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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 20, 2016 10:45PM

It's a bizarre Pokemon world when a man's worth is determined by his Facebook likes, and not his alcoholism-induced brain damage, his inability to master contraception, his inability to work his last full airshift to preserve at least the possibility of getting another radio gig, the number of beers he can drink before a job interview, his knack for falling down after challenging someone to a fight, his gay as fuck motorcycle and motorcycle gear, his divorce decree from Billy that he can't talk about, his YAZ IS A FAG meltdown. his Impromptu Drunken Karaoke, his stealing wine from coworkers, his putting gifts from listeners on ebay, his Big Duff, his ability to fall asleep in the neighbor's front yard even at 5 in the morning...


Oh yeah, Hobble fuckin' Gobble. Think of me as Bloody Mary,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:17AM

ElmoMcKraken Wrote:
> Merle Rogers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > peekza Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > pitiful attempt
> > >
> > > -peekza
> >
> >
> > Causation does not equal correlation.
> >
> > -Merle
> Actually, you stupid lump of shit it does.
> You meant it the other way and got it wrong, you
> ignorant fuckstick
JHops salute.jpg

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:22AM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Keep in mind that standards have changed. When
> > Fuckwaddle went there AU was one of the schools
> > you'd go to if you couldn't get into your
> safety
> > school. Fuckwaddle had to prep somewhere else
> for
> > two years before getting in.
> >
> > Over time and with influxes of Saudi money,
> > standards have risen. Late 70s Fuckwaddle
> > couldn't get into AU 2016.
> >
> > And as has been pointed out, "Merle 'Two Clams'
> > Rodgers" continues to fail. No real surprise
> > there. Word to the wise: don't masquerade as
> > someone who was in the studio when you posted
> as
> > her.
> Stop posting pics of his daughter, you stupid
> cunt.

or not
Boooom BAM.jpg

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:24AM

Cary and Carla Wrote:
> Carla: Gee, thanks so much, honey. You're getting
> all these likes and kudos from your fans for your
> post about how much you appreciate me. I'm also
> getting a bunch of comments, Gee, Carla, what a
> lucky gal you are to have such an appreciative,
> thoughtful and kind husband.
> Mike, you coulda just rolled over (with effort, I
> know) and said those things to my face and not
> make it all about you on FB.
> Fucker.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:36AM

782...Semper Family
Wait a minute...that better not be a pocket constitution.jpg

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:38AM

Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> Stephen Douglas McIntire Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The emotion was genuine on that post from Mike,
> > and there were tons of likes!
> >
> > Jealous much?
> Didn't Mike's father say (regarding WW II) "Real
> heroes don't talk about it?"
> And Stephen, Larry Scrotum wanted me to tell you
> to dig a little deeper (wait for it!) with the
> evidence you uncovered (waaaaaaaait!!!!) regarding
> Vincent Dinosaur's FFXU ID...

math adds up

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Lazy Drunk Asshole ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:47AM

What manner of vile faggotry is this? What is up with that leg? My Kingdom for a goddamn motherfucking cocksucking picture that isn't a photograph of a mirror!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Satan's Little Helper ()
Date: July 21, 2016 06:32AM

Damien O'Meara casts the Constitution-toting barber from the barbershop.

Literally damned genetics!

Seriously, does that poor kid EVER smile?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carla's Fake Tatrz ()
Date: July 21, 2016 08:04AM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 21, 2016 11:19AM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Hey, apostrophe S face! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > well, her friends at TMOS surely didn't let her
> > talk that day, so she could have been posting
> away
> > on her phone, checking her email, making a
> grocery
> > list, playing words with friends, dealing with
> all
> > the nitwits in her life, etc.
> You're not following the lies that this 2 clam
> vagina'ed impostor is putting out.
> "> p.s. Unless Merle was posting to FFXU during
> the
> > show, "Merle" is not Merle.
> > Re: The Mike
> > O'Meara Show
> > Posted by:
> > Merle Rogers ()
> > Date: July 15,
> > 2016 09:41AM
> You are a stupid piece of shit bottom dwelling
> douche. When I posted it was well after the show
> ended."

> So "Merle Rodgers" is asking us to believe that a
> show that was streamed live AND had technical
> difficulties was over well before 9:41 AM, 41
> minutes after the start time for a 1 hour nineteen
> minute show.
> The retardation of "Merle Rodgers" is off the
> charts; on that basis alone I am of the school of
> thought that says "she" is also "Todd Hess".
> "She" says she picked him up at the train (because
> fat people like to take the train from Rochester
> to DC to fight strangers, happens all the time,
> totally believable) and "he" says he only knows
> "her" from Facebook.
> I was pleased that the "real" Merle didn't get any
> camera or mic time.

