if this bill was half as bad as some people are saying, I sure as heck would not have voted for it."


Warner outlines proposals
On January 12, the Martinsville Bulletin reported on Senator Warner's visit to the area to discuss two initiatives aimed at helping communities and businesses create jobs.

The health care vote
Dec 24, 2009 - 08:02 AMSenator Warner released the following statement this morning after voting in favor of the Senate health reform bill:

“I voted in support of the Senate health care bill. While this legislation is far from perfect, I believe it will start to curb soaring health care costs for consumers and businesses, reduce our federal budget deficits over time, and extend the life of the Medicare program.

In addition, a dozen of my freshman colleagues worked together to successfully add significant cost containment measures to the Senate proposal, and we have expanded programs that deliver higher-quality care at lower cost. Our amendments, which encourage innovation, broaden transparency and aggressively attack inefficiency and fraud, have received bipartisan support, as well as endorsements from AARP, the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, and major businesses that make-up The Business Roundtable.

Rising medical costs are strangling the American economy, hurting American families, and killing our ability to compete globally. This legislation represents a strong start, and includes almost every approach suggested by leading experts to try to tackle medical costs that have more than doubled in the past decade.

As this bill moves to conference, the focus must remain on the goals of reducing health care costs, increasing efficiency and accountability, and incorporating private-sector solutions to our health care challenges.”


On December 8, Senator Warner and 10 Freshman colleagues announced a package of health care amendments that would expand and accelerate efforts to encourage innovation and accountability across the health care system -- and drive down costs.
Click here for more information on Senator Warner's views on health care.
Health care facts versus opinion
Dec 22, 2009 - 01:26 PMThe pending Senate health reform proposal is far from perfect, but honest discussion has been obscured by the misinformation and disinformation swirling around the issue.

For instance, an editorial in today's Newport News, Va., Daily Press repeats inaccurate arguments frequently made by critics.

Critics have been suggesting for some time that consumers should be allowed to purchase health insurance plans across state lines. This morning's editorial says the Senate bill does not provide "practical reform that would allow people to buy insurance across state lines, creating true competition that might lower bills."

In fact, the “insurance exchange” that would be created through the Senate proposal would allow consumers to purchase coverage from insurers outside of their region, subject to individual state approvals and with appropriate federal oversight to ensure that certain minimum standards are met.

For more precise language of this section of the bill, click here and scroll down to Section 1333.
The editorial also repeated claims frequently made by members of the minority party that tort reform simply must be a critical piece of any reform proposal. Yet when a medical malpractice amendment was offered on the Senate floor, 12 of 40 Republican senators voted against it. Senator Warner was one of four Democrats who voted to support med-mal reform.

It’s also worth noting that, in effect, state-level actions already have imposed med-mal reform: at least 38 states have adopted medical malpractice damage caps.
For all of the editorial's references to "new entitlements," it fails to even mention Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit enacted by the Bush Administration and a Republican-controlled Congress back in 2003. This dramatic expansion of Medicare was never paid for, and the Bush Administration did not factor its true cost into deficit calculations. The 2009 report to Congress by the Medicare trustees estimates the ten-year cost of the Medicare Part D unfunded entitlement at $1.3 trillion.
We have posted a list of some of the benefits that millions of Americans will receive right away under the Senate health reform legislation. Those benefits include: no lifetime limits on coverage, tax credits for small businesses looking to purchase health insurance, and extension of coverage for young adults.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Willie Nelson ()
Date: March 02, 2010 09:36PM

You know something funny, I made an earlier post where I said mike would be living in robbs basement and his kids would call him uncle mike and he would get drunk and rant about his former successes....well on todays show robb revealed that his kids actually call him that, and mike hinted that they may need to do the show somewhere else because he may be selling his house...at this point everything for him lies on the raw shows...

now if he can get 5000 people to download the raw show in a bundle( he is selling all 3 shows for 10.99), then he could make nearly $55,000, enough for him to continue for a few more months...Otherwise uncle mike may actually be living with robb....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 07:03AM

Willie Nelson Wrote:
> now if he can get 5000 people to download the raw
> show in a bundle( he is selling all 3 shows for
> 10.99), then he could make nearly $55,000, enough
> for him to continue for a few more
> months...Otherwise uncle mike may actually be
> living with robb....

I really don't see more than maybe 100 people paying for that shit. I think most of his downloads are from subscriptions that people don't actually listen to. I would be surprised if he made $5,000 from RAW, much less $55k (also keep in mind it would be pretty shitty of Mike if the others didn't get a cut of whatever they generate.)


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 03, 2010 09:32AM

He may see an initial interest at first but will dwindle quickly. 3 shows for $10.99? Hell you can get XM/Sirius and Howard for about that much. For a whole month. Adam Carolla for free.

If there numbers are right at averaging 15000 DL per day 5000 in 1 month may be possible. However if they keep coming back to this well it is sure to dry up on Mikes lack of talent alone.

Also we all know that the show will be ripped and uploaded within days of its launch so a 30% of 15000 number may be a bit optimistic.

I'll be looking for an MLS listing for Mikes Res. Might be a good deal for someone if the bank is in a short sale position.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 09:45AM

mcsmack Wrote:
> He may see an initial interest at first but will
> dwindle quickly. 3 shows for $10.99? Hell you can
> get XM/Sirius and Howard for about that much. For
> a whole month. Adam Carolla for free.
> If there numbers are right at averaging 15000 DL
> per day 5000 in 1 month may be possible. However
> if they keep coming back to this well it is sure
> to dry up on Mikes lack of talent alone.
> Also we all know that the show will be ripped and
> uploaded within days of its launch so a 30% of
> 15000 number may be a bit optimistic.
> I'll be looking for an MLS listing for Mikes Res.
> Might be a good deal for someone if the bank is in
> a short sale position.

Mike has about 180 confirmed "guests" on his Facebook page who say they are going to buy RAW. That's why I would be surprised if he gets much more than 100. The guy only has 3,000 fans on Facebook, so I find it highly unlikely 5,000 people would pay for RAW.

Undoubtedly RAW will be the same shit he is giving away for free (or worse) so I would expect diminishing returns on that effort. I'm sure Buzz talking about how much he enjoys fisting will be a big draw for those 40-something house fraus with low IQs who listen to this crap.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lady Baltimore ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:03AM

Mike's sense of entitlement becomes more obvious and obnoxious every day.

Mike whining about the guy who does their website and that he doesn't make changes fast enough to suit Mike, or keep in constant touch with him (even though Oscar reminded him the guy is doing it for free!).

Mike begging for Caps tickets from fans. It's not enough that they're making donations to his show?

Mike asking Buzz to help him find voice over work. (Mike also mentioned on a previous show that Buzz had to call the insurance company to get Mike's Cobra benefits for him.) Can Mike do anything by himself? I mean, other than pleasuring himself?

Mike whining to Oscar that he wants to be informed about everything to do with the show.

Oscar: You say you want to be informed about everything -- but you really don't.

Mike must be a real pain in the ass to work with. I used to wonder why Don interrupted him so much -- now I understand.

I almost went into a state of shock when Oscar mentioned they have a web-host now. Some company by the name of Bluebot that does graphic design. (They are separate from the guy who does Mike's website. That guy is a friend of Oscar's and is doing it for free. Of course, that doesn't prevent Mike from bitching about him.)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 10:17AM

That's classic, a "radio" "show" that
asks it's "listeners" for tickets to games.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:17AM

I had to check before I believed it. $10.99? Who is going to pay for this crap? How long is each RAW show going to be? Why would I want to pay to listen to a bunch of guys talk about porn or have strippers come in for one of their birthdays or whatever? I didn't even like that crap on the regular radio. Remember how creepy Mike was when he started having porn stars on his show? Ugh.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 10:18AM

It is absolutely absurd that Buzz should set up COBRA for Mike. WTF? As for Blue Bot, I think they are doing it at a discounted rate. I don't think they are doing it for free (though their web guy is working for free).

Why wouldn't Mike "fall in love" with podcasting? He doesn't have to leave his house. He can get drunk. And he has three idiots who will do everything for him (including wiping his ass, I would imagine).

If Buzz, Oscar and/or Rob(b) read this, here is a suggestion for you. Get the fuck out while you can. This douchebag is dragging you down with him. Rob(b) needs to stop pretending to be a radio guy and fill out an application at his neighborhood Giant. All of you guys need to stop wasting the two or three hours a day you commit to this doomed endeavor and, instead, invest more time with your real friends and families.

Mike is a fucking loser. Everything he touches turns to shit. Don was Mother Teresa allowing this jackass to ride his coattails for so long.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 10:20AM

> That's classic, a "radio" "show" that
> asks it's "listeners" for tickets to games.

Yeah. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Given his former connections with the Caps, Mike must have asked the front office for comp tickets to promote the Caps on his show. Apparently the Caps don't think it is worth the $100 or so for two free tickets in the nosebleed section to be on Mike's "show."


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:48AM

If you were the Caps, why would you donate tickets to a shitty podcast that nobody listens to, when you could: 1. sell them, since the team kicks ass, 2. give them to a show that gets better ratings. I'm sure there's a HAM radio operator that gets more listeners than the MOM show.

It's fucking pathetic. I wonder if Rob(b) can fall back on his drama club skills he developed in high school...

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Collateral ()
Date: March 03, 2010 11:03AM

Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25 pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just don't listen. It's practically spam at this point.

It's the only local daily comedic talk radio. Unless you actually count Elliot. Take it or leave it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 11:12AM

Collateral Wrote:
> Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem
> just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25
> pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just
> don't listen. It's practically spam at this
> point.

Perhaps you are right. It's probably way past the point of beating a dead horse now. Maybe some of the regulars on this thread can PM me and give me their input. I'm not really doing anything here except pointing out the obvious failures of Mike. Schadenfreude is fun for only so long.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 03, 2010 12:16PM

Collateral Wrote:
> Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem
> just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25
> pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just
> don't listen. It's practically spam at this
> point.
> It's the only local daily comedic talk radio.
> Unless you actually count Elliot. Take it or leave
> it.

