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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Bestest Ever! ()
Date: April 26, 2017 08:19PM

Carla is well aware that males in his family die early.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 26, 2017 09:10PM

854...Semper Fap

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Nhost of Gohn Jormand ()
Date: April 26, 2017 09:17PM

The Ghost of John Normand Wrote:
> Carla must love it. She'll be 40 with a little bit
> of Mike's left over money and the life insurance
> policy. She's playing the long game quite smartly.

Carla will be a cougar in a retirement community. I've never seen the attraction. Would require a $1,000 appearance fee to fuck her.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hubba da Bubba da Loobida Oobida ()
Date: April 26, 2017 09:21PM

Do I misunderstand selfies or are all selfies taken in the mirror?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 26, 2017 10:01PM

Catherine is smart enough to use the camera on the front of her phone which does take a mirror image. Robb is very strong...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 27, 2017 03:19AM

Mike said he likes using the LIVE app later in the day

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best ()
Date: April 27, 2017 06:24AM

from Tony Perkins last podcast (pre-TMOS appearance plugging his upcoming live show):

Tony: We've are trying to get a spot on the Mike O'Meara Show for this week, and that would be both of us.
Gary: Who do you know over there?
Tony: I know everybody, but this one has been hard to book.
Gary: Really..
Tony: I'm not sure what the message is...
Rob Ford: You have to wade through a lot of audio vaults to get over there.

Nice one, RoFo.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 27, 2017 07:36AM

That. Is. Awesome. BTW, one thing I've noticed more often happening is soooo much talking at the same time. Yesterday it was unbearable and I bailed. Hand to God, I literally couldn't listen...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 27, 2017 07:39AM

Oh and Robb is so inept that he can't even book someone who wants to be on the show...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: (the old) JC ()
Date: April 27, 2017 08:23AM

please, oh please, mike . . . tell rob to shut the fuck up. i listen to the podcast, but rob won't shut up. he'll throw out a "line", and there is just ZERO response from anyone. i think he maybe "hits" less than 50% of the time -- it's just annoying and sad.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BOAD Guy 666 ()
Date: April 27, 2017 03:34PM

Blobb got called out about his lazy ass facebook based game for Bonus today. He tried to cover it up and it id not work. Keep letting Blobb plan the Bonus.

-He goes on to say it was not entertaining but chose to bring it to bonus.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Ermagerd Drted Rfrnce () ()
Date: April 27, 2017 04:23PM

Nhost of Gohn Jormand Wrote:
> The Ghost of John Normand Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Carla must love it. She'll be 40 with a little
> bit
> > of Mike's left over money and the life
> insurance
> > policy. She's playing the long game quite
> smartly.
> Carla will be a cougar in a retirement community.
> I've never seen the attraction. Would require a
> $1,000 appearance fee to fuck her.

See, I think she is hot.
But she seems like the most boring human ever.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: April 27, 2017 04:58PM

BOAD Guy 666 Wrote:
> Blobb got called out about his lazy ass facebook
> based game for Bonus today. He tried to cover it
> up and it id not work. Keep letting Blobb plan
> the Bonus.
> -He goes on to say it was not entertaining but
> chose to bring it to bonus.

And a lot of talk about all the show prep they do and Facebook is somehow a news source? The high point for me was the rant about how the furniture store didn't want to make a housecall to repair the damage Mike did to the leather. Big Furniture, Big Leather, Big Warranty. "I'm very sorry sir but the warranty doesn't cover damage you yourself inflict on your own property (you stupid fatass)." Who gets a warranty on furniture anyway?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Losers ()
Date: April 27, 2017 05:34PM

Why do you two stslker fucktards keep making up all these handles?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best ()
Date: April 27, 2017 05:35PM

Mike has really taken to heart his sainted mother's example of how to treat people.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 27, 2017 06:23PM

wait..,.what is a stslker?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Losers ()
Date: April 27, 2017 06:31PM

Losers Wrote:
> Why do you two stslker fucktards keep making up
> all these handles?

I don't know. I can't seem to control it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Losers ()
Date: April 27, 2017 06:32PM

Losers Wrote:
> Why do you two stslker fucktards keep making up
> all these handles?

I don't know. I can't seem to control it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Losers ()
Date: April 27, 2017 06:33PM

Losers Wrote:
> Why do you two stslker fucktards keep making up
> all these handles?

I don't know. I can't seem to control it.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 27, 2017 11:35PM

BOAD Guy 666 Wrote:
> Blobb got called out about his lazy ass facebook
> based game for Bonus today. He tried to cover it
> up and it id not work. Keep letting Blobb plan
> the Bonus.
> -He goes on to say it was not entertaining but
> chose to bring it to bonus.

