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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Doctor Oz ()
Date: December 25, 2016 08:51AM

peekza Wrote:
> O"Merry Christmas to you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like he's having a massive heart attack, and the girls are looking forward to their inheritance.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 25, 2016 09:34AM

829...Semper Family
OMerry Christmas to you.JPG

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Random Normal Person.. ()
Date: December 25, 2016 11:06AM

Doctor Oz Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > O"Merry Christmas to you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> It looks like he's having a massive heart attack,
> and the girls are looking forward to their
> inheritance.

Seriously, look how red his face is. They should never let him go out or take a pic without his makeup.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Cary and Carla ()
Date: December 25, 2016 01:56PM

Carla: I hope everyone else is having a nice Christmas. Me? Do you think going for a 2 hour run today raised any eyebrows? Mike and the girls did comment on how hoarse I was afterward. I blamed the temperature, but I think the girls may have heard me screaming from a mile away on my way back but they didn't say anything to contradict me.

Do you people know the sun sets here before 4 pm this time of year??

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 25, 2016 03:10PM

On the bright side you're still hotter than whatever sock it is that TMOS is not the best jerks off into.

So, take comfort in the fact that you're hotter than a crusty tube sock.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Falafel Pudding ()
Date: December 25, 2016 07:07PM

peekza Wrote:
> 829...Semper Family

I cannot fap to that.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hey, apostrophe S face! ()
Date: December 25, 2016 08:36PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> On the bright side you're still hotter than
> whatever sock it is that TMOS is not the best
> jerks off into.
> So, take comfort in the fact that you're hotter
> than a crusty tube sock.

Without question you are a true adherent of the "write what you know" theory of writing.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dr Spock ()
Date: December 25, 2016 09:42PM

Cary and Carla Wrote:
> Carla: I hope everyone else is having a nice
> Christmas. Me? Do you think going for a 2 hour run
> today raised any eyebrows? Mike and the girls did
> comment on how hoarse I was afterward. I blamed
> the temperature, but I think the girls may have
> heard me screaming from a mile away on my way back
> but they didn't say anything to contradict me.
> Do you people know the sun sets here before 4 pm
> this time of year??

Great eyebrows callback, Carla!

So Mike's spawn hits the hay at 3:30 and Happy Hour begins at 3:35? Lots of drinky-drinky and tinky-tinky I imagine.

Do either you or LFF turn Michael periodically to avoid bed sores, or is that covered under Obamacare?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike O'Meara's Brain ()
Date: December 25, 2016 11:58PM

Of course the sun goes down early, Maine is in a different time zone. We studied this at AU.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dr. Phil McCrackin ()
Date: December 26, 2016 02:13PM

There's something not quite right about a 57-yr-old man whimpering publicly about his mommy and daddy not being around at Christmas, rather than focusing on how much fun Christmas is having a little kid in the house. Then again, there's something not quite right about a 57-yr-old man having a 3-yr-old.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: well adjusted ()
Date: December 26, 2016 03:35PM

So, I guess Mike is still alive?
Robb's heart still somehow beating?

Good to see some of you guys still here hacking on them.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 26, 2016 06:59PM

lag, baby, lag!

The Mike O'Meara Show thread is the Spewak of FFXU.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike's Rotten Tomatoes ()
Date: December 26, 2016 07:24PM

The "politics" of It's a Wonderful Life? Really? David vs Goliath? Rooting for the underdog? When did that become "politics?"

As for the "house" in Miracle on 34th Street, it represented a little girl's dream of having a father. Maybe Mike's daughters can explain that one to him.

Then there's the "materialism" of A Christmas Story. A Depression-era kid who lives in a shithole and who eats red cabbage every night wants a BB Gun...and THAT'S materialism? Coming from a guy who has motorcycles he doesn't ride? Boats he doesn't boat in? Second houses he doesn't stay in?

Mike, you are quite the douche bag. Merry Fucking Christmas, you self-important, self-involved asinine has-been.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Forensic Taxonomist ()
Date: December 26, 2016 07:42PM

Spewak is the Spewak of the show.

Spewak is the Spewak of the Spewak family.

