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Posted by: Wiley henkels lies exposed ()
Date: January 29, 2017 08:50PM

Wiley Henkel Jrs only consistent employment with the county has been being transferred all around because noone really wants him .
His crack cocaine induced heart attack and his too many to count sick days from his pcp and cocaine use, Henkels CONSISTEN employ with the county has been to use time off to do his 3-4 high.
Henkel and anyyone can file a complaint , get anyone barred from a county facility, lieing isnt looked into. All you have to do is be an employee make a report.
Its the county, its what theyre here for, reports. Henkel is a janitor, so noone really cares if hes a crackhead, a thief, a violent unstable liar who gets his drug dealers to try and scare off anyone he lies about.
Henkels karma must be hitting him hard if hes still stupidly posting lies
Henkels been arrested a lot
Warned by police, has restrain order on him but the delusional drug addict actually believes he can FLIP IT and say what HE is , someone else is.
Lies Lies Lies
If Henkels mouth is open hes lieing
Hopefully the county will see this
Im sure Henkel will trip himself up
He can only go so long without crack , he can only use his paid for by the county leave to get high in between drug testing
Hes not just any ole crackhead
Henkel runs families, children off the road
Hes on our roads high a threat to our towns safety.

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