That idea was fucking horrible...and they did it anyway...live

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 27, 2017 11:59PM

Torn Pentacle Wrote:

> And a lot of talk about all the show prep they do
> and Facebook is somehow a news source? The high
> point for me was the rant about how the furniture
> store didn't want to make a housecall to repair
> the damage Mike did to the leather. Big
> Furniture, Big Leather, Big Warranty. "I'm very
> sorry sir but the warranty doesn't cover damage
> you yourself inflict on your own property (you
> stupid fatass)." Who gets a warranty on furniture
> anyway?

It sounded like Mike bleached a spot in a "traffic area" with some sort of product...If he had read the small print on the label, I'm sure it would have mentioned trying a sample on a less visible spot...but that would be too wonky...Why he thought a warranty would cover stains is beyond me

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 12:08AM

I enjoyed the segment where they walked Mike through his Instagram account...on the air...again

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:19AM

Any furniture in a house containing a 3 year old is fucked 2 weeks after it's delivered...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: April 28, 2017 09:53AM

Spotted in the comments of a Buzz Burbank post on Facebook this morning:

What. A. Pussy.
Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 8.51.58 AM.png

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Blobb Spewsack ()
Date: April 28, 2017 10:05AM

Play the “Why I hate Robb Spewak” game! Add your reasons to the list!

1. The over-the-top laughing.
2. Know-it-all but actually wrong most of the time.
3. Gets zinged good and can’t come back with anything except “Yeah? Well Fuck you!”
4. Dresses like a 12 year old.
5. Lazy, only does the minimum requirement of any task
6. Would rather try to get the last word in and ruin a bit, than make the whole thing funnier by not.
7. Can’t get paying gigs, and gets fired from the free ones.
8. Allows his wife to work horrible jobs in order that he can play “radio”
9. Thinks he is clever and very funny but is only hack.
10. Carrr! Barrr! Starrr!
11. Thinks blatant racism is valid comedy
12. For Robb, a joke is funnier when you tell it 5000 times.
13. Has opinions that he immediately changes once Mike voices differing opinion.
14. Has 30,000 songs in his library but plays the same 6 songs as bumpers
15. Elvis crap collection
16. Microphone collection

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2017 10:41AM by Blobb Spewsack.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: OaktonWhineShop ()
Date: April 28, 2017 10:12AM

Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> Play the “Why I hate Robb Spewak” game! Add
> your reasons to the list!

Proved to the world (to his credit) that he was capable of shaping up and existing at a normal weight; then...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 12:10PM

the puns...the puns

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: T. Affleck ()
Date: April 28, 2017 12:45PM

You losers are just mad because Mike banned you from his website. Lol.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: April 28, 2017 12:53PM

Inside scoop Wrote:
> Podcast world is buzzing about news of an
> impending major shakeup! Word on the street is a
> RELM takeover by none other than the MORE crew!!!
> Expect Buzz to be kicked to the curb in disgrace.
> Santana makin moves and coming for revenge!
> TMOS also soon to announce lucrative 3 year
> extension with a six or even SEVEN figure deal to
> keep the show on the air...
> More as it breaks

I haven't listened in at least a year but I still check in here once and a while to get my I-HATE-SPEWAK fix. As much as I hate Robb, I think the only thing that would bring more joy to my wearied soul would be news that Ronick and his cronies have failed miserably. Is it true?

It has been 0 days since LFF yelled at Spewakk for being lazy or doing something stupid

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 01:03PM

sadly, no

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: First Time Long Time ()
Date: April 28, 2017 01:24PM

Listening to the abortion that is "Wide Open Wednesday" I was confused. The only people who are calling in are his so-called "P-1's" and Mike belittles nearly every caller and is just a blatant dick that it's difficult to listen to. He had the nerve to berate a caller who had dogs barking in the background. Big fucking deal. It's not like Mike's dogs didn't interrupt the "best sounding podcast" on a daily basis. Mike is the guy who will stop his own show to take a banal phone call and not think twice about it. But god forbid if Robb or Oscar tried to pull that shit. And a caller? Mike would go full fat man rage.