You are just JEALOUS because I was invited to the TMOS LIVE STUDIOS...

YOU are simply not cool enough to hang with those you ridicule on a daily basis and listen to everyday.



-"The Real" Merle

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 21, 2016 11:33AM

I'm going to support my good friend Merle.

You folks keep saying that she was on the show during the post.

But it wasn't like she was talking or participating.

There was lots of browsing time during her time in the studio.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2016 11:48AM by Stephen Douglas McIntire.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 21, 2016 11:57AM

Stephen Douglas McIntire Wrote:
> I'm going to support my good friend Merle.
> You folks keep saying that she was on the show
> during the post.
> But it wasn't like she was talking or
> participating.
> There was lots of browsing time during her time in
> the studio.

Thanks High Sparrow, I guess they have never heard of those rectangle mobile devices, known as cell phones.

Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi :-)


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lee Harvey Oswald ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:13PM

Hey, Stephen Douglas McIntire, John Wayne Gacy and I were just wondering what horrific crime you plan on committing, or have you already committed it, but it's still a secret? PLEASE tell us Merle is involved, somehow!

Either way, welcome to the 3-Name Killer Club!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: FBI Director Comey ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:33PM

Stephen Douglas McIntire, you have the right to remain silent, blah, blah, blah...

If it turns out that your only claim to fame is being a serial blocker to a lame fan site, please refer to yourself by two names only. Let's reserve the three-name designations for more accomplished a-holes.

If it turns out that you took your wife's last name, at least add a hyphen after your maiden name. Less confusing.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 21, 2016 12:44PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi :-)
> -Merle

Then what about the technical issues that prevented the posting of the shows the last few years?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:55PM

Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> Merle Rogers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi :-)
> >
> > -Merle
> Then what about the technical issues that
> prevented the posting of the shows the last few
> years?

I know. right? Fake Merle just gave herself away...no way she was "on wifi" in the studio during taping....Like they would just give out their wifi password to their guests?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:56PM

Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> Merle Rogers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi :-)
> >
> > -Merle
> Then what about the technical issues that
> prevented the posting of the shows the last few
> years?

I guess you are not a real fan of TMOS. Because if you were, you would know the issues are unfortunately on Mike's end as they have been updating the cable/ FIOS in his subdivision.





Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:57PM

Stephen Douglas McIntire Wrote:
> I'm going to support my good friend Merle.
> You folks keep saying that she was on the show
> during the post. <--------------this is where you fuck up
> But it wasn't like she was talking or
> participating. <-----that's what made it excellent, the Fuck You Rob Guy gets more airtime
> There was lots of browsing time during her time in
> the studio. <--------------doesn't matter

Listen up Johnny Alzheimer, you ignorant cocksucker.

You're not following the lies that this 2 clam
vagina'ed impostor is putting out.

> "> p.s. Unless Merle was posting to FFXU during
> the
> > show, "Merle" is not Merle.
> > Re: The Mike
> > O'Meara Show
> > Posted by:
> > Merle Rogers ()
> > Date: July 15,
> > 2016 09:41AM <---------focus, old man
> You are a stupid piece of shit bottom dwelling
> douche. When I posted it was well after the show
> ended."

Lemme 'splain it to you yet again Senor Senile. "Merle" says the show, which has a 9 am start time and was streamed live and which had to stop in the middle because of a technical issue, was over well before 9:41 am.

"You" say "she" posted during the show.
"She" says "she" posted "well after the show was ended".

Get your caregiver to explain to you that you can't both be right.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 21, 2016 12:58PM

peekza Wrote:
> Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Merle Rogers Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > >
> > > Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi
> :-)
> > >
> > > -Merle
> >
> > Then what about the technical issues that
> > prevented the posting of the shows the last few
> > years?
> I know. right? Fake Merle just gave herself
> away...no way she was "on wifi" in the studio
> during taping....Like they would just give out
> their wifi password to their guests?

Try harder. The building has wifi, but regardless, I was still connected to the Wifi @ Starbucks.






Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 21, 2016 01:01PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Stephen Douglas McIntire Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm going to support my good friend Merle.
> >
> > You folks keep saying that she was on the show
> > during the post. <--------------this is where
> you fuck up

> >
> > But it wasn't like she was talking or
> > participating. <-----that's what made it
> excellent, the Fuck You Rob Guy gets more
> airtime

> >
> > There was lots of browsing time during her time
> in
> > the studio. <--------------doesn't
> matter

> Listen up Johnny Alzheimer, you ignorant
> cocksucker.
> You're not following the lies that this 2 clam
> vagina'ed impostor is putting out.
> > "> p.s. Unless Merle was posting to FFXU during
> > the
> > > show, "Merle" is not Merle.
> > > Re: The Mike
> > > O'Meara Show
> > > Posted by:
> > > Merle Rogers ()
> > > Date: July 15,
> > > 2016 09:41AM <---------focus, old man
> >
> > You are a stupid piece of shit bottom dwelling
> > douche. When I posted it was well after the
> show
> > ended."

> Lemme 'splain it to you yet again Senor Senile.
> "Merle" says the show, which has a 9 am start time
> and was streamed live and which had to stop in the
> middle because of a technical issue, was
> over well before 9:41 am.
> "You" say "she" posted during the show.
> "She" says "she" posted "well after the show was
> ended".
> Get your caregiver to explain to you that you
> can't both be right.

Now you are just making stuff up. At least come stronger with all of your FALSE FLAG attempts at debunking the simple fact I was invited to TMOS LIVE, you were invited to your mother's basement.

Winner = Merle

Loser = 5000

Chalk another win up to the REAL MERLE.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2016 01:02PM by Merle Rogers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 21, 2016 01:09PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Merle Rogers Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi
> > :-)
> > > >
> > > > -Merle
> > >
> > > Then what about the technical issues that
> > > prevented the posting of the shows the last
> few
> > > years?
> >
> > I know. right? Fake Merle just gave herself
> > away...no way she was "on wifi" in the studio
> > during taping....Like they would just give out
> > their wifi password to their guests?
> Try harder. The building has wifi, but regardless,
> I was still connected to the Wifi @ Starbucks.
> #TryHarder
> #IHaveAnAnswerForEverything
> #TeamTMOS
> #TMSOFanPageFacebook
> -Merle

Wait, the studio has excellent wifi, so good they had to stop the show?

So great, you had to piggyback off of the Starbucks signal?






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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 21, 2016 01:12PM

Yeah speaking of "yourself" in the third person - tre convincing!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 21, 2016 01:33PM

     -- Reposting for "Merle 'Slime Trail' Rodgers" --

Listen up Johnny Alzheimer, you ignorant cocksucker.

You're not following the lies that this 2 clam
vagina'ed impostor is putting out.

> "> p.s. Unless Merle was posting to FFXU during
> the
> > show, "Merle" is not Merle.
> > Re: The Mike
> > O'Meara Show
> > Posted by:
> > Merle Rogers ()
> > Date: July 15,
> > 2016 09:41AM <---------focus, old man
> You are a stupid piece of shit bottom dwelling
> douche. When I posted it was well after the show
> ended." <---- do you suck off your dog with that mouth, "Merle"?

Lemme 'splain it to you yet again Senor Senile. "Merle" says the show, which has a 9 am start time and was streamed live and which had to stop in the middle because of a technical issue, was over well before 9:41 am.

      -- Talking to You Now, "Merle" --

"You" say "you" posted "well after the show ended".

You're saying 9:41 AM was "well after the show ended." This is the part you never address because it scuppers your entire fake personality here. Such a big fan you don't know when the show starts or ends.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 21, 2016 02:00PM

Why I kick you slugs out of the fan club every day?

100% hate, 100% of the time.

TMOS is fun. If you could just drop your hatred habit for one second, you might enjoy it too.

Enough of this dark place for today, I'm going back to the positive people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ddxt9 ()
Date: July 21, 2016 02:02PM

This is awesome! The klubbers vs. the losers. Kind of like watching Clinton and Trump battle it out and trying to decide which one is more retarded.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 02:32PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bruno_Hautenfaust Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Merle Rogers Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Plus, TMOS LIVE STUDIOS has excellent Wifi
> > :-)
> > > >
> > > > -Merle
> > >
> > > Then what about the technical issues that
> > > prevented the posting of the shows the last
> few
> > > years?
> >
> > I know. right? Fake Merle just gave herself
> > away...no way she was "on wifi" in the studio
> > during taping....Like they would just give out
> > their wifi password to their guests?
> Try harder. The building has wifi, but regardless,
> I was still connected to the Wifi @ Starbucks.
> #TryHarder
> #IHaveAnAnswerForEverything
> #TeamTMOS
> #TMSOFanPageFacebook
> -Merle

If the "- Merle" didn't give fake Merle away, the multiple #s did...Might as well have used #keyboard warrior

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 02:33PM

ddxt9 Wrote:
> This is awesome! The klubbers vs. the losers. Kind
> of like watching Clinton and Trump battle it out
> and trying to decide which one is more retarded.

easily the person entertained by it all...you

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: July 21, 2016 02:44PM

Hey SDM, per my name, I am not a TMOS hater. I love TMOS.