If you rearrange the letters in "Collateral", it spells "Mike O'Meara"! :O

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 12:58PM

Taylor Wrote:

> If you rearrange the letters in "Collateral", it
> spells "Mike O'Meara"! :O

It can't. Everyone knows Mike has no "Collateral."


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dr. Doom ()
Date: March 03, 2010 02:05PM

I think it is a good idea on Mike's part (or whoever came up with the idea) to make special podcasts available where you need to pay to download the material. However, I agree with everyone on this board that the subject matter of these special podcasts is not appealing at all.

Now do not get me wrong, I like checking out a porn site every now and then. But hearing Mike, Buzz, and Robb talk about that stuff?...eh...no thanks.

Who knows, maybe it will be a huge success. God knows plenty of shitty movies make money and many bad songs become hits. So maybe ol' Mike has a chance....well, maybe not.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Chucky ()
Date: March 03, 2010 02:19PM

Wow, WTL, stalk much? I got no problem with you saying what a douchebag assclown O'Meara is, because, well, it's true. But showing street view pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a whole new level. Rather than looking like a guy who is genuinely disappointed in the way O'Meara wasted his opportunities or even a guy that gets satisfaction out of seeing others fail, you look like a guy who has some personal axe to grind with the guy. Did O'Meara piss you off in some way in the real world? From the way you are going after him, I'd almost guess O'Meara fucked your wife or something of that sort to get you this worked up.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 03:14PM

Chucky Wrote:
But showing street view
> pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a
> whole new level.

You should bring this up with the other posters who did the same thing months ago.

But to be kind, I have replaced it with an approximate substitute.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2010 03:16PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:16PM

Chucky Wrote:
> Wow, WTL, stalk much? I got no problem with you
> saying what a douchebag assclown O'Meara is,
> because, well, it's true. But showing street view
> pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a
> whole new level. Rather than looking like a guy
> who is genuinely disappointed in the way O'Meara
> wasted his opportunities or even a guy that gets
> satisfaction out of seeing others fail, you look
> like a guy who has some personal axe to grind with
> the guy. Did O'Meara piss you off in some way in
> the real world? From the way you are going after
> him, I'd almost guess O'Meara fucked your wife or
> something of that sort to get you this worked up.

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in the name "Chucky", you get the name "Collateral"? :-0

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: pushpop ()
Date: March 03, 2010 04:43PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Chucky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> But showing street view
> > pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a
> > whole new level.
> You should bring this up with the other posters
> who did the same thing months ago.
> But to be kind, I have replaced it with an
> approximate substitute.

Wait what? I wanna see.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: LC ()
Date: March 04, 2010 02:21AM

I like this post from Buzz on facebook:

"Michael J Elston: Friends! We need your help! ...thinking of ways to affordably get out the word about our show. It's time for us to reach outside the world of Facebook to spread the news...and there are no bad ideas! Thank you for your continuing, humbling support!"

The operative word here is: affordable. Good luck with that when it seems as if they cant afford to even keep their podcast shit going. Maybe if someone did some actual fisting of Buzz on air people might want to pay to hear this "raw" crap coming up.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Nick Sticker ()
Date: March 04, 2010 07:51AM

I still can't believe the fat load already needs to take a two-week vacation from sitting on his ass in his living room, chatting for an hour a day.

What are the odds some major shit goes down over the break -- not enough people pony up for "raw," big bills come due, or somebody on the show finally gets fed up with him and quits -- and the show never comes back?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 11:56AM

Spam: The last refuge of a dying, stinking carcass of a bloated radio fuck

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 02:20PM

Hiring a DJ for his Raw Show today.

I'll be God Damned...He is listening to us. He's starting a stripper bar in his basement.

Sonfa Bitch has to be on crack...

I wonder if his insurance company knows about this impending bio-hazard.

The RAW Show:
And (as if you needed another reason to buy this gem) it will be "commercial free" people...... I'm sure the site will crash now ! What a selling point. I wonder if their going to have gift cards available?

I wonder how much their paying Carmen Hart?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2010 02:46PM by mcsmack.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 02:31PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> Hiring a DJ for his Raw Show today.
> I'll be God Damned... He's starting a stripper bar
> in his basement.
> Sonfa Bitch has to be on crack...
> I wonder if his insurance company knows about this
> impending bio-hazard.


Why don't you and Washingtonelocian get a room.

Douse yourselves in your favorite cologne.
Obsession Pictures, Images and Photos

Listen to your favorite song.


Pop in your favorite movie.

obsessed Pictures, Images and Photos.

And just decide to let O'Meara die the death he deserves. Jesus, you two are as annoying as the redistricting freaks. 54 PAGES going on 2 YEARS next month.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: March 04, 2010 02:33PM

Happy Anniversary, Tone!

Animal Wrote:
> going on 2 YEARS
> next month.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:00PM

Animal Wrote:
> mcsmack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hiring a DJ for his Raw Show today.
> >
> > I'll be God Damned... He's starting a stripper
> bar
> > in his basement.
> >
> > Sonfa Bitch has to be on crack...
> >
> > I wonder if his insurance company knows about
> this
> > impending bio-hazard.
> McCrack,
> Why don't you and Washingtonelocian get a room.
> Douse yourselves in your favorite cologne.
> .
> .
> Listen to your favorite song.
> .
> .
> Pop in your favorite movie.
> .
> .
> .
> And just decide to let O'Meara die the death he
> deserves. Jesus, you two are as annoying as the
> redistricting freaks. 54 PAGES going on 2 YEARS
> next month.

Not gay,sorry. However if you would pull Mikes crank out of your fucking mouth spit don't swallow, you might realize the true comedy genius to be found here on this thread. I would wager you're the scary talented spammer thats posted here recently.

Like I said, purge MOMs yank out of your system, quit spamming and enjoy reading the 54 pages of material you referred to. There is a lot more to life than gay oral sex son.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2010 03:04PM

Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> Happy Anniversary, Tone!
> Animal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > going on 2 YEARS
> > next month.

Now I'm starting to choke up! It's been quite an eventful two years. Who knows what will happen over the next two years? We need to start placing bets on the separation, the divorce, living in Rob(b)'s basement and homelessness.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:08PM

mcsmack Wrote:
> Not gay,sorry.

Fine, you're bi. We get it.

> However if you would pull Mikes
> crank out of your fucking mouth spit don't
> swallow, you might realize the true comedy genius
> to be found here on this thread.

Actually, that is pretty funny. Sad for you, but entertainingly funny for me. You don't actually contend that you possess even a miniscule shred of comedic talent, do you? If miniscule is too big a word for you to understand think of your penis size, and you will know what it means.

> I would wager
> you're the scary talented spammer thats posted
> here recently.

Go ahead and wager. Name the price. If your so confident, I'd love to take your money to prove you wrong. I just hope when you lose your shift supervisor can get you some OT on the overnight drive-thru shift at Taco Bell.

> Like I said, purge MOMs yank out of your system,
> quit spamming and enjoy reading the 54 pages of
> material you referred to. There is a lot more to
> life than gay oral sex son.

Like I said, you are an obsessed fag, I mean bi. It sounds like you speak from experience regarding gay oral sex. But, no thanks, I am not into gay anal sex either - I'll leave that to you.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:22PM

Animal is a cock-knobler! Animal is a cock-knobler! (Notice: This insult contains irony which will be explained further down.)

Seriously though, Animal, (which ever member of the MOM crew you may be), how can you not see that you're just making this all fabulously more entertaining? You're ALSO proving that this thread REALLY IS bothering you. Of all the posters here, you're the only one that appears to have a vested interest.

So bring it on with your "little pecker" put-downs, Taco Bell schtick, and the rest of your tired and hackneyed stuff. If there was ANYTHING that proved to me that you belong to the MOM crew (Rob?) it's the fact that your attempts at insulting putdowns are equally as lame as what we hear on the podcast. Come to think of it, maybe you should save some of your "comedic gold" for the podcast. You don't want to tire out too quickly.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2010 03:48PM

Maybe if Mike and/or Rob(b) spent less time spamming this forum and more time filling out job applications, none of this would be an issue. If Mike went off to do mid-days in Roanoke (as he should) nobody here would give a fuck and that would be the end of it.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:48PM

Taylor Wrote:
> Animal is a cock-knobler! Animal is a
> cock-knobler! (Notice: This insult contains irony
> which will be explained further down.)
> Seriously though, Animal, (which ever member of
> the MOM crew you may be), how can you not see that
> you're just making this all fabulously more
> entertaining? You're ALSO proving that this thread
> REALLY IS bothering you. Of all the posters here,
> you're the only one that appears to have a vested
> interest.
> So bring it on with your "little pecker"
> put-downs, Taco Bell schtick, and the rest of your
> tired and hackneyed stuff. If there was ANYTHING
> that proved to me that you belong to the MOM crew
> (Rob?) it's the fact that your attempts at
> insulting putdowns are equally as lame as what we
> hear on the podcast. Come to think of it, maybe
> you should save some of your "comedic gold" for
> the podcast. You don't want to tire out too
> quickly.

I see having an androgynous name has left you one confused person. See, I don't listen to the podcast. I'm not an obsessed fucknut.

Are you McFag's new spokesqueer or something? He can't handle his own issues, so you have to step in?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:48PM

Animal Wrote:
> mcsmack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not gay,sorry.

> > However if you would pull Mikes
> > crank out of your fucking mouth spit don't
> > swallow, you might realize the true comedy
> genius
> > to be found here on this thread.

> Animal:
> Actually, that is pretty funny. Sad for you, but
> entertainingly funny for me. You don't actually
> contend that you possess even a miniscule shred of
> comedic talent, do you? If miniscule is too big a
> word for you to understand think of your penis
> size, and you will know what it means.