D&M used to take calls from a few people who wanted to bust balls and the interaction was funny. But they had millions of listeners and people who actually wanted to verbally joust. The podcast listeners seem like generally nice people (albeit fucking rubes with no taste) and Mike's disdain for them is truly pathetic. He'll gladly take the Masters tix, hockey tix and whatever free shit they send him, but for fuck's sake, don't ruin his "radio" show by being less than perfect when calling in.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: T. Affleck ()
Date: April 28, 2017 01:46PM

First Time Long Time Wrote:
> Listening to the abortion that is "Wide Open
> Wednesday" I was confused. The only people who are
> calling in are his so-called "P-1's" and Mike
> belittles nearly every caller and is just a
> blatant dick that it's difficult to listen to. He
> had the nerve to berate a caller who had dogs
> barking in the background. Big fucking deal. It's
> not like Mike's dogs didn't interrupt the "best
> sounding podcast" on a daily basis. Mike is the
> guy who will stop his own show to take a banal
> phone call and not think twice about it. But god
> forbid if Robb or Oscar tried to pull that shit.
> And a caller? Mike would go full fat man rage.
> D&M used to take calls from a few people who
> wanted to bust balls and the interaction was
> funny. But they had millions of listeners and
> people who actually wanted to verbally joust. The
> podcast listeners seem like generally nice people
> (albeit fucking rubes with no taste) and Mike's
> disdain for them is truly pathetic. He'll gladly
> take the Masters tix, hockey tix and whatever free
> shit they send him, but for fuck's sake, don't
> ruin his "radio" show by being less than perfect
> when calling in.

If you don't like the show, DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO IT. Are you sheeple THAT fucking dense? 800+ pages of whining about how much you hate TMOS, yet you can't stop listening. Nice to know Mike lives rent free in all of your simple little heads.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:13PM

you're here, do we live rent free in YOUR head?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BOAD Guy 666 ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:18PM

RE : "If you don't like the show, DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO IT. Are you sheeple THAT fucking dense? 800+ pages of whining about how much you hate TMOS, yet you can't stop listening. Nice to know Mike lives rent free in all of your simple little heads."

-We like to listen and point out the hypocrisy that is TMOS; such as the racist and sexist remarks being thrown about by such so-called liberals; or, the fat shaming statements made by fat fucks; or, the daily complaints about doing what 90% of us do every day without complaining; or, a weekly mention of our dead mother who we barely visited our whole life when she was alive; or, the feeble mind of a fat drunken ex-DJ having people repeat things that were just said; or, the daily failure of a failed radio third banana who cannot support his family, save for retirement, or afford life or health insurance;…..anyone want to add anything? Pleas pile on folks...

Is it any different than Blobb watching “Save to Win” over and over again and commenting on it? That is ok Dipshit? You worry about you and we will worry about us.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:30PM

I doubt Robb would obsess about Save to Win/Pat Neely as much if he were a well spoken white guy

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:32PM

to be fair, Robb was only 3rd mic for the year TMOS was on JFK, before that he was mostly off mic and at least 4th in the pecking order

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Mike's a useless jerk ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:52PM

BOAD Guy 666 Wrote:
> RE : "If you don't like the show, DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO IT.
> -We like to listen and point out the hypocrisy that is TMOS; such as the racist and sexist remarks being thrown about by such so-called liberals; or, the fat shaming statements made by fat fucks; or, the daily complaints about doing what 90% of us do every day without complaining; or, a weekly mention of our dead mother who we barely visited our whole life when she was alive; or, the feeble mind of a fat drunken ex-DJ having people repeat things that were just said; or, the daily failure of a failed radio third banana who cannot support his family, save for retirement, or afford life or health insurance;…..anyone want to add anything? Please pile on folks...
> Is it any different than Blobb watching “Save to Win” over and over again and commenting on it? That is ok Dipshit? You worry about you and we will worry about us.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is the Best ()
Date: April 28, 2017 02:55PM

T. Affleck Wrote:
> If you don't like the show, DON'T FUCKING LISTEN
> TO IT. Are you sheeple THAT fucking dense? 800+
> pages of whining about how much you hate TMOS, yet
> you can't stop listening. Nice to know Mike lives
> rent free in all of your simple little heads.