Spewak is the Spewak of Saturday morning off-season Ocean City radio.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Forensic Taxonomist ()
Date: December 26, 2016 07:51PM

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of poetry.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of political analysis.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of parenting.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of Harley owners.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of boat owners.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of home owners.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of announcing job auditioners.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of simple geometry in the real world.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of exercise.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of drinking.

Mike O'Meara is the Mike O'Meara of going on and on and on about dead parents.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 26, 2016 07:58PM

Spewak is a wonderful, talented man. Anyone who talks negatively of him clearly does not know him very well.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 26, 2016 08:57PM

pKc7M Wrote:
> That google doc is almost as lame as forgetting
> your password.

No argument here.

TMOS is not the best Wrote:

> Can I make a request for the forensic linguist
> watch guy whose father raced Jesse Owens and whose
> brothers are all actual achievers? The one who
> got all the hot teachers and moms in high school?
> Hawaiian vacations were part of his shtick like
> Mr. Thickness. Anal Elmo? I forget his name.

Ohhhh, Christ. Yeah. Though I'm going to need to go through and refresh myself with the champ's shtick, insofar as back in the day I usually skipped his fucking posts altogether.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 26, 2016 09:41PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> Spewak is a wonderful, talented man. Anyone who
> talks negatively of him clearly does not know him
> very well.

I couldn't be more wrong. Wait, I'm not me.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 26, 2016 09:45PM

OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> pKc7M Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That google doc is almost as lame as forgetting
> > your password.
> No argument here.
> TMOS is not the best Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Can I make a request for the forensic linguist
> > watch guy whose father raced Jesse Owens and
> whose
> > brothers are all actual achievers? The one who
> > got all the hot teachers and moms in high
> school?
> > Hawaiian vacations were part of his shtick like
> > Mr. Thickness. Anal Elmo? I forget his name.
> Ohhhh, Christ. Yeah. Though I'm going to need to
> go through and refresh myself with the champ's
> shtick, insofar as back in the day I usually
> skipped his fucking posts altogether.

OWS, don't bother. We'd like to forget the champ.

I would change my mind were peek to give up champ's identity to you, however.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:06PM

Wankipedia update: enzo, "tard on tard violence," Cary and Carla, "Hi Mike!", Achstetter Award.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Random Normal Person.. ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:09PM

Dr. Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> There's something not quite right about a
> 57-yr-old man whimpering publicly about his mommy
> and daddy not being around at Christmas, rather
> than focusing on how much fun Christmas is having
> a little kid in the house. Then again, there's
> something not quite right about a 57-yr-old man
> having a 3-yr-old.

After reading Mike's post, sounds like he started in early with the egg nogg, then went on a crying jag and blubbered over every movie on TV. He must've been such a joy to be around.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is not the best ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:12PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> Spewak is a wonderful, talented man. Anyone who
> talks negatively of him clearly does not know him
> very well.

Spewak is the crusty tube sock on top of the tattered Blue Boys in the bottom drawer of radio podcasting.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Flicks wake ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:33PM

This thread.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ricks flakes ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:36PM

This thread.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: December 27, 2016 12:12AM

Robb makes fun of the over the top deejay voices on TMOS, yet his insipid Robb radio is nothing but him talking like this. So. Terrible.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: GgSt5 ()
Date: December 27, 2016 12:18AM

peekza used to swallow Spewak's jism back in the day. Ask him.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: guitar_playing_dude ()
Date: December 27, 2016 10:27AM

I haven't listened to an episode for probably a year now. Is there a reason I should give them a chance now or are they just as sucky as ever?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Random Normal Person.. ()
Date: December 27, 2016 04:56PM

Robb's probably chomping at the bit to get back in the studio and do a Carrie Fisher tribute. And she's got the same first name as his wife! Just think of all the jokes he could do!!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: YbhUF ()
Date: December 27, 2016 06:17PM

Leia died but that faggot pizza (this thread's Robb) still lives. 2016 is truely a shitty year

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Lagford von Lagginham III, Jr. ()
Date: December 27, 2016 06:33PM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 06:39PM

GgSt5 Wrote:
> peekza used to swallow Spewak's jism back in the
> day. Ask him.

You're saying we should ask Spewak about his fondness for jizzing in other men's mouths? M'kay.......