It's funny because it's true Dip Shit. Good comedy always has an element of truth to it.

And why is it all you MOM Fucktards are obsessed with my penis?
I sit here and wail on your boy and all you and your merry band of Ass Rangers can think about is my penis...... For the life of me I'll never understand that.......
We have 54 God damn pages bashing your fucking loser hero and after all that you come on here..." Look at your Penis"... "You have a small penis" Penis, Penis, Penis!!!

You've got Penis on the Brain Animal...... And I think we all know where that came from.

Seriously Animal. Your fighting an uphill and losing battle here...
I think it's time you come on over to our side. Quit embarrassing yourself, get tested at the health department (God knows where Mikes Cranks been) and do the right thing from here on in your life.

Everyone one deserves a second chance and we are willing to afford you that here if you'll promise to clean yourself up.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2010 03:54PM by mcsmack.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 03:57PM

mcsmack Wrote:

> It's funny because it's true Dip Shit. Good comedy
> always has an element of truth to it.

As in it is true you think you are funny but because in fact you are not, I can find your delusions funny. You are like the Meade Skelton of funny. Meade Skelton is the mcsmack of music.

> And why is it all you MOM Fucktards are obsessed
> with my penis?

Actually, mcsmack. You went to the phallic references first - "Mike's crank out of your mouth." Do you not recall? Jesus, you must fantasize about sucking dick so mush that you can't even remember when you interject it into a conversation.

> I sit here and wail on your boy and all you and
> your band of merry Ass Rangers can think about
> is my penis...... For the life of me I'll never
> understand that.......

Again, you seem to be confused. By your logic, all you think about is "Mike's crank." The only thing to understand about that is you want to suck some cock. But, who is surprised by that? And, Mike is not "my boy." Is is so hard for you to comprehend the fact that I can simultaneously think Mike O'Meara is a fatass no talent hack and you are an obsessed little pussy fag?

> We have 54 God damn pages bashing your fucking
> loser hero and after all that you come on here..."
> Look at your Penis"... "You have a small penis"
> Penis, Penis, Penis!!!

Again, not my hero. I think he is as unfunny as you are. Using the word penis four times in a row. I think we know whart is on your mind. Again, look at the sequence - you interjected oral sex into the conversation first.

> Seriously Animal. Your fighting an uphill and
> losing battle here...

What battle is that? Jousting with a mental midget like you? First, it isn't a battle, but a way to waste my afternoon irritating a lil pussy like you.

> I think it's time you come on over to our side.
> Quit embarrassing yourself, get tested at the
> health department (God knows where Mikes Cranks
> been) and do the right thing from here on in your
> life.
> Everyone one deserves a second chance and we are
> willing to afford you that here if you'll promise
> to clean yourself up.

What is your side? The Adult Gay Men Obsessed with a Fatass No Talent Fuckhead Podcaster Society?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:07PM

How many times can "Animal" reference homosexuality in his posts? It's all "gay, queer, fag, homo, etc.". It's as if he thinks that calling someone "gay" is the worst possible insult that anyone could possibly come up with. Maybe he thinks that he's still in third grade (or maybe he IS still in third grade).

It's also obvious that as much as he maligns the intellect of other posters (mental midget, etc.), that his entire debating repertoire consitst of nothing but schoolyard insults. Perhaps in the social-circles that he runs in, if you call someone "Faggot" enough times during an argument then they have to concede to your point. It would explain a fair amount.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2010 04:08PM by Taylor.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:17PM

Taylor Wrote:
> How many times can "Animal" reference
> homosexuality in his posts? It's all "gay, queer,
> fag, homo, etc.". It's as if he thinks that
> calling someone "gay" is the worst possible insult
> that anyone could possibly come up with. Maybe he
> thinks that he's still in third grade (or maybe he
> IS still in third grade).

Do you mean statements like these?

- "if you would pull Mikes crank out of your fucking mouth spit don't swallow"
- "purge MOMs yank out of your system"
- "There is a lot more to life than gay oral sex son."

> It's also obvious that as much as he maligns the
> intellect of other posters (mental midget, etc.),
> that his entire debating repertoire consitst of
> nothing but schoolyard insults. Perhaps in the
> social-circles that he runs in, if you call
> someone "Faggot" enough times during an argument
> then they have to concede to your point. It would
> explain a fair amount.

But what the repetoire does not consist of is factual inaccuracies.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:31PM

Animal Wrote:

> But what the repetoire does not consist of is
> factual inaccuracies.

Geezzz-uz, Animal, I SPELLED "repertoire" right there in my post for you. All you had to do was simply copy it. I don't normally care about other people's spelling mistakes, but you JUST implied that the word "miniscule" was too intelectual for others here to understand. That means you lose your intellectual "free pass" when you can't man up enough to spell a second big word after it's even been spelled FOR you, and right in front of you too. Tisk-tisk, for shame. :(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2010 04:32PM by Taylor.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:40PM

Animal I gave you a chance to do the right thing and you blew it. Suit yourself

You are not the first MOM shill that has used this tactic and you won't be the last

Is is so hard for you to comprehend the fact that I can simultaneously think Mike O'Meara is a fatass no talent hack and you are an obsessed little pussy fag?

It is also easy to comprehend the fact that you are a liar and have come on here with the same approach and exact same tripe many times before under a number of different names.

Triangulation on your part is transparent.

You come on here and attack the thread and me personally and think you've succeeded in disarming MOM critics because you claim to also dislike MOM.

You then think you're riding above it all.... Frankly your posts are worn out, boring and your'e not fooling anyone here.

And if you want to be petty it was you Slop Dumpster that started this off by fantasizing about two guy's in a motel room..............................

As you said in your previous post, "Again, look at the sequence - you interjected oral sex into the conversation first."

Oh Really?...............

You look at the sequence you dumb fuck, shit for brains, moronic disappointment to Motherhood and everything else Holy..

Then again I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to see much less think straight with all that MOM and crew Man Goo you're dealing with and having to digest.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Animal ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:45PM

Taylor Wrote:
> Animal Wrote:
> > But what the repetoire does not consist of is
> > factual inaccuracies.
> Geezzz-uz, Animal, I SPELLED "repertoire" right
> there in my post for you. All you had to do was
> simply copy it. I don't normally care about other
> people's spelling mistakes, but you JUST implied
> that the word "miniscule" was too intelectual for
> others here to understand. That means you lose
> your intellectual "free pass" when you can't man
> up enough to spell a second big word after it's
> even been spelled FOR you, and right in front of
> you too. Tisk-tisk, for shame. :(

Is the word as butchered as your logic? Hardly, it is missing a single letter. Only someone engaged in a futile argument would point to a typographical error as a lack of intelligence. In doing so, you have just indicated your own level of intelligence.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:54PM

Animal Wrote:
> Taylor Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Animal Wrote:
> >
> > > But what the repetoire does not consist of is
> > > factual inaccuracies.
> >
> >
> > Geezzz-uz, Animal, I SPELLED "repertoire" right
> > there in my post for you. All you had to do was
> > simply copy it. I don't normally care about
> other
> > people's spelling mistakes, but you JUST
> implied
> > that the word "miniscule" was too intelectual
> for
> > others here to understand. That means you lose
> > your intellectual "free pass" when you can't
> man
> > up enough to spell a second big word after it's
> > even been spelled FOR you, and right in front
> of
> > you too. Tisk-tisk, for shame. :(
> Is the word as butchered as your logic? Hardly,
> it is missing a single letter. Only someone
> engaged in a futile argument would point to a
> typographical error as a lack of intelligence. In
> doing so, you have just indicated your own level
> of intelligence.

Your like a stray diseased dog running around on this thread. Hopefully your owners have had you neutered.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 05:07PM

Of course... How did we know.................... Hey Animal. Here is your girlfriend we found wandering around here awhile back.

Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: January 30, 2010 12:02PM

Anitia Bath Wrote:
> Why so angry, sweetie?
> Did Mommy put you in a time out because she found
> your Playgirls under your mattress?
> Sexually frustrated because of the pre-sex change
> medications your Mexican doctor put you on?
> Sad because you can't tell everyone that your a
> raging gay?
> Pathetic.

Wrong on all three counts you stupid diseased cunt. My point to you was after having your dumb ass question asked by morons just like the one you see in the mirror every morning, may be 200 times on this thread, and answered by some of the brightest minds in the community if not the world, you show up and ask the same fucking idiot question again.

God forbid! Don't scroll back and see how your question has been answered over 500 times or so. Just ask it again like a stupid bitch than go on defense trying to cover your ignorance with more ignorance.

Aneeda Bath;

" I still haven't had my question answered. All I asked was if you didn't like the show blah blah blah blah I'm a stupid little whore"

I'm not sure (and don't care) whether you are a woman or a man dressed up as a woman but as I've told all your the other Fucktard friends hopefully you are sterile so you won't be able to infect the gene pool with your defective genetic code henceforth. If not there are services available at Planned Parenthood for little or no cost.


If you need financial help with costs associated with your sterilization PM me and I will contact the clinic and cover it for you. Best Wishes, McSmack

We had her spayed.................Sorry

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Sweeney Todd ()
Date: March 04, 2010 05:08PM

My guess is Rob(b) posting that crap. Mike is too drunk, Buzz too stupid, and Oscar too normal to do things like this.

Hey Rob(b), have your testicles dropped yet? Whore!!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 04, 2010 05:25PM

Sweeney Todd Wrote:
Buzz is too stupid, and Oscar too normal to do
things like this.