It's how we do our FFXU TMOS prep!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Trouble in Trousers ()
Date: April 28, 2017 04:06PM

Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> Play the “Why I hate Robb Spewak” game! Add
> your reasons to the list!
> 1. The over-the-top laughing.
> 2. Know-it-all but actually wrong most of the
> time.
> 3. Gets zinged good and can’t come back with
> anything except “Yeah? Well Fuck you!”
> 4. Dresses like a 12 year old.
> 5. Lazy, only does the minimum requirement of any
> task
> 6. Would rather try to get the last word in and
> ruin a bit, than make the whole thing funnier by
> not.
> 7. Can’t get paying gigs, and gets fired from
> the free ones.
> 8. Allows his wife to work horrible jobs in order
> that he can play “radio”
> 9. Thinks he is clever and very funny but is only
> hack.
> 10. Carrr! Barrr! Starrr!
> 11. Thinks blatant racism is valid comedy
> 12. For Robb, a joke is funnier when you tell it
> 5000 times.
> 13. Has opinions that he immediately changes once
> Mike voices differing opinion.
> 14. Has 30,000 songs in his library but plays the
> same 6 songs as bumpers
> 15. Elvis crap collection
> 16. Microphone collection

That fucking "All About You (Yooooooooh)" song.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 06:39PM

the hypocrisy of always preaching about the importance of matching hardware and software and then watching countless black and white movies on his 70 inch HD TV?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 06:42PM

the backwards record selfies

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: April 28, 2017 06:51PM

Something that struck me this week was Mike saying several times it's hard to find Jonathan Winters on the internet. Is he joking or is it another of his brain damage symptoms?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 06:57PM

Blobb Spewsack Wrote:
> Play the “Why I hate Robb Spewak” game! Add
> your reasons to the list!
> 1. The over-the-top laughing.
> 2. Know-it-all but actually wrong most of the
> time.
> 3. Gets zinged good and can’t come back with
> anything except “Yeah? Well Fuck you!”
> 4. Dresses like a 12 year old.
> 5. Lazy, only does the minimum requirement of any
> task
> 6. Would rather try to get the last word in and
> ruin a bit, than make the whole thing funnier by
> not.
> 7. Can’t get paying gigs, and gets fired from
> the free ones.
> 8. Allows his wife to work horrible jobs in order
> that he can play “radio”
> 9. Thinks he is clever and very funny but is only
> hack.
> 10. Carrr! Barrr! Starrr!
> 11. Thinks blatant racism is valid comedy
> 12. For Robb, a joke is funnier when you tell it
> 5000 times.
> 13. Has opinions that he immediately changes once
> Mike voices differing opinion.
> 14. Has 30,000 songs in his library but plays the
> same 6 songs as bumpers
> 15. Elvis crap collection
> 16. Microphone collection

Carrr! Barrr! Starrr!

the worst Jerry...the worst

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 07:04PM

Torn Pentacle Wrote:
> Something that struck me this week was Mike saying
> several times it's hard to find Jonathan Winters
> on the internet. Is he joking or is it another of
> his brain damage symptoms?

and Robb agreed, adding the difficulty HE had trying to pull clips for a death tribute...apparently neither typed Jonathan Winters into Youtube, because there appear to be hundreds of clips there

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: April 28, 2017 07:52PM

I think I've got it. Have to use the Mike filter. When he says "hacked" he means "broken keyboard" and when he says "internet" he means "Yahoo".

And when he says "I like to run around, I like to play sports" he means "I like to drive two blocks and bring my own chocolate cake when I'm invited to dinner."

"Entitled humps" = "fit people who followed the rules and arrived on time"

"Barfight" = "falling down drunk and getting a knee booboo"

"Doing the work" = "NOT doing the work"

"Owning a restaurant" = "driving a restaurant into the ground"

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 08:27PM

the code has been cracked

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 28, 2017 08:28PM

doctors appointment means tee-time...Technical issues means hangover

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 28, 2017 09:28PM

With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, wouldn't you all think that TMOS' progenitor D&M sucked dick too?

Think about it.

- Freda calling into the show every day. Hi Boo-boo! I think the guy who killed her should have won a NAB Marconi Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005.

- Fucking Robb. (An easy common denominator).

- Fucking Bart. Christ that guy was insipid.

What I'm trying to just say is that shit begets shit and let's not hold D&M up as some sort of paragon of excellence. Remember them playing cards on the radio? Remember Leah Remini? That show sucked, this show sucks, the guys involved suck, their families suck, and everyone can go fuck themselves.

By the way, Where's Freda buried? I have to take a leak.

Fuck You II

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Netsuke ()
Date: April 28, 2017 11:09PM

Move on much?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 29, 2017 04:59AM

On Thursday Mike informed us as to what the accepted uses for Facebook are...I'm glad because all this time, I wasn't sure.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 29, 2017 11:04AM

15 minute Trump opening...brutal

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: x7jVG ()
Date: April 29, 2017 11:24AM

pizza post........brutal

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: T. Affleck ()
Date: April 29, 2017 01:35PM

I heard peekza commutes 2 hours to clean toilets. I bet none of you bitter, jealous faggots make anywhere near the money that Mike does. Hahaha!