Or by "back in the day" do you mean when Peekza was in middle school?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 08:53PM

GgSt5 Wrote:
> peekza used to swallow Spewak's jism back in the
> day. Ask him.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 08:56PM

guitar_playing_dude Wrote:
> I haven't listened to an episode for probably a
> year now. Is there a reason I should give them a
> chance now or are they just as sucky as ever?

no...no you should not...I don't know how much longer I can listen...they are just so damn bad

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 08:58PM

YbhUF Wrote:
> Leia died but that faggot pizza (this thread's
> Robb) still lives. 2016 is truely a shitty year

truely? What a fucking retard

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekapeekzapaloozaaaaa ()
Date: December 27, 2016 09:38PM

peekza Wrote:
> guitar_playing_dude Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I haven't listened to an episode for probably a
> > year now. Is there a reason I should give them
> a
> > chance now or are they just as sucky as ever?
> no...no you should not...I don't know how much
> longer I can listen...they are just so damn bad

say it ain't so, peek!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 27, 2016 09:45PM

Headline: 80% of middle-aged are now "overweight, lazy or drink too much."

Mike O'Meara: "I AM one of you!!"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 10:13PM

peekapeekzapaloozaaaaa Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > guitar_playing_dude Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I haven't listened to an episode for probably
> a
> > > year now. Is there a reason I should give
> them
> > a
> > > chance now or are they just as sucky as ever?
> >
> >
> > no...no you should not...I don't know how much
> > longer I can listen...they are just so damn bad
> say it ain't so, peek!

I'm sorry...it's just so damn bad is all...The more I thought about the bluff to pull the plug if subs didn't pick up and what they would really do, the more I came to realize that Mike/Robb really will be doing some iteration of the show until the day they slam the lid on their coffins...I will tune back in to listen after Oscar finally bounces because I want to hear Mike and Robb say that THIS iteration is the BEST LINEUP EVER

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: ONCE AGAIN ()
Date: December 27, 2016 10:14PM

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 27, 2016 10:48PM

oh, I'll still post here...I just can't listen actively for much longer

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is not the best ()
Date: December 28, 2016 12:37AM

> https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpvade18xo5tg0w/Have-An-
> OMerry-Christmas.zip?dl=0

Once again, thanks for making this giant shitturd available. That said, Don Geronimo's last show of 2016 was light years better. Largely because there was no amateur singing, amateur production, or amateur sales. Of course the Hamburger James story was there, and he closed with the full version of Tiny Tim's song about Santa Claus having AIDS, at least I think so, this was last week and I only listen 'free' so I can't check or post the show.

I'm down to listening to TMOS once a week at most. Is there a chip for that?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 28, 2016 06:20AM

peekza Wrote:
> oh, I'll still post here...I just can't listen
> actively for much longer

Please dont.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 28, 2016 06:45AM

please donut.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: What the heck is THIS? ()
Date: December 28, 2016 09:24AM

> https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpvade18xo5tg0w/Have-An-
> OMerry-Christmas.zip?dl=0

Can someone explain, or at least theorize, about WHY the failcast krewe thought this Christmas abortion was a good idea. None of them can sing; not even a little. It's not funny. It's not entertaining. It's just a huge pile of crap that, presumably, they think is helpful to KEEP existing subscribers, and, perhaps, attract new ones. It's the stupidest thing ever for these clods.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike's a useless jerk ()
Date: December 28, 2016 10:13AM

What the heck is THIS? Wrote:
> Can someone explain, or at least theorize, about WHY the failcast krewe thought this Christmas abortion was a good idea. None of them can sing; not even a little. It's not funny. It's not entertaining. It's just a huge pile of crap that, presumably, they think is helpful to KEEP existing subscribers, and, perhaps, attract new ones. It's the stupidest thing ever for these clods.

Mike and Rob actually do think they are good singers. In fact, Rob takes every possible opportunity to slip in a bit of singing, even if it's only a few words. I've even noticed this on several of the promos for his jackoff sessions show with Katie. And of course Mike thinks he's a good singer because he's surrounded himself with so many kiss-asses that he thinks he's good at everything. And sadly, I think that many of the rabid fan club members do think the rest of the songs are funny. There are a lot of them that really do seem to enjoy corny/hacky "jokes."