I will say (in order to be FAIR) that I've met "Buzz Burbank" out in public a couple of times (not during a station "event", but through random chance like standing in line at the bank, ending up in the same section of Lowe's, etc.) and he's ALWAYS been nothing but pleasant and gracious to me when I approached him. He even shared some "inside skinny" about the D & M show with me once, and then thanked me for listening and shook my hand. As far as Mike and Robb go, they are both ego driven narcissists, but Buzz (Mike Elston) is cool (or at least he used to be). I don't know Oscar.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2010 05:26PM by Taylor.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Angie ()
Date: March 04, 2010 06:07PM

Here's the funniest thing that has happened to me today. I decided to bring up Google and type in Mike O'Meara. When it came back with its search results, the fifth line down provided "Image results for Mike O'Meara".

One of the images has a picture of Mike with the phrase: My show is an inch deep and a mile wide - just like Carla's Pussy.

If you want a few chuckles - check it out yourself. If only his show was that good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2010 06:27PM

Angie Wrote:
> Here's the funniest thing that has happened to me
> today. I decided to bring up Google and type in
> Mike O'Meara. When it came back with its search
> results, the fifth line down provided "Image
> results for Mike O'Meara".
> One of the images has a picture of Mike with the
> phrase: My show is an inch deep and a mile wide -
> just like Carla's Pussy.
> If you want a few chuckles - check it out
> yourself. If only his show was that good.

There was also this gem..



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 04, 2010 08:16PM

Mike made reference to peoples negative comments on his stupid wall and my space as "haters crapping where he eats".

Well listen up all you MOM Fucks related to the show (or what not).

I'll Guarandamn Fucking Tee you were making more money here than MOM will ever realize with his world wide webcast pile of shit.

So don't crap where I eat. Makes as much sense.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 04, 2010 08:22PM

I love how MOM fans (or crew) talk about "obsession."

What's the bigger obsession? Poking fun at a fat egomaniac who can't recognize that it is over. Or four idiots sitting in a living room everyday...for free...trying to recapture the magic of that Great White Whale known as the Don & Mike Show.

Most of the so-called haters here have a job. Mike and Rob(b) don't. They are pretending to "work" in radio. "Work" being the operative word.

In fact, they are "volunteering" to do a stupid podcast each day. In lieu of earning a living. At the expense of the people who depend on them.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: F•U Troll ()
Date: March 04, 2010 10:19PM

And it's pretty gosh danged funny, I might add.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Collateral ()
Date: March 04, 2010 11:21PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I love how MOM fans (or crew) talk about
> "obsession."
> What's the bigger obsession? Poking fun at a fat
> egomaniac who can't recognize that it is over. Or
> four idiots sitting in a living room
> everyday...for free...trying to recapture the
> magic of that Great White Whale known as the Don &
> Mike Show.
> Most of the so-called haters here have a job. Mike
> and Rob(b) don't. They are pretending to "work" in
> radio. "Work" being the operative word.
> In fact, they are "volunteering" to do a stupid
> podcast each day. In lieu of earning a living. At
> the expense of the people who depend on them.

You have probably spent more hours posting in this thread than length of all Mike O'meara show podcasts put together. What do you care if they put out a show? You obviously have some sort of personal vendetta against Mike O'Meara and the crew.

Your posts are bordering on insanity. You post on here complaining, hating the show, and then listen to the show the next day expecting something different. THEN you have the audacity to come on the board and post the same complaints again. I cannot count how many times I have read something to the extent of "...they are "volunteering" to do a stupid podcast each day. In lieu of earning a living. At the expense of the people who depend on them." in your posts.

I posted before and you even agreed its beyond beating a dead horse, yet here you are.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dead Horse ()
Date: March 04, 2010 11:32PM

If I wanted to beat a dead horse, I would beat Robb's wife. She isn't dead, but she looks and weighs about as much as a horse. She also does a workload like a work-horse having a crappy job in retail will Robb gets to pretend he is working. Nothing like supporting a good-for-nothing husband who is afraid of an honest days work. Robb is turning out to be just like his father.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2010 01:56AM


I was just fine tuning my synapses and making sure my neurons were firing correctly when I noticed a lump in my sphynctoral region. Upon further investigation I realised the lump was nothing but lint from my underware tangled up in my asshole hair. Then I just remembered that I haven't cleaned the liter box for weeks. But somehow roaches keep getting in my freezer. The trashman came but I was too lazy to take it out to him. That tapping sound might be the lifters. Do you know how many times I have pissed in a fast food cup, fallen to sleep and woke up just to take a huge thirsty swig or two of my own stale urine?
Just to find out that it is much more refreshing than the Mike O'Meara Pod-Cast Series!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mr. Omeara ()
Date: March 05, 2010 06:24AM

YeS, ThIs Is Me MIke, aNd I WiLl spread My ChEEks WidE fOr YoU, and TaKe AnYthIng InSidE, iF yOu bUy mY Raw ShowS THeY aRe GooD and HAve dIrty ChaRlI aNd PoRn STarS and EvEryThiNg YoU EvEr WaNteD to KnOw aBoUt Us!!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mr. Omeara ()
Date: March 05, 2010 06:29AM

I LUv GReeN BoTtles! BYoB EvErYdaY!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 05, 2010 08:55AM

I don't hate Mike o.We just throw the "hate "term around because people who use it claim anyone is a "hater" who doesn't agree, admire,and lap up pretty much every piece of slop they throw.

I do hate Laziness, Lying, ignorance and mediocrity. Mike O has character flaws in all 4 categories and for as long as he puts himself in a public forum he will be criticized. So get use to it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2010 09:06AM

Collateral Wrote:

> You have probably spent more hours posting in this
> thread than length of all Mike O'meara show
> podcasts put together.

Probably. And this thread will probably outlast Mike's podcast, the way it outlasted his radio show.

> What do you care if they
> put out a show?

So I'm not allowed to express an opinion about something being crap?

> You obviously have some sort of
> personal vendetta against Mike O'Meara and the
> crew.

Since I don't know any of them personally, the answer would be "no."

> Your posts are bordering on insanity. You post on
> here complaining, hating the show, and then listen
> to the show the next day expecting something
> different.

Of the 60+ episodes, I have probably listened to portions of four or five. When I do listen, it is because I get tipped off about things Mike has said that might be of interest. Specifically, Mike talking about having to sell his house or brow-beating a web guy who is working for free to support his stupid show. In this instance, I am slowing down to view the train wreck that is the MOM podcast.

> THEN you have the audacity to come on
> the board and post the same complaints again.

And Mike produces the same shit again and again.

> I
> cannot count how many times I have read something
> to the extent of "...they are "volunteering" to do
> a stupid podcast each day. In lieu of earning a
> living. At the expense of the people who depend on
> them." in your posts.

You obviously have read a lot of what I have posted. Who is obsessed?

> I posted before and you even agreed its beyond
> beating a dead horse, yet here you are.

I pondered whether or not it was beating a dead horse. I asked for input from the regulars here through PM. I received a heart-felt endorsement to continue.

On another note, I have a feeling that when Mike gets done with his podast and after Rob(b), Buzz and Oscar leaves, he sits down at his computer with a tumbler of scotch and posts spam and "collateral" on this forum for hours. He does this while Carla works at whatever low-paying job she has in a futile attempt to keep a roof over their heads.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2010 09:07AM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2010 01:39PM

Friday is here, but Oscar is not. We press on anyway and talk to Cousin Luigi, Oscar’s Papa, and we have the funniest kicker ever… Yay Buzz! Have a great weekend, everyone and thanks.

It's starting.

Is Oscar tired of showing up and not getting a paycheck? Is he tired of the abuse from Mike? Maybe he doesn't like how Mike talks to his friend...the web master...who is working on Mike's site for free?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2010 02:32PM

Could it be? That Mike is becoming some washed up loser, a has-been, or yesterdays grits and scrapple? And it is happening right before our eyes!

You know Mike, maybe you shouldn't have shit in so many peoples hats when YOU had it good, because it seems your BOSS has given YOU that hat to wear. This happens all the time, a worthless fuck gets elevated to some star-like status and they never realised they THEY have NO special talents and without thier postion that was bestowed on them, and are quickly recognised as the FRAUDS they are when they have to go back out into the real world and land that other successful power-position.

So Haha Mike, Haha!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Angie ()
Date: March 05, 2010 05:06PM

I think it's entertaining that WashingTon-Locian keeps getting singled out on this site by idiots that try to defend Mike O'Meara. This happens time and time again despite all the people that post and read this forum on a daily basis.

I agree with WTL that following the Mike O'Meara show now is like slowing down to see a train wreck. I logon everyday to this site just to find out how far down this show sinks before they give up. And it is very sad how everyone else around them has to suffer as they keep going and try to make their "comeback".

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Whoops!!! ()
Date: March 05, 2010 09:42PM

Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 28, 2010 04:57PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
> Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
> Date: March 24, 2009 03:17PM
> Will you stains have some class and dignity. Geez,
> WTF did anyone do besides put on a goddam radio
> show? Turn the freakin' station if you don't like
> it, but to continue with this crap is borderline
> insanity. For all of the naysayers and rumor
> mongers...F You! The show WILL go on!!! I've never
> in all my years seen a bunch of people with so
> much venom over a radio personality. Stern in his
> worst years never got this much crap...and I'm not
> a F-ing shock jock! Like another posted said, "Get
> a hobby"! Get a paper route if you have too much
> time on your hands.
> What do you think? I still think it was him.

I lean towards it being him. He's always liked the word "naysayer".

The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand. Or so I have read.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: sy ()
Date: March 01, 2010 12:23AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> I lean towards it being him. He's always liked
> the word "naysayer".

And "stain." And "eff" this, "eff" that," like he's a chastened little third-grader. You're "not an F-ing shock jock" -- we know, Mike, we know.