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: April 29, 2017 01:41PM

T. Affleck Wrote:
> I heard peekza commutes 2 hours to clean toilets.
> I bet none of you bitter, jealous faggots make
> anywhere near the money that Mike does. Hahaha!

But the money we do make, we earn. No threats or begging involved.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 29, 2017 02:39PM

T. Affleck Wrote:
> I heard peekza commutes 2 hours to clean toilets.
> I bet none of you bitter, jealous faggots make
> anywhere near the money that Mike does. Hahaha!

I think you have me confused with Cary Harrell Spewak

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 29, 2017 02:46PM

Disgruntled OMearican Wrote:
> T. Affleck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I heard peekza commutes 2 hours to clean
> toilets.
> > I bet none of you bitter, jealous faggots make
> > anywhere near the money that Mike does. Hahaha!
> But the money we do make, we earn. No threats or
> begging involved.

I have yet to ask my Mommo for an iPad

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BOAD Guy 666 ()
Date: April 29, 2017 08:56PM

RE: 15 minute Trump opening...brutal.

It really was brutal.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 29, 2017 09:24PM

Cary That Weight ... to back when she had a visible jaw line.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 30, 2017 12:29AM


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 03:03AM

Back in the day, I always had dreams about using Freda's mouth as my personal toilet. And then rubbing my ass against her luxuriant muff and armpits in an impromptu sensual wiping ritual. That would've been pretty hot.

I must confess, sometimes I reach for the Jergens and play that scene back in my mind.


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: In the Present ()
Date: April 30, 2017 07:46AM

Right now, I have dreams about you fucking right off, you fucked up fucktard.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: April 30, 2017 08:11AM

On a previous topic, I hate when Mike is talking about the D&M days and Robb chimes in using "we" as if he had anything to do with it...

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 08:18AM

In the Present Wrote:
> Right now, I have dreams about you fucking right
> off, you fucked up fucktard.

Damn bro. Why the hate?

If it happened in real life, and not a dream and had I had saved any combings, well - no way I would share or let you smell them now. Jerk.

In Christ,

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: April 30, 2017 10:51AM

Oscar At 39 Wrote:
> On a previous topic, I hate when Mike is talking
> about the D&M days and Robb chimes in using "we"
> as if he had anything to do with it...

yeah, that is the worst...He was a half step above Ardinger

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 06:47PM

Any grave robbers in the peanut gallery here who’d be up to heading to Union Cemetery in Burtonsville, Maryland? The target – the resting place shown in the attachment.

If you can return the skull to me – provided it was not mangled in her accident (or that her body was cremated) – you will be rewarded beyond the dreams of avarice.

It’s understood that Dahmer used a solution of Soilex and household bleach to process his victims’ bones. Yet he was always dissatisfied with the final product because it caused the bones to be brittle and succumb to intense sexual activity.

I’m leaning more towards a solution of trisodium phosphate (~ pH 12), under a gentle simmer for around 6-8 hours. I have the setup, replete with stirbar and hotplate – no worries. Then I’d boil in plain water neutralizing the solution as needed to get it down to a calm pH 7, followed by a soak in hydrogen peroxide to remove any staining.

This skull I’d then mount into my toilet seat after articulating the jaw bone so her mouth would open when I raised the lid of the toilet. I would probably invite Brown Onion over to discuss some of the practicalities.

edit by Cary: Tor network banned.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2017 12:04AM by Cary.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Return of the Ach? ()
Date: April 30, 2017 08:55PM

FY2 seems to have a lot of the weird ticks, obsessive disorder and lack of social graces similar to that of our old buddy Chris Achstteter doesn't he?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BOAD Guy 666 ()
Date: April 30, 2017 09:09PM

Funny how Mike was gloating about a right wing shock jock lost sole custody of his kids. The judge ruled for joint custody and that their mom could select where they lived. He went on and on about it. Did he not realize that happened in his divorce too? What a dumb ass.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 09:57PM

Dear Discuss High School Football,

Are you familiar with the gay practice of "docking?"

Urban Dictionary defines it as "[t]he act of placing the head of one's penis inside the foreskin of another's penis."

I can't personally recommend it, not being gay or the slightest bit interested, but I bet this would be right up your alley. The poster Better Than You might enjoy a round of docking with you after he pushes your poop in.

Fuck off in Christ,

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: H3LKP ()
Date: April 30, 2017 10:25PM

the maths they adds up

high school footballer docks with pizza

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 10:26PM

Actually Discuss High School Football is starting to grow on me.