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Casey Kaseminem ()
Date: December 28, 2016 11:34AM

Come on, LFF doesn't take his singing seriously. Really.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Synergy!!! ()
Date: December 28, 2016 11:39AM

Mike's a useless jerk Wrote:
> What the heck is THIS? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Can someone explain, or at least theorize, about
> WHY the failcast krewe thought this Christmas
> abortion was a good idea. None of them can sing;
> not even a little. It's not funny. It's not
> entertaining. It's just a huge pile of crap that,
> presumably, they think is helpful to KEEP existing
> subscribers, and, perhaps, attract new ones. It's
> the stupidest thing ever for these clods.
> Mike and Rob actually do think they are good
> singers. In fact, Rob takes every possible
> opportunity to slip in a bit of singing, even if
> it's only a few words. I've even noticed this on
> several of the promos for his jackoff
> sessions
show with Katie. And of course Mike
> thinks he's a good singer because he's surrounded
> himself with so many kiss-asses that he thinks
> he's good at everything. And sadly, I think
> that many of the rabid fan club members do
> think the rest of the songs are funny. There are a
> lot of them that really do seem to enjoy
> corny/hacky "jokes."

Let's assume for the sake of argument that the existing Klubbers DO think this is funny. They're constantly hollering about growing the show. Is this likely to attract new subscriptions? Did they teach O that in business school?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Casey Kaseminem ()
Date: December 28, 2016 11:44AM

I'm not sure what I like most about this duet. The terribly off-key and over-modulated Colitis or the sweet, dick-in-mouth vocalizations of Chlamydia.


Marker: 1:13:34

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 28, 2016 12:05PM

Eh, let's also keep context in mind. The putative goal of offering the Christmas album is to get regular TMOS listeners/fans to go in on the Bonus Package. The boys have spent the last few weeks/months building up the Christmas album as a source of in-jokes-- creating the impression of, if you get the Christmas album (which you can only get by getting the Bonus Show sub), you'll be more able to appreciate those in-jokes.

Like, it's kind of an extension of their usual, not-at-all-cult-like "are you one of the ones who GET IT?" shtick.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 28, 2016 12:35PM

peekza Wrote:

> I'm sorry...it's just so damn bad is all...The
> more I thought about the bluff to pull the plug if
> subs didn't pick up and what they would really do,
> the more I came to realize that Mike/Robb really
> will be doing some iteration of the show until the
> day they slam the lid on their coffins...

So, about that. I'm, like, vaguely curious about what part of TMOS couldn't be done if their revenue goals aren't met. They'd have to ditch the Glover Park studio? They'd have to work the production schedule around one or more of the guys getting a day job?

Or...is it the case that one or more of 'em simply wouldn't find the show worth doing if they didn't get paid past a certain threshold?

I mean, I dunno. It seems a lot of podcasts are done by hosts who have other gigs, operate at a loss (not necessarily because they suck, but because podcasts are overwhelmingly available for free), and yet still put out a quality product a few times a week. I guess you might not be able to do a daily podcast from a dedicated studio (in one of the most expensive neighborhoods of one of the most expensive cities in the world, but whatever, it's close to Oscar's house) that provides full-time(ish) income to multiple people...but, uh, not to put too fine a point on it, unless you're Adam Carolla or Kevin Smith (neither of whom seem to be begging for Bonus Show subscribers), those expectations might be a little...high.

But, whatever. I liked the show when they were broadcasting from a living room and road tripping to Iowa.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 28, 2016 12:50PM

guitar_playing_dude Wrote:
> I haven't listened to an episode for probably a
> year now. Is there a reason I should give them a
> chance now or are they just as sucky as ever?

Eh. There's stuff to like. The problem is, as it kind of always has been, the stuff to like is so inextricably entwined with the stuff that sucks-- and it's not a very rewarding exercise to root through the stuff that sucks in order to find the moderately funny stuff.

So, you know. Put it in your queue, moderate your expectations, don't be shy about bailing on days that it blows.