I see his newest sponsor is some shithole spaghetti slophouse AN HOUR NORTH OF FUCKING SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA. And he spent five minutes at the top of his show plugging it and giving it head, when he most needs to capture his audience's attention, all so that the hundred or so NoCal listeners he still has can hear the ad, maybe 15 of whom enjoy crappy quick-service pasta, 2 of whom will even be in the area anytime in the next year, both of whom will go but who will then skip out on the bill because they are Sacramentans. Pasquini's Profit = $0.00

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Farfalotus of the Blowhole ()
Date: March 01, 2010 02:41PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
> Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
> Date: March 24, 2009 03:17PM
> Will you stains have some class and dignity. Geez,
> WTF did anyone do besides put on a goddam radio
> show? Turn the freakin' station if you don't like
> it, but to continue with this crap is borderline
> insanity. For all of the naysayers and rumor
> mongers...F You! The show WILL go on!!! I've never
> in all my years seen a bunch of people with so
> much venom over a radio personality. Stern in his
> worst years never got this much crap...and I'm not
> a F-ing shock jock! Like another posted said, "Get
> a hobby"! Get a paper route if you have too much
> time on your hands.
> What do you think? I still think it was him.

I think it's him honestly. It follows his speech patter as well as some of his standbys - "effer" "naysayers". And the big one for me, look his pronoun changes. It goes from "WTF did anyone do" to "I'm not a F-ing". Sounds like someone was trying to be anonymous but got too worked up and let it slip.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Pirate ()
Date: March 01, 2010 03:11PM

If someone actually buys these Raw shows post the mp3's kty

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: my penis is a HUGE fan! ()
Date: March 01, 2010 05:29PM

I want to have raw, gay, mansex with Mike O'Meara while
he wears a Leopard print Speedo with a hole cut out in the but.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: liol ()
Date: March 01, 2010 05:32PM

lol ur gqay

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Allison ()
Date: March 01, 2010 06:58PM

my penis is a HUGE fan! Wrote:
> I want to have raw, gay, mansex with Mike O'Meara
> while
> he wears a Leopard print Speedo with a hole cut
> out in the but.

Why download the Mike O'Meara show when you be entertained by the things that people come up with on this Fairfax Underground site?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 01, 2010 07:21PM

This is what passes for "funny" on the Mike O'Meara Show...


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara RAW ()
Date: March 01, 2010 08:12PM

YOU HATERS BETTER BACK OFF! You can't handle the anger of MIKE O'MEARA!

Here "RAW" Mike is keeping it real.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 02, 2010 09:19AM

I understand that Mike is investing in a studio expansion to accommodate The Junkies when they finally lose their show...


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Junkies sucked b4 they SUCKED! ()
Date: March 02, 2010 02:26PM

Folding metal chairs? With no padding?
Well I guess the MOM Pod-Cast Series Crew come
equiped naturally with plenty of padding.
Way to go Mike, spare no expense huh, you

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:46PM

So Mike is talking about selling his house now. The same house that is worth $300K less than what he paid for it.

Yeah. This podcast is a GREAT idea.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 02, 2010 06:05PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> So Mike is talking about selling his house now.
> The same house that is worth $300K less than what
> he paid for it.
> Yeah. This podcast is a GREAT idea.

In Mike's words he didn't really care in the beginning whether or not the podcast succeeded or not because it was just something to do........But now says he has "fallen in love with the format"?....... No Shit?..... Get the fuck out!............... So I suppose now it's a labor of love for him to go ahead and force the shows success. We are talking first class dumb ass of stupendous proportions here.

What a blithering stupid fuck.

A supreme Jack Ass. See he was just fuckin' around doing a podcast to fill time and just like Gomer Freeking Pyle..... "GGOOOOLLLLEEEE!! SHAFUCKINGZAM MOTHER FUCKER!!! Look at what fell out of MY ASS! A fabulously successful podcast! Just goes to show you how scary talented I really am." The pros make it look easy.

Just because you say it Mike doesn't make it so. There may be a few idiots that will fall for your line of bullshit but not here.

Oh yeah and he has to find somewhere else to host this accidental success of a podcast, my guess is because he is with in months of foreclosure or at the very least in a short sell position with the bank on his house.

Man I tell you it is amazing watching him turn everything he touches into gold.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: HaHa ()
Date: March 02, 2010 06:35PM

I'm sure you could pick up the MOM crib REALLY cheap in this crappy market on a short sale. Maybe I will put in a bid being he prolly gots killer appliances and other neat-o upgrades for me to enjoy. Plus when you get tired of the place it would be a great flip being you got it so dang cheap.

Plus, I wouldn't mind washin' my face in Carla's Bidet once or twice.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:03PM

HaHa Wrote:

> Plus, I wouldn't mind washin' my face in Carla's
> Bidet once or twice.

Something tells me there isn't much of a bidet in this place...

Probably something more like this...


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2010 03:16PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:10PM

mcsmack Wrote:

> Oh yeah and he has to find somewhere else to host
> this accidental success of a podcast, my guess is
> because he is with in months of foreclosure or at
> the very least in a short sell position with the
> bank on his house.

Kind of puts to rest his bullshit about how he hasn't totally thrown his money away. Bad investments. Bad marriages. Being Don's employee (instead of business partner) all of those years because it was easier.

No wonder the guy has been freaking out about no "big sponsors." He probably was under the gun before the CBS contract was up. What an idiot.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:30PM

Why are we still in Iraq k k rhcript ra1extjavahcript"> 0 && end > 0) { start && end > -1) { -1) { ') + 1; Home•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtlist.php?2">Ffairfa General Forum•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/arrests/">Arrest/Ticket Search•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/wiki">Wiki new•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/media">Pictures/Videos•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/cgi-bin/irc.cgi arget="_newwiunow">Chat•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtlist.php?6">Artict" •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/el="s">Ll=" •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href=/forumtr .php?2,104">About
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Welcome to Ffairfa Uundergrolj, a project al.e designed to improve communica.dtd between residents of Ffairfa Crolty, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would fiun interesting. Goto Topic:r/hpan> Previou •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr /40/1267575560/older.ang=">N1ex k k r/div> ink Goto:r/hpan> Forum List•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtlist/40.ang=">Back to Forum•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41">Post New Topic•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtsearch.php?41">Search•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr /40/314738/markthr r .ang=">Mark R •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtlogin.php?41,logout=1">Log Oux k r/div> in k Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 01:47PM

Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there years ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?

ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314738,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314738">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314741"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 01:51PM

ra" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfile.php?41,file=15726,filenam" stfu_ask.jpg">
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314741,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314741">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314741">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314755"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:10PM

we are keeping tur troops over there because we are going to start a war with iran n1ex...r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314755,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314755">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314773"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:24PM

Trolls get off work early..r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314773,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314773">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314773">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314791"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:33PM

soldier Wrote:
> Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there years
> ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in
> thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?

We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to the power of tur military industrial complex. Not even Obama has been able to shake loose of their power aun influence.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314791,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314791">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314791">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,314791">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314793"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 02:37PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> soldier Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there
> years
> > ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td in
> > thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?
> We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to the
> power of tur military industrial complex. Not
> even Obama has been able to shake loose of their
> power aun influence.

You aren't good enough to shine tur troops boots let alone comment td
their mis1.0". You're mommy'h calling.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314793,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314793">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314876"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 03:52PM

Seriou ly, V has a hard time just shakin hih peepee let alone anything else.

Well if you sain it, obviou ly it must make selse then.r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314876,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314876">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314876">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314881"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 03:56PM

hillbilly jim Wrote:
> we are keeping tur troops over there because we
> are going to start a war with iran n1ex...

It'h no mistake that the Marines are practicing artillery at Quantico thih week. As we saw during the inva1.0" of 2003, artillery comes in hauny during saun storms.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't xundestand! r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314881,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314881">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314881">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314901"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 04:06PM

For the civilians who haven't alr y figured out, we will most likely be in Iraq for 2-3 more years at a minimum. I was surprised at how many people believed that we were actually going to withraw from Iraq so quick. People in the military xundestood that was not actually going to happen but it din bring in quite a few votes for Obama.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314901,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314901">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314957"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:00PM

Yeah Obama didn't miun lying to the uneducated inner-city poor people, that'h just what Liberals do to coerce votes out of people. They LIE, LIE LIKE OBAMA.
Those of us with > ape IQs knew about hih old played out tactics aun watched while the dumb aun ignorant were brain-washed by the Media aun mesmorized by hih haunsome stature, gr t speaking skills, uh uh uh , aun hih wholesome racist white-guilt message becconing for "chauge". Well ytur "chauge" ih here aun it doesn't seem to be fixing shit.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314957,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314957">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314964"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:08PM

Chopper Gunner Wrote:
> For the civilians who haven't alr y figured out,
> we will most likely be in Iraq for 2-3 more years
> at a minimum. I was surprised at how many people
> believed that we were actually going to withraw
> from Iraq so quick. People in the military
> xundestood that was not actually going to happen
> but it din bring in quite a few votes for Obama.

We will leave Iraq when it becomes thih...

...Oh. Nevermiun. We haven't left there, either.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't xundestand! r/i>r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314964,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=314964">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314964">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-314968"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 05:16PM

•Vote Obama Out 2012• Wrote:
> Yeah Obama didn't miun lying to the uneducated
> inner-city poor people, that'h just what Liberals
> do to coerce votes out of people. They LIE, LIE
> Those of us with > ape IQs knew about hih old
> played out tactics aun watched while the dumb aun
> ignorant were brain-washed by the Media aun
> mesmorized by hih haunsome stature, gr t speaking
> skills, uh uh uh , aun hih wholesome racist
> white-guilt message becconing for "chauge". Well
> ytur "chauge" ih here aun it doesn't seem to be
> fixing shit.

Hold off naming any faicraft carriers after him. P.T Barnum was right, amazing it tdly took a year for the lam" folks that voted democrat to figure out he is in over hih h aun surgroljed by political yes men aun lackies,,,,,r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,314968,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,314968">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315007"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 06:12PM

We are in Iraq looking for WMDs.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315007,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315007">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315021"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 06:40PM

Don't forget oil, that, aun suitcases full of money.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315021,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315021">R port k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315051"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 07:17PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> Seriou ly, V has a hard time just shakin hih
> peepee let alone anything else.