Our budding friendship recalls a great song from so long ago:

Come take my hand
You should know me
I've always been in your mind
You know that I'll be kind
I'll be guiding you

Building your dream
Has to start now
There's no other road to take
You won't make a mistake
I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic
Nothing can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you

From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And I'm guiding you

Through every turn I'll be near you
I'll come anytime you call
I'll catch you when you fall
I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic
Nothing can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you

You have to believe we are magic
Nothing can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you

Yours in eternal friendship

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II ()
Date: April 30, 2017 10:46PM

Ok, I visited the HS football thread, and left leaving a comment showing my indifference. Can you stop with the hassle now?


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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: BOAD Guy 666 ()
Date: April 30, 2017 10:50PM

Mike O'Meara likes HS football....

....we won't die....

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Digger ()
Date: May 01, 2017 03:35PM

If that is indeed Freda's tombstone, that's some funny shit. Typically, you would see something like "loving wife and mother." Not "....wife of Michael Sorce." Might as well read: "Property of Michael Sorce." I mean, this sounds like something LFF would have done to his "beloved" mother. Tombstone: "Mother of radio legend, Mike O'Meara." No mention of sister.

But seriously, does that grave imply that Don will be buried there as well? How does that go over with the new wife?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: May 01, 2017 03:50PM

"Beloved Wife of..." isn't uncommon.

Weren't there a couple reruns in the Audio Vault today?

HS football posts, hmmm, deleted.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: May 01, 2017 03:54PM

Late thought: Fuck You II = John Normand?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Hey, apostrophe S face! ()
Date: May 01, 2017 04:28PM

Mike's grandfather came to him in a dream.

The message? They're expecting him very soon.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wait? Not! ()
Date: May 01, 2017 05:07PM

A 5 minute stretch near the end of today's show illustrated the sadness of TMOS:

1) LFF doing some news item (I wasn't paying attention) about boxing, and Headdd shouts out 'the sport of kings?!' Nope, that would be horse racing

2) Audio fault starts with a clip of Yes from the RnR HoF broadcast, which Headdd said actually happened a couple months ago. No, it was 3 weeks ago, Mr. Musicologist.

3) Headdd compounds his error as Mike asks whether Yes still tours. 'No, not since the bass player died, which is why Geddy Lee played with them'. Actually, there are 2 groups touring as Yes with original or long time members. But Chris Squire did die, so I'll give Headdd 1/3 credit.

4) NHL crowd in Edmonton sings the US anthem, which leads LFF to show off his singing of the Canadian anthem, which he fucks up on the first line.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: May 01, 2017 05:38PM

Wait? Not! Wrote:
> A 5 minute stretch near the end of today's show
> illustrated the sadness of TMOS:
> 1) LFF doing some news item (I wasn't paying
> attention) about boxing, and Headdd shouts out
> 'the sport of kings?!' Nope, that would be horse
> racing

Missed that one. Thx. Boxing is the Sweet Science, horse racing the Sport of Kings, and chess the Game of Kings (I think).

> 2) Audio fault starts with a clip of Yes from the
> RnR HoF broadcast, which Headdd said actually
> happened a couple months ago. No, it was 3 weeks
> ago, Mr. Musicologist.

And insult meet injury, that was the rerun. TMOS, now with more alcoholic brain damage.

> 3) Headdd compounds his error as Mike asks whether
> Yes still tours. 'No, not since the bass player
> died, which is why Geddy Lee played with them'.
> Actually, there are 2 groups touring as Yes with
> original or long time members. But Chris Squire
> did die, so I'll give Headdd 1/3 credit.

Yes!!! But it seems unlikely that they're both touring as "Yes".

> 4) NHL crowd in Edmonton sings the US anthem,
> which leads LFF to show off his singing of the
> Canadian anthem, which he fucks up on the first
> line.

Again, you caught something I didn't. Thx.

Gravesite update: "edit by Cary: Tor network banned."

And isn't "Buy the Bonus Show even if you aren't going to listen to it" just asking for donations? If they want to sell the BS they should put longer, non-radio-friendly samples on the website. But I don't have an MBA so what do I know?

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Wait? Not! ()
Date: May 01, 2017 05:50PM

Torn Pentacle Wrote:
> Wait? Not! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > 3) Headdd compounds his error as Mike asks
> whether
> > Yes still tours. 'No, not since the bass player
> > died, which is why Geddy Lee played with them'.
> > Actually, there are 2 groups touring as Yes
> with
> > original or long time members. But Chris Squire
> > did die, so I'll give Headdd 1/3 credit.
> Yes!!! But it seems unlikely that they're both
> touring as "Yes".