Edited to add: and if you run across something especially funny or specially awful, come here and tell us about it. Participation in this thread improves the TMOS experience immeasurably.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2016 12:52PM by OaktonWhineShop.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: The Sound of Failure ()
Date: December 28, 2016 03:12PM

OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> Eh, let's also keep context in mind. The putative
> goal of offering the Christmas album is to get
> regular TMOS listeners/fans to go in on the Bonus
> Package. The boys have spent the last few
> weeks/months building up the Christmas album as a
> source of in-jokes-- creating the impression of,
> if you get the Christmas album (which you can only
> get by getting the Bonus Show sub), you'll be more
> able to appreciate those in-jokes.
> Like, it's kind of an extension of their usual,
> not-at-all-cult-like "are you one of the ones who
> GET IT?" shtick.

Again, putting your energy into the dwindling number of existing Klubbers is a losing strategy. Your base can only shrink that way. Oscar should know better, even if LFF and Rob(b) never will.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Nothing More Than Feelings ()
Date: December 28, 2016 03:13PM

OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> Eh, let's also keep context in mind. The putative
> goal of offering the Christmas album is to get
> regular TMOS listeners/fans to go in on the Bonus
> Package. The boys have spent the last few
> weeks/months building up the Christmas album as a
> source of in-jokes-- creating the impression of,
> if you get the Christmas album (which you can only
> get by getting the Bonus Show sub), you'll be more
> able to appreciate those in-jokes.
> Like, it's kind of an extension of their usual,
> not-at-all-cult-like "are you one of the ones who
> GET IT?" shtick.

There are no jokes there. No in-jokes, no out-jokes, no jokes. Just awful music.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Hate Peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 03:40PM

#IHatePeekza: Poster who popped up in 2016 apparently with the sole purpose, at least initially, of antagonizing peekza, often with graphic homosexual slurs. Compulsively ends his posts with a series of hashtags, which seem to be less actual hashtags than random stream-of-consciousness hiccups or passive aggressive digs at other posters. Has recently kind of mellowed, at least under his registered user name, and thrown more shots at TMOS than at other posters, though it’s commonly assumed he’s also behind the unregistered posters who pop up to take shots at peekza (especially when they rely on gay jokes).

I actually started posting long before then, just under many, many different names.









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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 04:07PM

The Sound of Failure Wrote:
> OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Eh, let's also keep context in mind. The
> putative
> > goal of offering the Christmas album is to get
> > regular TMOS listeners/fans to go in on the
> Bonus
> > Package. The boys have spent the last few
> > weeks/months building up the Christmas album as
> a
> > source of in-jokes-- creating the impression
> of,
> > if you get the Christmas album (which you can
> only
> > get by getting the Bonus Show sub), you'll be
> more
> > able to appreciate those in-jokes.
> >
> > Like, it's kind of an extension of their usual,
> > not-at-all-cult-like "are you one of the ones
> who
> > GET IT?" shtick.
> Again, putting your energy into the dwindling
> number of existing Klubbers is a losing strategy.
> Your base can only shrink that way. Oscar should
> know better, even if LFF and Rob(b) never will.

Mike knows they aren't garnering NEW listeners...he just wants to pluck every penny out of their remaining rubes...Remember his disbelief when people complained about political talk on the Bogus show? "but those are the kool-aid drinkers" he whined...He's obviously not worried about attracting new listeners or even retaining current ones, he just wants money

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 04:29PM

I Hate Peekza Wrote:
> ...

Hashtag Sad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 04:34PM

I Hate Peekza Wrote:
> #IHatePeekza: Poster who popped up in 2016
> apparently with the sole purpose, at least
> initially, of antagonizing peekza, often with
> graphic homosexual slurs. Compulsively ends his
> posts with a series of hashtags, which seem to be
> less actual hashtags than random
> stream-of-consciousness hiccups or passive
> aggressive digs at other posters. Has recently
> kind of mellowed, at least under his registered
> user name, and thrown more shots at TMOS than at
> other posters, though it’s commonly assumed
> he’s also behind the unregistered posters who
> pop up to take shots at peekza (especially when
> they rely on gay jokes).
> I actually started posting long before then, just
> under many, many different names.
> #IWillAlwaysHatePeekza
> #ThinkRealThisAndRealThat
> #ThinkJunkies
> #ThinkAnyRealName
> #IOwnThemAll
> #IBeat5000
> #ThinkTableMenu
> #MerryChristmasAndHappyNewYear

no shit...which one were you using when I got to you? Do you still listen to M&L?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 07:38PM

That list of hashtags has a very fakeToddHess vibe to it. No matter how you slice it...