What a shame...I guess Im off ytur ignore list..I'll have to launch another attack when ytur insults aun irra.dtd"> behavior even slightly bother me.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315051,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=315051">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315051">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,315051">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
k k k ra nam" rmsg-315052"> k k rhtrong>Re: Why are we still in Iraq
ink Posted by: k k k k ()
ink rdiv class="PhorumR BodyH ">Date: March 02, 2010 07:19PM

,Jerry.Rubin Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > soldier Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Didn't Obama PROMISE to take us out of there
> > years
> > > ago? Why are we still there? WTF ih going td
> in
> > > thih croltry? Have we all gone crazy?
> >
> >
> > We havent gone crazy...but we are in debt to
> the
> > power of tur military industrial complex. Not
> > even Obama has been able to shake loose of
> their
> > power aun influence.
> You aren't good enough to shine tur troops boots
> let alone comment td
> their mis1.0". You're mommy'h calling.

Well...for a quack n="1.0" of the RV/Gravis/JR characature of a humad being...neither do ytu. But then again for somoene preteljing to be a veteran you r lly take the cake.r/div>
ink ink Op.dtds:r/hpan> Reply•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr .php?41,314738,315052,quote=1#REPLY">Quote•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtpm.php?41,page=selj,message_id=315052">PM•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtfollow.php?41,314738">Subscribe to Thr •la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtr port.php?41,315052">R port•la class="PhorumNavLl="s" href="httpPh/www.fairfaxundergrolj com/forumtposting.php?41,edit,315052">Edit k k k r/div> ink in
ra nam" rREPLY">
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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:36PM

Now, don't worry guys. I'm sure that Mike has some sort of "secret plan". Like maybe he's going to start a podcast or..........um, ok, no wait................maybe he's going to have a podcast, but get THIS! He's gonna charge for UNCENSORED ADULT CONTENT and then..................um.......no, hold on a minute.............Ok, I got it. Maybe he'll buy a fancy feather hat and a long coat and a cane. He'll get some platform sandal-shoes with goldfish in the soles and then pimp Carla out. Yeah, that could be the secret plan. In fact, I'm almost sure of it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:44PM

Taylor Wrote:
> Now, don't worry guys. I'm sure that Mike has some
> sort of "secret plan". Like maybe he's going to
> start a podcast or..........um, ok, no
> wait................maybe he's going to have a
> podcast, but get THIS! He's gonna charge for
> then..................um.......no, hold on a
> minute.............Ok, I got it. Maybe he'll buy a
> fancy feather hat and a long coat and a cane.
> He'll get some platform sandal-shoes with goldfish
> in the soles and then pimp Carla out. Yeah, that
> could be the secret plan. In fact, I'm almost sure
> of it.

There's always Plan F....


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 08:02PM

Fairfax County General : Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication between residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: FOX5 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:33PM

There will be no School Wed. March 3 for the Fairax County Public School system due to the forecast of 9" of snowfall overnight tonight through tomorrow. Stay tuned for more details.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: stfu ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:44PM

Stop it with these fucking threads.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 04:46PM

Schools have been closed in the following counties:

In Virginia:

Accomack County, Albemarle County, Alleghany County, Amelia County, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Arlington County, Augusta County, Bath County, Bedford County, Bland County, Botetourt County, Brunswick County, Buchanan County
Buckingham County, Campbell County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Charles City County, Charlotte County, Chesterfield County, Clarke County, Craig County, Culpeper County, Cumberland County, Dickenson County, Dinwiddie County, Essex County, Fairfax County, Fauquier County, Floyd County, Fluvanna County, Franklin County, and Frederick County

In Maryland:

Allegany County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore city, Baltimore County, Calvert County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Cecil County, Charles County, Dorchester County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Harford County, Howard County, Kent County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Queen Anne's County, Somerset County, St. Mary's County, Talbot County, Washington County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:25PM

I just saw the announcement on Red Asshole 69.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: g-z? ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:44PM

Man, that's classic! The snow is avoiding all counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: ABC123 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:46PM

g-z? Wrote:
> Man, that's classic! The snow is avoiding all
> counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....


The first alphabetical storm of the season.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:44PM

This just in...

g-z? Wrote:
> The snow is avoiding all counties that begin with G and beyond in Va.....

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: I feel sorry for you ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:50PM

Really. I do. Are you always home alone? Are you some loser who's a vrigin and is lonely, who needs to make dumbass threads like this because you find this fun? Seriously, you need to kill your self. I'll be glad to put you out of your misery if you want me to. You dumb ass faggot.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:55PM

I feel sorry for you Wrote:
>Seriously, you need to kill your self.

I tried that a few times but unfortunately for all of us, it didn't work.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: WUSA9 ()
Date: March 02, 2010 07:57PM

I feel sorry for you Wrote:

> I'll be glad to put you out of your misery if you
> want me to. You dumb ass faggot.

That is a terroristic threat. And whether it is online or in person, it is still a felony. We will see who has the last laugh.

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Re: FCPS classes cancelled Wed. March 3 due to snow
Posted by: JR/Gravis/RV ()
Date: March 02, 2010 08:00PM

Senator Warner announced today that $24 million from the economic stimulus package will go toward funding of two projects that will jump-start Virginia's transition to expanded use of health care information technology and electronic medical records.

These grants will help Virginia medical professionals as they work to implement and use HIT to lower consumer health care costs, minimize redundant paperwork and reduce medical errors.

$11.6 million has been awarded to the Virginia Department of Health to further the transition to a standardized health IT network.
$12.4 million has been awarded to a non-profit, statewide project led by the Virginia Health Quality Center in Richmond and the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon to establish regional extension centers to provide HIT and EHR outreach and support services to providers and hospitals serving Virginia’s Medicare population.
Senator Warner said today that although Virginia health care providers are already national leaders in the use of health IT, "significantly help individual providers as they work to implement and use this technology to establish a two-way exchange of information with local health departments."

“This represents a smart, one-time investment in Virginia’s economic infrastructure – investments that should help build on our health IT investment and work to establish electronic medical records in hospitals, nursing homes and physicians' offices that will improve care and reduce costs.”

Focus on health savings & accountability
Jan 15, 2010 - 10:40 AMAs Senate and House leaders continue to work to craft a compromise health reform bill, Senator Warner is urging negotiators to remain focused on the ultimate goal of health reform: driving-down medical costs for consumers, businesses and taxpayers.

Senator Warner has joined his colleagues in two separate letters to the Senate leadership strongly urging the negotiators to maintain important cost containment measures in the Senate bill. The first letter encourages the leadership to maintain the push for greater competition and private sector innovation that were included in the Senate's version of health reform.

A second letter specifically asks the negotiators to include a “fail-safe mechanism” to require close monitoring and regular reports about whether the hundreds of billions of dollars in projected cost savings are actually being achieved.

If promised health care savings fail to materialize, Congress should have "the tools to bring its actual savings back in line with its original estimates," the letter states.

The process should be tailored in away that enables Congress to address any savings shortfall expeditiously and in the most non-partisan manner possible. It should also be conducted with an eye towards maintaining affordability and quality.

In addition, a letter signed by 14 House Democrats was delivered to the House and Senate leadership recommending that the "Value and Innovation" amendment package introduced by Senator Warner and 11 other Freshman Senators be included in any final bill.

The letters are below:

A visit to Martinsville
Jan 11, 2010 - 06:38 AMSenator Warner traveled to Southside Virginia today to meet with over 50 community and business leaders from Martinsville and Henry County. The community has been one of the hardest hit during the economic downturn -- and this former self-described "Sweatshirt Capital of the World" has been struggling for years with the economic challenges caused by the decline in U.S.-based textile manufacturing.

As part of the visit, Senator Warner passed through downtown and visited with students at the Governor's School of Mathematics. The students told Senator Warner that they regularly wake up as early as 5:30 a.m. to attend the Governor's School program for the first half of the day before going back to their normal high schools in order to take advantage of the small class sizes and advanced teaching opportunities provided by the Governor's School.

Senator Warner also dropped by a meeting of the Uptown Partners, an economic development working group that brings together organizations and individuals determined to revitalize Martinsville and Henry County.

He shared with them some lessons he learned while serving as Governor of Virginia, when he was the Commonwealth's "Chief Economic Development Officer," and discussed federal programs and resources that are available for communities like Martinsville to grow.

He also discussed two initiatives that he is working on in Congress: his on-going efforts to boost small business lending, and a new effort that will help states and local governments attract and create new jobs.

The meeting with community leaders was held at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, which he helped bring to the region when he served as Governor. Senator Warner provided the business and community leaders an update from Washington, discussed his upcoming initiatives on job-creation, and detailed how the status quo in health care ultimately could bankrupt Virginia families, businesses, and the state and federal governments.

Senator Warner told the community leaders that the noisy health care reform debate has included a lot of hyperbole, hypocrisy, misinformation and disinformation. "There's a lot to not be happy with," he said. "But if this bill was half as bad as some people are saying, I sure as heck would not have voted for it."


Warner outlines proposals
On January 12, the Martinsville Bulletin reported on Senator Warner's visit to the area to discuss two initiatives aimed at helping communities and businesses create jobs.

The health care vote
Dec 24, 2009 - 08:02 AMSenator Warner released the following statement this morning after voting in favor of the Senate health reform bill:

“I voted in support of the Senate health care bill. While this legislation is far from perfect, I believe it will start to curb soaring health care costs for consumers and businesses, reduce our federal budget deficits over time, and extend the life of the Medicare program.

In addition, a dozen of my freshman colleagues worked together to successfully add significant cost containment measures to the Senate proposal, and we have expanded programs that deliver higher-quality care at lower cost. Our amendments, which encourage innovation, broaden transparency and aggressively attack inefficiency and fraud, have received bipartisan support, as well as endorsements from AARP, the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, and major businesses that make-up The Business Roundtable.