Well, almost. Howe, White, Downes are touring as Yes.
Anderson, Rabin and Wakeman are touring as Yes featuring (their names).

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Fuck You II (the original) ()
Date: May 01, 2017 06:55PM

Thanks, asshole for registering my user name.

Anyway, fucking help: I came across this picture of Mother O'Meara. Vagina-type earlobes are definitely on a dominate allele!

I remain,


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 01, 2017 07:09PM

I meant dominaNT allele above. I was a bit traumatized by having my user name stolen from me and understandably distracted.

I have registered a user name of my own - "FY2 formerly Fuck You II" - a name that pursues an exciting new course, yet honors the past.



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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Torn Pentacle ()
Date: May 01, 2017 07:15PM

Wait? Not! Wrote:
> Torn Pentacle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wait? Not! Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > > 3) Headdd compounds his error as Mike asks
> > whether
> > > Yes still tours. 'No, not since the bass
> player
> > > died, which is why Geddy Lee played with
> them'.
> > > Actually, there are 2 groups touring as Yes
> > with
> > > original or long time members. But Chris
> Squire
> > > did die, so I'll give Headdd 1/3 credit.
> >
> > Yes!!! But it seems unlikely that they're both
> > touring as "Yes".
> Well, almost. Howe, White, Downes are touring as
> Yes.
> Anderson, Rabin and Wakeman are touring as Yes
> featuring (their names).

"Yes Featuring John Anderson, Trevor Rabin and Rick Wakeman"

I think something similar happened with Fleetwood Mac or almost did.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 01, 2017 07:20PM

FY2 formerly Fuck You II Wrote:
> I meant dominaNT allele above. I was a bit
> traumatized by having my user name stolen from me
> and understandably distracted.
> I have registered a user name of my own - "FY2
> formerly Fuck You II" - a name that pursues an
> exciting new course, yet honors the past.
> Yours,
> FY2

And I will continue to try to make new friends with talk of my various fetishes.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: welcome wagon ()
Date: May 01, 2017 07:57PM

You seem to be talking to yourself.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 01, 2017 08:16PM

Actually welcome wagon, it's all smoke and mirrors. I think you are probably behind it.

I'm the original Fuck You II (now operating under the nom de guerre 'FY2 formerly Fuck You II').

Somebody in their infinite infantilism registered, shortly thereafter, the name 'FY2 formerly Fuck You ll' with lower case ells instead of capital eyes as the last two letters.

But dear reader, there are two easy ways to tell the difference between a post written by yours truly, and the indecorous imposter:

1. Cut and paste the author's handle into a editor that shows serifs. The difference between I's and L's will be readily apparent; or,

2. Hover your mouse over the hyperlink with the author's name.

- If you see this in your status bar http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/profile.php?40,15352, you can rest easy knowing you've just read a genuine FY2 post.

- On the other hand, if you see http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/profile.php?40,15353, you are reading the work of an imposter.

Or to propose a nice mnemonic device, check the last character: "If it's two, do it! If it's three, aim your pee."

Respectfully submitted,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2017 08:17PM by FY2 formerly Fuck You II.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: welcome wagon ()
Date: May 01, 2017 09:19PM

FY2 formerly Fuck You II Wrote:

Or you could just use the "Quote" button. Are you catching on yet that your input here is not wanted?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 01, 2017 09:35PM

welcome wagon Wrote:
> FY2 formerly Fuck You II Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> Or you could just use the "Quote" button. Are you
> catching on yet that your input here is not
> wanted?

Fuck off. I'm not going anywhere - only getting started. And who the fuck are you anyway? You are not winning any friends, and I could use an Igor in my lab whilst working on my FredaFlush(TM).

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 01, 2017 11:08PM

Just to reinforce the fact that you have a Sisyphean task ahead of you, 'welcome wagon' aka Torn Pentacle....

It took a long time but I found this in the bowels of the Internet. Lovely place - got some great Orson Welles Mercury Theatre on the Air recordings while there.

Anybody know her name? I guess this is one contributor of an X chromosome to both of the gruesome twosome…. Not particularly bad looking….