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Dr. Awzzz ()
Date: December 28, 2016 07:58PM

From last Monday's show #1669:

Lolscar: 18:03 "Was the Yahoo data breach... the Yahoo data breach..."

LPS: "Yeah!"

LFF: 18:12 "Is this the Yahoo breach?" (9 seconds later, ladies and gentlemen)

LPS: "Yeah."

Lolscar: "But do you remember when we were yelling at you about that?"

LFF: "About what?"

Lolscar: "Yahoo." (still inside minute 18 at this point)

I edited out the parts that didn't relate to Yahoo but all this occurred over less than a minute. All signs point to alcoholic brain damage.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: GiVf4 ()
Date: December 28, 2016 08:45PM

I Hate Peekza Wrote:
> #IHatePeekza: Poster who popped up in 2016
> apparently with the sole purpose, at least
> initially, of antagonizing peekza, often with
> graphic homosexual slurs. Compulsively ends his
> posts with a series of hashtags, which seem to be
> less actual hashtags than random
> stream-of-consciousness hiccups or passive
> aggressive digs at other posters. Has recently
> kind of mellowed, at least under his registered
> user name, and thrown more shots at TMOS than at
> other posters, though it’s commonly assumed
> he’s also behind the unregistered posters who
> pop up to take shots at peekza (especially when
> they rely on gay jokes).
> I actually started posting long before then, just
> under many, many different names.
> #IWillAlwaysHatePeekza
> #ThinkRealThisAndRealThat
> #ThinkJunkies
> #ThinkAnyRealName
> #IOwnThemAll
> #IBeat5000
> #ThinkTableMenu
> #MerryChristmasAndHappyNewYear

You're fucking stupid. Many people don't like faggot peekza.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 28, 2016 08:53PM

Debbie Reynolds dead. I don't give a fuck. Who's with me?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mira ()
Date: December 28, 2016 09:22PM

The death reel from Blobb is going to be EPIC next week.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: WbFx4 ()
Date: December 28, 2016 11:37PM

...clearly you do care, you posted it about it you twatwaffle

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 29, 2016 12:15AM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 29, 2016 01:23AM

WbFx4 Wrote:
> ...clearly you do care, you posted it about it you
> twatwaffle

And here I am posting about you, analstye.

"Stye, also known as hordeolum, is an infection of an oil gland in the anus. This results in a red tender bump at the edge of the anus. The outside or the inside of the anus can be affected. The cause of a stye is usually a bacterial infection by Staphylococcus aureus during habitual rough unprotected receptive anal sex."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Jim Gleeson ()
Date: December 29, 2016 01:37AM

You and peekza are both cunts.

Options: ReplyQuote
You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts.
Posted by: I Heart Peekza ()
Date: December 29, 2016 01:58AM

I guess you win then.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cun
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 29, 2016 07:00AM

no...he's a cunt too

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: FwLnU ()
Date: December 29, 2016 11:26AM

Ladies, ladies...neither one of you are smart, funny, or pretty

And pizza's dad is the only person that will fuck either of you

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cun
Posted by: We know your name.. ()
Date: December 29, 2016 01:29PM

I Heart Peekza Wrote:
> I guess you win then.

Hey, look, everybody! It's Chris. Wow, he's really addicted to this place.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cunts. You and peekza are both cun
Posted by: Boy, You Really Don't Get It ()
Date: December 29, 2016 02:46PM

We know your name.. Wrote:
> I Heart Peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I guess you win then.
> Hey, look, everybody! It's Chris. Wow, he's
> really addicted to this place.

Ain't nothin' better than incompetent attempted outers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: We recognize you ()
Date: December 29, 2016 06:00PM

That's right, Chris, you keep denying it. Just like you did the last time.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 30, 2016 12:00AM

FwLnU Wrote:
> Ladies, ladies...neither one of you are smart,
> funny, or pretty
> And pizza's dad is the only person that will fuck
> either of you


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Carla's Fake Tatrz ()
Date: December 30, 2016 05:22AM

I freely admit that I took in some "Best Off" and I take total responsibility for wasting my time. It is three guys with no lives talking about their lives of which they have none. Fortunately I didn't actually waste my time as I spent it gathering various receipts for upcoming tax time...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: EsteBAN ()
Date: December 30, 2016 06:46AM

> https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpvade18xo5tg0w/Have-An-
> OMerry-Christmas.zip?dl=0

Someone please see to it that Dony G. gets a hold of these...