Rising medical costs are strangling the American economy, hurting American families, and killing our ability to compete globally. This legislation represents a strong start, and includes almost every approach suggested by leading experts to try to tackle medical costs that have more than doubled in the past decade.

As this bill moves to conference, the focus must remain on the goals of reducing health care costs, increasing efficiency and accountability, and incorporating private-sector solutions to our health care challenges.”


On December 8, Senator Warner and 10 Freshman colleagues announced a package of health care amendments that would expand and accelerate efforts to encourage innovation and accountability across the health care system -- and drive down costs.
Click here for more information on Senator Warner's views on health care.
Health care facts versus opinion
Dec 22, 2009 - 01:26 PMThe pending Senate health reform proposal is far from perfect, but honest discussion has been obscured by the misinformation and disinformation swirling around the issue.

For instance, an editorial in today's Newport News, Va., Daily Press repeats inaccurate arguments frequently made by critics.

Critics have been suggesting for some time that consumers should be allowed to purchase health insurance plans across state lines. This morning's editorial says the Senate bill does not provide "practical reform that would allow people to buy insurance across state lines, creating true competition that might lower bills."

In fact, the “insurance exchange” that would be created through the Senate proposal would allow consumers to purchase coverage from insurers outside of their region, subject to individual state approvals and with appropriate federal oversight to ensure that certain minimum standards are met.

For more precise language of this section of the bill, click here and scroll down to Section 1333.
The editorial also repeated claims frequently made by members of the minority party that tort reform simply must be a critical piece of any reform proposal. Yet when a medical malpractice amendment was offered on the Senate floor, 12 of 40 Republican senators voted against it. Senator Warner was one of four Democrats who voted to support med-mal reform.

It’s also worth noting that, in effect, state-level actions already have imposed med-mal reform: at least 38 states have adopted medical malpractice damage caps.
For all of the editorial's references to "new entitlements," it fails to even mention Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit enacted by the Bush Administration and a Republican-controlled Congress back in 2003. This dramatic expansion of Medicare was never paid for, and the Bush Administration did not factor its true cost into deficit calculations. The 2009 report to Congress by the Medicare trustees estimates the ten-year cost of the Medicare Part D unfunded entitlement at $1.3 trillion.
We have posted a list of some of the benefits that millions of Americans will receive right away under the Senate health reform legislation. Those benefits include: no lifetime limits on coverage, tax credits for small businesses looking to purchase health insurance, and extension of coverage for young adults.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Willie Nelson ()
Date: March 02, 2010 09:36PM

You know something funny, I made an earlier post where I said mike would be living in robbs basement and his kids would call him uncle mike and he would get drunk and rant about his former successes....well on todays show robb revealed that his kids actually call him that, and mike hinted that they may need to do the show somewhere else because he may be selling his house...at this point everything for him lies on the raw shows...

now if he can get 5000 people to download the raw show in a bundle( he is selling all 3 shows for 10.99), then he could make nearly $55,000, enough for him to continue for a few more months...Otherwise uncle mike may actually be living with robb....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 07:03AM

Willie Nelson Wrote:
> now if he can get 5000 people to download the raw
> show in a bundle( he is selling all 3 shows for
> 10.99), then he could make nearly $55,000, enough
> for him to continue for a few more
> months...Otherwise uncle mike may actually be
> living with robb....

I really don't see more than maybe 100 people paying for that shit. I think most of his downloads are from subscriptions that people don't actually listen to. I would be surprised if he made $5,000 from RAW, much less $55k (also keep in mind it would be pretty shitty of Mike if the others didn't get a cut of whatever they generate.)


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 03, 2010 09:32AM

He may see an initial interest at first but will dwindle quickly. 3 shows for $10.99? Hell you can get XM/Sirius and Howard for about that much. For a whole month. Adam Carolla for free.

If there numbers are right at averaging 15000 DL per day 5000 in 1 month may be possible. However if they keep coming back to this well it is sure to dry up on Mikes lack of talent alone.

Also we all know that the show will be ripped and uploaded within days of its launch so a 30% of 15000 number may be a bit optimistic.

I'll be looking for an MLS listing for Mikes Res. Might be a good deal for someone if the bank is in a short sale position.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 09:45AM

mcsmack Wrote:
> He may see an initial interest at first but will
> dwindle quickly. 3 shows for $10.99? Hell you can
> get XM/Sirius and Howard for about that much. For
> a whole month. Adam Carolla for free.
> If there numbers are right at averaging 15000 DL
> per day 5000 in 1 month may be possible. However
> if they keep coming back to this well it is sure
> to dry up on Mikes lack of talent alone.
> Also we all know that the show will be ripped and
> uploaded within days of its launch so a 30% of
> 15000 number may be a bit optimistic.
> I'll be looking for an MLS listing for Mikes Res.
> Might be a good deal for someone if the bank is in
> a short sale position.

Mike has about 180 confirmed "guests" on his Facebook page who say they are going to buy RAW. That's why I would be surprised if he gets much more than 100. The guy only has 3,000 fans on Facebook, so I find it highly unlikely 5,000 people would pay for RAW.

Undoubtedly RAW will be the same shit he is giving away for free (or worse) so I would expect diminishing returns on that effort. I'm sure Buzz talking about how much he enjoys fisting will be a big draw for those 40-something house fraus with low IQs who listen to this crap.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lady Baltimore ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:03AM

Mike's sense of entitlement becomes more obvious and obnoxious every day.

Mike whining about the guy who does their website and that he doesn't make changes fast enough to suit Mike, or keep in constant touch with him (even though Oscar reminded him the guy is doing it for free!).

Mike begging for Caps tickets from fans. It's not enough that they're making donations to his show?

Mike asking Buzz to help him find voice over work. (Mike also mentioned on a previous show that Buzz had to call the insurance company to get Mike's Cobra benefits for him.) Can Mike do anything by himself? I mean, other than pleasuring himself?

Mike whining to Oscar that he wants to be informed about everything to do with the show.

Oscar: You say you want to be informed about everything -- but you really don't.

Mike must be a real pain in the ass to work with. I used to wonder why Don interrupted him so much -- now I understand.

I almost went into a state of shock when Oscar mentioned they have a web-host now. Some company by the name of Bluebot that does graphic design. (They are separate from the guy who does Mike's website. That guy is a friend of Oscar's and is doing it for free. Of course, that doesn't prevent Mike from bitching about him.)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 03, 2010 10:17AM

That's classic, a "radio" "show" that
asks it's "listeners" for tickets to games.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:17AM

I had to check before I believed it. $10.99? Who is going to pay for this crap? How long is each RAW show going to be? Why would I want to pay to listen to a bunch of guys talk about porn or have strippers come in for one of their birthdays or whatever? I didn't even like that crap on the regular radio. Remember how creepy Mike was when he started having porn stars on his show? Ugh.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:18AM

It is absolutely absurd that Buzz should set up COBRA for Mike. WTF? As for Blue Bot, I think they are doing it at a discounted rate. I don't think they are doing it for free (though their web guy is working for free).

Why wouldn't Mike "fall in love" with podcasting? He doesn't have to leave his house. He can get drunk. And he has three idiots who will do everything for him (including wiping his ass, I would imagine).

If Buzz, Oscar and/or Rob(b) read this, here is a suggestion for you. Get the fuck out while you can. This douchebag is dragging you down with him. Rob(b) needs to stop pretending to be a radio guy and fill out an application at his neighborhood Giant. All of you guys need to stop wasting the two or three hours a day you commit to this doomed endeavor and, instead, invest more time with your real friends and families.

Mike is a fucking loser. Everything he touches turns to shit. Don was Mother Teresa allowing this jackass to ride his coattails for so long.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:20AM

> That's classic, a "radio" "show" that
> asks it's "listeners" for tickets to games.

Yeah. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Given his former connections with the Caps, Mike must have asked the front office for comp tickets to promote the Caps on his show. Apparently the Caps don't think it is worth the $100 or so for two free tickets in the nosebleed section to be on Mike's "show."


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 03, 2010 10:48AM

If you were the Caps, why would you donate tickets to a shitty podcast that nobody listens to, when you could: 1. sell them, since the team kicks ass, 2. give them to a show that gets better ratings. I'm sure there's a HAM radio operator that gets more listeners than the MOM show.

It's fucking pathetic. I wonder if Rob(b) can fall back on his drama club skills he developed in high school...

The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand. Or so I have read.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Collateral ()
Date: March 03, 2010 11:03AM

Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25 pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just don't listen. It's practically spam at this point.

It's the only local daily comedic talk radio. Unless you actually count Elliot. Take it or leave it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 11:12AM

Collateral Wrote:
> Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem
> just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25
> pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just
> don't listen. It's practically spam at this
> point.

Perhaps you are right. It's probably way past the point of beating a dead horse now. Maybe some of the regulars on this thread can PM me and give me their input. I'm not really doing anything here except pointing out the obvious failures of Mike. Schadenfreude is fun for only so long.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 03, 2010 12:16PM

Collateral Wrote:
> Did Mike O'Meara rape you WTL? Because you seem
> just slightly butthurt. You have written like 25
> pages of this thread, give it a fucking rest. Just
> don't listen. It's practically spam at this
> point.
> It's the only local daily comedic talk radio.
> Unless you actually count Elliot. Take it or leave
> it.

If you rearrange the letters in "Collateral", it spells "Mike O'Meara"! :O

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 12:58PM

Taylor Wrote:

> If you rearrange the letters in "Collateral", it
> spells "Mike O'Meara"! :O

It can't. Everyone knows Mike has no "Collateral."


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dr. Doom ()
Date: March 03, 2010 02:05PM

I think it is a good idea on Mike's part (or whoever came up with the idea) to make special podcasts available where you need to pay to download the material. However, I agree with everyone on this board that the subject matter of these special podcasts is not appealing at all.