I just happen to love a lot of very shitty things.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Klub lover ()
Date: July 21, 2016 02:47PM

ddxt9 Wrote:
> This is awesome! The klubbers vs. the losers. Kind
> of like watching Clinton and Trump battle it out
> and trying to decide which one is more retarded.

I'm glad you found someone to explain the humor for you. You're like a little leaguer watching the World Series. It's almost nap time; don't get too much drool on your rug. And save a little saliva for the windows!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Klub lover ()
Date: July 21, 2016 03:07PM

Stephen Douglas McIntire Wrote:
> Why I kick you slugs out of the fan club every
> day?
> 100% hate, 100% of the time.
> TMOS is fun. If you could just drop your hatred
> habit for one second, you might enjoy it too.
> Enough of this dark place for today, I'm going
> back to the positive people.

Better mosey on back to Klubberville, Sheriff McIntire. Those nitwits can get pretty rowdy when The Law is away.

Don't forget to ask Todd "Big Potty" Hess how his stool measurements are doing.

Too bad you can't tell hatred from ball busting. You DO know that Don and Mike are two of the biggest haters around, right? Of course you don't; you're a klubber. Instead of collecting a donation to Haitian Angels, you'd rather send a millionaire and his family to a golf tournament that 2 of the 3 could care less about.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: bubbyman ()
Date: July 21, 2016 03:19PM

Really, 3 of 3 don't care. If Mike cared he would have made at least one trip during the years he was a single multimillionaire without children he payed attention to.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: July 21, 2016 03:26PM

bubbyman Wrote:
> Really, 3 of 3 don't care. If Mike cared he would
> have made at least one trip during the years he
> was a single multimillionaire without children he
> payed attention to.

Exactly. I bet he will feign some difficulty with his hips and sell the package.

Options: ReplyQuote
Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Klub lover ()
Date: July 21, 2016 03:35PM

bubbyman Wrote:
> Really, 3 of 3 don't care. If Mike cared he would
> have made at least one trip during the years he
> was a single multimillionaire without children he
> payed attention to.

It was on his bucket list, right after going to a Prince concert, but before seeing his penis again without a mirror.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: July 21, 2016 03:37PM

Ermagerd Drted Rfrnce () Wrote:
> http://dctheatrescene.com/2016/07/11/amelia-e > arhart-space/
> http://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2016/07/11/2016 > -capital-fringe-review-amelia-earhart-space/

Wow, that sounds TERRIBLE.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 04:46PM

Ermagerd Drted Rfrnce () Wrote:
> http://dctheatrescene.com/2016/07/11/amelia-e > arhart-space/
> http://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2016/07/11/2016 > -capital-fringe-review-amelia-earhart-space/

doesn't sound like Catherine has a very big part in it

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: July 21, 2016 04:51PM

She didn't suck enough cock to get the big roles I guess.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 21, 2016 05:17PM

Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> She didn't suck enough cock to get the big roles I
> guess.

Rude and rude!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 05:30PM

Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> She didn't suck enough cock to get the big roles I
> guess.

Isn't she a SR next year? Hollywood look out

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 21, 2016 06:58PM

"Please note: Fringe shows start on time; there were several people with tickets who missed this show because of arriving late. You do not want to be one of those people.

Running Time: 70 minutes, with no intermission."

Fuck that. Plus you have to show up wearing some kind of gay as fuck button.

"Capital Fringe Festival Button required for admission"


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Stan Kubrick ()
Date: July 21, 2016 09:01PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> "Please note: Fringe shows start on time; there
> were several people with tickets who missed this
> show because of arriving late. You do not want to
> be one of those people.
> Running Time: 70 minutes, with no intermission."
> Fuck that. Plus you have to show up wearing some
> kind of gay as fuck button.
> "Capital Fringe Festival Button required for
> admission"
> https://www.capitalfringe.org/buttons

A Fringe button sounds like something the Tom Cruise character needed to get into an Eyes Wide Shut orgy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 21, 2016 09:15PM

How would you like to come back from work after surgery and find this monstrosity in your workplace, for no reason at all?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 10:17PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > She didn't suck enough cock to get the big roles
> I
> > guess.
> Rude and rude!

and yet he's not factually incorrect

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 21, 2016 10:19PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> How would you like to come back from work after
> surgery and find this monstrosity in your
> workplace, for no reason at all?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Donnie Vie ()
Date: July 22, 2016 01:16AM

ddxt9 Wrote:
> This is awesome! The klubbers vs. the losers. Kind
> of like watching Clinton and Trump battle it out
> and trying to decide which one is more retarded.