Noticed the link above no longer works. Did Mike's powerful legal team order a cease and desist? LOL.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2016 06:55AM by EsteBAN.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 30, 2016 01:04PM

EsteBAN Wrote:

> Noticed the link above no longer works. Did Mike's
> powerful legal team order a cease and desist? LOL.

Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean, they got to me a couple years ago and I didn't even KNOW it.

Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show, recapping awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it at Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I kinda liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as he interrogates the kids, and the reveal that Intern Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.

Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbation-Jokes, though. Oof.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Losers ()
Date: December 30, 2016 01:11PM

OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> EsteBAN Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Noticed the link above no longer works. Did
> Mike's
> > powerful legal team order a cease and desist?
> LOL.
> Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean, they
> got to me a couple years ago and I didn't even
> KNOW it.
> Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern
> Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show, recapping
> awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it at
> Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I kinda
> liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as he
> interrogates the kids, and the reveal that Intern
> Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.
> Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful
> Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbatio
> n-Jokes, though. Oof.

Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt. Nobody cares about this fucking podcast anymore.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hey, apostrophe S face! ()
Date: December 30, 2016 01:57PM

Losers Wrote:
> OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > EsteBAN Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Noticed the link above no longer works. Did
> > Mike's
> > > powerful legal team order a cease and desist?
> > LOL.
> >
> >
> > Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean,
> they
> > got to me a couple years ago and I didn't even
> > KNOW it.
> >
> > Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern
> > Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show,
> recapping
> > awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it at
> > Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I kinda
> > liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as he
> > interrogates the kids, and the reveal that
> Intern
> > Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.
> >
> > Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful
> >
> Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbatio
> > n-Jokes, though. Oof.
> Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt.
> Nobody cares about this fucking podcast anymore.

Oh, OK. All you had to do was ask.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is .... something ()
Date: December 30, 2016 02:26PM

Losers Wrote:
> OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > EsteBAN Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Noticed the link above no longer works. Did
> > Mike's
> > > powerful legal team order a cease and desist?
> > LOL.
> >
> >
> > Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean,
> they
> > got to me a couple years ago and I didn't even
> > KNOW it.
> >
> > Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern
> > Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show,
> recapping
> > awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it at
> > Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I kinda
> > liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as he
> > interrogates the kids, and the reveal that
> Intern
> > Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.
> >
> > Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful
> >
> Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbatio
> > n-Jokes, though. Oof.
> Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt.
> Nobody cares about this fucking podcast anymore.

Least of all its principals.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 30, 2016 02:36PM

Losers Wrote:
> OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > EsteBAN Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Noticed the link above no longer works. Did
> > Mike's
> > > powerful legal team order a cease and desist?
> > LOL.
> >
> >
> > Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean,
> they
> > got to me a couple years ago and I didn't even
> > KNOW it.
> >
> > Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern
> > Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show,
> recapping
> > awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it at
> > Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I kinda
> > liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as he
> > interrogates the kids, and the reveal that
> Intern
> > Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.
> >
> > Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful
> >
> Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbatio
> > n-Jokes, though. Oof.
> Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt.
> Nobody cares about this fucking podcast anymore.

posting is not the same as bumping you retard

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: December 30, 2016 03:27PM

Losers Wrote:

> Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt.
> Nobody cares about this fucking podcast anymore.

Or what, you're gonna fight me on Facebook?

