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Posted by: Wiley henkels lies exposed ()
Date: January 29, 2017 02:14PM

Wiley Henkel Jr of Thompson Rd Fairfax Va used his ex gf Terri Jones son to sell drugs at local highschool. The young man Taylor Jones was busted for trying to distribute to minors and Wiley Henkel Jr the govt center janitor, has lied to save his ass. Mr Henkel stole computers from a womans son and when the woman tried to call his job, Henkel quickly lied to security hence banning the woman from contact. The lies Wiley Henkel has told WILL COME OUT and proven without a doubt. Wiley Henkel is a VIOLENT ABUSIVE DRUG ADDICT and there are witnesses to his vience. This violent severe junkie has tried to discredit Ms Parker from the moment he was arrested for domestic assault, arrestex for harrassment, arrested for driving under the infkuence,
Wiley Henkels motber threw out evidence in a case against mr henkel in which she had accesz to his court appearances and for which he was charged for running a school us oc kids off the road while high on pcp
From teen to present, 56 yr old Wiley Henkel has been a lieing co niving crsckhead who fools everyone in his path
But there are 2-3 of hos cowirkers who know the truth anx the o ly reason they dont speak up is they dont want their wives k owing they associate with crackheads . Wiley Henkel has been emoyex with the county as a janitor since 07 after being fired from his ekectrician job for pco use, where he tried to argue that drug users are better at their jobs. Yes,thats right folks, those structures you stand under that crack, those faulty lstreet lights, those gates that stop working, all the handyman work of a DANGEROUS DRUG ADDICT wbo wants you to believe that the woman he ztole from is nuts.
The only nut is Henkel, he needs committed and it wont be hard to make that happen if he keeps posting lies

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Posted by: Wiley henkels lies exposed ()
Date: January 29, 2017 02:23PM

Wiley Henkel Jr is begging people to post for him about him to say hes innocent and that the woman he beat and stole from is the danger.
To the contrary.
Wiley Henkel is a known junkie, lieing conniving crackhead cockroach who actually believes he can fool the world into thinking that the woman he beat uo and stole from , is the bad one. A junkie will say anything he needs to when his janitor job his mother got him is the only job he can get .
Henkel Lies to thegovt center.
Henkel lies to friends
Henkel lies to police
Henkel lies to security
Never has a leading a double life violent crackhead had to hurry up and try to discredit the woman he beat up and stole from
Your lies will be exposed Henkel
It will be proven
Keep up your lies and see where karma takes you , you cockroach

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