Great point.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 1 tmos fan ()
Date: July 22, 2016 08:39AM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> Hey SDM, per my name, I am not a TMOS hater. I
> love TMOS.

It's the best show in town, no matter what town you're in.

Can't wait for the boys to come back next week, brighter and better than ever! They can make our hands clap! (clap, clapclapclap)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2016 08:41AM by 1 tmos fan.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wait? Not! ()
Date: July 22, 2016 11:17AM

I grabbed today's repeat because it was clips from the Bone-Us Show.

I'm 12 minutes in, and it's ponderous, man, fucking ponderous. What it's not is funny or entertaining.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wait? Not! ()
Date: July 22, 2016 11:23AM

Headdd Fail:

The opening is from Mr. Robot. LFF says, "Horrible Bosses 2? Is that what that is?" Headdd replies, "It is. Kevin Spacey's scene. Probably the best part of the movie."

No one in that scene looked or sounded anything like Spacey. Great work

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WSH Lax Peru ()
Date: July 22, 2016 06:00PM

Uncle Pascal is beginning to get on my nerves about drinking, staying out late, not cleaning up, pissing on his magic the gathering cards, and not mowing the lawn. Plus he still talks about that stupid dumb soda machine in his living room. So as I was gassing up the mower I gassed up his porch! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I poured gasoline all over the porch, lit a match, and boom! Pascal comes back from the store and starts freaking out. I told him that it was spontaneous combustion and he starts grabbing bucket of water to put it out. Well fire department gets called. Porch is destroyed, the front of his house is charred, and hahahaha his living room is soaked because of the fire hose. Luckily the fire marshal couldn't find any evidence of arson but Pascal has a sneaking suspicion. That guy is such a loser an A plus broner. Next step is to cut his break lines HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 22, 2016 06:41PM

take it somewhere else guy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Obsessing Over Other Men's Lives ()
Date: July 22, 2016 07:54PM

Rejected O'Meara poem verse...

'And so my child, today we celebrate you're alive,
For I'll be long gone dead by the time your five."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Long Fellow ()
Date: July 22, 2016 08:52PM

Obsessing Over Other Men's Lives Wrote:
> Rejected O'Meara poem verse...
> 'And so my child, today we celebrate you're
> alive,
> For I'll be long gone dead by the time your
> five."

"I love you, son, with every pore
But I'll be dead when you turn four.

You are the one I idolize
Unlike those two with godless eyes."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 22, 2016 09:17PM

Did someone say godless eyes?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Unknown Poet ()
Date: July 22, 2016 10:48PM

Here, let's just spike your sippy cup,
So tomorrow you don't wake me up.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 22, 2016 11:11PM

"TMOS would like to welcome our newest sponsor, Blue Blankie. That's right, no more emergency trips to the drug store for Benadryl. Benadryl and other kid-friendly sedatives delivered directly to your home! I'm a subscriber, you should be too! Use the offer code TMOS, and save some for Dad now, won't you?"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 1 tmos fan ()
Date: July 22, 2016 11:59PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> "TMOS would like to welcome our newest sponsor,
> Blue Blankie. That's right, no more emergency
> trips to the drug store for Benadryl. Benadryl
> and other kid-friendly sedatives delivered
> directly to your home! I'm a subscriber, you
> should be too! Use the offer code TMOS, and save
> some for Dad now, won't you?"

Don't forget to use the TMOS code for a 15% discount! Simply the best way to support the show (honk honk, honkhonk)

Remember, remember the 5th of November!

"We can rebuild him, we have the technology!" The TMOS show, back and better than ever with a bionic hip starting Mon-dee. Get those ustreams ready and be sure to subscribe on iTunes and we'll discuss it here on the Fairfax FFXU underground! Open 24/7/365 and on Sundays. Because 1568 episodes just aint enough!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2016 12:00AM by 1 tmos fan.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: July 23, 2016 01:53AM

"Here, little one, 2 whiskey sours.
Maybe you will sleep 12 hours."

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Poem Gnome ()
Date: July 23, 2016 07:57AM

"All three of us now need our liquor.
Gawd, why didn't I pull out quicker?