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2017 11:57PM by FY2 formerly Fuck You II.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: b7hNx register that ()
Date: May 01, 2017 11:37PM

No such thing as a XX chromosome. Good luck to you.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: That's him ()
Date: May 02, 2017 04:20AM

Yep, FY2 is Chris. I guess he just couldn't stay away any more.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oscar At 39 ()
Date: May 02, 2017 06:31AM

Seriously on yesterday's show the talking over each other was annoying and it Fucking Robb and his insistence on shoehorning constantly... Fuuuuck...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: b7hNx register that ()
Date: May 02, 2017 09:35AM

FY2 formerly Fuck You II Wrote:
> Just to reinforce the fact that you have a
> Sisyphean task ahead of you, 'welcome wagon' aka
> Torn Pentacle....
> It took a long time but I found this in the bowels
> of the Internet. Lovely place - got some great
> Orson Welles Mercury Theatre on the Air recordings
> while there.
> Anybody know her name? I guess this is one
> contributor of an X chromosome to both of the
> gruesome twosome…. Not particularly bad
> looking….

Before your edit you said "XX chromosome". Not fooling anyone like Ed McMahon.

Since Freda only bore one child, who is this "gruesome twosome" of whom you speak? You are clearly a man of wealth and taste so I look forward to hearing from you. Do you understand how X chromosomes get contributed? (When a daddy loves a mommy very much, they get close in a special way.) I for one think it's a pleasure having you here. I think the poster who suggested you are John Normand might have nailed it. When your run is finished, I know a cat condo where you could live.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: the new fag is pizza ()
Date: May 02, 2017 10:13AM

username says it all

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 02, 2017 11:56AM

Can't be John Normand, he didn't whine about Donnie G sabotaging him and ruining his life.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Oh'Meara ()
Date: May 02, 2017 12:20PM

b7hNx register that Wrote:
> FY2 formerly Fuck You II Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just to reinforce the fact that you have a
> > Sisyphean task ahead of you, 'welcome wagon'
> aka
> > Torn Pentacle....
> >
> > It took a long time but I found this in the
> bowels
> > of the Internet. Lovely place - got some great
> > Orson Welles Mercury Theatre on the Air
> recordings
> > while there.
> >
> > Anybody know her name? I guess this is one
> > contributor of an X chromosome to both of the
> > gruesome twosome…. Not particularly bad
> > looking….
> Before your edit you said "XX chromosome". Not
> fooling anyone like Ed McMahon.
> Since Freda only bore one child, who is this
> "gruesome twosome" of whom you speak? You are
> clearly a man of wealth and taste so I look
> forward to hearing from you. Do you understand
> how X chromosomes get contributed? (When a daddy
> loves a mommy very much, they get close in a
> special way.) I for one think it's a pleasure
> having you here. I think the poster who suggested
> you are John Normand might have nailed it. When
> your run is finished, I know a cat condo where you
> could live.

That is Mike's wife #2. Not that hard for the rest of us to follow, bud.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: TMOS is .... something ()
Date: May 02, 2017 12:41PM

Wife 2 - Laura

(wife 1 - Bili, and we all know wife 3)

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: Four Hour Club ()
Date: May 02, 2017 01:15PM

Blob(b)'s first beer fail of the day: Stella Artois comes in 11.5 ounce cans (instead of 12) because of the ABV. (5%)

Group Fail, after revealing he had a few 9.7% beers:
LFF: 9.7, that's like whiskey!
LOLscar: Like Fireball shots!
Blob: Yeah, I was like just pouring a really really strong wine down my throat, like forcing it down my throat.

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: peekza ()
Date: May 02, 2017 03:27PM

the new fag is pizza Wrote:
> username says it all

Not even close

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Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Posted by: b7hNx register that ()
Date: May 02, 2017 06:08PM

Oh'Meara Wrote:
> That is Mike's wife #2. Not that hard for the rest
> of us to follow, bud.

Yeah, stupid me. I was distraught after registering FY2's name. Assumed it was more sex with Freda's grave talk.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Mike O'Meara Show
Date: May 02, 2017 07:06PM

With one or two exceptions, folks here seem to be having some sort of problem with me being here. Which is a pity, since I will continue to participate - bigly. To those who've welcomed me with open arms - Hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita!

I am neither Chris Achstetter nor John Normand. And sorry, Chris, if I have misspelled your name.

However I may or may not have received payment from the Geronimo "Organization" once upon a time. Freda could sign those checks, and often did so with relish, to not-so-subtly encourage the optics that she was kingmaker and power behind the throne.

Anyway, were I religious, I would pray everyday that she would remain for an eternity spinning over that spit in her private circle of hell. And although she may have only "bore" one child - the equally contemptible Bart* - she certainly bored the fuck out of me and others with her incessant calls, prima donna airs and her aw-shucks-isms.

After all, why do you think Chris Core dropped it like it's hot?

Love & Affection**,

* who last year had a hell spawn of his own; more on this in a subsequent post.

**tip of the ol' chapeau to Joan Armatrading

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