Now do not get me wrong, I like checking out a porn site every now and then. But hearing Mike, Buzz, and Robb talk about that stuff?...eh...no thanks.

Who knows, maybe it will be a huge success. God knows plenty of shitty movies make money and many bad songs become hits. So maybe ol' Mike has a chance....well, maybe not.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Chucky ()
Date: March 03, 2010 02:19PM

Wow, WTL, stalk much? I got no problem with you saying what a douchebag assclown O'Meara is, because, well, it's true. But showing street view pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a whole new level. Rather than looking like a guy who is genuinely disappointed in the way O'Meara wasted his opportunities or even a guy that gets satisfaction out of seeing others fail, you look like a guy who has some personal axe to grind with the guy. Did O'Meara piss you off in some way in the real world? From the way you are going after him, I'd almost guess O'Meara fucked your wife or something of that sort to get you this worked up.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:14PM

Chucky Wrote:
But showing street view
> pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a
> whole new level.

You should bring this up with the other posters who did the same thing months ago.

But to be kind, I have replaced it with an approximate substitute.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2010 03:16PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:16PM

Chucky Wrote:
> Wow, WTL, stalk much? I got no problem with you
> saying what a douchebag assclown O'Meara is,
> because, well, it's true. But showing street view
> pictures of the fatass' house is taking it to a
> whole new level. Rather than looking like a guy
> who is genuinely disappointed in the way O'Meara
> wasted his opportunities or even a guy that gets
> satisfaction out of seeing others fail, you look
> like a guy who has some personal axe to grind with
> the guy. Did O'Meara piss you off in some way in
> the real world? From the way you are going after
> him, I'd almost guess O'Meara fucked your wife or
> something of that sort to get you this worked up.

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in the name "Chucky", you get the name "Collateral"? :-0

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Interesting ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:43PM

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 05, 2010 09:44PM

All you are doing is bumping the thread up. If you are hoping to make it go away, you are mistaken.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blah ()
Date: March 06, 2010 12:15AM

if you wanted a stereotypical message board exchange, this would be it. X-topic is the stupidest thing ever, Poster 1 disagrees (perhaps misspelling something), Poster 2 points out mistake, adds racial slur or questions Poster 1's sexual orientation, Poster 1 responds in kind, other dullards add their ignorant, profane opinions, repeat for 54 pages...you people are ruining the internet (what do you mean 'you people')

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 06, 2010 01:09AM

Glad you have broken it down to a science.
You musta really read those 54 pages really thoroughly
and studied thier content in depth.



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 06, 2010 10:06AM

Blah Wrote:
> if you wanted a stereotypical message board
> exchange, this would be it. X-topic is the
> stupidest thing ever, Poster 1 disagrees (perhaps
> misspelling something), Poster 2 points out
> mistake, adds racial slur or questions Poster 1's
> sexual orientation, Poster 1 responds in kind,
> other dullards add their ignorant, profane
> opinions, repeat for 54 pages...you people are
> ruining the internet (what do you mean 'you
> people')

I bet you would be a blast to follow around for a week. No doubt have a lot going on in your life.........You forgot to add one thing Fucknut,,, The poster that comes on a thread analyzing exchanges on the "stupidest thing ever" eclipsing all other posters with his superior insight and raising said discourse to a level so high it has created a new intellectual zenith. Bravo! Dumbfuck, Bravo

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 06, 2010 10:27AM

mcsmack Wrote:

> I bet you would be a blast to follow around for a
> week. No doubt have a lot going on in your
> life.........You forgot to add one thing
> Fucknut,,, The poster that comes on a thread
> analyzing exchanges on the "stupidest thing ever"
> eclipsing all other posters with his superior
> insight and raising said discourse to a level so
> high it has created a new intellectual zenith.
> Bravo! Dumbfuck, Bravo

I just think it is funny that they are contributing to keeping this thread alive.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: DelRay ()
Date: March 06, 2010 08:14PM

I heard this is the place where people waste their time talking about how much they hate Mike O'Meara and how much he sucks? Can I join? I was thinking about living my life, but this is way too important. He's fat. That radio show of his is awful. I've listened every day and I can tell you it sucks. I'm going to keep listening though, just to make sure.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: March 06, 2010 10:37PM

DelRay Wrote:
> I heard this is the place where people waste their
> time talking about how much they hate Mike O'Meara
> and how much he sucks? Can I join? I was
> thinking about living my life, but this is way too
> important. He's fat. That radio show of his is
> awful. I've listened every day and I can tell you
> it sucks. I'm going to keep listening though,
> just to make sure.

Well, DelRay, to be entirely honest with you, this is just ONE of the places where we get together and waste time talking about how much Mike O'Meara sucks and how much we hate him. We ALSO have a "home group" that meets every third Thursday of the month (although lately we've been meeting almost EVERY WEEK just because there's sooooooo much to talk about.)

Once we had a "piñata party" where we took a Homer Simpson piñata and spray-painted it pasty-white and drew a scraggly beard on it with a Sharpie so that it looked just like Mike. Inside, it was filled with a mixture of jelly-filled doughnuts and old WJFK key chains that we dug out of a dumpster from behind the WFAN radio-station building.

Sometimes we have an "Open Mike" night (ha, ha, pun intended), where we all get up on stage, (it's actually an old coffee table), and do free-form beat poetry about Mike and anything having to do with Mike. I particularly liked WashingTone-Locian's epic "If you think that the Don & Mike show was a great white whale then you haven't seen Mike's ass yet." I'm not embarrassed to say that several members had tears in their eyes.

Once or twice we've all piled in the van to drive over to Mike's house in order to watch Carla undressing through her bedroom window. (I never realized that she and Mike sleep in separate bedrooms. I always figured that they slept in the same room but in two different beds a'la "Ricky and Lucy".)

If you REALLY want to join our group, I encourage you to apply, but please be aware that we already have quite a long waiting list of people who want in. Depending on your credentials, you might have a bit of a wait ahead of you.

Anyway, thanks for the interest and I hope to see you at one of the meetings someday.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2010 10:39PM by Taylor.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Willie Nelson ()
Date: March 06, 2010 10:53PM

Why does something tell me that the spammer might be that don and mike/mike omeara buttpirate, the belcher???

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2010 01:41AM

I think he should come up with a new "character".
This character should be a flaming homosexual.
I figure that if your gonna look the part, might
as well play it too.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 07, 2010 08:53AM

DelRay Wrote:
> I heard this is the place where people waste their
> time talking about how much they hate Mike O'Meara
> and how much he sucks? Can I join? I was
> thinking about living my life, but this is way too
> important. He's fat. That radio show of his is
> awful. I've listened every day and I can tell you
> it sucks. I'm going to keep listening though,
> just to make sure.

Yes it is. Carla and Carrie are founding members.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Willie Nelson ()
Date: March 08, 2010 02:01AM

Oscar wasn't there on friday because he went to las vegas, because unlike the others he actually has a real job. and I don't know but I have a feeling that the degree that he got from WVU wasn't in communications or media arts like the degrees from other colleges that mike and robb got, and he makes a honorable salary,
but I have a piece of advice for robb if he actually reads this forum: you aren't that old, go back to school, get your teaching credential, and teach school, because that is all you can do with your useless degree...As for Mike get a job in top 40 radio, you can do that... Buzz you have some talent, use it...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 08, 2010 10:22AM

DelRay Wrote:
> I heard this is the place where people waste their
> time talking about how much they hate Mike O'Meara
> and how much he sucks?

We're wasting time? How about Mike, Rob, Buzz, Oscar and one engineer X 2 hours a day minimum = 10 hrs X 5 days per week= 50 hrs = 2,500 hrs annually. Now lets take what you make cooking fries at McDonalds, $8.50 X 2,500 = $21,250.

Now what if gas (bandwidth) for your moped cost $7,000 per month just to get to work. Thats $84,000 a year. Were talking big league time wasting here.

Can I join? I was
> thinking about living my life, but this is way too
> important.

You already have

He's fat. That radio show of his is
> awful. I've listened every day and I can tell you
> it sucks. I'm going to keep listening though,
> just to make sure.

I,m sure you do listen everyday.Thats only 260 hrs a year . So in McDonald money it's costing you $2,210.00 annually.I'm sure you would pay twice that.

Make sure you keep the fries hot and let us know how great the Raw show is

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2010 10:42AM by mcsmack.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2010 10:25AM

Willie Nelson Wrote:
> Oscar wasn't there on friday because he went to
> las vegas, because unlike the others he actually
> has a real job. and I don't know but I have a
> feeling that the degree that he got from WVU
> wasn't in communications or media arts like the
> degrees from other colleges that mike and robb
> got, and he makes a honorable salary,
> but I have a piece of advice for robb if he
> actually reads this forum: you aren't that old, go
> back to school, get your teaching credential, and
> teach school, because that is all you can do with
> your useless degree...As for Mike get a job in top
> 40 radio, you can do that... Buzz you have some
> talent, use it...

Yep. Oscar is starting to move on. Good for him. I'm sure Buzz will be joining him in the not too distant future. Now if Carrie can just put her foot down and tell Rob(b) to get a real job, some progress will be made.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: beater ()
Date: March 08, 2010 10:39AM

Dead Horse Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: March 08, 2010 10:45AM

beater Wrote:
Didn't you post that back on page 22?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: hb ()
Date: March 08, 2010 10:47AM

mcsmack Wrote:
Dead horse Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2010 11:00AM

hb Wrote:
> mcsmack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----

It's obviously not dead if you feel the need to post this stuff.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: hovine massacre ()
Date: March 08, 2010 11:01AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> hb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > mcsmack Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> It's obviously not dead if you feel the need to
> post this stuff.

beating a dead horse Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: March 08, 2010 11:13AM

hovine massacre Wrote:

Keep bumping it up. We are enjoying the futility of your actions.


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