When I climax, I yell, "ZANG!"
Can't stand rubbers with poontang.

I can't deny he's mine, I fear.
The O'Meara cunt is on each ear."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hey, apostrophe S face! ()
Date: July 23, 2016 12:48PM

Is it really true that SDM is starting a gofundme campaign to get Mike's daughter a new bikini bottom?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: July 23, 2016 01:14PM

No no - to get into her bikini bottom I think.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Cary S, Man of the Family ()
Date: July 23, 2016 01:50PM

Cary is shopping for necklaces while sporting a Coach handbag. Crown Royal, backstage passes to concerts. These people sure have expensive taste considering they are both technically unemployed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Four Hour Club ()
Date: July 23, 2016 02:53PM

Cary S, Man of the Family Wrote:
> Cary is shopping for necklaces while sporting a
> Coach handbag. Crown Royal, backstage passes to
> concerts. These people sure have expensive taste
> considering they are both technically unemployed.

I wonder if they ever fixed the speedometer on her elderly Tahoe? Who needs to know how fast they're driving anyway.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 23, 2016 02:53PM

Hey, apostrophe S face! Wrote:
> Is it really true that SDM is starting a gofundme
> campaign to get Mike's daughter a new bikini
> bottom?

Yes, the one on the left is wearing her underwear to the beach, upstairs and downstairs. That's one classy lady. You should all stop picking on her!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Doctor Phillip ()
Date: July 23, 2016 03:44PM

Cary S, Man of the Family Wrote:
> Cary is shopping for necklaces while sporting a
> Coach handbag. Crown Royal, backstage passes to
> concerts. These people sure have expensive taste
> considering they are both technically unemployed.

The Spewaks are just trying to keep up with the Santanas and the O'Mearas. Unfortunately, Robb doesn't have a rich father or a wealthy spinster stalking him.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Strategery ()
Date: July 23, 2016 05:30PM

What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and "Merle Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same person? Thoughts?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 23, 2016 06:25PM

your guess is as good as mine

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 23, 2016 06:26PM

I love getting fucked in the ass.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wifi Airconditioner ()
Date: July 23, 2016 07:10PM

I'm loving these parody posts! Keep 'em coming!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 1 tmos fan ()
Date: July 23, 2016 11:36PM

Cary S, Man of the Family Wrote:
> Cary is shopping for necklaces while sporting a
> Coach handbag. Crown Royal, backstage passes to
> concerts. These people sure have expensive taste
> considering they are both technically unemployed.

Business is good when you're apart to the TMOS show! Make those hands clap! See you on the 5th of November cheering 'em on sellout crowd baybee

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 24, 2016 01:31AM

What I would do for a thick, black cock this weekend! PM me on my primary name here: Brown Onion. I will host but plan on a motel. Bi-curious a huge ++++. Smokers preferred.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wifi Airconditioner ()
Date: July 24, 2016 02:47AM

I'm loving these parody posts! Keep 'em coming!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 24, 2016 01:31PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Yes, the one on the left is wearing her underwear
> to the beach, upstairs and downstairs. That's one
> classy lady. You should all stop picking on her!


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Show Fan ()
Date: July 24, 2016 02:36PM

Hey I'm feeling kind of horny faggots. Anyone in the Annandale area looking for some gas station sex or maybe a sloppy blow job? I'm totally available and you can use my mouth as a toilet.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Under Where? ()
Date: July 24, 2016 02:36PM

Give her a break. Who could have anticipated the opportunity to go to the beach while visiting her father...in FLORIDA!

Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Just look at her dad.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wifi Airconditioner ()
Date: July 24, 2016 03:49PM

Mike O'Meara Show Fan Wrote:
> Hey I'm feeling kind of horny faggots. Anyone in
> the Annandale area looking for some gas station
> sex or maybe a sloppy blow job? I'm totally
> available and you can use my mouth as a toilet.

I'm loving these parody posts! Keep 'em coming!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Roboflop ()
Date: July 25, 2016 07:28AM

I bet when scientists came up with the idea of artificial joints and limbs and things like that, they imagined actually helping people live full lives, not letting fat loads of goo stay alive beyond when they should be loaded into a pine piano box.

Sorry, Carla.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: EsteBAN ()
Date: July 25, 2016 08:55AM

The "best of" shows suck enough... That "Bonus best of" posted on Friday was the most unfunny POS I've heard in a long time. Add Robb's DJ shtick between segments, and it goes off the scale of the crap meter.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ye Olden Tymes ()
Date: July 25, 2016 10:49AM

EsteBAN Wrote:
> The "best of" shows suck enough... That "Bonus
> best of" posted on Friday was the most unfunny POS
> I've heard in a long time. Add Robb's DJ shtick
> between segments, and it goes off the scale of the
> crap meter.