Also re: today's "Best Of," enjoy Mike's complete inability to handle the fact that there's a halfway attractive, college-aged lesbian in the studio. Once that fact becomes apparent, it's all he can do to keep from yanking it out and flogging the dolphin right then.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Kalorama Bumper ()
Date: December 30, 2016 03:32PM

peekza Wrote:
> Losers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > OaktonWhineShop Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > EsteBAN Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > >
> > > > Noticed the link above no longer works. Did
> > > Mike's
> > > > powerful legal team order a cease and
> desist?
> > > LOL.
> > >
> > >
> > > Those O'Meara attorneys are VICIOUS. I mean,
> > they
> > > got to me a couple years ago and I didn't
> even
> > > KNOW it.
> > >
> > > Today's "Best Of" is an Intern Ashley/Intern
> > > Mac-heavy excerpt from the Bonus Show,
> > recapping
> > > awkward Mac's attempts to get jiggy with it
> at
> > > Ashley's Halloween party. I'll concede, I
> kinda
> > > liked it. Grandpa Mike is in a good mood as
> he
> > > interrogates the kids, and the reveal that
> > Intern
> > > Ashley is a lesbian is kind of fun.
> > >
> > > Brutal cold open has Mike doing a painful
> > >
> >
> Rodney-Dangerfield-as-Mac's-Dog-Making-Masturbatio
> >
> > > n-Jokes, though. Oof.
> >
> > Quit bumping this lame thread, you stupid cunt.
> > Nobody cares about this fucking podcast
> anymore.
> posting is not the same as bumping you retard

This is a bump.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 30, 2016 03:39PM

thank you

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: jTHe9 ()
Date: December 30, 2016 04:51PM

Post your estimates for the number of cups pizza will drink of his father's cum on this NYE

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ogre ()
Date: December 30, 2016 10:00PM

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Gary Coleman's goldfish Abraham ()
Date: December 31, 2016 12:10PM

Keep overloading this thread with your worthless pics! Before long this thread will no longer be accessible!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best! ()
Date: December 31, 2016 02:22PM

I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions are...

Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo. ()
Date: December 31, 2016 02:29PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> are...
> Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny
> -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo. ()
Date: December 31, 2016 02:32PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> are...
> Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny
> -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 31, 2016 05:19PM

jTHe9 Wrote:
> Post your estimates for the number of cups pizza
> will drink of his father's cum on this NYE

post your estimates on the number of times you will check the thread to see if the object of your obsession has posted again? Mine guess is 6 times an hour

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 31, 2016 05:20PM

Homo. Wrote:
> TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> > are...
> >
> > Him listing his serious resolutions would be
> funny
> > -- show prep done for ya, Mike.
> It would be even funnier if you quit posting
> tirelessly about every aspect of his life like
> some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

retard still hasn't figured it out yet

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo. ()
Date: December 31, 2016 07:01PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> are...
> Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny
> -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 31, 2016 08:53PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: December 31, 2016 08:53PM

Homo. Wrote:
> TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> > are...
> >
> > Him listing his serious resolutions would be
> funny
> > -- show prep done for ya, Mike.
> It would be even funnier if you quit posting
> tirelessly about every aspect of his life like
> some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo. ()
Date: December 31, 2016 09:46PM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> are...
> Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny
> -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: January 01, 2017 01:15AM

Dopes post multiple times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: wMetC ()
Date: January 01, 2017 01:24AM

2017 and pizza is still a faggot

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo, ()
Date: January 01, 2017 08:26AM

TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> are...
> Him listing his serious resolutions would be funny
> -- show prep done for ya, Mike.

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo Dummy Says What? ()
Date: January 01, 2017 12:13PM

Homo, Wrote:
> TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> > are...
> >
> > Him listing his serious resolutions would be
> funny
> > -- show prep done for ya, Mike.
> It would be even funnier if you quit posting
> tirelessly about every aspect of his life like
> some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Dude. Try harder.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Homo. ()
Date: January 01, 2017 12:36PM

Homo Dummy Says What? Wrote:
> Homo, Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TMOS is the Best! Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I wonder what Mike's New Year's resolutions
> > > are...
> > >
> > > Him listing his serious resolutions would be
> > funny
> > > -- show prep done for ya, Mike.
> >
> > It would be even funnier if you quit posting
> > tirelessly about every aspect of his life like
> > some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.
> Dude. Try harder.

How's this?

It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker. It would be even funnier if you quit posting tirelessly about every aspect of his life like some neurotic love-crazed homo stalker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: January 01, 2017 01:10PM

wMetC Wrote:
> 2017 and pizza is still a faggot

2017 and I'm STILL in your head

Options: ReplyQuote
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