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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: Snoda24 ()
Date: March 23, 2010 07:58PM

So i live in fairfax for the past 19 years and have partied every now and then......after leavin to college and comin back here it has seem to die ....im lookin for the parties again in fairfax ....does anyone kno where they are at??????????

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: ur mom ()
Date: May 23, 2010 01:34AM

in ur mom's dirty rotten slop hole

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: lame ()
Date: July 15, 2010 09:26PM

How old are you? Like in your 20...Dude grow up and act like an adult. If you want a party hold your own. Parties around here are usually high school ones. Go make some friends instead of asking on here. That's extremely pathetic.

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Date: December 08, 2010 10:49AM

wow...kinda immature dont you think..

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Date: December 08, 2010 10:53AM

snoda: if you want a party...and your only 19. start talking to people 21 and up..u know the ones that can buy the booze and go find a party to attend to..u just got to get to know more people..ya c. but ya. like wen i first moved back to indy it took me a while to get some people to do it for me. but you just gotta earn peoples trust and after that wen they invite you to a party fuck live it up man, i mean u aint gonna live forever and life is too short to waste. and plus there is always time for a good party tehe. dont you think.

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: George ()
Date: October 26, 2011 02:23AM

Join the Army. Plenty partying and you might just mature rather then just killed in a car accident.

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: SovietRussia ()
Date: January 08, 2015 04:26PM

That escalted quickly.. How about you take your drill seargeant's dick out of your ass an assimilate back into civilian society?
Dirty capitalist pig...

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Re: Where are The parties at in FAIRFAX County ...we got girls but we need parties
Posted by: Just here to reply ()
Date: November 21, 2015 09:58PM

I really don't mean to sound rude here and I know sometimes you only live once but if you live the right way, sometimes... Once is enough.

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