Terrible "best of" shows were a hallmark of the old D&M, because Stupid Unfunny Rob(b) would only use segments in which he appeared, which, by definition, sucked.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 11:56AM

Starting at minute 11:

    MBA is one of the hardest degrees, equivalent to law school.

    El Spic was working full-time.

    El Spic doesn't thank his coin-operated live-in pocket pussy.

    MBA school is like Top Gun.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Diced Onion ()
Date: July 25, 2016 12:01PM

How everyone's bowels in here? Perhaps you should all quit stupidly obsessing over this fat man and focus on your own diets instead.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: 1 tmos fan ()
Date: July 25, 2016 01:29PM

Diced Onion Wrote:
> How everyone's bowels in here? Perhaps you should
> all quit stupidly obsessing over this fat man and
> focus on your own diets instead.

As regular as the episodes that drop every day, but much more stinky.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Spewak's Wardrobe ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:13PM

Monday: Ghostbusters t-shirt.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Spewak's Wardrobe ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:23PM

Drab's wedding Saturday: Love to report what he wore, but he didn't go. His suit doesn't fit.

"He is a good friend, but felt I wouldn't know a lot of people there, I might feel out of place, it's a whole day..."

4:30 wedding, by the way.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Spewak's Wardrobe ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:28PM

bustin' on poor ole Robbay
bustin' Spewak.png

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:32PM

Diced Onion Wrote:
> How everyone's bowels in here? Perhaps you should
> all quit stupidly obsessing over this fat man and
> focus on your own diets instead.

I'm so glad you showed up! I was antsy and out of sorts all weekend and I kept thinking "I wish I could get in touch with Diced Onion. He always knows what to to do, I bet I could get some great advice to help me through this rough patch."

Then I realized you're just another stupid fuckwad, a waste of sperm and grease and pre-school whose repertoire is limited to talking about "obsessing", a one trick pony if you will, and you will. Then I felt much better.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:35PM

Strategery Wrote:
> What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and "Merle
> Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is
> "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same person?
> Thoughts?

I am not either of the people. I do know them from the TMOS FANPAGE ON FACEBOOK.

However, with that being said, I am the one and only "REAL" Merle


P.S. I was only doing the -Merle gimmick because Todd did it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:58PM

Spewak's Wardrobe Wrote:
> Drab's wedding Saturday: Love to report what he
> wore, but he didn't go. His suit doesn't fit.
> "He is a good friend, but felt I wouldn't know a
> lot of people there, I might feel out of place,
> it's a whole day..."
> 4:30 wedding, by the way.

But wouldn't his awesome personality put him over?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:59PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> Strategery Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and "Merle
> > Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is
> > "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same person?
> > Thoughts?
> I am not either of the people. I do know them from
> However, with that being said, I am the one and
> only "REAL" Merle
> -Merle
> P.S. I was only doing the -Merle gimmick because
> Todd did it.

prove it...post "Bite me peekza" on Facebook

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 03:02PM

Merle Rodgers Wrote:
> Strategery Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and "Merle
> > Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is
> > "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same person?
> > Thoughts?
> I am not either of the people. I do know them from
> However, with that being said, I am the one and
> only "REAL" Merle
> -Merle
> P.S. I was only doing the -Merle gimmick because
> Todd did it.

First, I have to ask, how are the clams? Let me get this straight: You only know "Todd 'Yardsign' Hess" from Facebook, yet you picked him up from the train station for the fight that he never showed up at? How does that work? Help me out here.

Still waiting to hear how you posted here during the show "well after the show ended." You're not good at this. You know who else isn't good at this? "Todd 'Yardsign' Hess".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 25, 2016 04:42PM

peekza Wrote:
> Merle Rogers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Strategery Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and
> "Merle
> > > Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is
> > > "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same
> person?
> >
> > > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> > I am not either of the people. I do know them
> from
> >
> > However, with that being said, I am the one and
> > only "REAL" Merle
> >
> > -Merle
> >
> > P.S. I was only doing the -Merle gimmick
> because
> > Todd did it.
> prove it...post "Bite me peekza" on Facebook

The TMOS FANPAGE is for FANS, not people that shit on my favorite podcast daily, so I will not put you on my timeline.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Merle Rogers ()
Date: July 25, 2016 04:46PM

The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Merle Rodgers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Strategery Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > What is the end game for "Todd Hess" and
> "Merle
> > > Rogers" who are clearly the same person? Is
> > > "Stephen Douglas McIntire" also the same
> person?
> >
> > > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> > I am not either of the people. I do know them
> from
> >
> > However, with that being said, I am the one and
> > only "REAL" Merle
> >
> > -Merle
> >
> > P.S. I was only doing the -Merle gimmick
> because
> > Todd did it.
> First, I have to ask, how are the clams? Let me
> get this straight: You only know "Todd 'Yardsign'
> Hess" from Facebook, yet you picked him up from
> the train station for the fight that he never
> showed up at? How does that work? Help me out
> here.
> Still waiting to hear how you posted here during
> the show "well after the show ended." You're not
> good at this. You know who else isn't good at
> this? "Todd 'Yardsign' Hess".

Hey, DUMBFUCK5000, I was joking about picking up Todd Hess, it was a JOKE, so there's that.

About me posting during the show when I, MERLE was THERE, and YOU, were in your mother's BASEMENT, I have already addressed that.

SO, let's put that one to bed, YOUR FALSEFLAG has been debunked, go PREP somewhere else with your dried beans, REPUBCUCK.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Elvis pillowcase and duvet, etc. ()
Date: July 25, 2016 04:47PM

peekza Wrote:
> Spewak's Wardrobe Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Drab's wedding Saturday: Love to report what he
> > wore, but he didn't go. His suit doesn't fit.
> >
> > "He is a good friend, but felt I wouldn't know
> a
> > lot of people there, I might feel out of place,
> > it's a whole day..."
> >
> > 4:30 wedding, by the way.
> But wouldn't his awesome personality put him over?

Why yes, peek -- as he's said, "If I lay on the charm, the women will like me and the husbands will hate me."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 04:53PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> > prove it...post "Bite me peekza" on Facebook
> The TMOS FANPAGE is for FANS, not people that shit
> on my favorite podcast daily, so I will not put
> you on my timeline.
> -Merle

The real Merle Rodgers has her own Facebook page. Are you saying you don't have access to that?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 05:04PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos Wrote:
> Hey, DUMBFUCK5000, I was joking about picking up
> Todd Hess, it was a JOKE, so there's that.
> About me posting during the show when I, MERLE was
> THERE, and YOU, were in your mother's BASEMENT, I
> have already addressed that.
> SO, let's put that one to bed, YOUR FALSEFLAG has
> been debunked, go PREP somewhere else with your
> dried beans, REPUBCUCK.
> -Merle

Wow, "Merle Rodgers" you are the puss-filled gift that keeps on giving, as welcome as a bridesmaid's herpes sore.

So, caught in a lie to back up "Todd 'Yardsign' Hess", that lie is now suddenly a joke. Care to explain how it's funny and not just a lie?

Now with your post during the show, previously you said it was well after the show ended, now you say it was during the show? Which is it? There's no way to answer that without admitting to lying, you stupid cunt whore.

Will you be taking a trip to the beach this summer so you can spread your lower lips and return the clams in your vagina to the sea?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: bMnuH ()
Date: July 25, 2016 05:12PM

Merle Rogers Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Merle Rogers Wrote:

> > prove it...post "Bite me peekza" on Facebook
> The TMOS FANPAGE is for FANS, not people that shit
> on my favorite podcast daily, so I will not put
> you on my timeline.
> -Merle


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: July 25, 2016 05:29PM

Faux -Merle, you are more wearisome than Merle herself. Right, SDM?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carla's Nordic Landscaper ()
Date: July 25, 2016 06:13PM

Little Mikey might have God in his eyes, but he certainly doesn't have any of big Mike's DNA.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 06:51PM

Hmmm, my money was on carnival roustabout.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Yep sure the best ()
Date: July 25, 2016 07:59PM

Elvis pillowcase and duvet, etc. Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Spewak's Wardrobe Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Drab's wedding Saturday: Love to report what
> he
> > > wore, but he didn't go. His suit doesn't fit.
> > >
> > > "He is a good friend, but felt I wouldn't
> know
> > a
> > > lot of people there, I might feel out of
> place,
> > > it's a whole day..."
> > >
> > > 4:30 wedding, by the way.
> >
> >
> > But wouldn't his awesome personality put him
> over?
> Why yes, peek -- as he's said, "If I lay on the
> charm, the women will like me and the husbands
> will hate me."

My god, he's delusional.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The 5000 Buckets O'Dildos ()
Date: July 25, 2016 08:30PM

I wanna be the Magical Negro

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